Chapter 23

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TansyKit yowled as her mother dropped her because a dog charged at her.TansyKit felt the urge to fight, but she knew StarClan told her not to, and listen to BurrStar. Yowls and splitting howls screeched in TansyKit's ears. She screeched when a dog coloured of dirt brown and black lunged at her. ThrushFeather leaped at it and pulled its tail, making the dog yelp and chase after TansyKit's father. Blood spilled on her view. Her eyes had been scratched! She yelped and cried for help when StormCloud swooped in and grabbed her. He put marigold on her eyes then cobwebs."Don't open your eyes,"StormCloud ordered softly, but TansyKit could hear and feel the tension and terror pulsing through him. She didn't open her eyes, of course. She let everything slip out of her mind. She smelled. She was in a mullberry bush that had blood scent on it. It's leaves tickled TansyKit but she didn't smile. She heard a yowl. A yowl that sounded like death. TansyKit's eyes felt better now."Take it off and peer out if you must,"StormCloud told her. TansyKit broke the herbs off her eyes and glared out the bush. The yowl,-that death sounding yowl had been ThrushFeather. RobinWind was hunched by him, wailing and yowling."No! ThrushFeather!-Father!" TansyKit yowled loud enough for WindClan, who was on the other side of the forest, to hear. Blood stained the ground. Her heart shattered. ThrushFeather was dead. There was no bringing him back either. He was in StarClan now. She dashed into the clearing, StormCloud yowled for TansyKit to stop when everything went silent. The fighting stopped and the cries of pain ended. The twolegs were here. The twolegs spoke excitedly to eachother but the look on their faces was blood thirsty. TansyKit's paws felt like they were frozen on the ground. The only movement was fur blowing gently and quietly in the wind. Her eyes were stuck on the twolegs. They were both males. TansyKit's eyes were wide with terror as the twoleg moved toward FlowerBlossom and her friends."No!" SilverStrike yowled as the twoleg pulled out a Killer Boom. TansyKit gasped as her clanmate slashed the twolegs arm, drawing blood. SilverStrike leaped away and the twoleg wailed and cried as its arm flowed with blood. FlowerBlossom, RainKit, SnowKit and ThistleKit, raced toward TansyKit. FlowerBlossom swept TansyKit in her tail, hiding her view from the horrifying dogs and twoelgs. The dogs barked and yelped by their twolegs side, growling too. TansyKit wanted to shut out the noise from the dogs and sit blankly with FlowerBlossom hiding her view. TansyKit's heart pounded. She thought it would pop right out her chest. ThrushFeather...She cried in her mind. She heard undergrowth swish. TansyKit glanced out of FlowerBlossom's calming tail. She sprang beside RainKit. A white dog with curly, long hair carried MouseWhiskers by the elders front legs. The elder she-cat was limp in the dogs mouth, either half dead, or dead. Blood dripped down her side and head. Her eyes were glazed with terror and fury. RoseFlower screeched and started her way out of the bush, blood dripping down her side too. TansyKit whimpered, she couldn't stand to see her clanmates die all around her! The twolegs retreated with high-pitched screams. TansyKit glanced toward her mother. RobinWind's claws were unsheathed and her eyes were full of pain and sadness. The dog dropped MouseWhiskers and it and the other dogs retreated with their twolegs with yelps."RobinWind will take ThrushFeather to camp, SilverStrike and FrogTail will bring MouseWhiskers, then, get in the same formation as last time,''BurrStar inturrupted the silence. TansyKit wished she could walk with RobinWind but instead, she had to walk with FlowerBlossom. RainKit's eyes were shocked and terrified, SnowKit's and ThistleKit's bravery and excitement died down into worry, and TansyKit was heart-broken and frozen. She didnt't blink. She was to scared and shocked to blink. All she did was walk, her muzzle shut tight. Her eyes weren't a green glow, more of a dull, green glow. How could she be okay? He father died! TansyKit almost died, and it was the prophecy's fault! All she knew, is that the prophecy caused this. She didnt know what it ment but the winds, and now this? What fate could be worse than TansyKit's?! Her eyes changed into fury. Her claws unsheathed and she bared her teeth. Stupid, stupid prophecy! Why'd StarClan do this to her? TansyKit wans't paying attention and only bickering with StarClan in her mind when she fell down a rabbit hole! She yowled,"Help!"

No one came.

"Help!" She cried again. She glanced around. Dirt was caked in her fur. Her thrush-coloured and red pelt was dirty. It was dark too. Rabbit prints bounced around TansyKit. Her heart beated faster and faster. As she glanced around wildly, her view became blind. All she saw was flashes of the rabbit hole and darkness. Paws stepped next to her by her clanmates and speckles of dirt fell onto TansyKit. She found her voice gone when she tried to yowl. She studied her eyes on her paws and glanced up the hole she fell from. Moonlight glittered in from it, as the only light. Her eyes sparkled in the light, but when she stepped out, they were dull. TansyKit unsheathed her claws. She remembered the wind blowing her and RobinWind away.The memory made her shiver. Part of her thought that time was suppose to lead her, or give her the skill to get up back to the surface. She clawed up the walls of the hole, also remembering when she climbed the steep slope in her dream when the prophecy was told to TansyKit. She clawed up to the hole and grabbed a hold of the side of the opening she fell from. She hooked her claws in then hung one side on the opening, the other, on the wall of the hole. She kicked up but instead of pushing her way to the surface, she dangled from the opening, her hindlegs dead looking as they hung. TansyKit gasped. She wiggled around then tried to hook her front paws higher and closer to the surface. Dirt fell from the opening. The side TansyKit held her grip on, was breaking! The dirt broke down, sending TansyKit on the ground with a umph! She was winded. StarClan help me! The young kit wailed silently. She got to her paws and sprang up towards the opening. She caught her breath again. She clawed a new place in the opening. She wiggled higher to the surface until her head popped from the opening. Her hindlegs kicked up but it was no use. Her front-end was up, but her back-end was not. TansyKit yowled as loud as she could,"Help me!!!" 

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