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"By the way.... that kiss meant Nothing..", Aiden stands there looking like he saw a ghost. I turn to see what he was looking at. "You kissed him!?!",....

The voice ranged so clear in my ear. I felt my heart stop for at least Three full seconds. I dared not to turn around. "Michael! Did you hear me?!", The voice demanded an answer I frankly was trying to figure out myself. I glance at Aiden who eyes were fully loaded with tears awaiting release.

I took a deep breath and decided to face her. Amanda stood directly behind me breathing heavily. "Answer me...", she whispered brokenly. I sigh. "Yes...", No sooner as my 's' slithered through my teeth, Amanda's fist did the same. I instantly cringe holding my throbbing jaw. "You freaking liar!! ", She screamed pushing me.

I open my mouth to rebuttal but the pain was too excruciating. "You had time to choose Michael... you had time to walk away...", Aiden added now standing beside Amanda. Amanda gives Aiden a sideways glance. "What are you talking about? ", "The day Michael and I kissed in the library.... He told me He would think about us...but never did...I moved on...He didn't like it...", With every word He said, I could tell Amanda's blood was boiling more and more.

"So you were playing us Michael! You think this shit is funny!?", I manage to shake my head. "Then why Michael... Why lead me on...only to go to her...", "Answer him!", Amanda barked. I rub my jaw hoping the pain would subside. "Well?..", Aiden asked impatiently. "I don't fucking know!! Okay?! ", I finally bursted. I couldn't take it anymore.

"You know what Michael? You're not getting out of this...Who do you love me, or Amanda?", Aiden asked with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. I don't answer. I know I love Amanda, but I feel I love Aiden. "Michael... Please...save us the heartache...", Amanda pleaded. "I love both you...honestly... ", I whispered looking at my feet.

"Okay...who is going to be?.", Aiden concluded. I glance up at the both of them. "Don't make me choose...", I pleaded. By the look on their faces I knew they were fixated on the question and it's future answer. "Neither...", I exhaled. I turn on my heels and jog off...

To Be Continued...

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