Chapter 15: Crossover

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            Godt reached over to push Singto's dropped jaw shut. "P'Singto, bugs will fly into your mouth if you leave it gaping. You should save that lovely hot cavern of yours to be explored by Krist only."

"Hot cavern for Krist to explore," Krist chimed.

Hearing Krist's voice, Singto woke from his trance and swatted Godt's hand away. "Ow! Quit feeding Krist's innocent mind with your dirty thoughts."

"Feeding, huh?" Godt wiggled his brows suggestively.

"Ugh, never mind." Singto grabbed Krist's hand and lugged him away. "Let's go out for dinner."

"Are we going to my restaurant?" Godt asked.

"No," Singto spat, "anywhere but there."

"Why?" Godt wanted to know and offered. "I'll let you eat for free."

"We eat there almost every single day. I want something different."

"You eat Krist every single day," Godt teased. "I don't see you wanting someone different."

"Is it similar to the way you're eating me, P'Godt?" Bas cut in, causing Godt to jolt from his sudden interruption.

"N-No such thing!" Godt shouted. "I haven't...would not eat you."

"Am I not tasty?" Bas proceeded.

"Don't tempt me!" Godt warned with his face burning red.

Singto chuckled and led the skip-hopping bunny out of his apartment. "Let's go! Nong Godt is treating."

"Hey! Why am I treating?" Godt half whined.

"Because you're the richest one in our group," Singto stated.

"Well, that's true," Godt admitted. "Okay, I'll treat. What do you want to eat, other than Krist?"

"Singto wants to eat Krist!" The ex-bunny beamed ever so cutely.

Oh, my. He's so adorable. Singto flailed in his mind.

"Someone is flailing in his mind about Krist," Godt mocked.

Darn it! How come he always knows what I'm thinking? Singto groaned. "Quit that, Nong!"

"Quit what?" Godt pretended with a smile.

"Quit joking at my expense." Singto hissed and instructed Godt to lock the door on his way out.

"Couldn't a handsome guy like me...who is not a narcissist...have some fun?" Godt announced. "It's the least that you could do for eating all the meals that I provide at zero cost."

"I doubt that they are at zero cost, Nong Dirty Mouth," Singto griped.

"Would you like to clean my mouth for me, P'Singto?" Godt challenged.

"I could clean your mouth for you," Bas supplied.

"That won't be necessary," Godt rejected.

"May I ask why not?" Bas threw him the world's saddest puppy eyes.

Damn it! Why is my heart...?

"What's wrong with your heart?" Bas inquired.

"Nothing. Quit listening to my thoughts." Godt barked.

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