◎Two Can Play◎

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Amanda makes a face. "Uhh well first I'd tell them change is sometimes good. I would also tell them to never feel pressured into any life changing decisions. Listen to your heart", She's right. But dammit My heart isn't talking. Aiden smiles at satisfied by his answered question. Amanda facial expression changes a bit suddenly. "I have something to ask you two", She said seriously. Aiden and I stare at her in confusion. "You have fooled everyone but me",...

Aiden and I share confused glances. Amanda keeps her brow raised in suspicion. "What are you talking about? ", I asked now staring at Amanda. "Aiden let me ask you something? ", He nods for her to continue. "Are you interested in boys?", He nods staring at me. "I knew it...Michael please answer honestly, Have you been messing around with Aiden? ",

My jaw drops. "What! Where are you getting this from? Thats insane! ", I exclaimed waving my hands around for effect. I catch eyes with Aiden. He had a pained expression that for some reason made me feel guilty. "Michael I found your 'research paper', Just tell me the truth! ", I rub my temples. "Baby there is nothing going on between Aiden and I! I was just messing around on the art gala website and he popped up! Believe that!", I yelled avoiding eye contact with Aiden.  I know every word that slipped through my mouth was like a stab in the heart.

Amanda glances at Aiden for a protest. He remains silent. "Is this true Aiden? You have nothing for Michael? ", He slowly glances at me. His eyes darkened. "No Amanda, I never had a thing for Michael and I never will", He said with venom. I tear away from his stare. Amanda stays silent for awhile. "I have to go...", Aiden said grabbing his bag. Amanda smiles at him. "I'm sorry for that Aiden, You're a good guy", He forces a smile and turns to walk away.

I want to stop him and apologize. But I know it's for the better. Now I can focus on Amanda and building a relationship. "Amanda I'm sorry ", Her smile widens and steps up to me. "Shh, I should be apologizing. I am the one making crazy accusations.", She said cupping my face in her hand's. I smile and kiss her hand. "Michael? ", "Hmm?", I said taking her hand's in mine.

"I love you", My eyes bulge. I clear my throat. I think that was a bad idea because Amanda's smile fades and she starts backing away. "Michael I said I love you", She said softly.  I knew tears are next. I quickly pull her into my chest. "I'm sorry, it took me off guard. I love you too babygirl", I said rocking her back and forth. I stop and break the hug. "Did you hear me? I said I love you", She smiles.

"Ah she smiles!", She playfully hits me. "Uhh baby I actually have to go to my tutoring. I still need extra help in chemistry", I nod. "Ok babygirl,  call me tonight? ", She nods and kisses me softly. I smile we she pulls back and walks away. I wait until she's gone before letting out my frustrations. This is so agitating.  I can't be gay. I like girls. I have a girlfriend.

I can't be bisexual, I don't even think guys can be bisexual. I groan and kick at the bookshelf in front of me.  I am just glad it's over.

A couple weeks have passed since that whole dramatic scene with Aiden, Amanda and I. I have been doing pretty good. Amanda and I have become more serious. I can tell her I love her with no problem. But from time to time I find myself thinking about Aiden. I mean he lives in my neighborhood. He had been ignoring me for awhile though. I will admit, it hurts.

Today I'm a loner. Amanda had been sick since a week ago. She has the stomach flu. I check on her when I can but there's not much I can do. I'm on my way home but I decide to take a detour from my usual route. I go through the universities gym instead of the library.  As I'm walking, I spot Aiden.

I hesitate because I know he has been avoiding me. But I go against my will and walk towards him. When I'm close enough I spot this man. He has dark short hair. I will say the did is pretty fit. I continue walking until I see Aiden feeling on the man's arms. He's clearly flirting with him. I stop and watch.

I can't explain this feeling that's coming over me. It can't be jealousy but I really want to tell that man to back off. Aiden is my friend. I take in a deep breath and walk to them. "Hey Aiden", I said casually. Aiden stops smiling and turns around. "Hey Michael... ", He said nonchalantly. Oh no he is playing games!

I sigh. "Uhh who's your friend? ", I said pointing to the Channing Tatum what to be behind him. Aiden sighs. "His name is Charles", I nod. I could care less who the man was. I want to know why is he here. "Oh so what are y'all -", "Michael why are you integrating me? Hmm? Why do you care?", "Because you're hanging out with strangers! ", He huffs.

"Michael I know how to handle myself, He's not a stranger I met him last week, he's my close friend. ", I roll my eyes. "Whatever, do you want a ride home?", He looks at me confused. "Since when did you and I carpool?", "Look I'm just asking okay? Now do you want a ride or not?", He turns to the man. "He's just jealous I have a new friend. Let's just go Charles. ", He said grabbing his hand. I step in front of them. "What now Michael? ", "Why are you doing this?", "Doing what?",

I sigh. "This! The whole new friend bull it's not working! I bet you want me to get heated about this huh? You have another thing coming because I'm not!", I said glaring and Charles and storming off. Two Can Play This Game....

To Be Continued.... 

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