Petit Monde (Rye Beaumont)

By aesxeia

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"Who would've thought that after that playful fate, we would still find our way back to each other in this sm... More

3 AM


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By aesxeia

Alexandria Anderson

  The trip to Tom’s house took thirty minutes and when we got there, there are a lot of people already – people that I haven’t met before. Tom’s house isn’t that big nor small, but it is certainly welcoming.

   “Just stick with us, okay?” Andy says through the loud music.

  I just nod and follow them, as we make our way through the crowd and into the kitchen to get a drink.

   “Guys,” a guy around our age says as he walks towards us, I assume it’s Tom. “it’s really good to see you!” he says with a smile, giving the boys a quick man hug.

  “It’s good to see you too.” Mikey says, pulling away.

   Tom looks at me and a smile tugs at the corners of his lips. “Who’s the lovely lady?” he asks.

  “Her name’s Alexa.” Andy introduces, as he puts his arm around my shoulder. “Alexa, this is Tom.”

  Tom smiles and puts his hand out to me. “It’s nice to meet you, Alexa.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too.” I reply, as I shake his hand.

   “Well, I’ll go ahead, have fun.” Tom says, before walking away.

  I follow the boys towards the counter and they get themselves a cup of alcohol, whilst Jack takes a can of soda from the cooler.

   “What about you, Alexa?” Mikey asks as he raises his cup. “Alcohol?”

   I shake my head adamantly, “No, thank you but I don’t drink.”

   “Oh, come on, it’s just for tonight.” Andy chimes in.

    “I’ll just have a soda.” I sheepishly reply and take one out of the cooler.

   As I struggle to open it, someone takes it from my hand and when I look up; it was Rye. The brim of his cup was in between his teeth as he opens the soda, before giving it back to me.

   “Thank you.” I smile at him and take a sip on it.

   He just smiles back at me and tucks my hair behind my ear, making me blush. The boys and I go outside and to the pool area, where there are just a few people. I look around and was mesmerised by the view – it was already dark, highlighting the city line.

   “We’ll just swim.” Brooklyn says to me, already taking his shirt off.

   “Are you going to be okay?” Andy asks, looking at me in concern.

   “Yeah, go ahead.” I assure him.

   “I’ll stay with you.” Rye says, sitting down on one of the lounge chairs near the pool whilst the other boys go to the pool.

  “Why don’t you go swimming?” I ask as I sit on the edge of the lounge chair next to his, looking at him. “I’ll be alright.”

   He shakes his head, “Nah, I am not in the mood anyway.”

   I just nod and sit back on the chair, we are just quiet as we scroll through our phones until Rye gets up from his chair and walks towards me.

  “Alexandria,” he puts his hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up at him. “I’ll be right back, I’ll just go to the bathroom.”

  “Okay.” I reply, nodding.

  He smiles and walks away whilst I just sit there, watching the people in the pool. Later on, I start to feel dizzy so I take my coat off to somewhat ease the hotness. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I walk over to the edge of the pool and call Andy over.

  “You look pale, are you okay?” he asks, looking at me worriedly.

   “Just a little dizzy, but I am okay.” I assure him. “Anyway, I am just going to get some water.”

   “I’ll come with you.” he replies, he was about to hoist himself up to the edge when I stop him.

  “No, it’s fine, I’ll be back in a minute.” I tell him and walk away before he could say anything.

    I walk through the doors and I feel dizzier with the blinking lights and all the people dancing, though I manage to walk to the kitchen and get myself some water. As I am about to walk past the door back to the pool area, someone grabs my arm and hauls me towards them. I look up and it’s a guy that I haven’t met before; he seems to be in his early twenties, blonde hair, blue eyes, and he’s certainly drunk.

   “Hi, babe.” he whispers, slurring his words.

   I didn’t say anything, I try to get rid of his grasp but the more that I try; the more that it gets tighter.

  “Where are you going?” he asks as he walks closer, I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

    I take a step back and yank my arm away from him, but he was too strong.

  “Let go of me!” I shout at him, trying to pull my arm away from him.

    A smug smile tugs at the corners of his lips and just keeps on walking forward, until I was against the wall. I try to push him away, but it’s useless. He continues to walk towards me and cocks his head to the side, as he starts to kiss me on my neck. I try to push him away again, but I am too weak and scared that my eyes brim with tears.

   “Back off!” I hear someone shouts, as he shoves the guy away from me.

   He stumbles and falls backwards, I look up to the person who shoved him and see Rye with a furious look on his face that I have never seen before.

   “Are you okay?” he asks worriedly, his expression immediately changes as he turns to me with his hands on my arms.

    I nod, but I just start to cry. I gasp, when the guy suddenly hits Rye on the face. Everything went by fast, the next thing I know is that Mikey and Andy are already there. Andy was about to punch the guy, but Rye stops him.

    “Andy, don’t!” he says, Andy looks back at us and when he sees me crying; he turns back to the guy and hits him.

    Mikey pulls him back and the two of them help Rye stand up, whilst Jack walks over to me and tries to comfort me. Mikey and Brook talk to Tom to apologize about the ruckus that went down, whilst I help Jack pick up our stuffs at the pool area. I was still shaking, as I follow the boys outside to the parking lot.

   “Hey, it’s okay.” Jacks says, rubbing my arm to soothe me.

   I look over at Rye, who is still furious and tears stream down my cheeks again.

  “Alexa, don’t cry.” Jack utters, slightly panicking. “I am so bad at this, I am so sorry, I don’t know what to say.”

   On the way back to their flat, we are just quiet. I am at the back with Andy and Brooklyn and I am just looking out the window – biting my knuckles as I try to stop myself from sobbing. When we get back to their flat, I immediately head to their kitchen and take out an ice bag from the freezer and sit down next to Rye on Mikey’s bed. I gently put the ice bag on his cheek, making him wince.

   “I am so sorry.” I say, my voice slightly cracking and tears stream down my cheeks again.

   He smiles a little and puts his hand on my cheek and wipes it with his thumb.

   “You don’t have to apologize,” he assures me. “we aren’t blaming you for anything.”

   “I just – I just don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me and I – I hate myself for what hap–”

   “Alexandria, I don’t care if I got hurt, I just can’t let him do that.” he says, looking straight into my eyes.

   “What was the guy suppose to do to her?” Mikey asks.

   Andy nudges him, I didn’t say anything as my eyes brim with tears, I just bite my lip to hold them back and gently put the ice bag on Rye’s cheek. I stay at their flat for a couple more minutes until I was certain that Rye’s already okay.

  “I am sorry again, Ryan.” I say to him, as I get up from Mikey’s bed. “I’ll go ahead.”

    “Wait, I’ll walk you home.” Andy insists, getting up from the sofa.

   “You don’t have to, I am okay.” I tell him, but my voice is slightly cracking.

  As I walk out of their flat, he and Brook follow me.

   “Guys,” I stop walking and look at them. “it’s okay.”

  Andy just smiles at me a little and puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him, whilst Brook follows us.

   “I know it’s kinda traumatizing, but I want to know; what did the guy do to you?” Andy asks, as we walk down the park.

  I swallow the lump in my throat and breathe out before telling them everything that happened.

  “Good thing you hit him, Andy!” Brook cuts in as he pats his friend on the back.

   “Brooklyn..” I trail off, looking at him with a straight face.

  “I am sorry.” Brook sheepishly says.

   Andy runs his fingers through my hair and kisses the side of my head.

  “Just call me anytime, okay?” he asks, looking at me in concern.

  “Yeah, thank you.” I force a small smile before going inside our house and up to my bedroom.

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