The Guarded Princess

By kirariidol

425K 13.7K 4.3K

Fairy Tail, a guild known for its prestigious mages and also its destructive nature, was a place where almost... More

Author's Note


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By kirariidol

Night had fallen upon the Kingdom of Sindria and all had retired back to their rooms while the servants and guards switched duties and went on their nightly rounds. The guards passed by the greenhouse and one guard noticed something odd.

"Has the light always been off in the Princess's quarters?" he asked.

Another guard came over and waved his hand in a carefree manner. "You're just overthinking it. I'm pretty sure the lights have always been off."

The guard looked at his fellow soldier in question before deciding that it might have just been him imagining it since he hadn't been here for long. The two of them along with the other soldiers continued their rounds in the vicinity of the greenhouse.

The night was silent with the exception of the occasional whispering of soldiers along with night owls and other nocturnal animals. Lights dimly lit up the castle and though everyone had already fallen into a deep sleep, the light within the Kou Empire's manor that was situated in the castle was still on. The wax of the candlestick had melted significantly and before it could fully blow away, a woman stepped softly into the room and replaced it with a new candlestick, the fire flickering gently atop of it.

"Still working?" she asked.

The man put his scroll down - something that he never did even amongst the people and siblings he were close with - and looked at her with a smile as he gazed into the eyes that he loved. She sat down on the cushion that was located next to the table and picked up one of the scrolls.

"So you came, Lucy," he rested his face on the back of his hand as he watched her.

She smiled at him and looked back down at the scroll. "After seeing Kouha and Kougyoku today, I came to help. You should've called me over if the work was that bad."

"Did the two pester you again?" he knitted his eyebrows together.

"They didn't," Lucy reassured him and flicked his forehead. "You're going to get wrinkles if you constantly worry about meaningless things."

"There you go again," he sighed. "Defending them."

"Kouen..." she gave a helpless smile.

"I know you," he said, picking up his scroll once more and reading over it.

She looked at him and wanted to say something but found nothing to say. He really did know her and she had to admit it, she might be a little too soft on them but to her, it didn't seem so. It seemed like regular affection that one would give to their friends. Looking back down at her scroll, she shook her head and focused back on the work.

The two worked in perfect sync with one another, both being at the same pace and relying on one another if there was something that one of them couldn't figure out. Within just a few hours, they had finished the mountainous work that couldn't be finished within the week even with Koumei, Kouha, and Kougyoku's help. Lucy stretched her arms and Kouen straightened his back and letting out a sigh. The candlestick had gone down again and just as Lucy was about to change it, Kouen took her hand.

"There's no need to change it. We'll be resting soon enough," he said.

Lucy looked at him and nodded her head, smiling. "Understood."

He smiled back and Lucy stood up, tidying up the finished scrolls and putting them away into a neat pile so that they could be sent back to the Kou Empire and back to the ministers and officials. Kouen watched her with a fond gaze as she worked. He noticed it the first time she had entered but looking at her now with no worries on his mind, he noted to himself that she really did look beautiful in everything she wore.

She had on a white sleeveless silk nightgown that fell to the floor with lace straps and neckline and a white silk ribbon etched in the middle of the lace neckline. A white transparent shawl draped over her arms and flowed down behind her as her silky blonde hair fell down to her ankles in a neat manner. Her chocolate brown orbs were focused on tidying the scrolls and the candlelight flickered in them. Kouen smiled as he gazed at her; he could continue looking at her like this forever if he could. Returning back to her seat, Lucy looked at the corner of the room where Koumei laid and chuckled to herself.

"He hasn't changed at all, Koumei that is," she said, thinking how he used to sleep in the corner all bundled up when he was a child. "You guys have worked hard."

"The one who should be saying that is me," he took her hand and clasped it in his, rubbing the back of her hand gently. "To stay in this country for so long and deal with've had it hard."

She shook her head, her hair swaying along. "Nothing along those lines. Being in Sindria with such friends around's more than I could've wished for."

He looked at her with doubting eyes but that genuine look in her eyes was something she could never fake. Smiling, he brought her over to where he was and situated her in his lap as he rested his head on her shoulder from behind. He gave a sigh and noted how she hadn't changed much since back then. She still treasured the bonds of friendship more than anything.

Lucy glanced back at him before gently patting his head with a soft and affectionate smile. "Rest, Kouen. You need it."

He buried his head deeper and gave a silent nod. "It's been a while since I held you like this."

Lucy widened her eyes and chuckled. "Yes. It has."

He smiled upon hearing her laugh and sat up. "Spend the night here."

"Even if I were to refuse, you would make me, no?" her hands gently touched his hands which were clasped around her waist.

He grinned and turned her to her side as he put a hand under her legs and another behind her back as he stood up, carrying her with no effort. Lucy laid her hands in front of her as he made his way to his resting quarters where the candles were already dimly lit. He pulled aside the curtains that hung from the ceiling around the bed and set her down gently. He took off his outer garment and took Lucy's shawl from her, hanging it up on the hangers.

"Thank you," she said.

Kouen sat down next to her and ran his hand through her hair as she shut her eyes from his gentle touch, a rosy blush on her cheek as she opened her eyes again, gazing into his reddish-maroon eyes that reflected nothing but her.

"You have bags underneath your eyes," she reached her hands out to touch his cheek.

"Haven't I always had bags?" he chuckled.

She sighed with hopelessness. "They've gotten darker."

"Maybe it's because I haven't seen you for a while?" he suggested. "It's been one to two weeks at most and I was at my limit."

"The same goes for me," she admitted, a little embarrassed.

Kouen laughed and brought his hands to hers that rested on his face. He held them and they fit perfectly in his large ones. He touched her forehead with his and closed his eyes, his breathing calm and steady as his heart beat rapidly underneath his chest.

"You're cold," he said. "Did you walk here?"

Lucy chuckled. "Am I that cold?"

"Yeah," he opened his eyes and held an arm behind her and pulled her close as he closed the curtain shades, bring her down onto the bed and placing her head gently onto the pillow. "To the point where you're freezing cold."

Her golden blonde hair sprawled out behind her as Kouen held her close. She nestled into his embrace, feeling his warmth for the first time in a while as she closed her eyes, breathing softly. She buried her face in his chest and Kouen smiled, patting her hair.

"It's warm," she said.

Kouen smiled and he closed his eyes, continuing to put an arm around her to make sure that what he was seeing and what he was feeling wasn't but a dream. Days of not seeing her had tested his limits and seeing her after so long caused him to relax and loosen. She was the only one capable of making him do so and was the only one who he would ever show his true self to, just like he was the one who she would show her true self to. His body was no longer tense and rigid as he began to fall asleep. Lucy felt herself give in to his nostalgic warmth and began fading into her unconsciousness as well. Her breathing evened and before long, she was asleep.

Looking down at her with a soft smile, he caressed her face ever so gently and planted a kiss on her forehead before falling asleep as well.

"Good night, Lucy," he whispered to her. "And sweet dreams."

Lucy smiled in her sleep as she rested against his chest. The two fell asleep in each other's arms and dreamt of the time when they were children when they had slept underneath the garden tree, the cherry blossoms in full bloom. The two rested against each other with Lucy's head on Kouen's shoulder and the latter's head on her head, the petals slowly cascading down as the spring breeze brought in a cool wind. It was a dream that both dreamed of and indeed, it was a pleasant dream after days of not seeing each other.

The next morning~

The candles that had been lit in the room had all died out in the middle of the night and the morning sun shone through the window, the cool breeze blowing the curtains of the window and the curtains that hung from the ceiling ever so softly. The two laid on the bed, still, fast asleep in each other's embrace and for the first time, they had slept in.

Kouen moved in his sleep slightly and breathing in a whiff of her familiar scent, he pulled her closer into his chest and Lucy nestled closer in, her blonde hair cascading down the side of the bed. The bags that had been underneath his eyes had almost disappeared and his complexion looked much better than usual. His eyeballs moved underneath his eyelids as he was woken up slowly by the morning sun and the grumbling of his stomach. He shifted his arm and squinted his eyes, the sun beaming its light right into his eye.

"Mmnnn," he groaned.

He opened his eyes slowly as he felt a body pressed against his. Looking down, he saw a lock of golden blonde hair and widened his eyes in surprise before realizing why she was there. He gave a soft smile and settled back down, careful not to disturb her pleasant dream. Her long lashes hid her mesmerizing orbs as her lips were pursed together, her breathing soft and even. Her hand and face were pressed against his bare chest and he had to contain himself in an effort to try not to do anything funny.

Gazing at her with fond and affectionate eyes, he stroked her hair as she moaned a bit, nestling further in.

"Kouen," Lucy mumbled.

Upon hearing his name escape those lips of hers, he widened his eyes a bit in utter surprise. She continued to sleep and for a moment, he swore that she would wake up from just hearing the pounding of his chest. He held a hand over his mouth as his cheeks flushed a deep red. She really was too irresistible and cute. Recomposing himself and clearing his throat quietly, he looked back down at her with a loving gaze, continuing to stroke her hair.

This takes me back, he thought to himself. I used to often sleep with you like this back at the Kou Empire.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and watched her, thinking that compared to the time when they were children, she had grown from being cute to mature and beautiful. With the way she looked now, it wasn't a surprise how many men had fallen for her; not only for her beauty and charm but also her personality.

If she were to fall in love with one of them..., his expression grew clouded. Then that'll be quite distasteful.

Just thinking about Sinbad was unpleasant enough but if she were to fall for him...the very thought irritated him beyond belief and caused his face to contort in anger. Lucy mumbled in her sleep and he blinked, calming himself down. She rested against him again and he sighed. He took a lock of her hair and brought his lips to it as his face was painted with anguish, pain, and passion. How he wished for her eyes to only reflect him and no one else and for her to be his only flower. He had waited for countless years and he was still waiting for the day when she would turn to look at him. But, it was just like her to keep everyone around her waiting.

You're truly a sly woman, Lucy, he held her close. But, he opened his eyes. I'm not the type of man to give up so easily.

A series of loud footsteps stormed in the hallway of the manor and Kouen perked up in slight irritation, wondering who it was that was causing such a ruckus in the morning. His eyebrows knitted together in vexation at the thought of someone trying to disturb Lucy. The door to his chambers stormed open and his complexion grew darker as his speculation was spot on.

"En-nii!" Kouha barged in with an ecstatic grin. "Rise and sh-!"

"Kouha-niisama!" Kougyoku came following in. "I deeply apologize, Kouen-niisama! Kouha-niisama wouldn't listen no matter wh-! Kouha-niisama, what did you suddenly stop for?!"

Kougyoku had bumped into Kouha as she came in after him and looked at Kouha, who stood there frozen on his feet with his eyes wide in shock. Kougyoku raised an eyebrow in question, wondering what could've caused her brother to be in such an alarming state. She followed his eyes to what he was staring at and she, too, had her mouth hanging down onto the floor. Despite the look of utter irritation and murder on Kouen's face, the fact that Lucy slept in his embrace and against his bare chest sent them into a state of turmoil. What had happened in just one night?

"Get out," Kouen glared at the two, his voice low and agitated.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-es!" they immediately scrambled out of the room in a hurry.

The doors closed shut behind them, leaving Kouen alone with Lucy once more. The peaceful morning that he had was now gone with the interruption of the two and he looked down at Lucy with a look of worry. Kouen clicked his tongue, reminding himself to go personally lecture them regarding manners. Though they had entered rather noisily, they could've at least exited quietly. He heaved a sigh and furrowed his eyebrows. Lucy moved in her sleep and her eyebrows knitted together at the noise that had suddenly resonated in the room. Squinting, she slowly opened her eyes and blinked.

"Kou..en?" she looked up at him.

He smiled down at her with his eyebrows still knitted together. He stroked her hair and planted a kiss on her forehead to which she closed her eyes and allowed him to.

"Sorry to have woken you up," he said before looking at the door in irritation. "Those two have gotten even more problematic. To enter my chambers without permission," his eyes dark with anger. "I'll personally lecture them later."

Lucy shook her head. "It's fine. It was about time I woke up."

"You're free to sleep longer if you want," he said.

She smiled. "I should be the one saying that. You haven't slept in the past few days, have you?"

"The sleep last night was more than enough," he answered with a grin as he pulled her close. "Because you were there beside me."

Lucy widened her eyes before chuckling. "I wanted to say the same thing."

She slowly sat up, her long blonde hair flowing down beside her as she rubbed her eyes. Stretching, she put her arms back down beside her and Kouen, too, propped himself up and scratched his hair. He looked at Lucy with a soft gaze and she returned it with a smile. He swung his legs off the edge of the bed and stood up. His clothes hung loosely from his body, revealing his muscular chest and part of his abs.

He held out a hand to her. "I'll do your hair, just like the old times."

Lucy chuckled, her cheeks a slight tinge of pink as the rukh fluttered about the two in loving affection. She took his hand and the end of her lips curled up. "Then I'll do your hair as well," she said. "Just like the old times."

Bowls of water had been set out for the two to rinse their faces by the maids and they left the two alone, going on their way. Lucy picked up the towel and rinsing it, she held it up to Kouen's face, tenderly washing his face. A pleasant expression swept across his face and he sat down at the edge of the bed, enjoying the fact that she was washing his face. She combed his hair with a smile before situating his headdress on his hair, pinning the hairpin through it. Lucy straightened the collar of his clothes and left part of his chest showing, knowing that he didn't like his clothes too rigid and stiff.

"Should I comb your beard as well?" she laughed.

He chuckled slightly. "If you take delight in it."

Lucy eyed his beard in a slight fascination and took up a comb. "Maybe just a little."

He watched her hand gently even out the shape out of his beard with a comb and a sense of delight filled his heart. Being alone with her like this were the moments that he looked forward to and enjoyed. Setting the comb back down, Lucy stepped back and smiled.


He checked himself in the mirror and seeing that everything was okay, he nodded his head and stood up. Taking Lucy's hand, he led her to sit before the mirror and looked at her through the mirror, his hands upon her shoulders. Lucy smiled back at him in the mirror and closed her eyes, allowing him to do as he pleased. He picked up a lock of her long hair and using the comb, gently brushed her hair, smoothing out the little knots that she had in her silky hair. Kouen smiled to himself as he continued brushing from the head down.

This really brings back memories.

Putting the brush down, he ran his fingers through her hair and began braiding it into one long braid. Lucy sat there, waiting pleasantly, feeling his coarse fingers run gently along her hair. One lock of hair overlapping the other and then overlapping the other. In a few minutes, he was finished and the maids, who had brought over her headdress, set it to the side. Kouen picked up the usual simple headdress that she wore and set it on her head, the ruby dangling from the middle of her forehead.

"It's easier to move around if your hair is braided, no?" he said, finishing up.

Lucy felt her hair and smiled. "Mn! Thank you, Kouen."

The latter smiled at his completed work and she stood up, the braid trailing behind her as she made her way over to the tray that held her clothes. She looked at Kouen and he nodded his head, knowing what she was implying. He exited the room and allowed the maids to enter to help change her into her clothes. The door closed behind him and he sighed, leaning against the wall. Putting a hand over his eyes, he breathed in an effort to stop the pounding of his heart. She really was too alluring.

A few minutes later, the maids exited and greeted him before hurriedly exiting out the manor. Lucy stepped out in her usual Sindria royal outfit and beamed up at him. He reached a hand out to her and she took it, to which he smiled. He led her to the dining quarters within the manor, holding her close. He wished that he could spend every morning with her like this.

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