Chapter 21

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CrowDawn sighed. It was dawn and BreezePaw wouldn't wake up."BreezePaw, out here now or, you can clean the elders den!" The threat made BreezePaw stumble out of the den. CrowDawn remembered two days ago when her kit was made a apprentice. Her apprentice."What are we learning?"BreezePaw seemed to shake off her tiredness."Fighting,"CrowDawn replied briskly."Now let's go. When you're back you have to get moss for the nursery." CrowDawn glared at BreezePaw. The young she-cat rolled her eyes. CrowDawn sighed and dashed toward the hollow. BreezePaw scampered after her."Thanks for running!" BreezePaw panted sarcastically. CrowDawn gave a hard, stern look."Act up one more time and you'll be checking the elders for ticks for five moons!" BreezePaw then kept her mouth shut."Alright,"CrowDawn began, not minding her frightened kit and apprentice,"I'm a RiverClan warrior. I'm sneaking up on you and ready to attack. You must keep your senses high as I do this. You must know where I am, and when I'll pounce." BreezePaw nodded eagerly. CrowDawn watched until her apprentice didn't peek at her. She then leaped onto the hollow. She dropped into a crouch and let her thoughts explode out so she could relax and attack like a true warrior, but, she knew she wasn't a true warrior. She was a traitor. Loving a medicine cat, then having his kits! After she let her mind calm down, she pounced. CrowDawn landed squarely on BreezePaw's shoulders, who let out an alarmed cry. CrowDawn pinned her apprentice."That's not the way a true warrior fights!" She snarled at her kit. BreezePaw was scared, her eyes were terrified. CrowDawn was going to take all her rage and hurt on BreezePaw. What better to do? She let out a smirk."Fight right, fox dung!" CrowDawn ordered cruelly. BreezePaw scrambled to her paws, breathing heavily. CrowDawn knew she winded BreezePaw. She didn't care, of course. Her kit was worth nothing. Part of her knew this was wrong and fought to stop it. Hurting her kit and frightening her didn't fix CrowDawn's broken heart. She knew a warriors heart, belonged to RobinWind. Pain surged through her."Sorry,"CrowDawn whimpered to her kit."I really do care..." BreezePaw glanced frightenedly at her mother."You promise to be a warrior at heart, CrowDawn?" CrowDawn nodded."Can I give you advice?" BreezePaw nodded slowly."Well, always let your senses be sharp during battling times. Like right now,-a battling time,-"CrowDawn mewed. BreezePaw nodded."Alright." CrowDawn sprang onto the hollow. She studied her kit then pounced, kicking BreezePaw's back. BreezePaw flipped around and pinned CrowDawn. She hissed and kicked her mentor far across the clearing."Well done!" CrowDawn panted, lifting to her paws. BreezePaw grunted in a thank you before grooming her ruffled chest fur. CrowDawn licked her paw several times. It felt hurt. Stings bubbled in it. CrowDawn knew BreezePaw had wounded her paw by accident but she didn't tell her secret kit."Let's go back to camp, Mother..."

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