Chapter 11

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RobinPaw bolted awake."C'mon,"SilverStrike flicked his tail as she emerged from the apprentice den."We're doing more fighting practice on trees." RobinPaw brightened and raced to CrowPaw."Ready for training?" She asked cheerfully, forgetting she had told her friend about Blood Forest."Huh?" CrowPaw seemed startle when she glanced into RobinPaw's amber eyes."Oh, yeah, sure." FlowerBlossom and SilverStrike beat them to the ancient oak."Climb up,"SilverStrike ordered, following behind them when they started to climb. When they were half way up Silvertrike whispered,"We need to surprise attack FlowerBlossom." RobinPaw glared at her friend's mentor. She clawed the branch and leaped. She landed directly on Flower-Blossom's shoulders. FlowerBlossom gasped as her paws buckled beneath her."Well done RobinPaw!" The startled waarior panted in praise. CrowPaw leaped off the tree and landed on her mentor's back. She kicked her down."Well done," SilverStrike grunted when he jumped down."You'll have your warrior assesment tomorrow," He flicked his tail as the two warriors padded back to camp. CrowPaw followed them. RobinPaw flattened her ears. She stalked back to camp alone."Help!" She heard a yowl in camp. She dashed into the camp and saw a senior warrior, IceSplash was laying in the clearing, yowling in pain. Her silver-white fur was stained with spit. DribbleCloud leaped toward her,"Your mate is BurrPelt, right?" IceSplash nodded in agony."You're kitting,"DribbleCloud breathed softly. IceSplash gasped and pushed. A small kit slipped out. BurrPelt groomed it gently."A tom," Announced DribbleCloud."One more to go!" IceSplash pushed and another kit came, bigger though."A tom,"Purred BurrPelt,"Two toms." RobinPaw gathered around IceSplash,"Is it ok if I look?" She asked. IceSplash wordlessly nodded. One was golden but with white tabby stripes. The other tom was silver with golden stripes."What are we naming them?" BurrPelt asked. IceSplash glanced lovingly at her kits."The ginger and white tabby will be named, EbonyKit. The silver with golden stripes will be StormKit." She licked them both. RobinPaw padded away when everyone left the clearing. SilverStrike padded over to her while FlowerBlossom did CrowPaw."Since it's sun-high we decided why not do the assesment now?" You must hunt then we'll fight." He flicked his tail for FlowerBlossom and CrowPaw to follow, along with RobinPaw. CrowPaw turned toward the RiverClan border and started to hunt while RobinPaw hunted towards the ShadowClan border. She dropped into a hunting crouch and stalked a thrush. She pounced and killed it before it could react. She buried her prey and sniffed again."Squirrel!" She hissed under her breath. She padded across the forest floor. It was crawling up a tree and squeaking. She leaped but missed and it dashed up the tree. She smelled again. mouse and vole. She thought. She stalked the mouse. It ate a acorn in tall grasses. Its bald, pink tail strayed behind it. She pounced and killed it. She brought it toward her other prey. She noticed the vole and killed it."Assesment, over!" Called SilverStrike." Meet at the training hollow!" She picked up her prey and bolted toward the training hollow."Alright," FlowerBlossom mewed,"You both passed the hunting assesment." Snow drifted from the sky. CrowPaw hissed,"Leafbare!" Her pelt brushed RobinPaw's. CrowPaw hunted a mouse, squirrel, and pigeon. They buried their prey. FlowerBlossom leaped onto RobinPaw's shoulders and pinned her. RobinPaw grunted and pushed her off by kicking her stomache. SilverStrike leaped at CrowPaw. He knocked her off her paws. CrowPaw growled and wiggled out of his grasp. RobinPaw snarled and pounced onto FlowerBlossom's back, She tugged the warrior's tail and pinned her. FlowerBlossom panted. SilverStrike leaped onto CrowPaw's shoulders and let her paws buckle beneath her. Oof! She whispered in her mind. She hissed and kicked SilverStrike."Get off of her!" She warned, her eyes were ready for the training attack. SilverStrike smiled."You'll become a warrior in less then a quarter moon!" The silver tom announced. CrowPaw bounced excitedly while RobinPaw purred."We're becoming warriors!" The black she-cat exclaimed. The two friends padded back to camp proudly."You're coming on patrol with me," MumbleTail, RobinPaw's father, padded over to them."Okay!" CrowPaw bounded to the entrance, RobinPaw at her side. RobinPaw blinked.Maybe I should figure out what Blood Forest needs with me, She decided silently. When MumbleTail came back LilyTail and IvyFern were at his side."Let's go hunting near the marsh." RobinPaw knew that the marsh was at the border to RiverClan and ThunderClan. She also knew, the herb mallow grew plentiful there. CrowPaw nudged RobinPaw."We have to patrol up ahead," Her expression was blank as she raced off up ahead. RobinPaw shook herself and followed CrowPaw. The two apprentices sniffed."It's safe!" RobinPaw called down to the rest of the patrol,"There's prey scent near the marsh." Snow drifted down onto RobinPaw's nose. She jumped in surprise. CrowPaw let out a mrrow of laughter."It's snowing, mouse brain!" She purred teasingly. RobinPaw forgot about Blood Forest in that moment.

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