Nothing Like A Good Girl

By Lavidaaaloca

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A good girl is known to make good grades, stay in school, marry a wealthy man and live happily ever after. We... More

New Beginnings
When We Met
Class In Session
He's Different
Just The Thought
True Colors
Fine Living
A Different Perspective
I Feel Good
Be My Baby
The Break Up
All About You
Breathe Baby
Stay With Me

Roll With The Flow

1.5K 75 8
By Lavidaaaloca

The time I spent with Rashad were the best hours of my life. It's crazy how we connected on so many levels, and I found that we have so much in common. We talked about life, the future, our past, our fears, and not once did I feel the slightest bit of judgment. If anything he made me feel more relaxed and safer than I've ever felt before. He made me feel safe to let my walls down and actually allow him to truly get to know who I am. He allowed me to vent and not once did he interrupt me. The way he cared about my feelings and created a safe space for me to feel every emotion is something that I really appreciated about him.

He more so doesn't try to correct but instead wants to understand. He's attentive. Observant. He made me feel as though he's known me all my life. As if I am the most important person to him. At the times were I felt like I was talking his head off he assured me that he wanted to listen. Its crazy how much I despised him in the beginning but am now realizing that I was wrong. He is everything that I've been looking for.

In our conversation I neglected the fact to tell Rashad about my parents. I felt like if I did he'd run for the hills and never look back. I mean what kind of man of his status would feel safe messing around with a girl who parents basically took an oath to lock criminals like Rashad away. However as weird as this sounds, Rashad is not a criminal in my eyes. He's not a lost soul. He is not a monster. If anything he knows exactly who he is. Yet, I don't think my parents would see it that way and that's what scares me.

But it's my life and whomever I wish to love is my business. Love? Did I just say love? Could I really love a man like Rashad? Maybe in another life but surely not this one. Yet I feel like our souls were meant to meet. As if the universe guided my path to Rashad and ordained our love. Even though this feels so right I just wish it could've happened sooner.

Stephen is a good man, but he could never hold a candle to Rashad. Rashad makes me feel special, nervous, wanted, seen and heard all at the same time. He makes me feel sexy and when he touches me I feel like a woman. His woman. Yes, Stephen has made me feel this way before but not like this. These feelings are more intense and nearly on the verge of exploding. I can't deny that Rashad is Stephen's better, and that's what saddens me.


After rinsing off the few dishes that Rashad left for me in the sink I dried my hands and joined him in the living room. ESPN played on his flat screen but he payed it no mind. Instead he was to busy on his phone.

"What do you want to do today shawty?" He asked as soon as I sat beside him.

I am even surprised that he looked up to notice me. It seemed as though he was doing something really important on his phone the way he was eyeing it. However to my surprise he placed his phone on the table with its face up.

My eyes instantly adverted to his screen. If he was to receive a notification I wanted to see it. Call me noisy but I couldn't help it. Most guys would put their phones face down and yet he didn't. Although I'm pretty sure he knew that I was staring at his phone. I am almost certain that he did it on purpose. If he did I would have to say it was a nice move.

"It doesn't matter to me. What do you want to do?" I asked once I noticed that his phone was the least of my concerns now.

"Some close friends of mine are throwing a little get together later. If you're up to roll with me for a day, I would love for you to accompany me."

"What kind of get together is it? Like a kickback?"

Rashad chuckled. "Absolutely not. I'll leave that to you children. It's just a small get together. There's going to be food, drinks, and a little sum-sum for the grown ups."

"The food I can do but I don't drink."

"Damn shawty you don't do anything. You don't smoke, you don't drink, I bet you haven't even fucked yet."

My mouth nearly dropped to the floor the way he just read me like that. Damn, is it that obvious? Is it that obvious that I haven't been laid yet? I wonder when he first noticed that I was a virgin. Is it the way I talk? Probably the way I dress.

No. It can't be that noticeable. Is it?

"Is it that noticeable?"

"It's not noticeable to the common eye but I knew you were when I first laid eyes on you."

"How could you tell?"

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out." He chuckled as I simply rolled my eyes.

Oh, he has jokes.

"Let's just say it's the way your body talks to me." He said.

"What does that mean?"

Rashad smiled which nearly made me want to disappear into his couch. Why does this man make me so nervous?

"You'll soon find out. Just know I'm still learning about you."

"Whatever you say.."

"Tell me this, how did a beautiful woman such as your self make it all the way to college without giving into temptation? This boyfriend of yours, you guys haven't had sex yet? I know that must bother him."

"I don't care. It's my body and I can do whatever I want to do with it. Honestly, I don't think I'm ready to have sex."

Rashad smirked. "Nah shawty, you're ready to have sex. Trust me."

"Excuse me?"

"I think we both know that you are ready. You just don't want to give it up to him. Why is that?"

"Dang, wouldn't you like to know."

He's prying as if he has the right to ask me this question. I mean I know that I said I would be open with him but I don't believe that this is any of his business. Plus I don't understand why my sex life with my boyfriend would be of any interest to him.

"I mean it's only a question."

"You're being really noisy."

Rashad chuckled nodding his head. "Don't worry shawty I already have my answer."

"Oh really? Then you tell me. Since you think you know me. Why haven't I had sex yet?"

"Simple. He's not the man that you're meant to be with, but I know that's something that we both know as well. He doesn't make your body weak and I know for a fact he doesn't make you wet enough."

"And what makes you say that?"

"Because I make you wet."

Suddenly, I burst into laughter as Rashad simply watched me with a smirk. The nerve and the audacity of him to actually say something like that to me. As if it's just that easy to get me aroused.

"You are insane." I said wiping the tears from the corner of my eyes.

"You're laughing because you know you're in denial. It's cute. You just keep giving yourself away."

"No you swear you know me so well and that's what I find funny. If you made me wet you would know."

"Shawty I know I make you wet. We are not going to pretend like you wasn't aroused a minute ago on my table." He chuckled. "It's cute how you try to hide it. You talk back to suppress your feelings but we both know that you like that shit. You know it turns you on because I turn you on. So lets stop with these games."

At this moment I didn't know if I should keep denying his claims until I am blue in the face, or let this man know that he is absolutely right. How has he gotten so easy at reading me? Am I not playing hard to get enough? He makes me sound so predictable the way he talks to me. I can't let him know that he has me exactly where he wants me. I have to stand my ground. He isn't the only one who has a way with words.

"Rashad you're talking crazy right now."

He smiled slowly sizing me from head to toe. "I bet if I kissed you right now, you'd get so wet."

"Is this how you talk to all your females? Try to seduce them? I don't know what kind of girl you take me for but I'm not that easy."

"Never said you were but I know what I would do to you given the chance. That's all I'm saying. I'll have you leaving with a fresh pair of underwear."

"If you were that good you would have me leaving with no underwear."

"That isn't a issue. I only said that because I would hate to mess up that little classy persona you try to keep up. When we both know you're a freak."

"Okay!" I laughed throwing my hands into the air. "I'm done with this conversation. There is just no winning with you, huh?"

He smirked. "I gotta keep it interesting shawty."

"Okay since you're being so straight forward, tell me, when did you lose your virginity?"

"I lost mine at the age of ten."

"Ten?" I laughed. "At the age of ten I was still playing with dolls."

"I matured faster than my age given my environment. Plus I've always been a ladies man and I'm good looking so it wasn't hard to get any girl that I wanted."

"You're so cocky..."

"Oh so you don't think I'm good looking?" He questioned looking into my eyes. It's as if he could tell whenever I was getting ready to lie just by looking at me. The smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth grew bigger as I became hypnotized by his eyes.

Those sweet, soft, yet seductive eyes penetrated my pupils. I clutched the bottom of my shirt trying to reframe my body from getting aroused, but damn this man is so fine.

"I didn't say that I just said that you're cocky. You can't have every girl that you want."

"And why is that?"

"Because you can't have me."

He chuckled. "If I really wanted you April, and I mean if I really really wanted you, you'd be laying in my bed naked right now."

"That's possible, but I'd have to be a willing participant. Therefore, your words aren't so tempting, are they?"

"We both know you would gladly accept my invitation."

"That's your problem. You think you know me but the same way you flirt I can play that game ten times harder."

"Possibly." He laughed with an amused smirk. "The only difference is I can back everything up. You're all talk."

"Rashad if I really wanted to have you, and I mean if I really really wanted to have you, you'd be laying beside me in that same bed of yours with a hard-on. So please don't flatter yourself."

Rashad laughed nodding his head. Of course Rashad could back it up but I wasn't backing down this time. He loves to have my emotions in the air and have me fantasizing about what we would be and now it's my turn to do the same.

"April I'll break you in half."

"Oh word? I like my men aggressive."

"You don't even know what being aggressive is. When I'm chocking you and pounding your back in I am going to make you eat those words. I want you to have this same energy when I fuck your head up."

"And when that day comes..." I smiled gliding my hand up his thigh. "When you're pounding me thinking that you're superior, I'm going to make you release the biggest load that you didn't think a girl like me could ever make you have. When you're grunting in my ear and telling me how much you love my pussy, I want you to remember just how quick this virgin made you her bitch."

I smiled looking down at his pants once I felt something thick by his leg.

I looked into his eyes. "Who's aroused now?"

He smirked. "All I ask is that you keep this same energy, because when I hurt you I want you to remember this moment."


Rashad simply smiled nodding his head. "So what's up? Do you want to go?"

"Sure. Are you taking me home to change?"

"We could do that or I could take you to buy something."

"Oh I've earned a shopping spree, huh?"

"Baby you can get anything you want as long as you're worth it."

"In that case, I would love to go shopping."

He smiled. "I know your ass would."

"Shut up." I laughed nudging him. "Don't forget I have my own money playa, so don't think you're doing me any favors."

"Your change couldn't touch my pockets on my worst day and that's okay. Like I said you can get whatever you want."

The thought of walking into the store and grabbing the first thing that I saw was exciting. Absolutely not having to worry about the cost because lets be honest, people like me aren't given that luxury. However, it would be nice to be treated like a princess and ball on someone else's expense so I think I am going to enjoy this.

"I have never asked a man for anything besides my father. I'm a grown woman and I can do for myself. So if you're truly offering than I'll accept as long as you know that you're not doing me any favors."

"So you think you're grown, huh?"

"I don't care for anyone to tell me otherwise."

"That mouth might be grown but that body isn't."

"Sweetie this body can back this mouth up. I am the whole package."

"Mmm you is, huh?" He smiled piercing his bottom lip. "Why don't you show me just how grown that body is."

"I'm not even going to go there with you Rashad." I laughed. "You win."

I must admit teasing Rashad is fun and all but I am not seriously ready to let go. I'm more so nervous to find out what will happen when I do. If Rashad is the man that I happen to lose my virginity to, I just hope that I am any good when that day comes.

"Why you backing down?"

"Because you have something to say for everything."

Rashad smiled deciding to let it go. I could tell that he was enjoying our bickering and wanted it to continue but I was nearly out of things to say. Rashad has a smart mouth and if I want to get the best of him, I'm going to have to learn how he operates first. Which means I need to upgrade my comebacks because I'll lose to him every time.

"Well lets get ready to get out of here." He said.

"And put on what? I can't wear this." I giggled. "Are my clothes still in the dryer?"

"I mean you could but I don't want your girls breathing down your neck."

I laughed. "They most definitely would be."

I can hear them now. Giving me a hard time about my decisions considering what Rashad and I went through. I told my friends that I was never going to see him again not knowing that in a few days I'd be sitting on his couch in his clothes. Funny how life turns out.

"I tell you what, go upstairs and make a right. There is a guest room that has a bag of my sister's old clothes in the closet. She's always leaving clothes here when she comes to visit, and your about her size so I am sure you can find something. I'll call for you when I am ready."

"Does she have a flat iron?" I asked as I ran my hands through my hair. It was honestly a mess.

"I think but I'm sure." He paused looking at my hair. "Why are you flat ironing it?"

"Because it looks a mess Rashad. This is not cute."

"I think you look fine."

For a moment I contemplated about just throwing my hair into a messy bun, but then I thought about how I would look standing beside Rashad. I'm sure he is going to wear something nice so I don't want to look a mess beside him. I need to match his fly. Plus if hoes see that I am not coming as hard as he is they'll most certainly try him.

"Maybe I'll wear it like this another time but today it's getting done."

He smiled. "Okay. Go ahead and get dressed. I want to be out of here before four"

"Okay." I said heading upstairs to the guest room.

When I entered the room I immediately noticed how feminine the decor was. It's as if his sister made this her room. It's actually cute that Rashad has taken the time to clear this room out given the fact that she doesn't live her. Maybe he has it to where she can come over whenever she wants. If so, that's awfully nice of him.

On my way up here I believe I passed by two more guest rooms. I wondered if those rooms were also decorated to the liking of his other family members. I made a mental note to check out the rest of the rooms later. I especially wanted to see what his pool house looked like.

As I went through his sisters bag I laid a few choices on the bed putting some pieces together. He's right I am around the same size as his sister. Not to mention I love her taste. I actually wouldn't mind going shopping with her one day. Her fashion scheme is definitely dope. I also seen a few designer pieces in the bag. I was surprised that she would actually leave these behind, but with a brother like Rashad, I am sure she can afford to buy anything that she wants. So leaving these clothes here must not be that important to her.

A part of me actually wanted to wear a few of her designer pieces but because we were only going to the mall I thought to keep it simple. Simple but cute. Cute enough to match Rashad.

She had a few fashion nova pieces in here so I was able to put together an outfit.

A part of me still felt like it was a bit much but for some weird reason I wanted to impress Rashad. Although that impression may come in his sisters clothes, hopefully he appreciates the fact that I am trying to look nice for him. Not mention I am not wearing any underwear with this skirt. His boxer weren't going to cut it. I just hope he doesn't try anything or maybe he won't even notice. But lets be real Rashad knows everything. I guarantee I won't make it out of the door without him making a comment about it.

"Thank you Rashad's sister for hooking your girl up.." I said aloud as I put on a few accessories. "Hopefully your brother will fancy me in your clothes." I laughed.

After getting dressed I went into the bathroom to see if she had a flat ironing. Sadly I didn't find one. Instead she left a crinkling iron behind. I must say crinkles are not my favorite look however I was in no position to pout about it. My hair desperately needed to be done. So I quickly pulled the iron out and plugged it up.

"Well that's great." I said looking at my reflection in the mirror. I realized that I did not have any make up. His sister had a few concealers in the drawer but we aren't the same color. She's actually a bit darker than I am. "What am I going to do?" I frowned.

Not to say that I need makeup for me to look nice but hey, I am still trying to impress Rashad. Its absolutely crazy how much thought I am putting into this. We are literally going to the mall and I feel like I'm stressing over an outfit more than Rashad is. For all I know he could've thrown on some sweat pants a white tee. So why am I trying so hard?

As I did my hair I racked my brain on what I could do to my face. Although it was absolutely useless to have these thoughts I couldn't help it. It's not like I could wear his sister's concealer and magically make it match my color. I am honestly tripping right now. I keep trying to tell myself that it isn't that serious, but the harder I thought about it the more serious it became to me.

"April!" I heard Rashad call for me downstairs.

"Shit!" Luckily I had put the finishing touches on my hair but still did not know what I was going to do about my face. "Coming! I'll be down in a second!"

I ran over to the bed and quickly slid on my heels. I fingered the crinkles in my hair as I tried to convince myself that everything was going to be okay. He's going to think I look beautiful. I sighed grabbing a purse from the closet.

"We got this." I said as I left the room. "Rashad I need to go home." I said as I came down the stairs.


"I just need to. I need to get my makeup."

"You can buy all of that stuff while we're out. Although you look completely fine to me."

"Why if I can just grab all these things from my dorm?" I honestly had no problem using my products from home.

"You look beautiful without makeup. You honestly don't need it. Your skin is clear and even if it wasn't you'd still be beautiful to me."

I smiled. "Thank you but I would feel more comfortable going home to grab these things."

"And I would feel more comfortable if you would just let me be the man. I know you have all these things shawty but I'm trying to show you that I can take care of you. I understand that you're feeling some type of way about how you look but you actually look sexy as hell. Not to mention I know you're not wearing any underwear."

Exactly what I said. Nothing and I mean nothing gets past Rashad.

"So chill out, let me admire your natural beauty, and try to have a good time. Alright ma?"

I just smiled deciding to give up. It doesn't matter what I say, it's clear that he isn't going to change his mind or take no for an answer. Although he did warn me that he doesn't take no for an answer it is honestly hard to make him eat his words. The way he speaks makes you want to accept all that he has to offer. Maybe I am just tripping. I was worried that I wasn't going to impress him but I think I already have. So I guess I should just let this go.

"Okay Rashad. You win."

"Good." He smiled grabbing my hand. "And don't think I didn't notice how nice you look. You look beautiful and I want you to know that."


Traffic was insane getting to the mall. It's crazy how busy it is today. Not to mention that the mall is packed. It took us awhile just to find a parking spot. I have never seen a mall this busy so they must have the best store, and lucky for me I get to be a princess in them.

Rashad helped me out of the car like he always does chanting soft remarks in my ear. He says the sweetest things. He is lucky that I am a sucker for chivalry otherwise his remarks would have no effect on me. Sometimes I just want to grab ahold of him and give him exactly what he wants. I find myself struggling to not become attached to him. Even though it's only been a day Rashad makes it impossible for you to ignore him.

"Get anything you like." He said as we entered our first store.

The first store we went to was Victoria Secret. I nearly went crazy in here. I am really into lingerie and I am sure Rashad noticed. Every time I picked up something he made sure to let me know that he'd love to see me in it. He even insisted that I let him pick out a few pieces for me. Although this was extremely inappropriate I couldn't tell him no. I was interested in seeing what he would pick out for me. Something freaky I hope. I would love to parade in front of Rashad in lingerie before he fucked my brains out.

Rashad spent about $320 in Victoria Secret. I was surprised that I made him spend that much but he assured me that it was okay. He simply reminded me that it was on him and that he wanted me to feel like a princess. However I think I more so wanted to be a queen instead.

Next we went into the Louis Vuitton store. Rashad helped me find a few nice pieces in here as well. I must say for a man Rashad has good taste. He definitely has a good eye for knowing what looks good on his woman. I wonder if he's been shopping with his mother or sister before because all of his selections were good.

I can only imagine how much he spoils his girlfriends. I bet they are like the happiest woman on earth. To have a man that doesn't mind doing for you and always makes it his business to remain a gentleman despite the fact that he has it all is sexy. I'm surprise he's not married by now. I'm sure women would run down the alter happily ready to say I do.

The tab in the second store came up to about $800. By the time we reached our third store I lost count on how many items I bought and how much Rashad spent. I was in heaven. He took me to stores like Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Fendi and Balenciaga. After we left the last store Rashad literally paid people to help us carry all of my bags to the car. Today I truly felt like a princess and I have to thank Rashad for that.

"You sure do know how to treat a girl."

He smiled. "Did you find everything that you wanted?"

"Rashad I feel like I got more than what I wanted. I have to figure out where I am going to put all of that stuff.

He laughed. "Don't trip shawty. You can leave some stuff at my place. At least that will give you a reason to come and see me."

Today has been one of the funnest days of my life. I have never had a man cater to me this much. Don't get me wrong I appreciate everything that Stephen has done for me, but this truly is the best day of my life. I haven't enjoyed someone's company in a long time.

"We need to be out of here by seven-thirty, so what would you like to eat?"

"I am not sure. What are you in the mood for?" I asked as we passed along the mini restaurants in the round about.

"I would prefer that we went to a restaurant but since we don't have time, I could do some chinese. Is that cool with you?"

"That's fine with me."

After ordering our food we quickly found a place to sit. Normally Chinese food at malls are sometimes a hit or miss but surprisingly my plate wasn't bad.

"Thank you for today. You really didn't have to do any of this."

"You don't have to thank me. This is only half of what I can do for you."

I smiled. "You really did make me feel like a princess."

"Then I have fulfilled my goal today." He smiled. "And I would love to show you more."

I bit my bottom lip trying to restrain myself from smiling so hard. Why is it that he always has me lost at words? He's so skilled at finding ways to make his words stick. It's like he's a natural at charming women.

I simply remained quiet as I ate my food. My mind raced with thoughts but they were left unspoken. Although this one question floated around my head that left me lost for words. Is this where I am really meant to be?

"What?" I asked when I caught Rashad staring at me. Do I have something in my teeth?

"You're just so beautiful."

I smiled. "Thank you." I took a sip of my lemonade saying, "If you don't mind me asking, why are you single?"

Rashad sat back in his chair with a smirk on his face as he looked down at his lap. "I often wonder the same thing myself but I always know the answer."

"Yeah, and what's that?"

"I haven't found the right one. The type of man I am is not the type of man every female can handle. There has to be a specific one to catch my eye. Someone I feel that I can trust. When shit gets rough I will feel confident at knowing that person will keep me at peace."

"So what about the women that you're around. Who are they to you?"

"Girls that I deal with from time to time. I don't have sex with all of them. I might take them out but that's all. Normally, when I get involved with a girl she gets overprotective and thinks she owns me. Thinks she owns my money and no one controls that but me."

"Hmp, so what am I to you?"

Rashad eyed me closely as I tried my best to read him. Yet, Rashad has a good way at hiding how he feels. Or maybe I haven't quite figured him out yet.

"I like you. I think we're very similar and I feel like you can understand me. You need a little work but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."

"Oh, so I'm your little project, huh?"

"Not at all. Don't misunderstand me. You are a woman that I am potentially trying to figure out if I can have a future with. As of right now, I don't think that I have been wrong about you at all."

I sighed suddenly remembering the relationship that I am in. The relationship that I have damn near put on the back burner to spend an entire day with a man who I swore to never see again. I can only imagine how worried Stephen is about me. How many times he may have called me. I know I am going to owe him an explanation but I honestly wouldn't know what to say. What, that I played someone else's girlfriend for a day? The more I thought about it the more I believed that it was better to say nothing at all.

"Rashad you must understand the position I'm in. I'm in a relationship."

"That is true but I want you and I'm not going to stop until I have you. I am willing to hang out with you and be mindful to keep my hands to myself, however, I will only do that for so long."

"What does that mean?"

"I will only keep my hands off of you for so long. You're honestly lucky that I haven't already pushed up on you. There were so many opportunities but I am man enough to give you some time to figure things out."

I sighed. "I honestly don't think I have it in me to do it. I don't think I can break up with him."

Rashad smiled. "Just you watch and see. The day will come when you'll realize that I was right about everything, and the day that I make you cum is going to be your first real taste of love."


When we got back to the house we quickly showered and got dressed. Unfortunately we were running a little behind schedule so we both decided to give each other our space to get ready. Although Rashad did joke about joining me in the shower he respectfully took a shower downstairs and gave me upstairs to roam freely. I took great joy in lathering up my body because I was wearing one of the scents that Rashad picked out for me. I also wore one of the sets that he picked out from Victoria secret. Although I decided not to wear a bra with my top.

After getting dressed I started on my hair. The crinkles had fell from earlier which was odd. Normally my hair can hold curls but I guess it was okay because I was planning on changing my hair anyways. I bought a flat iron from the mall! I also bought some makeup from Fenty that I was dying to use. Although I did settle on doing a natural beat tonight. I'll save my makeup skills for another night. Maybe when Rashad and I go on our first date.

After I was done with my hair and makeup I stepped back in the mirror. I looked so nice! I loved how the color from my clothes complimented my skin and my natural beat actually did this outfit justice. As I applied on some lip gloss I didn't notice Rashad standing at the door.

"Oh my gosh you scared me." I gasped clutching my chest. I wondered how long he had been standing there. When did he even come in? I didn't hear the door open.

Rashad didn't say a word as he stared at me. His eyes were soft yet filled with desire as he examined every inch of my body.

"Do you like?" I managed to ask. He was beginning to make me nervous.

Rashad circled around me slowly as the smirk on his face grew. Did I impress him? His silence slowly taunted me. I wanted to know what was going on in that mind of his. I nearly collapsed when Rashad pressed himself against my backside. I sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer.

His breathing put me at ease as he rubbed his nose on the top of my shoulder. I could feel my body temperature rising. I could feel myself trembling as his hands glided down my legs. He promised that he'd keep his hands to himself, but is teasing me an exception?

"You look beautiful April." He finally spoke. Why did his voice make me want to crawl into his pocket?

"Thank you." I smiled turning around to face him. "You look nice too." His designer fit definitely complimented him well.

"Thank you." He said as he pulled me back into his arms. "Don't run from me. I haven't done anything yet." He ran his nose against my neck. "Mmm, you smell like strawberries. You know you're wearing my favorite scent."

"Yes I do." I hoped Rashad would notice and he did. "Hold on.." I said as I grabbed a bottle of perfume out a bag. I walked over to Rashad spraying myself before playful spraying him.

He snatched the bottle from my hand before I could even blink good. Damn his reflexes were fast. "Girl I know you did not just spray me."

"I sure did. What are you going to do about it?"

"You want to know what I can do about it?" He smirked squeezing my ass as I moaned resting my head on his chest. "Oh you like that, huh?"

"Mhm." I sighed as his hands slid up my torso. I swear he turns me the hell on and I am sure I have that same effect on him. I could not ignore the hard-on that he had me laying on.

He was pressing it against my ass and it felt amazing. He knew exactly what he was doing because he wouldn't let me move. I for sure know that Rashad is packing. I have felt his dick too many times and I'm almost certain his dick reaches the middle of his thigh. Is it even biologically possible to be that big?

Abruptly Rashad picked me up slamming by back against the wall. It was so quick and rough that it frightened me yet excited me at the same time. I glared into his eyes as he looked into mine. The rhythm of our breathes were all that we heard as we glared into each others eyes. The hunger that I saw in his eyes made my stomach turn. I was feeling the same way. Ready to risk it all.

"Don't look at me like that. I can make you climb these walls April."

"And I'll make you touch the ceiling" I challenged yet I noticed that his attention was no longer on me. Instead his eyes had adverted to my lips.

Next thing I knew he was shoving his tongue down my throat and I couldn't resist him. I couldn't stop him. I didn't want to stop him. I wanted this just as much as he did. Rashad grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head as we continued to make out.

"Mmm.." I moaned as he sucked the groove of my neck before kissing me once more. As we continued to taste each other I couldn't help but feel the brick that I was sitting on. The more I wiggled against it the more he grew and the wetter I became.

"Are you okay?" I asked looking at his pants. It was very evident that Rashad had a hard-on. There was absolutely no way of hiding it.

"I'm straight ma. You just got him going crazy." Rashad said as he released me. He took a few steps back. "I done fucked up."

"I'm sorry?" What was he talking about? Did I do something wrong?

"I said that I am man enough to wait and I intend to stand by that. I should have never cornered you like that. I apologize for my actions."

"You really don't have to." Really, he didn't have to. I was not complaining.

"But I do. I am a gentleman first and foremost baby. So I will try to not let that happen again." He smirked. "Granted you don't tease me."

"Oh so is that why you couldn't hold it in? I was teasing you?"

"You just smelled so good. I couldn't help it."

I smiled walking towards him. I circled the rim of his lips with my thumb before inserting it into my mouth. "My lip gloss tastes good."

"See there you go teasing me again."

I laughed. "I am sorry."

"Now you got me wanting to tastes your lips again." He chuckled. "You aren't going to make this easy for me, are you?"

"No I am sorry Rashad. Really."

He smiled. "Are you ready?" I nodded. He grabbed his keys turning off the light. "After you."

When we walked into his garage I made my way to Rashad's Maserati before he stopped me.

"Where are you going?"

"Aren't we taking this one?"

"Nah." He said throwing me a set of keys. "We're taking the Benz."

"You're letting me drive?"

"Can you drive?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Then show me what you got ma."

I eagerly ran to the driving side as Rashad helped me inside the car. I immediately fell in love with the car. It was fly as hell!

"How many times have you drove this car?" I asked as Rashad got inside.

"Probably like once or twice." He said hitting the garage opener. "I mostly drive the Maserati or my Escalade."

"What about the Tesla and Audi? Do you ever drive those?" I asked backing out of the driveway.

"Not so much. I did when I first got them. I was going to give one to my sister but you can have either one if you want it."

"No Rashad please give one to your sister. I'm sure she'll appreciate it. I can not accept anymore gifts from you."

He laughed. "Why not shawty? Are you feeling a bit spoiled?"

"Just a bit. I'm not use to it."

"Well I'm sorry that you're not use to it love, but I enjoy buying you things. There is no need for you to be so humble I want to spoil you. Just be the natural princess that you were born to be. You don't have to hide anything from me baby. Tell me what you want. I am here to provide, protect and love you. Because at the end of our journey you will have my last name."

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