Chapter 18: Unconscious

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            "The bunny is right, you know," Max agreed with Krist. "Singto, you're definitely in denial."

"I concur," Tul joined.

"W-What denial?" Singto sputtered.

"That you have fallen in love with my bunny." Tul supplied.

"Is that even allowed by the laws of nature?" Max wondered. "Could a human and a bunny be together?"

"Krist is together with Sing!" Krist voiced.

"I don't see why not," Max stated. "He's a human now."

"You're right," Tul said in realization. " now a human."

Seeing the expression on Tul's face, Singto asked, "You're not going to scream again, are you?"

"I'm not sure," Tul answered truthfully.

"Try not to. My ears are still ringing from both of your earlier outbursts."

"Sing's hand hurts, too." Krist included with a pout.

"Sorry," Max apologized. "I was scared."

"G-Guys..." Godt's voice finally got their attention. "Help me, please..."

Everyone turned their attention over to Godt and Bas with a questioning look.

"Help you with what?" Tul inquired.

"Help get him off me." Godt managed to say. "He's extremely heavy."

Tul laughed and pointed out the obvious. "He's way smaller than you. How heavy could he be?"

"Size doesn't matter," Max retorted but immediately corrected. "No, wait. It does."

Seeing the smirk on Max's face, Tul hissed. "What's with that perverted look?"

"Come closer and I'll tell you," Max flirted.

"F-Focus, would you?" Godt scolded. "Hurry...I can't breathe."

"Seriously?" Tul huffed.

"I think I see my life flashing before my eyes." Godt whimpered.

"Oh, all right. Quit whining." Tul went over and tried to lift the fairy up; but to no avail. "Ow! Come over and help me, baby. He really is a little heavy."

"Really?" Max threw him a look of disbelief.

"Yeah," Tul confirmed with a nod.

"Use your muscles," Max encouraged.

"I am."

"Muscles are only for display!" Krist's announcement made Singto chuckled. The bunny skip-hopped to the two lying on the floor and gave the fairy's face a gentle pat. "Bas, wake up."

"Lend me a hand!" Tul ordered.

Max and Singto went over to assist him and discovered that Tul was right. Bas was indeed very heavy.

"Oh, geez!" Max groaned. "He's like the weight of a whale."

"How is this possible?" Singto struggled.

"Maybe he's a robot or something?" Max derived. "There was a movie about an artificial intelligence that was as light as the air when conscious but would weigh tons when switched off."

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