Past Sins

By akosuafrimpong22

609K 28.7K 2.5K

A one night stand would have been a much more pleasing fate for Zana Bert than someone forcing himself on yo... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
New Book Alert!!!

Part 12

18.9K 998 59
By akosuafrimpong22

The days that followed were good days. Alex was nothing but nice and considerate towards me. One week had passed since I moved in with him and my Nana still hadn't called me. I guess she and Mrs Amelia were having so much fun they forgot about me.

My nights were filled with dreams of Alex making sweet passionate love to me. I mostly woke in the middle of the night to harden nipples and my body on edge.

Those wild dreams felt so real. It all started the day I saw him naked. It was imprinted in my memory and the mere thought of him naked and inside me sent a shiver down my spine. His ripped muscles, those washboard abs, his torso and right down to his member.

It was 7:30 pm on a Thursday evening as I sat eating a bowl of chicken noodles in the kitchen. Alex was still not back from work.
After I was done with my noodles and cleaning up in the kitchen I went to wait for him in the living area.

I had an appointment tomorrow and I wanted to ask him if he would like to tag ago. I switched on the television to watch something to pass time. Being in the house alone most of the day was driving me crazy. There was nothing better to do except to eat, watch tv and sleep.

I wasn't a prisoner or anything but I just felt really lazy and tired to go out. Kyle popped into my mind as I flipped through channels.

I was one horrible best friend. I hadn't called to check up on him in two weeks. He had Ryan now but that was no excuse. I made a mental note to go see him after my doctors appointment tomorrow.

I didn't realize I had doze off until I felt someone lifting me up from the couch. I opened my eyes to stare into icy blue ones as he cradled me and began his climb up the stairs.

"Go back to sleep" he ordered.

But I couldn't, I was wide awake and felt the warmth radiating from his body. My nipples began to harden on their own from being close to him.

"I'm too heavy, you don't have to carry me all the way up. Besides I'm fully awake now" I explained hoping he would put me down to climb the rest of the stairs on my own.

Whatever I said went unheard. He just kept on going till we got to my door. I thought he was going to let me down but no, he managed to turn the door knob, entered and then set me down.

"You shouldn't have waited up for me"

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me to the doctor's tomorrow. I have a check up"

I was anxious to know his answer. I mean I didn't know if he would like to or not and the silence I was met with didn't help.

"I shouldn't have asked. You have better things to do than-"

"I would like to come."

He interrupted before I could finish whatever I was saying.

Relief washed over me when I heard him.  He stood there staring at me for a second before he left the room.

A minute later as I was about to undress to go take a shower, I heard a knock at the door. Maybe he forgot to tell me something, I thought to myself as I went to open the door.

I felt warm hands cradled my cheeks and soft lips crush onto mine and my eyes fluttered close. He firmly gripped the back of my head as he devoured my lips.
My knees felt weak and desire pooled down at my core. All I could do was hold unto his arms to keep myself from falling.

How long he kissed me didn't matter, but it felt like an eternity. I was enjoying his lips on mine and didn't want it to end. He moved his lips from mine and my eyes shot open to meet his icy blue ones, which had somehow taken on a deeper shade. My heart was beating loudly in my chest and I was surprised he couldn't hear it.

I was lost in his eyes and didn't comprehend the words that came out of his mouth till he pulled away from me and closed the door to go to his room.

My mind was muddled and my whole body was on edge. My hands flew to my tingling parted lips.

Why had he stopped? I thought to myself as I slowly made my way to the bathroom to take a shower.

As I laid in bed, I kept playing the kiss in my mind. I could still taste him on my lips and they were a little bit swollen.
I was definitely going to have another Alex Flemming dream. I smiled sheepishly as I closed my eyes with images of Alex, his naked body and his lips floating through my mind.

I awoke the next morning still in a daze from the kiss the previous night.

"Your father kissed me yesterday" I said to the stomach with a grin.

It was 7:45 am and the check up was at 9am. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to bath and get ready.

I managed to put on black and gray floral palazzo pants with an elastic waistband, a white off- shoulder crop top and some sandals. The pants rode up to cover my entire belly, which I was grateful for. I grabbed my bag and phone and headed downstairs to eat something.

Just as I stepped out of the room, Alex opened his door. He look dashing in his blue-black suit. I glanced at him taking in his appearance all the while appreciating what I was seeing.

"Goodmorning" he said in a strain voice.

"Goodmorning" I shyly replied before fully closing my door.

He took the lead and I followed behind him.

We both headed to the kitchen and I went straight to grab a bowl, cereals and then some milk from the fridge whiles he made his coffee.
All through breakfast he didn't utter a word to me or try to make conversation.

After we finished eating, he grabbed his phone and keys and headed to the door. I was confused as to what was going on. Was this the silent treatment or what, and after the way he kissed me yesterday?
I too could play that game. I went outside to find him waiting for me to get into the car. I got in buckled my seatbelt and turned my head towards the window.

The drive to the hospital was filled with tension and absolute silence from the both us.

We got to the hospital right on time to go in and see Doctor Jamil.

"Zana!!" he said as he got up to hug me when I enter.

"I see you brought company" he directed at Alex.

"Yes Doctor Jamil. This is-" I was cut off by Alex.

"Alex Flemming, her husband" he finished off as he extended his hand towards Doctor Jamil for a handshake.

"The Alex Flemming?" He accepted the handshake as he asked.

I was glad he didn't ask when I got married and all that stuff. He was a friendly doctor but he knew when not to probe into the personal life of his patients.

"The one and only" he nodded to the good doctor.

He wouldn't talk to me all morning and now he's all chatty, I mentally said as I rolled my eyes.

The Doctor ushered me to sit up on the check up table and lay back down. I pulled the palazzo pants down below my stomach since I already knew the drill.

I turned down to see Alex standing next to me staring down at my belly with undivided attention. I couldn't tell if he was staring at the stretch marks or my bulging belly.
Whatever he was looking at was making me self conscious and uncomfortable.

I turned my heard to the monitor at my right as Doctor Jamil smeared the gel on my abodonen and placed the scanner on my stomach moving it around to find the baby's heartbeat.

It didn't talk long until we heard the strong beating of a heart fill the room. I turned to look at Alex, what I saw on this face was priceless. His eyes were filled with emotions and he looked astonished as he looked at the image of the baby on the monitor screen.

He unconsciously took hold of my hand and kept gazing at the screen. This baby was not conceived the right way but one thing was for sure, he was a blessing.

"Can we get a picture of the baby?" He anxiously asked Doctor Jamil.

"Zana already has one but sure" the doctor said as he went about his work to get him the sonogram.

"Is the baby a boy or a girl" he asked the doctor again.

But before he could answer I interrupted the doctor.

"I wanted it to be a surprise so I didn't ask for the gender" I replied looking up at him.

"But if you want to know that's okay too" I concluded.

"That's fine. I don't really mind. I want to be surprised too" he replied back.

After the ultrasound and sonogram, the doctor wiped the gel off my stomach and I pulled my pants back up to cover my stomach.

"Well Zana, every thing seems to be okay. I'm glad you took time off work. You are not stressing yourself and the baby anymore" he said as he scribbled away on his folder.

"Yes doctor, when am I due though"

"Yes about that, you are due between 31st July and 6th August. And don't forget to take your vitamins Zana"

"Thank you doctor Jamil" I smiled as I stood up.

"I must say Zana, you really beginning to round up well, your tummy fat helped you hide the baby for a while. I guess the baby is tired of hiding"

"Tell me about it" I laughed.

Alex helped the door open for me as we left the Doctor's office.

It was back to the silent treatment when we left the hospital. What was wrong with him? Had I done something wrong? I wanted to ask him and scream at him at the same time but I decided against it.

"You go on ahead to work. I'm going to visit my friend Kyle. See you at the house" I didn't wait for him to reply.

I turned and began walking down the street.

Someone grabbed my arm from behind but I already knew who it was as I felt the tingles.

"Will drop you"
Was all he muttered as he led me to where his car was parked.

He drove me to my office in complete silence, again. When we reached, I got of the car sulking. Why was he being this way.

Before I could wave goodbye to him, he had already drove off. I slowly made my way inside the building. He wasn't going to dampen my spirit. If he wanted to be a jerk, he could for all I cared.

And here I was, beginning to catch feelings for him. Now I could squash them because he didn't deserve it.

I walked in to see Kyle talking on the phone with the back of his chair facing the door. He clearly had no idea someone was behind him.
I quietly walked over to his back and brought my mouth down to his ear.

"Darling, don't even think about spooking me." He said as he turned towards me with a huge smirk on his face. I was left standing there like a fool.

"You are no fun" I said childishly.

"You thought you could sneak up on me with you breathing as if you had just run a marathon?" He got out of his seat to give me a bear hug.

"You are one horrible best friend but I miss you anyways" he said still hugging me.

"I know and I'm sorry. And I'm here to make amends. I'm taking you out to lunch" I sweetly replied.

"You look really great Zana, marriage and pregnancy really agrees with you. So you guys had sex yet?" He bluntly asked.

"Urgh, I wish." I said as I sat down.

"So you mean to tell me you guys have been living together for one week now and you haven't done it yet? Wow" Kyle said with a shocked expression on his face.

"Well....... I think I'm beginning to fall for him" I sadly said.

"Tell me everything now" Kyle commanded.

Thus, the rest of the morning was spent with me telling Kyle everything including me seeing him naked and the kiss. I had his undivided attention, it was like he lived for these moments. Well I was glad he was the one person I could freely talk to about how I felt.

When it was 12:00 pm, we ordered pizza since I was starving and was not up to going out for lunch anymore. I payed for it when it came and we sat right there in the office I use to share with Kyle eating and talking some more.

I spent the rest of the day with him at the office till it was 5:00 pm. I tried helping him with work but he wouldn't let me. One of the things I loved about Kyle was how hardworking he was, he was dedicated to everything he did. And he was handling things very well in my absence.

Hand in hand, we walked towards his car. We both were going to have dinner before I went back home.
I was in no rush to return to the house to endure anymore silent treatment.

We meet up with Ryan and had a good dinner and evening all together. By the time we left the restaurant, it was 8:45pm. I tried to make us stay longer but they were both tired.

They gave me a lift to the house said their goodbyes and left. At the gate I asked Alan if Alex had come home yet and was disappointed when he said no.

The house felt so empty and lonely just like how I was feeling. I made my way to my room, took a shower and then settled myself in bed.

"Your father is giving us the silent treatment dear, after he kissed me. Can you believe that?" I mumbled as I patted my stomach.

I couldn't sleep, for one I was worried he wasn't home yet and two I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in.

As I willed myself to sleep I heard footsteps then a door opening and shutting.

Ohh he was definitely avoiding me, and I was going to avoid him too.

I forced my eyes shut and went to sleep.

Well another chapter complete. I think you guys are getting bored of the story ☹️. Anyways I'm not updating till I reach a 100 likes.
I need motivation people! Likes and comments pleaseeee.😊😊

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