Hidden Feelings

By NiyAlsina

639K 38.2K 14.2K

Four years have gone by and everything has changed. Valencia has been in a coma and Elias is now Four. But wh... More

New Book.
Bonus Chapters.
Epilogue* Pt.1
Epilogue* Pt. 2
Last Words
Possible Final Goodbyes


5.4K 350 161
By NiyAlsina

Amir Jones Jr.

"You're leaving already?" Faye rolled over in the bed seeing that I was putting on my shirt.

"You know I can't stay all night. My mom doesn't like me out all hours of the night."

"She's not even your real mother so what does it matter. You're grown." She said making me side eye her. I know that didn't just come out of her mouth.

"That is my real mother so watch your mouth." I snapped.

"I'm sorry. I'm just tired of you leaving. You're eighteen, you can do as you please."

"Yes, but I'm living in my parent's house and I will abide by their rules until further notice."

"Okay, Amir." She rolled her eyes. "I don't know why I'm still messing with a little boy."

"Little boy..." I chuckled to myself.

Faye loved to throw our age difference in my face when she caught attitudes. She's seven years older than me and sometimes I feel like I can't give her what other men can at her age.

But at the same time she's childish as well. She's always mad when she doesn't get her way, says slick remarks, and will get mad at me for not entertaining her bullshit.

If that was the case, I would've dated these girls my age. I date older women for their maturity and experience.

"On that note, I'm going home and you can call another nigga who's your age." I swiped up my keys from the nightstand and left her room.

"AJ." She followed behind me down the stairs.

"I don't have time for your bullshit tonight, Faye." I walked out the front door and she was still following me. "Go in the house."

"No, I'm sorry for what I said. Don't be mad at me." She wrapped her arms around my torso tightly.

I turned around and looked down at her. Staring into her brown eyes, I could tell something was off.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting more crazy than usual?"

"Nothing, Amir. I just like you holding me and I wish you didn't have to up and leave in the middle of the night." She said softly. I knew she was telling the truth, but there was still something not right.

"I know, Faye." I sighed knowing that she really was upset.

"I told you, you could move in with me." She suggested. "We've been together for over a year."

"I'll think about it."

"You say that every time. It's because you're ashamed of me, isn't it?" She snapped, which took me back.


"Then why haven't you told your parents about us?" She glared at me with her hands on her hips.

"Faye you need to go in the house. I need to get home and you're out here causing a scene." I walked away from her and got in my car.

"Don't bother coming back here tomorrow." She told me before stomping into the house.

I shrugged and started up the car knowing that she'll be fine by the morning. Whatever her problem is, she'll get over it.

I've never dated women my age. At thirteen I dated an eighteen year old. Sixteen I dated a twenty year old. Seventeen is when I started dating Faye. She's the oldest woman I've dated being that she's twenty-five.

But not the oldest I've messed with.

In between I've had some flings that were in their thirties. Not something I'm proud of, but I just like older women.

And Faye? I love her. Even with the nasty attitudes she's always been there for me and gives me unconditional love.

Kaleb Lorizio

"What the fuck are you calling me for?" It was four in the morning and Pandora was blowing up my phone.

"Can you bring me some fruit, please?" She asked in a sweet voice.

"Hell no. Go get that shit yourself. You're the one who wants it."

"You're going to stop talking to me like I'm some bitch off the street. I'm carrying your daughter and I deserve respect."

"And I deserve some sleep. You want some fruit? You go get it."

"I don't have a car. How am I supposed to get it?"

"You have two legs."

"I'm pregnant you inconsiderate bastard!"

"Exercise is good for you. It's only a twenty minute walk from your house." I yawned loudly.

"Kaleb Valentin Lorizio-"

"Aye, don't be calling out my government. Business hours start at noon so call back then."

"But I'm really craving it Kaleb. There isn't anymore in the house and my mom went to work." She whined making me groan in annoyance.

"Take your ass to sleep."

"Your daughter-"

"Tell her to take her ass to sleep too."

"Your ass better be here in the next hour!" She hung up before I could say anything else to her.

I kicked my legs before getting out of the bed and putting on my slides. I'm already sick of Pandora and her needy ass. It's always something with her.

Kaleb, I'm hungry.

Kaleb, my back hurts.

Kaleb, my feet hurts.

Kaleb, I'm hot.

Kaleb, Kaleb, Kaleb. I'm tired of hearing my own damn name.

I was walking to my parents' room to tell them where I would be until I heard my mom moaning my dad's name.

I did a 360 turn and just left to the 24 hour Walmart. I got her a large fruit platter knowing that her fat ass would eat the whole thing.

"It's about time." She snatched the bag away from me and headed up the stairs with me behind her.

I kicked off my shoes and made myself comfortable under the covers. She grabbed my wrist and put my hand over her stomach.

Believe it or not, this has been a regular thing for the past few weeks. Something about feeling her move made me happy on the inside.

"I heard you was talking to Marissa. That's never going to happen." She said making me suck my teeth. "I'm just saying. She doesn't give anybody a chance. You're wasting your time."

"Well for your information I'm not talking to her anymore. She doesn't want to talk to me because I have a baby on the way. I just wanted to fuck anyways."

"Typical Kaleb." She shook her head and I could hear the animosity in her voice.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"All you do is fuck everything with a pretty face and a vagina. Surprised you haven't caught anything yet." She rolled her eyes.

"Actually I haven't had sex for almost two weeks."

"You're just disgusting."

"You're having my baby so I don't want to hear it." I waved her off. She wasn't my girlfriend so I didn't care for her opinion.

"That's why we broke up in the first place. You don't know how to keep your dick in your pants."

"I only cheated on you like three or four times." That she knows of.

"I really loved you, Kaleb-"

"You saying that you don't anymore?"

She shrugged, "You probably can't count how many other girls you've been with since we broke up last year. I can honestly say that you're the only person I've been with."

"You better keep it that way." I mumbled.

Elias Lorizio

"You really have to go?" I held onto Zahria's hand.

"Yes, I have to go to work."

"Let her hand go with your whipped ass." Alex smacked my hand. "We gonna take care of you."

By we he meant him and Jerome. The last people who I want helping me.

"I'll be back as soon as I get off. Don't move around too much." She pecked my lips.

"Where my kiss at? I'm tired of watching you cheat on me like it's nothing." Alex told her as she left shaking her head.

"Alexei, keep playing with me."

"Or what? Your crippled ass can't do nothing. Probably can't even please my baby right."

"Get your own girlfriends Alex." Jerome laughed.

"Nigga, I don't need a girlfriend. I got bitches!"

Tired of this nigga already.

A few hours had passed of us playing the game and eating junk food. Then someone began knocking on my door.

"Eli, someone at the door." Alex scrolled on his phone not even looking up at me.

"Nigga, you go get the door."

"This ain't my house."

"I'll get it." Jerome got up and smacked Alex with a pillow before answering the door.

"I knew your ass would be here. What you been doing that you couldn't answer the phone?" Morgan pushed him out the way to come inside with Malia.

"It's on silent-"

"Don't make me fuck you up, Jerome." She pointed her finger at him. It was funny because she's so short and she thinks she's intimidating someone.

"Both of y'all soft." Alex pointed at me and Jerome.

Malia came and sat next to me. I haven't talked to her all this time and she seemed...different. In a good way.

"How you been?" I decided to spark up a conversation since Morgan was arguing with Jerome and Alex was just being Alex.

"I been good." She smiled. "How you been, bestie?"

"Alright. I would be better if I could get out of this cast. You haven't talked to me since that argument at the hospital."

Malia and I argue all the time, but it has never gotten to the point where we haven't talked for weeks. But maybe that's what we needed.

"Yeah, I've been giving us space for the sake of our friendship. My feelings were getting in the way of everything so I had to distance myself."

"You good? Where this maturity come from?" I placed the back of my hand on her forehead as she gave me a blank look.

"Can y'all please shut the fuck up!" Alex yelled at Jerome and Morgan who were still going at it.

"We not even together, Morgan." He said.

"Oooh." We all said in unison.

Alex stood up with his arms open, "Morgan, baby don't even trip off that clown. I'll-"

"Shut up Alex." She pushed him and his dramatic ass fell on the couch, rolling onto the ground.


"No, you right. I'm going out to do single things." She turned on her heel and left.

Jerome furrowed his eyebrows and went after her yelling her name. She didn't even speak to me the whole time she was here.

"And then there were three." Alex crunched on some chips.

"Shut up Alex."



Excuse mistakes.

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