◎When My Heart Beats◎

By MarilynEdmond

10K 386 141

In a world filled with doubt we must dare to believe. ∽Michael Jackson ∽ Who said the world will alway... More

◎When My Heart Beats◎
◎Brown eyed Stare◎
◎Applehead Blues◎
◎Past Unfolded◎
◎Correcting Scars◎
◎Confusion At Fault◎
◎Making Things So Complicated◎
◎Two Can Play◎
◎Let It Go◎
◎Desert Or Disaster?◎
◎Boys Chase Girls Chase Boys◎
◎Not Over You◎
◎Tired Of Waiting On Cupid◎

◎Not So Easy◎

474 17 9
By MarilynEdmond

"Okay...who is going to be?.", Aiden concluded. I glance up at the both of them. "Don't make me choose...", I pleaded. By the look on their faces I knew they were fixated on the question and it's future answer. "Neither...", I exhaled. I turn on my heels and jog off...

That day I walked away, I learned something known to man all too Well, if you love something... set it free. I know leaving both of them there with a harsh answer, isn't setting them free from pain, but they were also being selfish. How can I choose? In the end one of them were going to walk away hurt while the other proclaimed victory.

I haven't spoken to neither one of since That day; and three month's have passed. It is hard considering we attend the same university and almost all of the same classes. It may sound a bit cliche but I feel a little empty knowing I have neither one. I could never choose between the two of them. Both have a special place in my heart.

As I'm walking through the Tillman library; our only historical university library here in California. I spot Aiden sitting at Study (a small cuby like space with a desk, lamp, and chair for individual studies). I think he's drawing something. I start to walk over to him but two students; a Girl and a boy. Approach him first.

I watch curiously as He and the two students converse like kindergarten-ers sharing a snack. it is nice seeing him happy again. I am happy He has moved on. I slowly turn to walk away but that's when I spot Amanda. I rub my forehead in disbelief. This is a coincident. We just so happen to be here in the library at the same time? Yeah right!

She is walking my way. I quickly try to find a place to hide. She just threw her hand's up waving and smiling. Oh God she spotted me. Panicking, I run behind the nearest bookshelf. I wait for her to call my name but she never does. Feeling safe, I made myself visible to the public. I scan the room for her. Nothing.

I scan the library again just in case I overlooked her. And that I did because now she is sitting and giggling with Aiden. I swear my heart stopped for a minute. They must have planned this. I mean now all of a sudden they are friend's? I need to settle this.

With a clear objective and crazed thoughts, I marched over to the group of 'Happy friends'. I stand at the end of the Study, arm's crossed and demanding glare. Aiden is the first to take notice of me. Clearing his throat, He decides to acknowledge me. "Uhh hey....Michael... ", He said awkwardly.

The entire group turns their attention on me. I hold back my smirk as I answered. "Hello....I need to talk to you two.." I stated looking from Amanda to Aiden. They both share glances. "Alone...", I added directed it towards their little buddies. The girl and boy take notice of my tone and immediately hops up. Now Aiden and Amanda are glaring at me.

"Michael what is this all about? ", Amanda demanded. Aiden nods waiting for my answer. "Well... I should be asking you two the same thing...", I spoke slowly. "What are you talking about? ", Aiden asked furrowing his eyebrows. I huff. "You two...When did y'all become friends? And why are you two constantly following me? Think it's a coincidence you both are friends show you show up at the library around the same time I do? Look whatever sick game you two are playing... quite it.", I said still not releasing my glare.

Aiden and Amanda glance at each other before rolling their eyes. "Michael... it's noon...the whole university is in the library...", Amanda breathed. "Plus... Why would we have a hidden agenda against you... it's not like you played with our heart's and crumbled them to pieces or anything... ", Aiden said the last part sarcastically. Amanda nods in agreement. "Why can't we be friends?", She asked, or more so demanded.

I roll my eyes. "Don't flip this on me! You're the one's following me here and there! ", I exclaimed waving my hand's. "Michael you are not that damn important... Get over yourself... ", Amanda snarled. Aiden stands up and do does Amanda. "Not so easy letting go isn't Michael? ", He huffed walking away with Amanda. I watch them until they disappear. I might just be the biggest asshole in this university right now...

To Be Continued...

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