Chapter 7

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RobinPaw finished cleaning the elders ticks and moss-change. She saw RoseFlower-The kindest, youngest elder,-Asleep. She sighed. Atleast she had rested and ate before she went on another hunting patrol. Atleast she was going with CrowPaw. RobinPaw saw SilverStrike by the camp entrance. He flicked his tail for her to come over."The patrol is coming,"He meowed,"You might aswell be early."He sat."Did CrowPaw learn the same thing as me today?" RobinPaw asked. SilverStrike nodded,"Yes. You will be learning together until we start doing activites when you know everything we first-paw train you,"He flinched when BurrPelt came.-The deputy was a muscular ginger tabby-tom, with ember green eyes.-RobinPaw caught his eye and relaxed. Still, the deputy was kind-hearted. She glanced at her father, MumbleTail, who was watching her with loving eyes. She turned away and saw FlowerBlossom and CrowPaw race over,"Sorry we took so long,"FlowerBlossom panted. BurrPelt glanced at her."I just arrived, you weren't late,"He reassured. CrowPaw padded next to RobinPaw as the five cats set into the forest."RobinPaw, what can you smell?" SilverStrike asked."With this punishment I'll be the best hunter in the clan!" RobinPaw meowed enthusiastically. She sniffed."Squirrel and thrush!" She mewed and glanced at CrowPaw,"Which one do you choose to get?" She asked. CrowPaw took a moment,"Squirrel! It would be my first one,"She added embarrasly when she saw BurrPelt and FlowerBlossom about to die with laughter."Ok,"RobinPaw signaled with her tail which way the squirrel was."I can smell you know!" The black she-cat hissed affectionately at RobinPaw. RobinPaw stalked toward the thrush. Her back legs followed in her front paws pawsteps. When she reached the edge of her border between the piece of prey, she pounced. It chirped in alarm and started to flap its wings. She hissed and jumped on it, killing it with a swift bite on the neck. She picked her prey up and padded back to her patrols meeting spot. CrowPaw returned next but the others weren't there yet."Did you get it?" RobinPaw couldn't see CrowPaws muzzle which was hidden in undergrowth."Yes,"CrowPaw mumbled,"Well, not the squirrel I got a mouse,"RobinPaws friend emerged."Hey! You got something!"RobinPaw tried to cheer CrowPaw up."She dropped her thrush."We can make a little prey pile there,"She flicked her tail toward her thrush,"And hunt around here!" CrowPaw nodded and dropped her mouse on the thrush."How about you smell this time?" RobinPaw suggested."Ok,"CrowPaw sniffed."Mouse and vole,"She paused,"Near the RiveClan border." The two she-cats padded toward the RiverClan border."The prey isn't across it,"RobinPaw mewed. CrowPaws ears pricked."How do you know?" RobinPaw shrugged,"Can't you scent that the prey is a fox-length away from the border?"RobinPaw was confused.How do I know that, if CrowPaw doesn't? She had quizzed herself with the question."I thought we all had good hearing and sensitive whiskers?" CrowPaw shook her head,"Not that sensitive."

"Well,"RobinPaw meowed,"We might aswell hunt it!" CrowPaw headed toward the vole while RobinPaw did the mouse.She had the question fizzing in her mind:Well? How? She sighed but when she did, the mouse bolted into RiverClan territory."Fox dung!" She cursed. She saw CrowPaw heading back to the makeshift food pile. RobinPaw raced to it."Where were you two?" SilverStrike demanded,"Hunting,"RobinPaw meowed."Who caught the thrush?" FlowerBlossom asked."RobinPaw,"CrowPaw mewed, a vole hanging from her jaws."I'm guessing you got the mouse and the vole,"BurrPelt guessed, staring at CrowPaw.CrowPaw nodded,"Yup!"FlowerBlossom picked up her squirrel, SilverStrike picked up his shrew, BurrPelt picked up his dove, CrowPaw picked up her mouse and vole, and RobinPaw picked up her thrush."Let's head back to camp,"Ordered BurrPelt. As the cats made their way to camp RobinPaw noticed Catmint."That's good for GreenCough!" She exclaimed, stuffing a few stems into her mouth. They continued their way. When they got back RobinPaw felt like she was about to collapse with exhaustion. She dropped her thrush in the Fresh Kill Pile and padded to the medicine cat den. The last time she was in here was horrible."D-DribbleCloud?"She sounded through the entrance."Come in!" Called the tom. DribbleCloud's blue-silver and white patterned pelt glimmered through the last light."I found Catmint and thought I should give it to you,"She nudged the Catmint toward him."Thank you,"DribbleCloud dipped his head. RobinPaw bolted out of the den. She picked a mouse out of the Fresh-Kill Pile and ate it in her nest. She soon fell asleep. She found herself in a dark forest. She shivered with fear. Where was she? She could feel her exhaustion from real life.Or, was this real life? Thinking of that made her more afraid than she should've been. She shuddered and padded farther into the forest. Something made her almost turn back but she swallowed the feeling up and stalked farther in."Hello,"Meowed a voice. She twisted her body."Who's there?!" Sne snarled."Have you heard legends of..Blood Clan?" She shivered. Every kit in the nursery was told about BloodClan! Scourge was their leader. He was black, tiny, and had a purple collar with dog tooths spiking on it."Yes,"She hissed,"Every kit in the nursery hears about BloodClan!" She flattened her ears."Good,"The toms voice purred,"Welcome, to the Blood Forest."

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