Adopted by 5SOS?

By prettyinblackthings

1.9M 54.6K 25.3K

I'm Cara. A complete mess that no one wants. I ruin things and wreck peoples lives... That was until they cam... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
starting youtube?
important youtube video!!

Chapter 30

28.2K 869 278
By prettyinblackthings

Cara's POV

It's been a week and Luke is onto the whole gang thing. He saw me walking with them and he was called into the school because he is down as a career. He was called in because I was invold in a fight between the two gangs. DC and EMU. The EMU gang are seriously pushing their luck. They have been ruining are things and threatening are loved ones.

I pulled on my school uniform and walked into the living room to pick my backpack up.

"Will you be coming home tonight?" Luke rudely asked.

"I might..Then again I might not. It's none of your buisness" I snapped.

"Actually it is! You do live with us! We have a right to know where you are! When I go to sleep at around 2am your not in but when I wake up at around 8am your in the bed next to me! Like last night and the boys know about this! We all went to sleep at 5am since we was doing band practice and you weren't in. I woke up to go to the toilet at 6am and you weren't there. I wake up at 8am and you're sound asleep next to me! What time are you calling this!" He yelled making me back away. He has never yelled at me. Well he has been lately but not like this. His facial expression scared me.

"Mate! Calm down!" Calum said walking to us.

My breathing was increasing.

"S-sorry cara i--" He started but I cut him off.

"Forget it. And ya know what?! I won't be returning home tonight if your going to be like this!" I yelled back with tears forming in my eyes. 

I ran out the door and headed to the den...Well whats left of it that is.

I headed down the flithy ally way into a teritory land.

I stormed into the broken up den and threw my bag to the filthy floor in anger.

"Fisty mood today? Good. Take out all your anger on the EMU gang. Fight tonight. Outside school" Tarik said.

"Since when did we organize a fight?" I asked annoyance in my voice.

"We would of told you but your friends dragged you out of school?" Kyle added.

"Oh...Well they won't be bothering us for awhile" I fakely smiled.

I have to admit I have been a pain in the arse lately for the boys. I live with them but I treat them like shit. Lukes right. I always get in late then when i'm in early for a change I become moody. The police have been turning up at the door asking for me. I keep asking the lads to say that i'm not in which they do.

"We best get going...Last day we need to get things sorted before anything kicks off" Kyle said and we walked to school with our hoods up.


We got to school and thankfully I was given a second chance...Again.

"You lot meet us here at the end of the school day. Eugine will be here about 4 so we better be ready!" Kyle said in his usual tone. Everyone nodded and we walked through the gates.

"Miss.Richards!!" A teacher yelled.

"What" I bluntly said.

"Leave off 'er" Tarik spoke and dragged me away. I laughed and we went to my locker.

"I'm glad you back Cara. Everything its much better now your back. Like old time" Kyle spoke in a new tone. Soft and calm tone.

"Who are you and what have you done to my bestfriend?" I teased and he shook his head.

I picked up my science book and we all walked to science class.


The day was pretty calm. Until later that will be. We headed to the bike shack where we are all meeting. It is now 3:50pm our gang our here and Eugine and his boys will be here soon. I'm ready. I just hope this isn't a repeat of a last fight.

Lukes POV

I'm worried about her. 

So worried.

I spoke to some people that live near that area and they said Cara is a part of one of the most dangerous gang along with another one who's name I can't remember.

Maybe I should see her mum? The kids will be at school so I guess it will just be her.

I got the bus to her mums street and thought of how I should come across with this. 'Oh hey Miss.Finny your daughter is in a gang any information on them?' Of course I can't come out like that.

I came out of my thoughts when we feet stumbled upon the brick wall that is around the house.

I walked up to the door of her mums house and knocked three times. Seconds later she answered.

"Luke?" She seemed confused.

"I need to talk to you. Its important. Its about Cara" I spoke as calm as possible. She looked worried but gestured me to come in.

"So spit it out then" She said seeming worried.

"Okay..Was Cara ever in a...Gang?" I asked smoothly, her face went pale.

"Yes...What are they doing with my daughter?" She asked with panic in her tone.

"She's been in lots of fights lately. The police have been banging down our door! We don't know what to do!" I rushed "How dangerous are they?" I asked afraid of the answer.

"Very" She replied.

"They get in allot of fights" I said.

"Fights is just a baby thing compared to the worst thing they've done" She spoke.

"What's the worst they've done Louise?" I panicked

"Murder" She whispered.



Just so ya know I got some chocolate.

I forced my friend to get it for me ;)

I can be very convincing.





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