Dead Clinger (Zombie Reverse...

Par VLHemingway

97.3K 3.9K 739

Now a fully published book on Amazon. Download a fully edited copy here: Dead Clinger: A Zombie Reverse Hare... Plus

Day Zero - World Population 7.8 Billion
Day One - Dawn - World Population 5.4 Billion
Day One - Dusk - World Population 3.6 Billion
Day Two - Dawn - World Population 1.7 Billion
Day Two - World Population 9.9 Million
Day Two - World Population 8 Million
Day Three - World Population 5.5 Million
Day Three - World Population 4.9 Million
Day Three - World Population 4.7 Million
Day Three - World Population 4 Million
Day Three - World Population 3.9 Million
Day Three - World Population 3.8 Million
Day Four - World Population Unknown
Day Five - World Population Unknown
Day Six - World Population Unknown
Day Six - A Time to Repent
Day Seven - The Rekoning
Day Eight - A New Day
Day Eight - World Population 6.2 Hundred Thousand
Day Nine - World Population 5.8 Hundred Thousand

Day Seven - The Cure

3.7K 164 26
Par VLHemingway


I stood awestruck as Agnes threw her arms around a now lucid Blake.  Instinctively, my hands gripped Blake's arms tighter when I felt them begin to fight against my hold once again.  It took a second for my brain to realise that he wasn't going to attack, he was just trying to reciprocate her hug.  Loosening my grip, I released his arm.  Connor, reflecting my movements.

Once he was free he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tightly to him.  His shoulders were shaking so hard that I was afraid he was having another seizure, but when he turned his face my way, silent tears were streaming down his cheeks as he sobbed.  A painful lump lodged in my throat at the sight.  His eyes darted up to mine, flooring me.  One an almost black and one a golden hazel, his eyes were both his and Damians, I had never seen anything like it.

"Erm, guys?!" Agnes spoke alarmed just as Blake's legs buckled underneath him and his body gave out.  His weight nearly taking Agnes down with him as she struggled to hold him up.  Connor and I both darted forward grabbing him once again and pulling an arm each around our shoulders taking his weight from Agnes.  We took him back in to the bedroom where we laid him out on the bed, propping him up with the pillows.

Tired eyes and a weak smile stared back at us in thanks as we pulled the comforter over his body.  He looked so young, so vulnerable.  Almost like a new born.

"Can I get you anything, Man?"  I asked, wanting to do something to help but not sure what.

"Nah, I'm good."  He rasped as if using his voice for the first time.  "I just want to curl up with our girl and take a nap."  He turned to smile at Agnes, but it quickly faded when he took in the state of her neck.  There was a good four inch ragged chunk missing from the crook of her neck, thankfully like her nose, it didn't bleed much.  Even though her shirt still had a good coating of it around the affected shoulder.  Agnes winced from the look on Blake's face, knowing exactly what he was thinking.

"D-Did I do that?"  He stuttered, pointing to her neck already disgusted with himself.  The answer was going to destroy him.

"No."  She says definitively, surprising us all.  Connor and I shared a confused look, we had dragged him off of her, dragging her flesh between his teeth with him.

"It wasn't you-" She continued.  "That, wasn't you."  She emphasised.

"But it was-"

"I won't hear it, Blake!"  She cut him off.  "Just like you and Damian have separate personalities, think of that as a third.  Neither of you were in control, were you?"  She looked at him pointedly, waiting for an answer.

"No, but-"

"So if you have no memory of what happened and you weren't in control of your actions then in essence, you weren't there.  So how could it be your fault?"

Blake just laid there with his mouth open staring at the enigma that was Agnes LeFay, completely unable to answer.

"She's got your there, Man."  I said laughing with a shrug.  He wisely relaxed back into the pillows not fighting this any further and only giving her an exasperated eye roll even though I could clearly see the amusement he was trying so hard to deny on his face. 

"Come on-"  I beckoned Agnes, nodding my head towards the bedroom door.  "Lets get you patched up so you can get back to Blake.  Nurse Connor will take good care of him while I take care of you."  She nodded in resignation.

"Hey dude!  Where's the rectal thermometer?"  Connor shouted at me on the way out of the door, earning him a quick "Fuck you!" and what sounded like a slap.  It warmed my insides at hearing the banter when only five minutes ago I thought I never would ever hear it again.  I sighed in contentment as I grabbed Agnes around the waist, pulling her into my side as I passed and together we both headed out and in to the living room.

"You go sit down and I'll go get your kit."  I gave her quick kiss on the crown of her hair before grabbing her kit and washing my hands.  I had no idea if she could get an infection but I wasn't going to risk it.  I scrubbed extra hard, just to be sure.

"You'll have to guide me through this as I'm a bit of a novice."  I said as I took the decorative mirror from the wall and propped it against the coffee table in front of us.  She was going to have to see what I was doing to be able to delegate.  "The only thing I have ever stitched are my socks and I wasn't very good at that."  I blushed.

"It's fine-"  She said. "If you could hold the skin together with one hand and pass the needle back to me with the other, I should be able to get it stitched up."  She winced as she prodded and poked the tooth ringed wound in the mirror.

"Does it hurt?"

"Nah, but it's going to be one awesome scar."

"You'll still be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."  She looked at me bashfully.  I couldn't help but lean in giving her a tender kiss on the those luscious lips.  Groaning when the taste of her exploded inside mouth.

"I need to stop and get you fixed up while I can still concentrate."  She nodded but her eyes held so much promise that I wanted to rush through this so I could pin her to the sofa.

"We need to clean the wound first.  Here-"  She handed me a pack of sterilising wipes and pair of disposable gloves.  Now, I'm not usually a squeamish person, but just looking at the savaged flesh when it was mostly hidden by dark clotted blood had me turning green at the thought of what was actually hidden underneath.  

"You sure you can do this?"  She asked in a light mocking tone "You looking a little ill there, Jay."

For her, anything.  I decided to grow some balls, grabbing the proffered items and taking her up on her unspoken challenge.

Snapping the rubber gloves on to each hand, I climbed behind her on the sofa so she was nestled between my thighs; scooping her hair over the opposite shoulder before tearing open the wipes.  Taking a deep breath, I readied myself for what was waiting for me under the gore.

My hands shook as they made their way to her neck, my palms sweaty inside the gloves.  For fuck's sake, I needed to man the fuck up!

I swiped the wipe tentatively once across her neck, testing the effort needed to get the area cleaned.  As I did, Agnes let out a blood curdling scream making my world tilt on it's axis at the thought of hurting her.

"Ha! Just fucking with ya!"  She guffawed, amusement lighting up her whole face.

"I'll get you back for that, Red."  I laced as much menace into my voice as I could muster then taking a quick nip of her earlobe to emphasise my words.  Satisfaction filled me when a shiver rolled through her body.  Her smart mouth now silent.

"Now be a good Little Red, and let me put you back together so I can tear you apart."  Her mouth was agape in the reflection of the mirror unable to form a response.  But the lust burning in her eyes was the only communication that I needed.

Now thoroughly distracted from the task at hand, I began methodically cleaning her wound without so much as a thought or a flinch.  My head instead filled with the carnal promise I had just given her.

Working together, we worked quickly and quietly to get her neck stitched up.  She would push the needle through the skin as I intercepted it while holding the skin together before passing it back so she can tie it off in the way that doctors do.  It took twenty two stitches all in all to put her back together, and within thirty minutes I was placing a tender kiss against the bandage, sealing it with a kiss.

With reflexes of a panther she pounced on me like the wildcat that she is.  Straddling my hips and pinning me to the sofa, kissing the ever loving fuck out of me.  Grabbing onto her ass I responded by pulling her against my now raging hard on and sucking on her tongue.  Her fingers tangled painfully in to my hair.  Only stopping when a strategic cough came from the doorway.  Fucking Connor!  I mentally cursed.

"Sorry to interrupt kids, but Blake 2.0 is asking for Red."

Agnes rested her forehead against mine, her hot breath coasting across my skin as she panted from our almost moment of passion.

"Rain check?"  She huskily asked

"You can bet your delectable ass on it."  I gave her one more long and lingering kiss before releasing her and sending her to Blake on shaking legs.

"I could always finish what she started-"  Connor flirted as she headed out of the room and I adjusted my junk in my jeans.

Rising from the sofa I headed over to where he was stood and placed my hands on either side of his face, looking deeply into his liquid silver eyes.

"Connor-" I spoke seductively. "I'm sharing her with you.  Not you with her.  There will be no filling in.  Just filling her."  I placed a gentle kiss to his lips before heading out of the apartment to go relive some of the pent up energy that had now built up inside of me.  And I may have pictured Agnes and Connor as I did it...


Walking into the dimly lit room, nerves filled me at the deja vu of the previous day when Blake had been laid dying in the bed in a setting just like this.  Only this time, he was sat up on the bed smiling at me, looking strong if not a little tired.

"How are you feeling?"  I asked as I walked to the foot of the bed.

He didn't speak.  He just held out his arms beckoning me to him.  Hesitant at first, I held back.  This side of my relationship with Blake was still all too new to me and it was habit to be cautious around him.  Always bracing myself for hurt from his sharp words.

He noticed my hesitation and his face began to fall with his arms.  Guilt flooded me and before I could think any more about it, I threw myself into his arms.  He pulled me tightly to him as I pulled him to me.  I had lost him only hours ago and I refuse to lose him again over something I now believed was a defence mechanism that he no longer needed.  I trusted him not to hurt me now and I needed to show him that, and I couldn't do that by always questioning his motives.

"Agnes I'm-"

I stretched up and placed my lips against his before he could apologise again to me.  My lips tingled against his as if they were bonded together by a thousand tiny electric shocks.  The feeling was delicious and addictive.

"Actions speak louder than words-"  I breathed.  "Now show me exactly how sorry you are."  I shocked myself at how forward I sounded.  I had never been so brazen in my entire life.  I guess realising the fragility and rareness of having people I care so deeply about surrounding me has made me want to take nothing for granted anymore.  Tomorrow wasn't guaranteed and I was sick of living for the future as I have my entire life.  I was ready to enjoy the present to it's fullest.  Starting now with Blake.

Bringing my lips back down to Blake's, I deepened the kiss eliciting a growl from him.  Lapping my tongue against his in a passionate duel.  Needing no further encouragement, he pulled me on top of him so I was straddling his hips.  The position reminiscent of our first sexual encounter only a few days ago.  God, that felt like a lifetime already.

Wasting no time, Blake pulled the blood stained jersey up over my head only pausing slightly at the sight of my bandage.  A flash of guilt crossed his handsome face but quickly replaced with lust when I ground my hips against him.  His hands grabbed on to my ass to slow me down and hold me against the hardness of him, before flipping me onto my back and pinning me to the bed.

Deja vu filled me once again as I remembered back to the night before.  We had been in this exact same position, just before he'd died.  At the thought, I reflexively placed my hand against the centre of his muscular chest feeling for his excited heartbeat.  But just like me, nothing pumped beneath the skin.  Blake wasn't going to die on me again.  He was already dead and now he was just like me and I was nervous over how he felt about that.

He placed his hand over mine on his chest and looked deep into my eyes.  The two different colours of his, still shocking and exciting me at the striking anomaly.

"We're the same-"  He spoke "And that kills me."  My heart sank as his words cut me to the core. "I treated you like shit because to me you were different but, in here-"  He placed his hand against my chest where Jay's bruise was now fading.  "You were still the same.  You're just, you."  I let out a breath when I realised that he wasn't insulting me, that he hadn't returned to his now repented ways.  "I realise this now more than ever.  Since I came back, although I have changed on a biological level.  I am me.  In fact, I am more me and more grounded then I have ever been in my entire life.  My soul had always been fractured in two from pain that no child should ever have to suffer.  But now, I finally feel at one with Damian.  I finally feel whole.  You make me feel whole."

Well, shit!  He had to go bare himself completely to me.

"Keep saying shit like that to me and I may never let you go."  I placed my hand tenderly against his cheek, only half joking.

"Then I'll tell you shit like that every damn day, Dead Girl.  Because now that I have you, I'm never letting you go.  We will never let you go."

That was the final nail in my lust filled coffin.  I threw my arms around his neck, pulling his lips against mine and my bare chest to his.  We kissed feverishly as our bodies rubbed together, beautiful friction building with every movement.

His teeth nipped at my lip before working their way down the valley of my neck that lead to the centre of my aching breasts.  His strong hand caressing one as his mouth took possession of the other.  His fingers and teeth; nipping, twisting and sucking me into a frenzy.  My body was on fire and the inferno only burned brighter with every touch.

"I wanted to take this slow.  I wanted to take my time and enjoy you.  But I don't think I can.  I need to be inside you more than I need my next breath."

"Well then, what are you waiting for.  Fuck me already will ya."

Blake froze above me.

"Holy shit!  I fucking love your filthy mouth.  Say it again."

"Fuck me, Blake.  Fuck me until I can't walk straight."  He let out a deep feral growl.

"With great fucking pleasure."

He scooted back on to his haunches and in one swift tug, he divested me of the borrowed boxers I was wearing.  I squealed in shock and delight.  Shucking off his own, he joined me back down on the bed.  Our naked bodies, gloriously pressed together.  There wasn't once inch of space between us and I wouldn't have it any other way.

He wasted no time.  Lifting my hip and wrapping it around my waist, he surged deep inside me with one full thrust as his lips came down on mine with a punishing pressure.  He kept going until he was buried up to the hilt within me making me break the kiss and throw my head back in pleasure and my back arch to help me accommodate his fullness.  

He kissed his way down the good side of my neck as his hips began to move to a staccato rhythm between my thighs, his impressive length hitting the end of me with every thrust.

Pleasure built at a rapid speed inside of me.  I had never felt anything like this before.  My body ached with need, sore from his size and with the ferocity at which he moved inside of me.  The knot inside me, tightening into a noose, threatening to hang me when I went over the edge.  The pressure becoming too intense, I was scared I would be torn apart if I let go and let it take over me.

Blake growled hard against my neck as he neared his climax but I still refused to give him mine, the pleasure too intense to succumb to.

"Cum for me, Beautiful."   He ordered in a pant, making my skin pebble from his breath

"I-I can't!"  I moaned but the panic was evident in voice.   The knot was now painfully tight, it hurt in the best way possible, but that only amped up my fear of letting go.

"You can and you will"  He grunted more forcefully.  "I can't hold out much longer and I'm not going until you do."

"I can't-"

His hand that had been holding my leg around his waist, left my thigh and headed between my legs as he pumped harder and faster inside of me.  I cried out when his fingers pushed down on the tender bundle of nerves just above where he surged in side of me.  His fingers quickly picking up the rhythm of his thrusts.

With the added wave of exquisite torture, I couldn't hold back any longer.  And with one full thrust he pushed against my nub and bit down on my nipple yanking the knot deep within me loose and throwing me over the edge in to euphoric oblivion.  My back arched from the bed as I screamed my release, the pleasurable pain now gone and replaced with fireworks, stars and all the other cliched earth shattering metaphors.  

"Holy fuck!"  He roared as I pulled him over the edge with me, his hips jerking against me as he came to completion and rang every ounce of ecstasy out of both of our bodies.

Spent, we flopped back down on to the bed in a mass tangle of sweaty limbs and bed sheets.

"That was fucking amazing!"  I panted, hard.

"Keep up that filthy mouth of yours and round two maybe sooner than you anticipated."

"You could go again?!  After that?!"  I asked incredulously.

"With you, I could go all fucking night."  He said it with such conviction that I in no way doubted this to be true.  And I was ready to tell him to prove it to me, when a bone tired yawn broke free from my mouth.  The passion remained, but some of the intensity leaked from his eyes once he saw how that last few days and the last hour had drained me.  

He placed a tender kiss against my lips, his tongue titillating mine with a quick swipe every few now and again before rolling off of me and on to his back beside me.  I felt cold without him next to me and I was about to protest the distance between us when he grabbed my body and pulled me into his side.  Resting my head against his chest and wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

My body, now totally relaxed and sated melted into him and as he placed a kiss to my forehead I fell into a deep and peaceful sleep in what felt like forever.

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