
By JuliaTeng555

69.5K 2.5K 1.3K

Dawn broke. The screams from the streets seemed like a story of yesterday. The days which could be conside... More

Unexpected of The Dead
Into The School of The Dead
Getting Out of Here
The Plan
Run Them Down!
Can We Stay For The Night?
The Next Day
Getting Items
Crossing The River!
Attack In The Mini Market
Unfriendly Attack
Sudden Outburst
Coach? Or Not!
Leader and Death?
He's Alive!
Heat Stroke
Sometimes Bravery Needs To Bow Down To Wisdom
Back to The Clinic
Cheering Up and Dreams
The Death of A Beloved
To The Airport
On The Plane
The Amazon Jungle
Valentines Day Special! Part 1
Endou vs Wild Animal Fresh from The Amazons!
Grouping Up & Something Wrong
Valentines Day Special! Part 2
Valentines Day Special!! Part 3
Story Telling
Nocturnal Attack
The Story Behind The Cool One
Pls Don't Misundertand thx :)
Incredible Luck
Every Cloud has A Silver Lining


851 28 17
By JuliaTeng555

Surprise, surprise xD early update for the first time 9274822 years ehe

Oh, and a little more beforehand.

WARNING: There will be vague mention of suicide and self-harm.

But I do not intend to dive into deep description as I do not hope anyone relieve any experiences while reading. Therefore, there won't be any detailed writing. Just vague mentioning... If it brings any discomfort, do skip the part.

You have been warned.

Yes. Author's note not bolded to emphasize the warning, glad you noticed lol AHHA just kidding! XD Now, on with the chappie!~

"The people with the best advice are usually the ones who have been through the most," -Anonymous

Hiroto wasn't sure what to think anymore. A few moments ago, he nearly had a panic attack when he heard that his closest friend saying that he didn't remember a thing. To be frank, ever since this apocalypse started, Fubuki has been the one he trusted the most. At first it was because of his calm demeanor and his ability to analyse things logically without the hindrance of fear nor panic. It could not be denied that despite this apocalypse having teat the human population apart, it made the bond with his friends closer, stronger. Hearing him lose his memories was like starting all over again from square one. A part of him feared that they were going to become strangers. But when he saw the look in his eyes once Fubuki had once again lifted his head, he knew that there was nothing to worry about and that all was fine.

One look...

And he knew the one standing before him was the Fubuki he knew. Those predatory glint in his eyes ever since the apocalypse fooled no one. It was clear that whatever had happened before causing his strife had passed. With hugs and laughter, they all came together.

Following that, they resumed their circle.

"...And that's when onii-chan (big brother) came in and protected Yuuka..." Yuuka muttered looking down. Everyone suddenly felt really sad for her. It was heartaching to see a child at such a tender age not only having to endure the terror cause by the apocalypse but end up having to suffer the guilt of seeing her own elder brother in pain due to the fact that she was incapable of holding her own. After all, she is but a mere child. Many regard her as a naive one, looking at the world with her big, ingenuous eyes, mocking her way of speaking by constantly referring to herself by name. But compared to them, she has seen more than a kid or any other person should in a lifetime.

Gouenji's put a hand on her head as his gaze softened. Yuuka looked up. The other smiled knowing how close the two were. It was a fact. Even if time had to turn back, Gouenji would do it all again for Yuuka. He wouldn't mind getting injured if it meant that Yuuka would be safe from harm's way.

"Y'know I'm starting to wonder Eric and Mazakaru are ever gonna come back..." Adam suddenly wondered. Kristian nudged him as he muttered "it's Kazemaru" under his breath.

"Kitto daijobu (Everything will be alright). They will be back and they will find us no matter how far we drift apart from each other," Endou stated as he looked up at everyone. They fell into a comfortable silence, enthralled. At that moment, everyone saw it. There was something burning in his eyes. The tone he used made him sound as if he could see into the future and saw that Kazemaru and Eric had already found them. It was one of Endou's most unique charisma. How he talked and motivated the team, how he manages to reassure everyone with just a few words... Those were things that only Endou could pull off. That was what define him as Endou Mamoru.

"Endou no yuu tori (It's like what Endou said), " Kidou said nodding. "There's nothing to worry as they will sure find their way back to us, no doubt about it, "

"Demo (But)... What are we going to do now? We can't just leave them, right? Isn't there a way where we can let them find us faster?"

It was a good question. Surely, there was something we could do to help those two still wandering to find them, right?

The brainstorming session ended when Haruna suddenly brought her fist to her palm, an imaginative light bulb seeming to appear beside her head.

"Why don't we set a fire tomorrow?" Haruna asked.

"That's a genius idea!" Fuyuka exclaimed.

Kidou thought for a moment. It's true that if they light a fire, it would be easier for them to get Kazemaru and Eric's attention. A tiny smile found its way onto the strategist's face as he silently brimmed with pride at how much his sister has grown.

"Alright! I can't wait for us all to be reunited again!" Endou exclaimed pumping his fist into the air.

"Anyways, I think it's time we all go and get some rest. Tomorrow's going to be another big day

Dawn broke. Golden streams of light burst through the horizon, lighting up the skyline in a myriad of heavenly hues. The sound of trees rustling and the mellifluous chirping of the birds and cicadas came together to perform a melodious symphony, swaying it's listeners of their own feet. The leaves danced in the breeze which blew ever so softly, caressing the Earth with its gentle touch. The dewdrops glistened in the golden light, embellishing the lush green colour of its keeper. Ah, the scene was so mesmerising that it might just have managed to make them forget about what had happened to their civilisation.

Kazemaru sighed. Despite the breath-taking view of the forest when dawn breaks, he had none the privilege to enjoy it due to his constantly wandering mind. Doubt and worry plagued his thoughts like ink in water.

Is everyone safe? Have the others found each other yet? Are they the only ones left out in the dangers of the jungle? Were they going to actually survive this apocalypse?

He let out a bitter chuckle as he realized how frail humans really were. Yes, humans dominate the world, remaining supercilious to other life forms as they stand on top of the food chain due to their advantage in intellectual aspects. Yet, if you were to simply stab someone in the heart or throw them to the animals, even something as small as a needle containing some concentrated cyanide, they'd die off just as quick as the rest of the animal kingdom. Yet, with the constant advance modern technology, humans constantly instill the thought that they are invincible, that they'd rule the planet for mileniums to come. But who would have thought that their arrogance has led to their own fall. Drugs have been created and research have been done in the name of modernisation. Alas, there was no doubt that someone had caused the impregnable outbreak which has since claimed the lives of many and send their own civilisation into hiding in fear of the monsters which lurk in every nook and cranny, waiting for the chance to prance and transform them into one of their own. It's ironic, really.

He furrowed his brows. Since when had he embraced such cynical views towards the world?

He shook his head.

To think that there was a time where soccer and the issue of not being good enough dominated his mind. Everything seemed so petty and trivial.... So distant in the past compared go what kind of chaos the world was going through now. To think that there was a time where he had nearly thought of taking his life when he was struggling, grovelling so hard now just to stay alive. Subconsciously, he brought his fingers to trace the already faded marks which ran horizontally across his wrists.


Kazemaru eyes widened and he immediately retracted his arms. Putting on a smile, he turned over to his "Amazon Partner" who he had been with since the crash of their flight.

"Good morning, doc!" Kazemaru exclaimed in feigned zest. After all, he needed to bring himself away from all those thoughts.

"Grh..Don't call me that!" Eric grogilly replied as he stretched and rubbed his eyes. He blinked a few times to allow his vision get started for the day.

Through there little journey together, he had gotten significantly closer to the tealnet then he ever did before during their meeting in the airport or on the plane. Feelings have been brought into the light and trust is slowly beginning to form. Honestly, he had never really told anyone else but his bandmates about his past and he never really did think he ever would. Adam was his usual indifferent self, finding the time more interesting than his backstory while Kristian was.. just Kristian. It was hard to ever see what goes on behind that tough façade of his.

Then Kazemaru came along, being the first to ever to really listen and give thought about him. For the first time ever, he felt heard. Lots of people don't realise when someone is expressing their problems, most of the time, they aren't looking for a solution, they're looking for someone who would really listen and understand what they feel. He had to admit that Kazemaru had changed the his general view on people. The believe he had held onto for years so tenaciously had shattered after he started interacting and getting to know Kazemaru. He was like the brother he never had.

"Good thing that you're awake! I was wondering if I was going to starve to death while you continue lazing off the morning," Kazemaru stated. Eric rolled his eyes but a smirk crept onto his face nonetheless.

"Riiiight. And because I am such a nice person, I won't deliberately mention how Maru hyung (Big brother Maru) took of his shirt last night because he complained of the heat in the tropical forest,"

"NANI (WHAT)?!?!" His shock sent him back to his mother tongue as he frantically looked down.

Eric burst out into a genuine laugh. Kazemaru realised how gullible. Clearly, he could feel the fabric of his shirt against his skin and there was no way that ever happened. He glared at Eric but his gaze softened. When he first met Eric, he hadn't expected him to be capable of human emotions. It was a sweet sound to his-

Out of the blue, Eric's laughter was cut off and replaced with an alert look. This got Kazemaru to do the same as he followed Eric's line of gaze.

A distance away from them, smoke was billowing from the dense trees. What the heck was going on?!

Kazemaru rushed to his feet but Eric held him back.

"Wait. Maru hyung (Big brother Maru), shouldn't we going the other direction if there's a fire? Plus, your leg is still injured, we should quickly move-"

"But what if it's a signal from the others?" Kazemaru questioned. Eric was sent into silence, contemplating the thought. "Plus.... I'm almost positive that there would be much more smoke if it really was a forest fire.."

Kazemaru had his fingers crossed on this on because frankly, he didn't know. What if the fire was just starting and going towards it meant signing their own death contracts. Huh, and a moment ago he was just thinking about cyanide and it's killing properties. Maybe that's how he'll end? Cyanide poisoning through smoke inhalation?


He shook his head as he became aware of Eric's presence in his peripheral view. Even if he didn't mind being gone, he couldn't bear the thought of forcing another person to follow through with the same fate. Not a chance.

He smiled at that moment as he realized... He had found a reason to live.

A reason to keep fighting.

A reason to live to see the next day.

It's time he got back to his friends and protect them all from all this madness. It's time he stood up and away from the fetters of his own mind. Dwelling in the past won't do any good. He needed to move on. He needed to help everyone get to the city free from infecteds.

Maybe he was hallucinating because he starting to see Endou's signature grin where the smoke continue to rise. Endou waved at him, like those days when he arrived at the clubroom for soccer practice. Like those days before everything went wrong.

Even if there was hope for this world, there was sure as heck hope left for him and his friends.

Giving a brief glance to Eric, he fixed his gaze forward, determination burning through his eyes.

"Let's go! "


Whooooooooo! Square root square root square root for the win! I'm supposed to be doing my maths project but oh well 😂 hope that all of you enjoyed this chappies and I sincerely hope that none of you were triggered. I did my best not to mention or describe anything too vividly. Anyways, thank you all so much once again for reading and see you all in the next chappie! WHEEEE xD and no not Trost district. Search up the meaning and you shall see ahaha

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