The last guard : RWBY x male...

By GlenAldoAZE

587K 7K 8.4K

After years of brutal conflict, the civil war in Vacuo is coming near it's end. Just days before the governme... More

The Girls
Part 1 : the last one
Part 2 : finally free
Part 3 : a new home
Part 4 : the first day
Part 5 : Life in Beacon
Part 6 : blast from the past
Part 7 : strange days
The new girls (again)
Part 8 : a new enemy
A new girl (yet again)
Part 9 : secrets
Part 10 : the dance ?
Part 11 : first mission
Part 12 : a familiar sight
New girl (this is the last one) i think
Part 13 : an early victory
Part 14 : an enemy or not ? Pt.1
Another Girl (i swear she's the last one)
Part 15 : an enemy or not ? pt.2
Part 16 : an enemy or not ? pt.3
Part 17 : an enemy or not ? Pt.4
Part 18 : a chocolate and a rabbit
Part 19 : a joyful rose
Part 20 : hard as ice
Part 21 : a sad kitten
Part 22 : flaming yellow
Part 23 : a warrior or a hero ?
Part 24 : a not so calm before the storm
Part 25 : the fall pt.1
Part 26 : the fall pt.2
Part 27 : aftermath
Part 28 : a new beginning
Part 29 : mistral menace pt.1
Part 30 : mistral menace pt.2
Part 31 : the black bird
Part 32 : mother's rosario
Part 33 : an unexpected encounter
Part 34 : change of plans
Part 35 : the iron city
Part 36 : Homecoming
We have a winner!!!
Part 37 : shady business pt.1
The new girl!!!
Part 38 : shady business pt.2
Voting time!!!
The result!!!

Part 39 : the end or the beginning ?

5.9K 70 45
By GlenAldoAZE

(Y/N) : your name
(O/N) : other name
" " : dialogues

(Sycthia's POV)

My name is Sycthia, Daughter of the supreme General of the Vacuo Royal Army. Ever since i was a child, i would always train myself so that i could at least be worthy to be the daughter of such a great person. Seeing nobles and politicians backstabbing each other had made me loose trust in people. And so, i only trust myself and one other person, my mother. I built my military career all by myself and i rose through the ranks without help. I see war as a game that needs to be played in order to survive, that i need to do anything to make sure that i, and only i win. But one day, all that suddenly changed. It was all because of one moment.....

(Flashback a few years)

That day, i was ordered to return to the main headquarters after a major victory in the frontlines. My mother ordered it directly this time. And so, i hurried back.

As soon as i arrived at the gates, it suddenly opened to reveal an entire army of Elite Guards saluting me. I walked through the lines of soldiers into the main building. As i walked into my mother's personal quarters, i see her there, just sitting down looking like she was in deep thought.

Me : "General ?" I said to get her attention. She then looked at me with a smile.

Mother : "come on dear, there's nobody here" she said as i sighed before walking in.

Me : "hi mother, how have you been ?"

Mother : "i'm fine, but what about you ? I've heard about your victory. I have to say, i'm impressed" she said as i could barely keep myself from being too happy. Those words were exactly what i love to hear. Especially coming from her.

Me : "i'm not hurt mother. But anyways, why did you suddenly called me back here ?"

Mother : "i have a few matters to discuss with you but for now, i want you to meet someone. And please try to smile when you meet him"

Me : "who is it ?" You made it sound like he's very important to you " she then just smiled.

Mother : "yes he is, and he'll be important to you too" she said as i looked at her confused. Then suddenly, the door opened.

Mother : "ah, there he is" as she said that, an Elite Guard soldier came in. He then saluted.

Elite Guard : Ma'am, do you need me for anything ?" He said as i stood up to return his salute.

Mother : "(O/N), thank you for coming. I want you to meet commander Sychtia, my daughter" as she said that, i could feel her legs kicking mine before signaling me to smile. And so, i smiled at him.

Me : "uhh... who's this ?"

Mother : "(O/N), would you please take off your mask ?" She said as the Elite Guard that appears to be called (O/N).

(O/N) : "yes ma'am" he then opened his mask to reveal quite a handsome and yet blank face. That is the face of all the Elite Guards, blank.

Mother : "(O/N), would you please introduce yourself to my daughter ?"

(O/N) : "yes ma'am, i am Major (O/N) of the Elite Guard Corps. It's an honor to meet you Commander"

Me : "likewise, (O/N)" after that, my mother then walked behind (O/N) and grabbed his shoulders.

Mother : "from now on, (O/N) will be your brother" that was the day my life started to change....

Ever since that day, i've been questioning my way of living. At first, i think of him as a burden that my mother forced upon me. But as i looked at him, i see a boy that needs help, a boy that needs love. After a while, i had become used to taking care of him. He was now under my direct command. Being with him changed me. Now, instead of fighting only for myself, i fight for others. He showed me that there's actually a part of me that cares, and I'm grateful for that. After being with him for quite a long time, i felt that i want him to be by my side forever. Without me realizing, i'd grown to love him not just as a brother, but something more....

That is until...... one day........

(Time skip to a month before the siege of Kazak began)

(You guys still remember Kazak right ?)

I stood inside an airship with at least a hundred men. Our destination, the home of the devil itself, or at least that's what we thought. The continent north of Vacuo, such a dangerous place. The continent is still nameless after all this time, the people who named it all died there. And that's why we call it 'the continent' Every effort to build civilization there has failed miserably. Many lives were lost because of that. The grimm activity there weren't like we've ever seen before. And because of that, many believed that the grimm queen herself resides there. And that's why we're here. To make sure.

Pilot : "there it is, the continent" i heard the pilot said.

Soldier : "damn, and we're going there ? What the hell are the higher ups thinking ? What do you think about this place Commander ?" He said the last part to me.

Me : "what i think ? Well, they should've picked a better name" i said as they both laughed.

Pilot : "i know right ? That's not that scary"

Soldier : "yeah, why not something more horrifying ?"

Me : "trust me, if the name doesn't terrify you, then the place will definitely will. Keep your eyes open. You never know what you'll see there" i said as they gulped. Man, these guys are scaredy cats.

Pilot : "yes ma'am" he said as i looked at the windshield. We're getting closer and closer.

(Time skip an hour)

After we reached the continent, we landed where we lost contact with one of our scout ships. Usually, when we send scouting ships to the continent, nothing ever happens to them. They would never even encounter a single grimm. The grimm activity here was massive but we never saw them through the scouting ships. That is one of the reasons why we were sent here, to investigate why. And so, we landed and we found the scouting ship. It was an unmanned aircraft we bought from Altas. The damage on it couldn't possibly be caused by grimms. It was a clean cut, like it was caused by blades.

Me : "what do you guys think ? They're not caused by grimms right ?" I asked to the investigator team i was sent with.

Investigator 1 : "you're right Commander, they're not"

Investigator 2 : "then who could've done this ? There can't be humans here right ?"

Investigator 1 : "unless, it was her"

Me : "if that's the case, then we need to get out of here fast and report. We can't use any communication devices from here"

Investigator 1 : "yes Ma'am" after that, they all walked back to the airship. But then suddenly...

??? : "Commander..... " i heard a voice ringing in my ears.

Me : "who's that!" I said as i looked around. The soldiers around me looked confused. But soon, they all started acting weird.

??? : "why are you here , Commander Sycthia ?" The voice suddenly came again. I feel like i'm going crazy now.

Soldier 1 : "who's there!!"

Soldier 2 : "get out of my head!!! AGGGHH!!!" they all started to hold their heads like they were in pain.

??? : "you're all in my domain now.... " the voice said as the soldiers all suddenly stopped moving. They all had blank expressions as they all just stood there in silence.

Me : "what's happening!!"

??? : "behold my power.... " the voice said before the soldiers suddenly lined up and split into two groups.

Me : "stop it!! Just stop it!!!" I yelled. That's the only thing i can do. I can't even move my body.

??? : "now, can some of you please die for me ?" The voice said before one of the groups suddenly pulled out their weapons and pointed them at their own heads. Then...

??? : "die..." as i heard that, i could see the blood splattered across the ground.

Me : "what is this?!!! You monster!!!"

??? : "you and the rest of them are going to serve me from now" she said as my head started to hurt. The pain, it as like nothing i've ever felt. It hurts.... (O/N), help me....

??? : "he's not here, right ?" The voice said... but how did it know about him ?

Me : "if i took him with me, he would've died. I'm glad I didn't" i said as i tried to hold back the pain.

??? : "then, serve me. And i will give you anything you want"

Me : "No! I already have what i want!!" I said as the pain became worse, ten times worse.


??? : "you're mine" she said as i could feel myself getting lightheaded. For some reason, i feel an urge to kill. An urge to take lives, an urge for blood...

??? : "that's it, you feel it. And you will enjoy it"

Me : "i-i w-won't let you-" i can feel it, i'm loosing myself. For a moment there, i can feel it, pure bloodlust. For a while there, i was no different than the grimms i used to fight"

??? : "i'm your master, i am your queen..." I can't..... i just can't hold it anymore......

Me : "yes, my queen"

??? : "good. Now, bring the maidens to me..."

Me : "yes, Lady Salem"


(Back to the present)

(Still Sycthia's POV)

There he is, he's so close. I... I just have to kill him and i will be free from this world. Then, i can finally join her. And then, i could have him to myself, she promised me that.

Me : "get ready (O/N), you're mine" i said as i took my stance. But somehow, i felt like I couldn't move for a second. Like something is trying to stop me. What is this ? I can't stop now.

Watts : "kill him! After you're done, i'll take you to the Queen myself" he said before he walked out and disappeared.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stood with sword in hand facing my sister.. no, a person that used to be my sister as i took a stance. I focused all the power that i could muster to face her first attack. I looked at her eyes as she stared back at mine. Somehow, i could see regret and hesitation in hers.

Me : "let's finish this once and for all" i said as i used my power to engulf my sword in flames.

Sycthia : "sorry (O/N), i have no choice. I have to kill you!" She then lunged forward at me before slashing with great amount of power.

Me : "what happened to you ? This is not what mother wanted!!" I said to her as she charged again. This time, she jumped before slashing her sword at me. I could barely jumped away to  avoid her attack.

(Sycthia's POV)

I have to kill him! After that, it'll be over and the Queen will give him back to me. I raised my sword and slashed at him again and again as he parried my attacks, barely. But then again, i feel it. Something is telling me to stop.

Me : "i can't stop!!" I yelled as i ran at him before we locked blades. I then used the strength the maiden power gave me to send him across the room.

(O/N) : "Agghhh!" This is my chance! I then focused my power to my sword as i readied myself to finish him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Damnit, she's too strong. I'm hopeless. What am i missing ? I need more strength to defeat her. I looked at my shoulder to see that i'm loosing blood. I can't die here, not yet. I need to defeat her. But how ?

But then.... i remembered something......

(Flashback a day before you left Raven)

I sat inside Raven's tent as we were both drinking tea. As i was finishing, Raven suddenly grabbed my shoulder.

Raven : "hey (Y/N), why do you want to fight so badly ?"

Me : "isn't it obvious ? I need to do whatever i can to stop Salem, or at least help in some way" i said as she just smiled while looking at her cup.

Raven : "I understand that, but there's one thing I don't understand though"

Me : "what is it ?"

Raven : "you said you needed all the help you can get right ?"

Me : "yes"

Raven : "then, why not ask your team to help. Especially Ruby, you know what she is right ?" Her words caught me off guard. I didn't even understand why I didn't ask them to come.

Me : "I don't know, but something is telling me to protect them from danger"

Raven : "even if you already know that danger will come to them anyway ?"

Me : "uhh... yes. That's right"

Raven : "well that's not really logical of you" she said while grinning.

Me : "what does that supposed to mean ?"

Raven : "it means that i've found out something that could help you"

Me : "really ? What is it ?"

Raven : "when the time comes for you to use the maiden power, think of your friends. All of them. Think of the reason why you did what you did. Why you protected them"

(Back to the present)

That's it! This is what she meant. I need to think about them. Why I protected them.....

Why ?.....

I don't even know myself......

Maybe it was because they're important to me.

Ruby, who taught me that even i can feel happiness....

Weiss, who taught me that people have their own ways of being strong.....

Blake, who taught me that being sad is not being weak....

Yang, who taught me that anger isn't a bad thing. That it was different than being evil....

Pyrrha, who taught me that even a bloodied soldier like me can become a hero.....

Coco, Velvet and Winter..... who had welcomed me with open arms..... no matter how broken i was, they still tried to help me......

Aunt Glynda and Professor Ozpin..... the first 'family' i had after i left my old life, the people who saved me from ending my own life before it even began......

And lastly... Marie.... the one who started it all.... the one who guided me all this time......

I wanted to protect them all.......


And so, i raised my sword again. I have to protect them.

Me : "for them! For all of them!!!" I pointed my sword at Sycthia as i could feel power running through my body. This power, i had never felt anything this strong.

Mother..... is this what it means to care about someone ?

Sycthia : "(O/N)!!!!!" She said as she ran at me with inhuman strength with an immense Aura behind her. Now, it's time to end it all.....

(Sycthia's POV)

I ran at him as we exchange hits after hits. But this time, my attacks doesn't hurt him...
it's like he has an aura..... a soul....

Finally.... you've actually found it.....

Wait..... why do i care right now ?

You do care.....

What's that?!!! That's not me!!!

Me : "this ends now!!!" I said as we both charged into one another... then....


Our blades clashed so hard, that it caused an explosion.....

(O/N) : "it doesn't have to be this way!!" He said as we locked blades.

He's right, it doesn't.....

Stop it!!! I made up my mind!!!!

It wasn't you.... it was Salem......

Stop!!! Just stop!!! It hurts!!!!

Then.... let me take over for a while.....

Me : "(O/N), kill me....." i could finally say something. I need to end this before i regret it.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stood her trying my best to hold my ground as we both locked blades. But then suddenly.....

Sycthia : "(Y/N), kill me....." she said as tears came pouring down her cheeks. I could tell, this is the Sycthia i used to know....

Me : "S-Sycthia ?"

Sycthia : "please... kill me.... before i kill you...." she was tearing up but her body is still holding her ground. It was like she wasn't in control. This must be her doing, Salem.

(Sycthia's POV)

I need my strength back. This is my body! I'm in control!!! Give me back my body!!!

Me : "there's no much time, (O/N)" i said as i dropped my sword.

(O/N) : "Sychtia ? Is it really you ?" He said before i ran at him and grabbed him, pulling him into a hug. Finally, i've been waiting too long for this. I don't want this to end.....

But i know that it must..... if i want to save him.

Me : "(O/N), listen to me... I don't have much time left. I don't know how much longer i can hold it. Please, kill me before i did something i'll regret!!" I said as he just froze there. This is the first time i've seen him froze. That makes me kind of happy, knowing that he cares for me.

(O/N) : "no!!! I've lost too many already!! I don't want to lose you too!!!" What he said shocked me. I didn't think that (O/N) would ever say anything like that to anyone. But i'm glad that he said that to me.

But knowing they he cares.... is enough for me..

Looks like all those times i spent trying to make him understand wasn't for nothing....

Me : "(O/N), please know that i will always be with you. And i will always..... Love you"

Then.... finally i did something that I thought i could never do. I leaned in as i took his lips. All the regrets seemed to go away as out lips touched....

It felt like a lifetime..... but it has to end.....

(O/N) : "Sychtia ? What was that ?" He said as i just smiled at him. I then grabbed his hand....

Me : "just something to remember me by" i said as i thrust his sword into my stomach. It hurts, looking at his face as he looked at me with such horror...

But i'm glad that i could spend my last seconds with you....

But as my vision started to blur, i started to think about if I didn't left that day....

Will everything end differently ?

((Y/N)'s POV)

What just happened ?

Why ?

Why did this happen ?


Why ?

Me : "Sychtia ? Sychtia!!!!!" I yelled and yelled, but she didn't answer....

Me : "No..... NO!!!!!!!!" She's..... she can't be....

Me : "why ? Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ?" I just kept repeating that word over and over again as i could feel my face getting wet.

What is this ?

Tears ?

Me : "please! Take my tears!!! Take everything. You've always wanted me to cry don't you. Please take it, just don't leave me"

But i know, that I can't change what happened

Sycthia, i promise you.... i will defeat Salem. I will make her pay for this... for everything....

Just wait.... wait for me...

Tell mother, that i will finish what she started...

Tell her...... that i'm just getting started.

END of part 39, the final part of the first volume.

Sorry if it looked like it was rushed but i did my best.

Anyways, thank you for reading this far and i hope you'll read my other storied.

Speaking of which, i'll be starting a vote after this.

Please vote for the story you want me to make.

And don't forget to read my original story too. It's in my other account


Once again, thank you for the support.


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