Chapter 4: Pet

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            Pulling into a parking space at his friend's restaurant, Singto unbuckled both of their seatbelts and announced. "We're here. Are you ready to eat?"


"Alright. Let's have some Sing. Wait. I I'm speaking Krist-ish."

"Sing?" Krist stared at him confusedly when he heard his name being mentioned.

"Never mind. Let's go fill our stomachs with some yummy food." Singto opened the door, got out and shut it. Running to the other side, he got the ex-bunny out of the vehicle and held onto his hand to make sure Krist didn't run off. Closing the door and locking it, Singto led the slightly skip-hopping male in through the glass door. He quickly let go of Krist's hand once they stepped inside.

"Hello there," the towering owner with dark brown hair approached them.

"Hi, Nong Godt." Singto greeted but noticed that he was completely being ignored; for the other went straight to cup Krist's face with his palms.

"Oh, aren't you a cutie? Hey, P'Singto. Don't just stand there. Introduce us."

"You do see me after all," Singto grumbled sarcastically. "I thought I was invisible to your eyes."

"You would never be invisible with that body of yours."

"W-What's wrong with my body?"

"It's SEXY." Godt emphasized.

"Please keep your voice down. People are going to hear you."

"Let them treat their eyes to your smooth chocolate skin."

"Nong, you're embarrassing me," Singto scoffed.

"You know I'm only speaking the truth. Anyway, who is he?"

"This is Krist."

"So your name is Krist, huh? It really suits you. I'm Godt."

"Sing?" Krist muttered.

"It's Godt; not Sing."

"Nong, don't even bother. Krist only knows how to say, Sing."



"Why is that?" Godt lifted a brow in curiosity.

"How am I supposed to know? That's the only word he could say ever since he started talking."

"Actually, I know why."

"You do?" It was Singto's turn to raise an eyebrow.

"He lost his memory from hitting his forehead. That's why he has a medicated patch stuck on it. What did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything. He freaked out when I tried to wash him and rammed head-on into the shower door."

"You were trying to wash him? What part of him were you washing?"

"All parts."

Godt gasped and threw Singto a disapproving look. "No wonder he's wearing your clothes. Look at how tight your pants are on him. It seems like he's not wearing underwear or something."

"He's not."

"You guys were doing it in the car while parked in my parking lot? I'm going to have to check the security cameras later."

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