Simply Him

By AoifeLennon

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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

3.3K 66 27
By AoifeLennon

Chapter 1

June 1962

I was awoken by the sound of crashing drums, guitars and loud male voices coming from the apartment next door. Obviously some sort of rock n’ roll group. I sat up sleepily in my dark room filled up cardboard boxes. I had just moved into my small apartment in Liverpool from London and was still in the middle of unpacking. I checked my alarm clock, it was 4am! Seriously, who has band practise this time of night. I dragged myself out of bed and stumbled across the messy bedroom until I found the door. I walked through my small kitchen and living room and got closer to the apartment door, the noise from next door got louder. “Great” I thought. “Just want I need, noisy neighbours and a tiny apartment to match” I sighed. It will have to do until I find a job and save up for a better place.

I exited my apartment and stood outside the wooden door to the right of mine. I knocked loudly. There was no answer. I tried again, harder this time when suddenly the door shot open and I nearly punched my new neighbour in the face. He leaned against the door frame, guitar in hand. His dark brown hair was neatly combed and shone in the light. His milky brown eyes stared into mine. I broke the silence.

“Do you know what time it is?” I asked angrily.

He smacked his lips. “Nope” he replied after thinking about it.

“It’s 4am!” I almost yelled. “So, I would much appreciate it if you gave it a rest” I nodded towards his guitar.

“F’raid I can’t do that love, we’re in the middle of creating a future hit” he boasted proudly.

Someone from inside the apartment yelled. “C’mon John, who is it anyway?”

“Just some bird complaining about our music” he answered not taking his eyes off me.

It was hard to concentrate on being mad at him; he was handsome, incredibly handsome to be honest. I narrowed my eyes at him and hissed at him. “Knock it off!”

He held up his hands surrendering. “Alright, alright.” I smiled triumphantly and turned by back to walk away, knowing I had won. “No one gets the better of me” I thought smugly.

“Oh, by the way” he called. I turned and walked toward him. “I’m John” he smiled and winked, before slamming the heavy door inches away from my shocked face.  “Ugh, he is such a swine” I thought before heading back to my own apartment. “But an incredibly good looking one as well”


I woke early the next morning because of the strong sunlight that flooded the room. I pulled my pillow over my face and groaned into it. I hadn’t got much sleep last night tossing and turning thinking about John. He was rude and extremely ignorant. But there was something about him that made me feel funny on the inside.

I scratched my head as I slowly rose from my bed. My shoulder length blonde hair was a complete mess and I had bags under my green eyes from lack of sleep. I made a cup of tea for myself and walked out onto my balcony looking down upon the streets of Liverpool. I sat on a fold up deck chair and curled my legs up underneath me. I began daydreaming about London. I was only gone a few days and I already missed it. I thought about leaving my mum on her own and suddenly felt very sorry for her. I never knew my dad and I had no other siblings, so mum was alone in London. But I was 18 now and needed to move out for a while, and move on with my life. A loud voice beside me interrupted my thoughts.

“Ello love” I remembered his strong Liverpool accent. I turned my head to confirm my memory.

“You again” I sighed. It was John. He was standing on his balcony, only a meter or so away from mine. He waved foolishly. “You wouldn’t have any spare sugar for my tea, would you? We’ve run out.” He asked holding up a chipped mug in his hand.

“I’ll have a look” I replied, standing up and going back through the sliding door inside.

I opened a few cupboards and peered inside, finding nothing. I rooted through a large cardboard box in the centre of the floor. Sometime later I retrieved a half full packet of sugar from the end of the box and walked back out to the balcony. John was standing there, with his elbow perched on the metal railing and his face resting in his hand. He was deep in thought; and looked slightly worried; his hair blew lightly in the gentle breeze. I coughed and he looked up, a smile stretched across his face.

“Here, you can keep it all, I don’t need it” I said, leaning over the railings, John did the same and I passed him the sugar.

“Took your time, my tea’s almost gone cold” he laughed.

“My apartments a bit of a mess at the moment, I’ll be kept busy over the next few days unpacking” I sighed.

“Ooh, that’s a shame” John went quiet. “I was going to ask you if you wanted to come see me and my band play tonight, but don’t worry it’s no big deal” He shrugged. I could see he was slightly hurt. He continued to speak… “I know we didn’t get off on the best of terms and I’m sorry but I’d like to be friend’s y’know...” he trailed off.

I nodded “Yeah, I’m sorry too and yeah I’d love to be friends. I don’t really know anyone around here.” I complained.

“You know one person” he smiled, reaching out his hand between the two balconies. “I’m John, John Lennon”. I shook his hand, chuckling. “I’m Millie Sanders; it’s nice to meet you John.”

The tips of his fingers were rough and hard from playing guitar.

“You too Millie” he replied smiling slightly. “Thanks again for the sugar”

“No problem” I called walking back into my apartment and waving. I slid the door closed behind and sighed happily. Maybe John isn’t as bad as I thought he was. 

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