A Warrior's Heart | Omen Of D...

By QueensparklesYt

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RobinStar and CrowDawn have a big destiny. They grew up as best friends, until betrayal happened and one cat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Next Book!

Chapter 5

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By QueensparklesYt

RobinPaw woke at dawn, her pelt was damp from the night before. now, it was damp outside and cold. She saw SilverStrike,"Meet me at the training hollow,"He ordered, and scampered off. She sighed, knowing she had a punishment for the night before. I wish he would get on with it now! She lashed her tail and raced to the training hollow. She crossed the ancient oak but, she haulted,"Stupid!" She hissed. She sighed and bolted toward the training hollow, sniffing every scent she could. When she reached it, SilverStrike was sat down, blue eyes full of sympathy,"You thought right,"He meowed more sternly than his gaze,"You have two punishments."She opened her mouth in angry amazement."Two, punishments?!"She scoffed,"Its worth a million,"She muttered the rest. SilverStrike strickened his gaze."Your first is, you'll be going on every hunting patrol there is for two sunrises, your second,"He paused, glaring at her."When there's no hunting patrols and you've eaten and rested, you will bring moss and get rid of the elders ticks,"He paused again,"I will wake you up when your needed and-Oh! You'll be doing the second punishment until the next gathering." RobinPaw looked at her paws."A gathering is where all clan cats chosen by there leader go to the gathering place where the leaders talk on a huge rock."She remembered her mother tell her that. She definitley wasn't going to the next gathering!"Rather than that, you will be trained even if you miss hunting patrols." SilverStrike flicked his tail for her to jump onto the hollow. RobinPaw leaped up and so did he after her."Since you don't know how to hunt, i best teach you." SilverStrike bolted into tall grass and haulted. RobinPaw stopped behind her mentor."What can you smell?"He asked. She sniffed the air, across the field,where there were no trees, she could smell the WindClan border. She sniffed again.Mouse!"Mouse!" She hissed in a low voice.SilverStrike nodded." I'll hunt this one, you observe everything." She nodded. He quietly dropped into a hunting crouch. His tail was down but not swishing the grass by dragging behind him. SilverStrike watched his everystep.RobinPaw's ears were pricked.He continued getting closer to the mouse in the same formation. When he was close enough, he halted without making a sound. He pounced when it turned away. RobinPaw raced up to him. SilverStrike bit into its neck after it let out a terrified squeak.He buried his prey."We'll come back for it after,"He mewed."Now, what can you smell?" They were now out of the tall grass and were in the forest.RobinPaw sniffed the air."Squirrel!"She meowed low. She dropped into a hunting crouch, tail low to the ground but she knew it wasn't brushing the ground. She watched where she placed her paws and slowly went towards it. As she did, it lifted its head from storing acorns. It let out an alarmed squeak and shot up a tree."Mouse dung!"She spat. SilverStrike padded it up to her."Smell again," He told her. She scented vole. Without giving her mentor a warning she dropped into a hunting crouch. She ducked lower than last time so she wouldn't alert it that it would see her. She saw it chewing on some sort of nut and pounced.It let out a squeak of surprise but was killed a moment after."Well done!" SilverStrike mewed, eyes gleaming."You're ready for your punishments!" RobinPaw hated that he kept mentioning that. Just Stop!

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