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Day's went by since my last encounter with 'Brown eye's'. I really don't recall his actual name. I have terrible memory anyways. On campus, I spend most day's cooped up in the library. I do whatever it takes to stay away from home. Joseph doesn't like it. Then again; he doesn't like anything.

I took up on Jermaines advice. I confronted Megan about my brother's hypothesis of our close friendship. She stuttered and muttered before giving me a straight answer. In the end, she confessed emerging feelings for me. I didn't know what I should do from their but evidently she did. She decided to define a relationship.

I just finished up my morning classes for today. Economics 101 was a definite kick in the butt. I don't understand why I am required to take that class. It's stupid and useless.  I trudge through the hallway.  I want to see the results for the Galla Contest. I'm crossing my finger's that I win or at lease be close to it.

"Michael! ", A voice called behind me. I sigh and turned around stopping in my place. It's Megan. She smiles once she reaches me. "Well hello there track star! Where ya' going? ", I return with a smile of my own before responding. "You know... The Galla ", "Really! Oh Gosh this is exciting, Imagine it my Mikey Bear's work of art hanging up for all California to see!", She squeals. I chuckle at her outburst.

"Yeah it's pretty awesome", I blushed as she planted a quick peck on my cheek. "Well actually you might have competition...", She teases trailing off. I raise my right eyebrow.  "And who is that?", She smirks and walks away. I sigh. "Aww come on tell me who it is", I whined jogging after her. She giggles and turns a corner. I swear this girl is a tease.

I speed up. I finally reach the corner and peeped behind it. She leaned against the wall giggling. I shake my head and stroll to her. "Can you please tell me?", She sighs and rolls her eye's playfully. "Ok ok, His name is Aiden, Michael the man is talented! And he's quite handsome", She gawked. I raise my left brow this time. "Really now?",

She giggles. "But not cuter than you Mikey Bear! ", She added squeezing my cheeks. I make a face. "We'll see about this Aiden", I teased playfully taking her hand in mine.

Once we finally made it to the Art Gallery my stomach fluttered from nervousness. I was scared, antsy,  and did I mention nervous? "Michael love calm down, Whatever happens you'll always be a winner in my book", I smile. "Thank-you", She nods. Once we stepped in, my eye's scanned the gallery of miscellaneous art. I love getting lost in the world of art.

Megan giggled as I looked in awe at every painting and sculpture. I show her mine which was currently being judged and over looked by Art spectators. I squeeze Megan's hand's. I can't bare to watch them judge my painting. I turn another route towards the drawings and sketches. My eye's set on this familiar sketch.

I slip away from Megan to venture into the world of realistic sketches. I glance over the familiar sketch. My eye's wandered over the perfect line's of symmetry. It was a sketch of a young boy huddled into a corner. His eye's were sad and lonely.  The sketch was dramatic but suttle.  I read over the description.

It was entitled indigo. The artist; Aiden.  "D-do you uhh...Do you like it?", A voice said from behind. I jump a little and glanced back. It was 'Brown eye's'. I take another look at the sketch. "Yeah it's... Amazing", "Thanks", He said proudly. I swivel my head back towards him. "Wait you sketched this?", He blushes glancing down at his shoe's.

"I should say I did seeing it took me a couple hours to perfect it", I nod in agreement. "You have quite a talent...Aiden ", He nods. Awkward silence made itself known as it crashed over us. Aiden breaks it. "So who are you with? I mean who is here with you?", "Oh my girlfriend, Megan ", I said pointing towards Megan who was engaged in a conversation with a spectator.

Aiden's smile fades. "Oh that's awesome", He said in a gloomy tone. "Yeah it is, Hey, why the title indigo?", He glances at his sketch. "It's one of my favourite colors plus it reminds me of Picoso, I love his work", I nod. "That's amazing, You have a nack for art man, Keep up the good work", I said placing a hand on his shoulder.

He jumps and his arm trembles a bit. I frown looking at him with concerned. "Are you OK?", He quickly nods. "Y-yeah I-I am... I uhh I gotta go, See ya around Mike! ", He said quickly standing up and jogging off. I watch him disappear before walking off to search for Megan...

To Be Continued...

◎When My Heart Beats◎जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें