The Other Self | Akakuroaka ✔

By gay-ikemen

145K 4.6K 2.8K

Completed ✔ Akashi × Kuroko × Akashi After nearly getting molested on the cold night streets, Kuroko Tetsuya... More

Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Bonus Chapter (Part One)
Bonus Chapter (Part Two)

Twenty One

3.6K 124 64
By gay-ikemen

Third Person

"Sei-chan! Sei-chan! This is Akiko! Help us! Our Tetsuya was taken by a large scary person! Please save our son! I'm begging you!"

"Please!" Yuuto cried out. "I don't know what their motive is, but they seem so desperate to have him! I'm positive that they want to hurt Tetsuya!"

Seijiro wanted to say something. But he couldn't utter a single word out.

"Sei-chan! Please say something!"

"Seijuro! You told me that you will protect Tetsuya at all cost! Please!"

"Save him!"


Kuroko's parents were crying on the other line and Seiji was frozen on his spot. Seijuro frowned and tried to take the phone but stopped when his brother's mismatched eyes glared at him.

"Seiji? Did Kuroko broke up with you or something?" he mumbled.

"Give me details." Seiji ignored his brother and spoke coldly, his hands visibly shaking in anger; nearly crushing his phone. "How was he kidnapped?"

"Kuroko was kidnapped?" Seijuro growled. Seiji nodded in reply and putting his phone on loudspeaker.

"We were waiting for our car to arrive and then this... limousine just pulled over! A limousine! And then all of a sudden, a large guy jumped out and grabbed our Tetsu-chan! Oh god... my poor Tetsu-chan must be so scared..."

Masaomi noticed the two were speaking with someone and used it as an opportunity to alarm them.

"Help m-"

Seiji acted fast and threw his phone at his sibling who swiftly caught it. He used their father's tie to gag him and one look at his twin, Seijuro knew what to do. Seijuro nodded his head in understanding and motioned downstairs, ignoring their father's muffled screaming.

"A limousine?" Seijuro muttered, making his way to his twin's room and into the wardrobe. "Why would a kidnapper use a limousine? Can you describe what the man looks like? The vehicle? Plate number?"

"The man was masked, but he seems to have a built body - probably around Taiga's height. The plate number was unfortunately removed, I'm sorry. But the vehicle's a black traditional limousine," Yuuto answered. "In fact, I believe I've seen it somewhere before."

"Taiga huh..." Seijuro pondered, looking back at Seiji who was carrying their father over his shoulder like he was a feather. "Anyway, a black limousine? Where have you seen it?"

"I... am not quite sure." Yuuto sighed. "But it looks like a wealthy person owns it though! But... a kidnapper using a limousine as a getaway car? What in the world...?"

"I see."

"Oh! Sei-chan!" Akiko suddenly gasped.

"Akiko-san?" Seijuro furrowed his eyebrows, walking down on the flight of stairs.

Seiji went ahead and slumped their father on the chair where he usually ties his victim on.

"We're gonna have a fun time here, Father." he smirked evilly, causing Masaomi's eyes to widen in fear since he knew how crazy his son can get. "You, me and Nii-san. Man~ it's gonna be a fun family night."

He whispered, chuckling darkly at him before looking expectantly at his nii-san. Masaomi shouted against his gag; flailing around but the ropes only burned against his skin.

"I saw something on the limousine! It was tiny, but I swear I saw something!"

"What did you see?" Seijuro pressed, his eyebrows furrowing in anticipation.

"It was an emblem by the limousine's trunk! I saw it for a moment but I forgot what it was... I am so sorry!"

"It's okay, Akiko-san." Seijuro sighed,. "At least that's another clue to finding Kuroko. I promise that I will bring him back home."

"Please... Seijuro..." Yuuto sobbed. "We want our son to be safe..."

Seijuro had a pained expression on his face, his mind drifting off to the possible scenarios that Kuroko is in while they are talking.

"I promise, sir." Seiji replied for his brother. "I won't let anything happen to him. I am going to track down those bastards and make sure to butcher them up along with their souls, so that neither heaven nor hell will welcome them."

Seijuro looked at his twin, a small smile lying across his lips. Seiji shrugged and flashed his nii-san his signature cheeky smile.

"Thank you so much Sei-chan..." Akiko sniffled. "You already saved him before, so I'm positive that you will this time as well."

Seijuro cleared his throat and nodded, his face all serious.

"I will."

"We're trusting and putting all our hopes on you, Seijuro. Please save our Tetsuya..."

"Yes sir."

Seijuro ended the call and looked at his twin.

"What are we going to do Nii-san? If we don't do something now, they might do horrible things to Tetsuya!" Seiji growled, his hands balling up in anger. "I won't forgive them if they lay their filthy fucking hands on him!"

"Calm down," Seijuro grunted, rubbing his temple in exasperation. "I honestly don't know where to start. All we know is that Kuroko was taken in by some man who has the same height as that cocky man, who's also riding a traditional black limousine with an emblem by the trunk. It would be helpful if Akiko-san remembers what that emblem was though."

"I wonder what the fucker was thinking," Seiji gritted his teeth, pacing around restlessly. "I think they're just wishing for death! Oh ho, those bastard do not know who they're messing with!"

Seijuro pocketed his twin's phone and looked at their tied up their father.

"Hey," he muttered, roughly untying the gag. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, do you?"

"Why would I?" Masaomi glared up at him. "I don't want to waste my time on that commoner! I'd gladly praise that someone who kidnapped that lowly garbage!"

"Oi oi, careful with your words, Masaomi..." Seiji hissed, not hesitating to grab their father's hair and pull it back as he stared intently into the man's fearful eyes. "You wouldn't want to end up in my collection would ya?"

Their father howled in pain, his eyes then landing on the numerous jars lined up on the shelf.

"Alright!" he spat. "Release me, you psychopath!"

"Tch." Seiji angrily shoved the man's head back before releasing it. "You have no idea how much I want to slash the shit out of you right now."

"Seiji." Seijuro warned. "Don't."

"I won't." Seiji huffed, gripping his scissors tightly and facing the shelf instead.

Masaomi groaned at the sharp pain. Seiji could honestly snap Masaomi's head in an instant if he wasn't holding back. Seiji's phone went off once again, the shrill sound of his ringtone bouncing back and forth on the eerie basement.

Seiji rushed to where his twin was and pulled his phone out; his eyes widening once it read the caller ID. He pushed the answer button and put it on loudspeaker.

"Tetsuya!" Seiji exclaimed, catching Seijuro and Masaomi's attention.


"Are you okay? Where are you right now? Shit! Wait for u-"

"Good evening, Akashi-sama~" A deep voice - who was definitely not Kuroko suddenly spoke.

The twins froze, their aura instantly switching to a dark, menacing one.

"Who the fuck are you?" Seijuro growled.

"Where the fuck are you right now, you fucktard?" Seiji gritted his teeth. "Just so you know, I'm ready to murder you anytime."

"Now now, Akashi." the man laughed. "I just wanted to have a little fun with you."

"Just so you know, you bastard," Seijuro spat. "Kidnapping Kuroko isn't considered as 'fun'. If that's what you call fun, then you're no more than a simpleton!"

"Ah well~ it's fun to me. So, I guess I'm a simpleton?" the kidnapper chuckled. "It's nice to hear you all worried about your little boyfriend. The blue boy's so cute by the way."

"You fucker!" Seiji roared, his opened scissors digging into his tightly clenched hand; but he didn't gave a single fuck. "What did you do to Tetsuya?!"

"Nothing at the moment, for fucks sake. Calm your impatient spoiled ass, Seijuro."

"Where is Kuroko?!" Seijuro yelled into the phone, his teeth gritting against each other. "What the hell do you want?!"

"It's payback time, Akashi-sama." the man maniacally laughed. "If you want to save your dear lover-chan, then come and find me, fucker! Don't even dare to drag someone else into this, you pathetic bitch. See you at the local cemetery, goodbye~"

The call ended and both redheads stared at the phone, their eyes glowing with fury.

"Nii-san." Seiji muttered blankly. "You'll allow me to kill tonight, would you?"

"Go all out," Seijuro replied monotonously, shoving Seiji's phone in his pocket.


Masaomi watched as Seiji collected a few daggers (which were usually used for his torturing sessions) and slid it into the hiding spaces in his clothes.

"What are you..."

Seijuro went into action as well; quietly pulling something out of the shelf and their father's eyes widened when he saw a gun.

'These two are insane..'.

He knew that Seiji was already twisted, but Seijuro? He didn't expect it from his preferred son.

Seijuro loaded the gun and aimed it at Masaomi whose eyes instantly widened.

"Seijuro- what?!"

Seijuro's eyes showed no mercy when he pulled the trigger; the bullet piercing through their father's shoulder which resulted into a loud howl.

"Gun's good to go." he muttered, slipping it on his waistband. "Let's go, Seiji."

Seiji nodded, now fully equipped with daggers.

"Yes sir."

The twins walked up to the stairs without another word.

"You two!" Masaomi groaned in anguish, his fresh blood soaking his fancy coat. "You can't go out there together! Have you forgotten about the damned rule?! Seijuro! How dare you shoot me! After everything I've done to you two and then you'll repay me with this?!"

The redheads stopped and Masaomi glared at both of his sons.

"You two are just going to waste those years of keeping this a secret for that lowly peasant?" he growled. "I'm disappointed at both of you! Especially to you, Seijuro! That peasant's going to die anyway so-"

A dagger came flying out of nowhere and Masaomi choked when the sharp knife instantly pierced through his throat. The pain was so unbearable that it left him frozen stiff. He could taste the strong metal within his tongue; his vision blurred and the last thing he saw was Seiji who flashed him his middle finger.


"One fucker down, another one to go." Seijiro muttered, rushing upstairs along with his brother.

They made it out of Seijuro's room and they ran down the long hallway and onto the main stairs, shocking a few maids on the way with both of them now present.

"Good evening, Akas-"

"Fuck. Off." Seiji hissed, passing the butler who was stood by the entryway.

The butler's eyes widened and he raised his head; shocked to see that there were two running redheads.

"Uh... what?"

"Where is Hanamiya?" Seijuro panted, looking around for the said man.

"Fuck!" Seiji groaned in annoyance. "Where the hell is that shitty guy with bushy as fuck eyebrows when you need him?"

"No time to look for him." Seijuro muttered, running towards their garage. "Let's just use my car. Hurry!"

The two ran into the garage and grabbed the keys from a shocked chauffeur before getting into the car with Seijuro driving.

"Nii-san! Drive fast!"

"Don't pressure me, you idiot twin!" Seijuro scowled, bringing the car to life and quickly drove away.

"I'm sorry! I'm just desperate to save Tetsuya!"

"Well so am I!" Seijuro growled, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "So calm the hell down!"

"I am calm!" Seiji groaned, glaring at his brother. "You're the one who's not calm!"

"I'm calm! You stupid brother!"

"You're not fooling me Nii-san!" Seiji suddenly laughed, causing the latter to frown.

"What the hell is so funny?"

"It's rare to see you so panicked, that's all." Seiji snickered.

"This is a serious matter, Seiji."

"I know it is." Seiji sighed, staring out of the window. "But Tetsuya would want us to stay calm and resolve this in the right way, right?"

Seijuro sighed and calmed himself down.

"I guess you're right."

"Right," Seiji chuckled. "Now, what the fuck are we going to do once we find that devil's spawn?"

"Negotiate?" Seijuro frowned. "I don't know. But that's one of the options. We'll split up once we arrive at the cemetery, alright? That way, we'll find them quickly."

"Got it."

A phone went off once again, and Seiji pulled his phone out of his brother's pocket then answered the call with the loudspeakers on.


"Sei-chan!" Akiko's voice boomed. "I remembered what the emblem looked like!"

"You did?" Seijuro sighed in relief. "What was it?"

"It was two red dragons tangled to each other!"

"Two red dragons...?" Seiji whispered; his eyes suddenly widening in realization.

"Thanks a lot, Akiko-san." Seijuro spoke, his voice cold and straightforward.

Seiji ended the call and looked ahead; wearing a same expression as his twin.

"Oh ho, I'm going to shave that asshole's eyebrows and his whole face afterwards once I see him."


"Go through there, and I'll search in this area, alright? You know what to do when you see them, right?"

"Of course," Seiji nodded his head, keeping his dagger close to him. "Be careful nii-san."

"I will, and you too." Seijuro whispered. "Let's go and save Kuroko."


The twins split up and went to a different direction. The place was slightly foggy and it was eerily quiet; it was a cemetery after all..

Seijuro held his gun close to him and examined his surroundings; nothing looked unusual for a moment so he continued his search until he heard something. He aimed his gun at the source of sound and saw a man digging some dirt.

"Heh, that was fast." the man smirked, halting his actions.

"You bastard..." Seijuro growled; readying his gun.

The guy's back was facing him the whole time, so when he finally turned to face him, Seijuro's eyes widened in recognition.


"I miraculously survived, missed me?" the man who kidnapped Kuroko, who also happened to be the guy they tortured and took the eye off smirked at him. The moonlight made his face visible and Seijuro noted the eye patch that he was wearing.

"Where is Kuroko?"

"Hm?" the taller guy hummed, dropping the shovel he was holding. "Right there, can't you see him?"


Red eyes scanned the area, and he noticed a figure strapped on a rather large cross. It was dark, so he squinted his eyes to take a better look. The lights suddenly switched open and his eyes widened at the sight before him.

It was... Kuroko.

Their Kuroko was tied to a huge ass cross. His limbs and neck were tied to the wooden object, his mouth was taped shut and his eyes were puffy as he looked back at the redhead, violently shaking his head as if he was screaming for Seijuro to run away.

What shocked him the most is when none other than Kagami Taiga popped out of the shadows.


"You fucking traitor!" Seijuro growled. "I knew you were bad news! Kuroko's family trusted you! How could you?!"

Kagami only looked down and the raven haired kidnapper laughed at the scene.

"You sick bastard!" Seijuro cried out, pointing the gun at the kidnapper. "What are you planning to do to him?!"

"Well it's a shame that I never got to do whatever I want with this cute little blue boy since you badly interrupted me. So I'm just going to kill him, of course." the bastard chuckled, pulling out his own gun; a smirk creeping up his lips. "I'm planning to bury him here... with you."

"No..." Seijuro's heart dropped.

"Well too bad." the latter grinned psychotically, now holding the gun up and aiming it at Kuroko.

Kuroko screamed through the gag for Seijuro to run away with tears streaming down on his cheeks.

"O-Oi... That's not part of our deal!"

Red teary eyes widened when he heard the gun's safety being clicked off. He looked at Kuroko, lowering his gun before running towards him.

More tears fell from Kuroko Tetsuya's eyes when the man pulled the trigger; Seijuro was a second late.

A loud bang resonated throughout the quiet cemetery, followed by the splattering of blood and a loud, piercing scream.

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