Chapter 5: Bossy

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            Singto circled around the kitchen and greeted the workers there before helping himself to the food. "I guess I should get Krist all the greens along with the fruits," he muttered. Shortly after, the lad walked back to the table where the newbie human greeted him with a bright toothy smile. Placing the plate of veggies in front of Krist, he put his plate of spaghetti on the table and sat down.

Krist's eyes sparkled at the yummy looking feast but didn't start eating until Singto gave him the okay.

"You could eat now," Singto instructed.

Hearing that, Krist plunged his face into the plate and started munching on the dark green Romaine lettuce. Singto gasped and quickly looked around hoping that no one saw what was going on.

"Krist, STOP!"

His loudness startled Krist and he lifted his head up from the plate to stare at Singto in shock. Blinking confusedly, he continued to chew the piece of parsley sticking out a side of his mouth and swallowed nervously.

Singto was taken aback by the other's cuteness and paused momentarily before he could proceed. "Y-You are human now. You have to eat like a person would. Okay?"

"Sing," Krist answered with a nod.

"This," Singto picked up a fork and demonstrated, "is a fork. You use it to pick up your food."

Staring at Singto with wide eyes, Krist mimicked Singto's directions but had the fork in a fist-like grip.

"Hold it like this. See?"

"Sing?" Krist tried but the utensil slipped out of his grasp and collided with the edge of the plate. "Sing!"

"It's okay," Singto said in a soft voice to calm the other down. "You could try again." Picking up Krist's fork, he placed it into the other's hand and folded the ex-bunny's fingers. "Then you use it to pick up your food like this. That's right. You're doing very well."

Krist munched happily when he managed to get food into his mouth with this thing known as a fork. What made it even better was that Singto was petting the top of his head in approval.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to the utensils with practice." Singto twirled his spaghetti with his fork and ate it in mouthfuls, slurping up the ends. "Mm...this is so good."

"Sing," Krist addressed.

"Huh?" Singto noticed that Krist was staring at his plate whilst licking his own lips. "Did you want to try some of my spaghetti?"

"I got the vegetarian sauce, so I know there isn't any meat. I'm not sure if you could eat tomatoes though. Then again, you're human now. I guess a little bite wouldn't hurt." He twirled some spaghetti up and aimed it at Krist for a taste. "Here."

Krist's eyes lit up as he took what was being offered into his mouth. Chewing quickly, he swallowed it and licked his lips like a bunny would.

"Must you look so darn cute doing that?" Singto commented.


"Never mind." Singto chuckled at the sight of Krist's sauce smeared lips. "Gosh...look at you." Taking his napkin, he reached across the table to wipe the sauce off. "There. All handsome again."

Krist forked up some greens from his plate and attempted to feed Singto in return. "Sing."

"Um...okay." Singto accepted the veggies thankfully. When Krist wanted to repeat his action, Singto directed. "You don't have to share your food with me. I have my own plate. You eat yours."

Krist listened and did as he was told. "Sing," he uttered suddenly.

"What is it?" Tilting his head to a side in question, Singto's eyes widened when Krist got up and leaned over the table to lick the sauce off a corner of Singto's mouth. "K-Krist..."


Godt's sudden appearance made Singto jumped up in surprise. "What are you? A vampire? W-Where did you come from?"
"I was always here," Godt informed.

"Quit spying on us."

"It's not called spying, when I'm openly witnessing your every move."

"Stop being so creepy." Singto huffed.

Rolling his eyes, Godt ignored Singto's words. "Anyway, you two lovebirds are so sweet."

"Nong, we're not in love and we definitely aren't lovebirds," Singto retorted. "Krist is a bunny."

"Bunny, huh?"

"Does that mean there would be plenty of humping? You did mention earlier that you liked it animal style."

"What? No, I didn't! You're the one who said it."

"Close enough." Godt beamed. "So, how was it?"

"How was what?"

"The humping."

"There was no humping," Singto claimed.

"Not even on Wednesdays?"
"No." Singto gawked at Godt curiously. "What about Wednesdays?"

"They are hump days."

"Ugh! You made that up, didn't you?"

"It's the truth. You could search the web, if you don't believe me."

"Even if they are, I doubt that that's what it means."
"Why are you so doubtful?" Godt lifted a brow in suspicion.


"You don't have an answer, do you?" Godt challenged.

"I do," Singto pretended. "I just don't want to say it out loud."

"And why's that?"

"I just don't."

"Admit it. Everyday is hump day for you. That's why Wednesdays don't apply." Godt smirked.

"Nong, please go harass someone else and let us eat in peace."

"Krist isn't bothered by me. Look. He already finished his food."

"I'm the one who is bothered by you," Singto clarified.

"Well, that's too bad. It's my job to harass you."

"In that case, you're fired from said job."

"You can't fire me," Godt stated. "I'm my own boss."

"You totally are...nice and bossy."

"Hey, don't bite the hand that feeds you."

"I said 'nice'. That should count for something."

"Fine. Krist eats for free. You're paying triple since your sexiness is putting a heavy burden on my heart."

"You're the one who is sexy, Mr. Talk, Dark and Handsome! Since when do I pay for food?"

"Since you called me bossy," Godt answered and grinned in victory.

"I take it back."

"It's too late. You can't unsay what you've said."

"Why are you so nitpicky?"

"You found a boyfriend before I did and that's unacceptable."

"Krist is not my boyfriend."

"I never said it was Krist." Godt pointed out. "You confessed that yourself."

My Bunny Honey (Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora