◎Desert Or Disaster?◎

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I couldn't be more heated right now. I can't even think straight. Aiden just gets under my skin. I try being nice and he acts like an ass. I don't know why he pisses me off honestly. Then again I tried to keep my distance, it's apparent that he did not get that memo. I know I have to get it together before having diner with Amanda's parents.

I know I shouldn't be nervous, but I am. It makes no sense considering the fact that these people know me more than I know myself. Maybe I'm just overthinking thing's? I'm frankly not thinking at all. My minds all twisted. All because of Aiden. I try to push him out of my head just for a moment but he just keeps reappearing.

I soon reach Amanda's house. It's a beautiful home. Much like the other one's in our neighborhood but something about just stands out as unique. Maybe it's her beautiful rose garden? Or the fact that her yard is teeming with her own butterfly farm? Either way her families home is top home here in Haveyn Burst.

I hesitate before fancying myself to the marble like doorbell. Ok Michael you can do this...you can for this... I take in a deep breath and press the doorbell. Within seconds Amanda appears from behind the door grinning from ear to ear. "Hey Mikey!!! ", She squeals moving in to hug me. I chuckle and return her hug. She always makes thing's better,

"Hey babygirl ", I replied picking her up and twirling her. She squeals and giggles. I carefully return her feet to their rightful place on the ground. "I am glad you made it...ten minute's late..but you made it", She scolded playfully. I give her my infamous lazy smile. "Sorry I had a little trouble along the way", I said with a shrug.  She tilts her head to the side in question.

"It's nothing... I-", "Michael? Is that my little cookie monster?!", Amanda's mother exclaimed interrupting my sentence. Amanda and I exchange glances before turning to her mother and bursting into laughter. Amanda's mother; Melinda.  Is a very kind loving woman. Much like my mother. The nickname cookie monster is well self explanatory. I used to steal her homemade chocolate chip cookies. I swear they are the best cookies on earth.

"Hey Melinda", I said hugging her. "What kind of hug is this?", She said squeezing me. I chuckle and squeeze her in response. Once our hug fest was over, Amanda's father entered the room. "What's all this commotion going on in here? Melin- Michael? What are you doing here?", I steal a glance from Amanda. She looks away nervously. Melinda sighs. "David Michael and Amanda are dating... they have been for awhile now", David shakes his head.

"Wait what?! And when in the hell was I going to find out?!", He demanded looking from Amanda to Melinda.  Amanda steps forward. "Dad I know it's terrible that I didn't tell you but I wanted to wait", Amanda spoke softly as if soothing him. It didn't work. "No this is my house! I should know what goes on in it!", Melinda walks up to him. "Honey now isn't the time...Let's just go eat", He stares at me. I smile nervously. "Whatever... ", He finally said after a moment. Talk about desert or disaster...

To Be Continued...

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