Chapter 25

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"TansyKit I'm leading a hunting patrol so FlowerBlossom's taking care of you,"RobinWind mewed. It had been five moons since RobinWind and her clan saved TansyKit from a rabbit hole. They saved her an odd way but she still got out."Okay!" TansyKit squeaked. RobinWind was now leading a hunting patrol with SilverStrike, DawnHeart and RippleTail."I think we should try near the marsh,"DawnHeart suggested,"We could find some voles!" RippleTail snorted teasingly,"Only because your favourite prey is vole!" DawnHeart smiled and leaped at him, her cream coloured pelt sparkling."Stop fooling around like kits you two!" RobinWind hissed,"You'll scare away all the prey with that racket!" DawnHeart sprang up, her amber eyes guilty. RippleTail's golden gaze was half guilty, have embarrassed."We'll split up,"RobinWind ingnored that she embarrassed the two warriors. She scanned the clearing. They were a fox-length away fron the ancient oak. Pebbles scattered the ground underneath the cats paws."Where did these pebbles come from?" SilverStrike hissed suspiciously. RobinWind grunted in pain as she stepped on a sharp one,"I don't know but they hurt!" She spat. DawnHeart nosed the pebbles behind the ancient oak,"Help me!" She mewed, still nosing them off the path every ThunderClan cat took. RobinWind dropped intoa crouch and began nosing the pebbles behind the ancient oak."Maybe they came during hunting season,"RippleTail reasoned,"I mean, do you see what twolegs have on their paws?" RobinWind nodded in agreement,"It's possible." DawnHeart lifted her head up,"Thank StarClan hunting season ends at the start of leaffall for this forest!" RippleTail purred,"True." DawnHeart huffed affectionately,"Of course, "true!" RobinWind smiled as the two warriors bonded. RippleTail and DawnHeart were made warriors three moons before RobinWind and CrowDawn, and still, they acted like playful kits. RobinWind sprang onto a branch connected to the ancient oak, its bark was brown-golden, shining in the leaffall sun."Alright, we have to hunt now,"RobinWind inturrupted DawnHeart and RippleTail."Sorry!" DawnHeart squeaked like a kit. RippleTail nudged her and whispered something in her ear RobinWind couldn't catch."We meet back here,"RobinWind continued,"DawnHeart will hunt at the marsh, RippleTail will hunt at the clearing,"-The clearing was a wide open space with few oak trees, it was two badgers away from ThunderClan camp,-"SilverStrike will hunt farther in our territory and I'll hunt farther in too,"RobinWind waited until DawnHeart, SilverStrike and RippleTail went their seperate was until she went her seperate way. She traveled into the trees, her tail brushing the ground as she walked. She halted and sniffed."Squirrel!"She reported half to herself. RobinWind dropped into a hunting crouch and stalked the squirrel. When it came into view, she found it burying its nuts for the winter. Winters a long way away! RobinWind growled at the squirrel silently. She pounced. The squirrel squeaked in alarm but before it could try to excape, RobinWind broke its neck and killed it. She grabbed her prey, realizing it was sun-high. Now she and the others had to go back to the ancient oak. RobinWind stopped half way to the ancient oak. She sniffed. Breeze could be around. Two oak trees surrounded RobinWind. Their leaves blew gently and the colours sparkled orange, red, and yellow. When RobinWind sniffed, Breeze's scent was stale but she'd travel here atleast early morning. RobinWind sighed. CrowDawn was Breeze's mother but RobinWind wasn't angry at her best friend. She was, fine with it. Well, even though the warrior code had been broke, all of it was part of the terrible prophecy. The prophecy that broke ThunderClan's closest warriors. RobinWind wished the prophecy would be kind to her clan. Not break hearts. She sighed and closed her eyes. RobinWind blinked then skidded to the ancient oak."You were late!" SilverStrike teased when she arrived. RobinWind rolled her eyes, tail flicking."Why are you so playful?" She asked. SilverStrike flicked his tail toward RippleTail and DawnHeart,"They're in love,"He purred. RobinWind smiled,"Alright love birds, let's get back to camp." RippleTail blushed. DawnHeart's creamy coloured tail brushed his cheek. The patrol padded back to camp. CrowDawn dashed to RobinWind,"There's two foxes!-T-They're killing B-BurrStar!" She cried. RobinWind called RippleTail, DawnHeart, IvyFern, SilverStrike and CrowDawn to come. The clan cats darted outside of camp. Foxes yipped and yelped in the distance. RobinWind, now determined, raced to the lake, where the yelps came from."Attack!" RobinWind yowled as the foxes lunged at BurrStar. The two foxes yipped and yelped in delight as if their meal was already dead. RobinWind sprang onto the younger looking fox, the one that also had BurrStar by the throat, and raked its shoulders. It let out a cry and swung around, its tail flying wildly in the air. Its compelling amber eyes burned into RobinWind. RobinWind scowled and lunged at its eyes. The fox yelped as she scratched them. The older fox screeched and used its front paws to throw RobinWind on the ground. Winded, the ThunderClan deputy didn't move. RobinWind caught her breath then stood and glared at the older fox, who threw BurrStar in the air back to the younger fox. CrowDawn snarled near RobinWind."I don't need you to protect me!" RobinWind hissed when CrowDawn blocked RobinWind from an attack the younger fox tried to throw at her."IvyFern!" CrowDawn gasped, ignoring RobinWind. RobinWind leaped over CrowDawn and glanced at IvyFern. The she-cat's belly flooded with blood. RobinWind raced over to her and grabbed her clanmates scruff. She pulled IvyFern into a mulberry bush."They're gone!" RippleTail called the moment RobinWind came out the bush. The lake made a gulp noise as the foxes howled and cried, racing away."BurrStar's gone,"StormCloud meowed as cats gathered around their leader. RobinWind's gaze dropped. MumbleTail, GoldenLight and LilyTail dashed over,"We were on patrol!" LilyTail's light white pelt shimmered."BurrStar's dead!" DawnHeart whimpered. RippleTail licked his mates fur,"It's alright,"He murmured. RobinWind dragged Ivyfern near the lake where BurrStar was."I don't know if she'll live,"RobinWind murmured. Excitement prickled in RobinWind's pelt. She was leader! How could she be excited though? Her clan was sad, and she should be too. CrowDawn's gaze was sorrowful, and more than that, heart broken. What was going on? The clan cats limped back to camp. StormCloud told RobinWind that the cats holding IvyFern couldn't move her too much. When they were back at camp RobinWind waited until StormCloud put IvyFern in the medicine cat den before calling a clan meeting."Let all cats old enough to catch their on prey, gather below High-Tree!" She called. RobinWind's clanmates gathered below her."I-I must appoint a new deputy before I go to the moonstone,"She meowed nervously. She scanned the clearing but she knew exactly who'd be deputy. RobinWind knew her clanmates weren't against CrowDawn after everything was revealed so why not pick her?"CrowDawn. Do you accept the role of deputy?" RobinWind asked. CrowDawn's gaze lit up,"Yes." RobinWind smiled, her tail flicking,"Then CrowDawn is the new deputy of ThunderClan,"She announced."CrowDawn! CrowDawn!" The clan chanted."As you know, FlowerBlossom's kits are ready to be apprentices. Their apprentice ceremony is tomorrow,"RobinWind meowed when the cats stopped cheering."Now I'm off to the moonstone."

A Warrior's Heart | Omen Of Darkness | Bk. 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin