The Other Self | Akakuroaka ✔

By gay-ikemen

142K 4.6K 2.8K

Completed ✔ Akashi × Kuroko × Akashi After nearly getting molested on the cold night streets, Kuroko Tetsuya... More

Twenty One
Twenty Three
Bonus Chapter (Part One)
Bonus Chapter (Part Two)

Twenty Two

3.2K 131 66
By gay-ikemen


"Here's the deal, 'ight?"

I nodded my head and sat on the box before looking around the suspicious place. We were in some kind of deserted warehouse which was only a few blocks away from Kuroko's house, it seems pretty fishy if you ask me.

I know that the guy is bad news, but my hatred for that Akashi fucker is stronger than my morals, so I had no choice but to be a part of his plan.

"Since you're close to that lil blue boy, you're going to be the one who's going to kidnap him," the guy said, pulling out a stick of cigarette.

"Alright," I muttered.

Kidnapping Kuroko sounds too absurd. I'm supposed to be his bodyguard, what the fuck am I doing...?

"What's your name, kid?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the smoking man in front of me; my eyes instantly landing on his eye patch.

I wonder what lies behind that eye patch. A critical burn maybe? I wonder what happened to him since it looked like a pretty bad one. He even had a few scars littering on his face as well. I was extremely curious but I didn't dare to question it.

"Kagami Taiga,"

"Kagami Taiga huh?" the guy laughed before lighting his cigar up. "Name's Haizaki Shougo, pleasure doing business with ya, kid."

"Yeah yeah, enough bullshit." I nodded. "How am I supposed to kidnap him? I can just simply take him with me, you know?"

Haizaki snorted and laughed at me, causing me to glare at him.

"What the fuck is so funny, you bastard?"

"Your ability to think, that's what." he smirked, and I had to refrain myself from punching the shit out of him.

"What the fuck do you mean?"

"If you lured the blue boy out, his parents will somehow know that you're with him, you mindless fuck. I'm not sure how you can get your revenge on that Akashi Seijuro with that walnut sized brain of yours."

"You fucker!" I growled, standing up and violently grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "What's your oh so brilliant plan then?!"

"Calm down, nut brain." he smirked. "I was planning on taking him by force, it's more realistic that way, 'ight?"

Everything about this is real! What the hell is this fucker on about?

"What do you mean force?" I frowned, pushing him away. "Kuroko must not get hurt!"

I may be doing this to get my revenge on Akashi, but I don't want to drag Kuroko further into this mess nor have him injured.

"Using force is necessary, blockhead." Haizaki grunted, puffing out some smoke. "Has there ever been a kidnapping where the captors are easy on their captives? If you're the one who's kidnapping, then that hilarious shit might happen."

"Fuck." I groaned in exasperation and gripped on my hair. "If this isn't for getting revenge on that Akashi, I wouldn't want to waste any second with you!"

"Same goes to me, Taiga." Haizaki rolled his eyes.

I sat back down on the box and crossed my arms.

"Fine, we'll use force. What are the other plans?"

"You told me they're staying in that restaurant. The restaurant was fancy so a valet will be present. We'll just mess with their car's valet and use a getaway car to kidnap that blue boy." Haizaki explained, a smirk creeping its way to his lips.

"What getaway car?" I frowned.

And then out of the blue, a black traditional limousine suddenly pulled over in front of us.

"That's the fucking getaway car?" I exclaimed, standing up in shock. "How the fuck can you even afford that?"

"I don't own that, shithead." Haizaki laughed. "It's a car of my friend's boss. Fancy eh?"

"Friend's boss?"

"Hey hey~"

I turned around and saw a man in a formal clothing - he looked like some kind of driver with that white gloves of his.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked the guy with humongous bushy brows.

"Hanamiya Makoto at your service," he smirked before bowing down at me.

"You're a... driver right? Whose?"

"Chauffeur, idiot. And I drive for the Akashi family, of course." Hanamiya chuckled.

"You're betraying them?" I frowned. "What the fuck?"

"I got sick of those spoiled fuckers, so I think it'll fun to mess with them and see what their humorous reaction will be!" he smiled maniacally.

What the fuck...

"He was also the one who saved me from the wrath of that crazy ass Akashi." Haizaki rolled his eyes. "The man's crazy, he acts as if there's another person with us."

"He saved you?"

"I didn't tell you?" Haizaki laughed. "That shitty brat kept me down in their basement and tortured the shit outta me. That psycho redhead even took my fucking eye out."

So that explains the eyepatch...

"How the fuck are you even alive?" I muttered under my breath.

"I snuck him out and treated his wounds, it's kind of a hassle, but he's a friend of mine after all." Hanamiya chuckled.

"Oi," Haizaki snorted. "Just because you saved me doesn't mean that I'm friends with that titanic eyebrows of yours, Makoto."

"But we're already on the first name basis, Shougo." Hanamiya smirked, ignoring the insult about his eyebrows as usual.

"You're both wasting my time." I grunted, tapping my foot impatiently against the ground.

"Sorry sorry," Haizaki chuckled and threw his cigar down on the floor, stepping on it afterwards.

"Let's discuss the plan then."

I looked at the two men in front of me. Doubt still lingered in the pits of my stomach but I pushed it all away.

No turning back now, Taiga.

"You're not going to hurt Kuroko, right?"

"Yes sir," Haizaki smirked.

"It's a deal," Hanamiya followed with an ominous smile.

"Alright," I nodded. "Count me in then."


"O-Oi... That's not part of our deal!"

Fuck! That damned Haizaki fucker is going to shoot Kuroko! Shit... that fucking bastard. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him!

Everything happened so fast - the next thing I know was that the gun fired off with a loud shrilling bang.

The ravens squawked and flew away as a body slumped on the floor.

I quickly looked at Kuroko and noticed that he wasn't the one who took the bullet. His eyes were teary and was focused on somewhere else as he screamed through his gag. I turned to look at the direction he was looking at, and my eyes widened in shock when I saw the bleeding person who was lying on the floor.

Another... Akashi?


Third Person

"Son of a bitch!"

Blood splattered everywhere when Seiji shielded Kuroko - taking the bullet for him instead. Seiji hollered then cursed loudly once he hit the ground.

"S-Seiji!" Seijuro cried out, instantly running to aid his fallen twin. His vision blurred; making it hard for him to see. He felt something wet on his hand and he was sure that his brother was bleeding gallons out.

"A-Are you o-okay?! There's- T-There's blood! Lots o-of i-it! Seiji! D-Don't l-leave me p-please! I-I can't l-live without y-you!"

Seijuro panicked as he cradled his younger brother close to him. Tears fell from his eyes and he watched his twin weakly reach out to him.

"N-Nii-san..." Seiji croaked out; tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

"I'm here," Seijuro sobbed, desperately looking into his twin's hooded mismatched eyes. He placed the gun down on his twin's torso and reassuringly wiped Seiji's tears away.

"Nii-san's here for you, okay? So don't worry... don't be scared... Nii-san is here..."

"T-Thank you N-Nii-san..." he replied, a genuine smile lying on his lips. "Tell... Tell T-Tetsuya t-that I l-love him so m-much... Okay?"

"I will!" Seijuro whispered, holding his brother's bloody hand. Tears flooded his cheeks when he rested his forehead against his twin.

"So please hang on..."

The three witnesses watched on in shock.

Kagami and Haizaki were shocked that there were two Akashis, and Kuroko was crying his eyes out; screaming through the gag and struggling against his restrains in order to escape and to run towards his beloved.

'No... No... Seiji can't die!' Kuroko weeped, the ropes were burning against his limbs, but that didn't stop him - he wanted to stand by Seiji's side.

"Oi Kuroko!" Kagami hissed and held the wooden cross that he was strapped on. "Stop it! You're going to fall down!"

Kuroko glared at his (ex) best friend. His eyes screamed for Kagami to back off. He couldn't even make himself look at the man that he had trusted for so many years. Kagami's eyes widened and he slowly backed away, guilt and regret instantly washing over him.

"I'm sorry, Kuroko..."

Kuroko whimpered against the tape. His heart ached so much that it was all becoming hard to handle now.

"Ah man, boo hoo, how touching." Haizaki mocked.

"Aye Akashi-sama, didn't know that you have a twin." he smirked, looking over at Seijuro who was a crying mess.

"You didn't know that either, didn't you?"

"Not at all."

Haizaki turned to look at a certain direction, and they all watched as Hanamiya made his appearance. Seijuro's teary eyes instantly widened at the sight.


"Good evening, Akashi-sama." Hanamiya smirked before standing by Haizaki side. "Did I surprise you?"

"What did we... what did we ever do to you?!" Seijuro yelled, more tears pouring from his eyes. "We treated you well! We treated you as if you are a part of the family... Why Hanamiya!?"

"Dunno," Hanamiya only shrugged at him. "I was getting sick of you all. Plus, this friend of mine and that Taiga kid wanted to have their revenge on you. Then it turns out that there's two of you, I guess it's even if the guy dies now, yeah?"

"Definitely," Haizaki chuckled and smirked at Seijuro. "Look at how much pain he is in right now. How hilarious!"

"So you did this just so you can take your damned revenge on me?!" Seijuro fumed, causing Seiji to wince  when his twin's grip tightened on his hand.

"Why did you cowards had to kidnap Kuroko? You should've just challenged me head on and I'd gladly accept it!"

"But~" Haizaki chuckled and looked at Kuroko with a perverted grin. "It's fun this way, y'know? I get to play with Tetsu-chan after dealing with you Akashis."

"You make me sick!" Seijuro growled.

"Payback's a bitch." Haizaki laughed and reloaded the gun. "Now say goodbye to your precious fucking 'twin'. It was really nice knowing both of you. Which one of you psychos took my eye out huh?"

A pair of red eyes glared up at the larger man.

"I di-"


Seijuro looked down upon hearing his twin's weak voice and the four other people watched on.

Kuroko still struggled against his binds but his efforts were in vain. All he was able to do was watch the misery unfold right in front of his eyes. Kagami looked at him in pity whilst the other two watched with a triumphant smirk on their faces

"Seiji...? What is it?"

"Nii-san..." Seiji smiled, followed by a cough. "Y-You... You know that I love you right?"

"Of course!" Seijuro nodded, biting his lip to hold back another wave of sob. "And you know that I love you too, right...?"

"Mhm. And I love Tetsuya as well..." he chuckled softly, his hand resting on the gun above his torso. "I just want both of you to know that I appreciate the two of you... Make sure to tell him that as well..."

Seijuro nodded his head, a tear sliding down his cheek once again

"O-Of course..."

"T-Those bad guys will surely rot, but neither in heaven nor hell. I promised Tetsuya's parents that I will bring him home safely..." Seiji laughed quietly before breaking into a fit of cough, deeply concerning his twin.

"You don't have to speak anymore!" Seijuro cried out, looking at his younger brother with his teary eyes.

Seiji slowly sat up with a wince, shocking his older brother.

"S-Seiji! No! Don't force yourself!"

"Nii-san, you're always the worrier." Seiji whispered into Seijuro's ear. "Please... Don't worry about me. Go and live a happy life with Tetsuya. Run away with him and just... leave me here."

"I-I c-can't do that!" Seijuro whimpered. "T-That's just too unfair..."

"Oi, how long are you shitheads going to make us wait?"

The redheads ignored Haizaki and Seiji looked at his twin with a genuine smile lying on his lips.

"Thank you for being an amazing nii-san... Thank you for always protecting me and for always staying by my side..."

"S-Seiji... P-Please!"

Seijuro sobbed freely, he didn't care if he was already soaked with Seiji's blood. He convinced himself that his brother was going to be okay. It didn't feel right seeing him like this.

"Protect Tetsuya in the future, kay?" Seiji beamed, weakly wiping his brother's tears away with his bloody thumb.

"I promised to his parents that I'll butcher up the kidnappers, nii-san."

"Y-You did." Seijuro lightheartedly laughed.

Seiji chuckled and smirked, leaning over to whisper in his brother's ear.

"And I'm going to keep that promise."


Red eyes widened in shock when he witnessed his brother hold his gun up and accurately shoot the two larger guys. Haizaki and Hanamiya simultaneously fell onto the ground with a surprised holler.

"What the fuck!?"

"Oi, you fuckers." Seiji chuckled darkly, surprising his brother (and lover) when he stood up with a cheeky smile plastered on his blood splattered face.

"You thought that I'll easily go down with just one shot, huh? How fucking naive!" he laughed, reloading the gun and looking at the frozen perpetrators.

"I promised Tetsuya's parents that I will butcher the fuck out of both of ya."

Haizaki's eye widened in fear.

It's him. That was the psychotic guy who took his fucking eye out.

Seijuro looked up at his twin, still processing the scene that was happening in front of him.

Seiji might be fine and standing up steadily, but his brother still took a shot. This time though - Seijuro got a clear view at him, and it was clear that the bullet only pierced through his shoulder.

What a relief...

"S-Seiji..." Seijuro breathlessly whispered out.

"Sorry for tricking you, nii-san." Seiji smiled apologetically at his brother.

"I-It's fine..." Seijuro laughed softly before wiping his tears away and standing up. "I'm just... really glad that you're not critically shot."

"Oh ho? That wasn't enough to take me down, nii-san." Seiji smirked, looking at the scared men then at his and his brother's lover.

"Hang on for a sec, Tetsuya. I'll just deal with this pathetic little rats for a moment." he grinned.

Kuroko instantly relaxed despite his strapped stance. A tear slid down his cheeks but he slowly nodded his head, silently telling his lover that he'll wait.

Seiji beamed at their boyfriend, his expression instantly getting replaced with a psychotic one when his eyes landed on Kagami Taiga.

"As for you, Taiga."

Kagami gulped as he stared back at the glowing mismatched eyes of the teen.

"You're going to have to wait for your fucking turn. Because for now," Seiji smirked and sauntered towards the two fallen men.

"I'm going to butcher up these shits until there's enough food to sate the crows for a whole fucking month, so say your fucking prayers."

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