A Warrior's Heart | Omen Of D...

By QueensparklesYt

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RobinStar and CrowDawn have a big destiny. They grew up as best friends, until betrayal happened and one cat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Next Book!

Chapter 28

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By QueensparklesYt

RobinStar fell asleep. She scowled at where she found herself."Blood Forest!" She dashed to a black rock, ready to pounce on Scourge. She was confused on why she was here."You'll like to train here when I tell you the truth,"Scourge chuckled, emerging from the shadows, and staring at RobinStar. RobinStar growled,"Bet not." Scourge began,"CrowDawn didn't try to control her feelings for DribbleCloud. Breeze was a curse, only CrowDawn could have birthed too. he was jealous after you chose ThrushFeather, and not nobody,"Scourge sneered. RobinStar felt evil pulse through her."CrowDawn tried to fix it all..."She tried to reason with herself,"No! She's a jealous fox heart!" She snarled,her evil side growling for blood. RobinStar gazed at Scourge,"I'll join you,"She breathed. Screams yowled in her head, warning her to think of the decision she'd already chosen."CrowDawn has a chance, though,"RobinStar added in a grunt. Scourge smiled evilly, his tail flicked welcomely."Good. Now, a good cat to train, needs to train with claws, unsheathed. RobinStar gasped, dismayed,"What?!" She lashed her tail. We're going to save CrowDawn from Breeze, RobinStar vowed silently, I won't rest, until Breeze is dead which means this type of...training. Scourge turned,"C'mon,"He ordered. He raced into the dark forest. RobinStar followed until Scourge's pelt was gone, and she was stuck in darkness. All she heard was gentle cries, and smiles of pain and sadness, its grunts of pain heart-breaking. The crying sounded like RobinStar. RobinStar shivered, and bolted out of the dark trees. She came to a lake, three other cats with different Blood Forest clanmates."One cat from each clan,"RobinStar murmured. The cat in ShadowClan was FeatherShadow."Water!" The tom hissed, his silver with black-striped pelt bristling. RobinStar glanced at the water. It was scarlet red, a blood lake. The RiverClan cat, TigerFur snarled,"What so wrong with water?" His brown-tabby pelt bristled with anger. RobinStar glared at them,"Shut up!" She hissed irratibly. FeatherShadow's amber gaze looked at RobinStar."RobinStar?" FeatherShadow seemed surprised,"What's the leader of ThunderClan doing here?" RobinStar didn't respond. The WindClan cat, was StormFrost. She had a white fluffy pelt with gray, frosted stripes. She was also deputy of WindClan."So? I'm deputy, mouse brain!" StormFrost growled. FeatherShadow snorted and turned away. The three cats escorting the clan cats were white like ghosts. Their eyes were all golden."Ghost, Snow and Wisp, show them how they'll be fighting,"Scourge commanded. Wisp was small. She crouched and waited till Snow crouched in front of her. Snow was muscular. Still, quite small. Ghost sat, hidden behind a dark boulder. His fur was fluffy. The four clan cats watched, curiousity in their gaze. RobinStar watched, her heart thumped when Wisp lunged at Snow's throat, she sliced it. RobinStar gasped, her eyes now wide with terror. Snow choked and backed up, she tried to hiss but it reverted into a deadly cough. FeatherShadow watched, his eyes were full of curiousity, and he looked fascinated at the sliced throat. RobinStar found herself backing up. As she did, her paw touched the cold, bloody water."Eek!" She jumped forward. It was freezing. The blood crawled up her paw. RobinStar jumped out the cold blood lake and sat near StormFrost, who seemed terrified the same as her. Suddenly, Ghost sprang at Wisp, and cut her throat. Blood gushed out of Wisp's neck and mouth. Her eyes weren't scared, though. Ghost didn't stop until Wisp's head, was disconnected from her body."Oh my StarClan!" StormFrost breathed in horror. RobinStar froze."She's dead!" She cried. Scourge stood in front of her, a scowl on his face,"We don't die unless we've been here a long time!" Scourge hissed, his blue eyes deadly,"My kits, have been here for three moons!" He turned away. RobinStar stood,"You're dead; you can't have kits,"She meowed sternly. Scourge turned around, his small body arched,"Only Blood Forest cats can have kits,"He chuckled."My mate's been dead, but as if I ever cared!" StormFrost looked dismayed,"You never fall in love if you don't mean it!" She hissed, her green eyes still bewildered. Scourge didn't reply. He turned around and watched Wisp's dead body. A heartbeat later, she came back. Her body dissapeared for a moment, but she reappeared, alive."You have to do that, in water,"Snow gazed at RobinStar, then her gaze led to the others. Ghost added,"Don't go for the killing bite." RobinStar shuddered. This is for CrowDawn! She reminded herself silently."RobinStar and FeatherShadow,"Scourge gave a brisk nod at the two clan cats,"StormFrost and TigerFur." RobinStar relunctantly waded into the bloody water, and stood a fox-length away from FeatherShadow. He smirked. RobinStar rolled her eyes and unsheathed her claws. FeatherShadow waded closer, the water was up to his shoulders. RobinStar then realized how deep the blood was. Who's blood was it? It was up to her neck. Suddenly, FeatherShadow lunged at RobinStar. RobinStar screeched and splashed away, hoping she was quick enough.

She wasn't.

FeatherShadow ducked her underwater, pinning her. RobinStar screamed but she choked up blood and red bubbles were the only cry. FeatherShadow dipped his head underwater, and slashed her neck. RobinStar strained for air. She kicked at FeatherShadow. FeatherShadow continued drowning her. Ghost pinned him on the riverbed,"That's not the move!" He snarled. RobinStar gasped as she emerged from the blood. Scourge stopped the fighting,"Get on land and groom. It's almost dawn and that's when you should leave!" Scourge called. RobinStar felt her sticky pelt. She was dipped in red. She whimpered. RobinStar limped onto land. Warily, she groomed. She winced at the taste of blood. He robin-coloured pelt was barely noticeable through the blood. RobinStar thought, her head spinning. This is for CrowDawn! She reminded herself silently, again. After she groomed, and Snow cleaned up her neck, she woke. She padded out the den. She felt exhausted. RobinStar definitley had not slept. She rested on High-Tree, heart slowing to a cooler, normal pace. As she rested on a thick, branch, she felt woozy. She jumped when it felt like she was upside down. She scrambled up the branch, trying to calm down. RobinStar awkwardly sprang off the tree and padded to the nursery. TansyKit kicked leaves angrily. RobinStar blinked and sighed. She walked off to SnowPaw, who hung out with ThistlePaw."SnowPaw we're going to go train to fight,"She called. SnowPaw blinked, his gaze lit up. His light silver pelt swooshed to RobinStar."Calm down,"She purred, her tail held high. SnowPaw gaped in a smile, but held in whatever he planned to say. CrowDawn darted over to RobinStar,"May I, borrow you for a moment?" She asked nervously, but in a desperate voice. SnowPaw glared at the deputy,"She's bringing me out for training!" He protested. CrowDawn sat up, licking her chest fur,"I must borrow her for a second,"She repeated harshly, tail swaying, alert. RobinStar sighed, her gaze was bewildered. What had gotten into CrowDawn?"I'll be there in a moment,"RobinStar meowed to CrowDawn. CrowDawn dipped her head before laying near the prey pile."SnowPaw wait for me at the camp entrance,"RobinStar ordered briskly. SnowPaw's eyes were angry and bitter amazed that his mentor would abandon him to wait."Fine!" He huffed, his silver and black pelt bristling. He stalked towards the entrance, muttering something under his breath. RobinStar sighed. She stood and padded to CrowDawn, head high."What is it?" She hissed irratibly,"You inturrupted SnowPaw's training lesson!" CrowDawn stood up. She was a whisker-length away from RobinStar's muzzle. He black fur was ruffled with fear and mystery. RobinStar sighed,"Well?" She looked up at CrowDawn, almost jumping at her friend's intense gaze."I know what the prophecy means,"She whispered, voice almost cracking,"Meet me behind the nursery at sundown." RobinStar felt her heart stop. CrowDawn knew what the prophecy ment? Pelt bristling with terror, she nodded, unable to speak. What was the prophecy? Was it bad? Was something going to happen?! Those questions chewed at RobinStar. She scrambled over to SnowPaw, glancing over her shoulder to find CrowDawn pacing then telling IceSplash to lead a border patrol with LilyTail and MumbleTail. RobinStar scowled. LilyTail. LilyTail ruined CrowDawn's life! Before her clanmate was six moons, CrowDawn's mother, LilyTail, mistreated her because she looked like her father. That'll be for CrowDawn too, She thought, only knowing she planned something deadly for LilyTail.

After Training, RobinStar slipped behind the nursery."CrowDawn?" She whispered,"Hello?" CrowDawn popped up. Her ear flicked. Her blue gaze glimmered with sympathy, making RobinStar suspicious."What does the prophecy mean?" RobinStar shook her head, trying to be focused and not distracted. CrowDawn drew in a long breath,"It's about me, and my father."

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