Chapter 8: Somebody to Love

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            "Oh, you're finally done with your shower," Godt said nonchalantly. "What took you so long? It's not like, there's a lot on you to wash. Then again, you probably want to make yourself look good for Krist," he teased with a grin.

"Quit talking about us and wipe that perverted smile off your face," Singto demanded.

"A pervert calling me a pervert is like the pot calling the kettle black."

Singto blinked in thought and blurted, "I'm not a pot."

"But, you're a pervert," Godt claimed.

"Never mind. What are you doing to Krist's hair?"

"Why ask me the obvious when you could already see what I'm doing?" Godt waved the scissor that was in his hand. "I'm quite the hairdresser, if I don't say so myself."

"Trust me, you're very much saying so yourself," Singto taunted.

Godt cast a side-eye at Singto and proceeded. "Whatever." Placing the scissor down on the counter, Godt cleaned the hair scraps off Krist's face and neck with a tissue. "Such beautiful eyes shouldn't be covered by a head of messy, long mane. So, what do you think? Isn't he handsome, Singto?"

Hearing Singto's name, Krist happily called out. "Sing!"

"See? Krist agrees," Godt announced and cradled the bunny's cheeks in his palms. "You're so cute; I want to eat you up."

Oh, gosh! He does look good in that haircut. Singto swallowed nervously when Krist smiled brightly at him.

"Was that a gulp?" Godt teased. "Ooh, is little Singto getting excited?"

"Sing!" Krist cheered.

"Yeah," Godt concurred. "Sing wants some loving from his Krist."

"Sing?" Krist tilted his head slightly, not quite understanding what Godt was saying.

"Nong, stop putting ideas into that bunny's head," Singto growled. "He's like a blank slate. Whatever you teach him, he'll learn."

"Is that so?" Godt sounded skeptical.


"Wait." Godt remembered something. "I wanted to ask you. Why do you have an empty cage over there?"

Singto sighed in frustration. "Like I told you, I'm babysitting P'Tul's pet."

"Where is the pet?" Godt inquired.

"There." Singto pointed at Krist.

"Why are you pointing at him?"

"He's the pet." Singto tried to explain.

"You and P'Tul share the same pet?" Godt queried. "Ooh...kinky."

"Please take your head out of the gutter and listen to me."

"Fine," Godt hissed. "Speak."

"Krist is...was a bunny. At least, he was last night." Singto went to grab P'Tul's notebook and showed it to Godt. "Do you see the picture inside? That's Krist before he turned into the person you see now."

Godt gawked at Singto in disbelief. "Is this a trick?" He did a quick glance around the room. "Is there a hidden camera somewhere?"

"Do I look like I would waste money on a camera just to play a joke on you?"

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