Chapter 17

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RobinWind blinked awake. ThrushFeather lay next to her. His fur warmed her. She licked his cheek. He woke with a yawn."You're leading dawn patrol,"RobinWind reminded him. ThrushFeather sighed and nodded."See you later." RobinWind padded to the medicine den. Two sunrises had passed since the battle with BloodClan. She hadn't visited BloodClan. probably because she murdered their deputy, Bone. Pushing that out of her mind she called through the entrance to the medicine den,"StormPaw?" The tom rushed out of his den, carrying poppy seeds."Hello."He mewed."What do you need?" She told the silver and ginger-tabby tom that she needed to know what cats were going to the gathering. StormPaw grunted,"You get to choose. You're in charge while BurrStar is hurt and weak." RobinWind was worried now. Who would she choose?"Anyway, bring this poppy seed to RoseFlower,"StormPaw ordered, passing Robinwind a poppy seed. She dipped her head and picked it up, padding to the elders den."RoseFlower? Here, eat this." She dropped a poppy seed in front of the red, multi coloured she-cat. RoseFlower let out a groan and ate it."Stop fussin' about me!" She pleaded. RobinWind glanced sympathetically at the elder. Her fur was turning gray, eyes dull, fur matted and ungroomed."I'm going to check you for ticks."RobinWind narrowed her eyes. RoseFlower sighed."I give up." Robinind stroked her paws through the she-cats fur."Ha! here's one." RobinWind crunched it in her teeth. RoseFlower relaxed now, soon to be asleep. When the elder was asleep, RobinWind groomed her. RoseFlower's fur was soft and clean. RobinWind tip-toed out, careful not to wake the sleepy old cats. She sprang onto High-Tree. She dug her claws into the bark, loving the feel of soft wood crinkle under her paws."Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather below High-Tree!" RobinWind called. Cats tumbled out of their dens."BurrStar is weak so i shall lead us for now. The gathering is tonight and some of you must come." She glanced at her clanmates, who gazed curiously at her."Is the dawn patrol back?" She asked."Yes,"ThrushFeather's pale gray-thrush coloured pelt bursted through the entrance, MapleTuft-A red calico tom-came out after. Then CrowDawn."Here's who I've decided to bring."She gazed at her clanmates."CrowDawn, IvyFern, ThrushFeather, SilverStrike, StormPaw and IceSplash."-She flicked her tail-"Clan dissmissed." She leaped off of High-Tree and started toward DawnHeart.-A creamy colour she-cat with dawn amber eyes-"Lead a hunting patrol,"She ordered."Bring IvyFern, IceSplash and RipplePelt."-A muscular brown-tabby tom-DawnHeart nodded briskly and raced off to recruit her clanmates. StormPaw darted over to RobinWind."Can you give a poppy seed to BurrStar? I need to collect herbs so I need him to be asleep." StormPaw looked overwhelmed without his mother's help."Your mother's going to the moonStone to make you an official medicine cat?"She asked. StormPaw nodded."Alright, go collect herbs."RobinWind's tail flicked as she padded into the medicine cat den. She grabbed a poppy seed."Eat this,"She ordered BurrStar. He sighed and ate."Fine,"He mumbled exhaustedly. RobinWind's legs ached. She padded to the warriors den and comfortably nosed around in her nest. She longed to sleep but she only found herself letting her body rest. She groomed her belly. Which felt strangely heavy. She glanced at it. She felt bloated. She padded out of the warriors den. Her body non-aching."FlowerBlossom?"She stuck her head in the nursery."My belly is heavy. Am I..." FlowerBlossom inturrupted with a happy gasp."You're expecting!" RobinWind's eyes stretched wide. Her claws ripped the grass."Well, I'm going to the gathering,"She hissed stubbornly. RobinWind stalked away. She would love her kits, a promise she could keep. The sun as sinking when she called the cats chosen to go to the gathering. Murmurs crowded the air as the gathering cats padded to gathering place. She flicked her tail for ThrushFeather to come over. What will I tell him? She silently asked herself. RobinWind gazed lovingly at him."I'm having our kits.."She whispered. ThrushFeather gasped with joy and love."Really?!" Then, he strickened."StormPaw!"He called back to the medicine cat."StormCloud."The tom corrected as he padded over."Congratualtions!" RobinWind purred. StormCloud dipped his head in thanks. RobinWind fixed her eyes on her paws. ThrushFeather glared at her."Tell him,"He growled, though, softness was in his voice."Tell me what?"StormCloud's gaze was stern and demanding."I think I'm expecting,"She admitted. She told StormCloud she'd felt like this for atleast three sunrises."You're expecting,"StormCloud mewed, feeling RobinWind's belly."They'll come a while now." Relief washed over RobinWind. She wasn't ready for kits just yet.StormCloud continued,"You have to be in the nursery when pain is everywhere on you, and you've got a limp." RobinWind nodded slowly. She had pain everywhere sometimes, but no limp.

"When does it usually happen?"

"When it wants to,"StormCloud replied, giving a small shrug. RobinWind shivered. Any time? She let her fur brush ThrushFeather's, seeking comfort in his warm, soft fur. She carried on. They passed the log that stops ThunderClan from going to the gathering place. She remembered when she was an apprentice, out for the first time. She'd let her claws in the soft, odd bark. SilverStrike rushed along. She couldn't help smiling at the old memory. It was gone now the past. She glanced at her mate. ThrusFeather loved the soft bark. RobinWind saw him dig his claws deep in the soft bark."Let's go!" She called back to her clanmates, who rushed to keep up. They reached the a gathering place a heartbeat later. RobinWind balanced on the log, claws sturdy. She sprang onto the island and leaped onto Gathering-Tree. It was an old oak, its branches creaked as she jumped onto the ThunderClan's branch."RiverClan will go first,"DoveStar meowed wisely."RiverClan has two new apprentices,"DoveStar's gray and white pelt flashed toward a russet-furred she-cat, and a white and black tom."RussetPaw, and StonePaw."The RiverClan leader let the clans cheer."Now to more important things,"DoveStar continued,"This newleaf, is awfully hard. Twolegs are living near the lake and taking our fish. Fortuneatly, for us, there's lots of fish on the other side of the river." She signaled the ShadowClan leader to speak. RobinWind gazed intently at TawnyStar. He's white mottled pelt glowed under the full moon."ShadowClan's hunting is great."He reported,"But, we've smelled fox. I don't usually give out weaknesses,"He quickly added to his clan."But it's a warning for every clan." RobinWind steadied herself when she found herself leaning to see TawnyStar. The WindClan leader, RockStar, spoke next."WindClan barely have any rabbits roaming around. We've been finding them up the moor and that's where I intend my clan to hunt."RobinWind noticed ribs showing from WindClan."We also have new kits from RabbitFoot."He meowed, but he was stifling a snort. RobinWind meowed nervously,"BurrStar is alive but wounded and weak from the battle with..BloodClan."She quickly explained the battle."I was chosen deputy."She finished."Prey is fine and we're stronger than ever." She flicked her tail."Gathering dissmissed!" She leaped down to ThrushFeather. Cats gathered behind them,"Let's go,"RobinWind ordered, making her way to the log. ThrushFeather licked her cheek."You did good." RobinWind took the compliment to heart,"Thanks,"She purred gently. She darted over the log, wanting to be off it. That was good for your first time! She thought to herself. They quickly padded to camp. The oak trees shadows towered on RbinWwind and ThrushFeather. As they entered camp CrowDawn asked,"Are you organizing patrols?" RobinWind nodded."Lead a border patrol to mark our border with ShadowClan. Bring IceSplash, DawnHeart, and RipplePelt." CrowDawn dashed away. RobinWind stared after her for a moment then looked toward IvyFern."Lead a hunting patrol with ThrushFeather and SilverStrike,"She ordered.IvyFern nodded and scrambled away. RobinWind would gaurd camp tonight. She padded to the camp entrance and noticed BreezeKit clumsily slipping her way over to her."BreezeKit what are you doing?"RobinWind asked gently."I'm not tired!" BreezeKit squeaked a reply. RobinWind sighed and brought the black she-kit back to the nursery. BreezeKit protested but RobinWind didn't say anything back. She padded back over to the entrance, when a voice echoed in her ear; A Crow's cry at Dawn, will break the Robin's Wind...

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