Brett Talbot Imagines

By ChyneAshly

996K 21.6K 2.6K


Part 1: "Cute"
Part 2: Stealing or borrowing?
Part 3: Request 1
Part 4: Request 2
Part 5: Request #3
Part 6: Request #4
Part 7: Request #5
Part 8: Request #5 pt. 2
Part 9: Request #6
Part 10: Request #7
Part 11: Request 8
Part 12: Request #9
Part 13: Request #10
Part 14: Request 11
Part 15: Request #12
Part 16: Request #13
Part 17: Request #14
Part 18: Request #15
Part 19: Request #16
Part 20: Request #17
Part 21: Request #18
Part 22: Request #19
Part 23: Request #20
Part 24: Request #21
Part 25: Request #22
Part 26: Request #23
Part 27: Request #24
Part 28: Request #25
Part 29: Request #26
Part 30: Request #27
Part 31: Request #28
Part 32: Imagine #29
Part 33: Request #30
Part 34: Request 31
Part 35: Request #32
Part 36: Request #33
Part 37: Request #34
Part 38: Request 35
Part 39
Part 40: Request #36
Part 41: Request #37 (PART 1)
Part 42: Request #37 (PART 2)
Part 43: Request #38
Part 44: Request #39
Part 45: Request #40
Part 46: Request #41
Part 47: Request #42
Part 48: Request #43
Part 49: Request# 44
Part 50
Part 51: Request #45
Part 52: Request #46
Part 53: Request #47
Part 55
Part 56: Request #38 (PART 2)
Part 57: Request #49
Part 58: Request #34 (PART 2)
Part 59: Request #50
Part 60: Request #51
Part 61
Part 62: Request 52 Creature Preference (PART 1)
Part 63: Creature Preference (PART 2)
Part 64: Creature Preference (PART 3)
Part 65: Creature Preference

Part 54: Request #48

6.3K 132 11
By ChyneAshly

My dad used to teach me and my sister how to use the balisong (it's what's we call here) or butterfly knife/Batangas knife (gif) back when we were kids during the summer..lowkey missing it :( I got carried away with the fighting moves here because damn I miss taewkondo :( plus I just binge watched a bunch of action movies before and while writing this imagine.

Anyway, I'll be concentrating more on the Brett imagines for the time being but not to worry, I'll still continue with the Isaac ones :D

**Patterning this with the season 4 ep 10: monstrous

If there are any errors, my apologies ♥


Out of instinct, the sound of movement you and Brett heard as you stood on guard as the first line of defense against any intruders, you lifted the weaponry and pulled the trigger. Right as the sharp metal spike pierced through the hanging plastic, Brett followed suit and teared the material with a growl that vibrated deep in his chest.

Uncle Chris? You thought once the material flown down the floor, revealing just who this intruder was. It took you a second to realize that Brett was already going to attack while your uncle already had the pistol pointed at the werewolf ready to shoot with just a simple pull of the trigger.

"Wait! Wait!" Scott cried as he called everyone's attention, running towards where the direction of the commotion was.

"Brett!" You called right before he swiped a claw. "This is his place!"

"It's uncle Chris' place." You repeated, feeling out of breath at what could have happened.

Looking back at you, Brett's canines and claws retracted as he walked back to where you were – standing the slightest bit in front of you in a protective manner with the same look of seriousness on his face before.

"Y/N," The older Argent finally put down the gun and tucked it in the back of his pants, his serious tone making you slightly embarrassed. "You could've called."

"Sorry Unc-" You were suddenly cut off when Scott spoke.

"It was my idea," he said. "We didn't know where else to take them."

It was a moment of silence as Chris looked towards Scott then to you with brows raised up, the silent scolding from the uncle to his niece was felt by Scott and Brett.

"I know this man," the silence died when Satomi spoke and approached the 4 of you. "He may not remember, but we've met before."

You looked towards the other Alpha and to Chris, trying to see if there were any recognition that would glint in his eyes.

"You can trust him," Scott assured Satomi. "I trust him."

"How do we know he's not like the others?" Satomi questioned again making Brett growl just a little as his hand held yours and pulled you ever so slightly behind him.

"What others?" He asked, his brows suddenly furrowed at the new-found information he was hearing.

"Last night, there was a whole team after them." Kira shared, recalling that you and she were chasing down the hunters that were chasing after Lori and Brett.

"They used crossbows." You handed the silver-tipped arrow with an insignia of another family on it, the very same one that you managed to get out of Brett's shoulder.

"They're hunters, aren't they?" Scott asked.

"Not if they're killing for profit." Chris said. "Not anymore."

"Can they find us?" Brett spoke, his hand was now holding yours – this small detail didn't go unnoticed as Chris looked down on your joined hands that suddenly reminded him of his daughter and how she got mixed into all of this.

"They might already know you're here," your uncle replied, the hand you held already tightening their hold. "Maybe they're waiting for dark."

"They're not safe here," Kira spoke, looking to Scott then to you.

"They're not safe anywhere." You replied.

"We've been trying to get out for days," Satomi informed. "But everywhere we turn, we find someone new trying to kill us."

You looked to Brett then to Lori who approached the two of you, her hands holding on to yours as if trying to find comfort from someone who was another stronger figure other than her brother.

After a while of planning a strategy, you were now helping your uncle place motion sensors around the Argent Armory warehouse while Scott called for Derek for help who then called Braeden for added backup.

Chris was helping you strap on as much needed weapons that you were capable of fighting with, mostly a hand-to-hand combat type of weaponry. It was something that Chris liked when you and your cousin would be together, the both of you were total opposites in the field with you being the close-range fighter while Allison would rather much enjoy being in a distance to target the enemies.

"Be careful, okay?" He finally spoke after a long silence.

"I will," you smiled, you knew he was reminiscing about his daughter and how he would be the one helping her like this whenever the Argent clan would host hunting ceremonies and whatnot.

While still having the time to rest, Brett never left your side. The thought of having to lose lives tonight, including yours and his, scared you and it made you feel that it was just right to spend it with him. Brett's eyes continued to watch your hands as you played with his fingers while you caught sight of your uncle and Satomi talking. You felt the tension was there so you tried to approach them, hoping to at least lessen whatever bad blood was present.

You didn't get to hear the last bit of their conversation when a beeping noise suddenly sounded making all heads turn to that direction. You felt arms suddenly wrap around your shoulder, the warmth emanating from Brett making you feel safe and secure.

"They're coming," Chris' voice was low but alert making you feel the adrenaline now rushing through your veins.

And just as one end of the warehouse had the motion sensors beeping, the other end was now beeping with it.

"Get back!" Braeden shouted as you saw gas grenades suddenly being thrown from one end followed by a ringing of rifles shooting bullets anywhere they could point it.

"Motherfu- these assholes don't even know where to shoot." You swore under your breath as Brett pulled you down to the floor in a corner and covered your body with his. Once you felt that it was clear in your part, you told Brett to go and hide with the rest of his pack, he hesitated with his hold to you only tightening.

"GO!" You shouted over the firing of guns when he did not show any signs of moving at all. He ran, but not before pulling your body flush against his and placing his lips on yours for a searing kiss leaving you dumbfounded and out of breath. "BRETT! What the hell!"

If it weren't for your aunt, your mother figure, teaching you how to stab someone in the eye perfectly without spilling any blood while cooking breakfast, you would probably be a mess right now. Gunshots rang and echoed throughout the walls of the Argent Arms International that you were sure Chris would be very angry that the warehouse would be in shambles right after this - you can already hear him across the warehouse practically shouting and shooting bullets at the intruders.

"How many are you?!" you shouted out of frustration, cocking your gun and shooting at the oncoming armed man. Turning to another, you continued firing with now having a gun on each hand. From the walls and to the ceiling, you tried to shoot as many as you can from where you were at.

"Y/N," Turning to the voice who called you, your pistols moved as well and pointed it out towards that direction.

Liam's eyes grew at the sight, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed nervously. But as soon as he stiffened, he jerked and cowered down while covering his ears as you shot both of the weapons past his direction towards two men who were coming for the werewolf from the back.

"Damn." He said under his breath, hoping that you didn't hear him.

"Liam, get up!" you approached the wolf and pulled him by his bicep. "Where're Scott and Kira?"

"I was gonna ask you the same thing," He replied, looking around with his eyes glowing a yellow color.

"How 'bout Lori and Brett? Or Satomi?" you asked again.

Just before Liam could answer, you heard a loud growl coming from one end of the warehouse. Almost mimicking the growl, Liam took off to the direction of where it was with you following just behind him.

With Liam being faster with his heightened abilities, it was easier for him to get to Scott. You struggled a little over the smoke that clouded your vision that you didn't notice the attacker to your left as he swung his rifle and knocked the pistols off your hands. Disarming you and hitting the butt of the rifle to your abdomen and to your jaw, you fell to your knees with a huff of pain and blood coming out of your mouth.

"You think I wasn't prepared?" you asked almost growling, as you saw the smirk on his face suddenly disappeared.

Reaching behind your back, you immediately swung it to his direction when you felt the cold metal handle. The tomahawk barely made it as it sliced the camera attached to his helmet. With a newfound strength, you swung the sharp edge to his side effectively slicing through his protective layer and to the skin.

"Y/N," Scott's voice suddenly called you making you look at his face that was shocked by what he just saw. "Injure, not kill!"

"I can't help it!" You replied, wiping the blood on your chin with your shoulder.

Looking for the members of his pack, Scott fought his way alongside you and Liam. With claws and a tomahawk, you've reached the other members struggling just a little with the people they're combatting with.

"How many are there?" You heard Derek as he fought back-to-back with Braeden.

"Too many." She replied.

Throwing the tomahawk towards Chris when he called you for it, he caught it and in one swoop, swung it towards his opponent who immediately moved out of the way. You, on the other hand, took the butterfly knife strapped to your leg and flipped it in your hand opening and showing the shiny sharp weapon.

Breaking away from the group, you followed a faint voice that was calling for Brett. Cautiously moving fast, you tried to reach for Lori just as the gunman in front of her now had the laser trained on her forehead. Your muscle memory from training was fast as you managed to finally run to the man and lift your body up in the air and jut your legs as hard as you can forward and hit not one but two gunmen on the neck; instantly catching them off guard as well as disorienting them.

As quick as you dropped on the floor, you picked yourself up and checked on Lori for any injuries.

"You okay?" You asked. "Where's Brett?"

Before Brett's sister could even answer, a growl made itself known from a corner just a few feet away from where you and Lori were.

"Brett!" Lori called, almost running towards him but you stopped her when you noticed that close to 5 armed men were surrounding the werewolf.

Leaving Lori hidden from view behind a bunch of metal desks and drawers, you now began to walk fast and singled out a particular hunter that was getting too close for comfort towards Brett. With one swoop, you lifted your body and swung a leg around his neck effectively leg -locking him and distracting his other companions. 

Pulling all your weight to flip backward, you managed to drag the person up in the air and flip him over and letting his face smash on the ground. Once Brett saw the opportunity, he attacked the other intruders with swipes of his claws. You managed to multitask when another person was behind him with a handheld gun pointed at both of you. As fast as you stomped on the guy's balls, you took control of the hand of the man that held the gun and moved it downwards while instantaneously pulling your fist and striking the man on the face successfully breaking his nose.

Once you've disarmed and injured the opponents around you, you went on to finish with one of the two attacking Brett. With a flip of your wrist and fingers that opened the butterfly knife, you gripped it and sliced your way through the man's bullet-proof vest.

Turning all of his attention to you, he managed to hit you on the shoulder with the butt of his gun. Wincing and holding on to the bruised area, you shrugged it off; and from the looks of the attacker, he felt unsure of what he was supposed to do next.

With every strike you did towards weak points in his body, the man managed to pull it off and defend himself. Striking downwards with the knife, he dodged it almost immediately – you would be impressed if he wasn't killing you at the moment. With the knife gripped on your right, he blocked the strike that was going for his lung.

What felt like hours of getting the upper hand, you managed to falsely flip the weapon to your left. His eyes suddenly got confused when the glint of something shiny struck him near his pelvis on the right. Your hand still gripped the golden handle as his eyes squinted from the pain, twisting the knife doubled the pain making him scream in agony.

Swiftly taking the knife out of his body, you flipped it closed and pocketed it back to the strap on your leg just as you felt Brett's hand hold yours.

You only blinked and Brett already had his arms wrapped around you, a tight embrace that you were relieved that the both of you were alive. Cupping your face, you could see that smile he reserved for you. You felt tears clouding your vision as Brett placed a kiss on your forehead then to your nose and last your lips.


LOL Brett you forgot about Lori, ya know, just saying =))

Hope you guys liked it! thank you again for those who leave comments and reblog my imagines over at tumblr ♥

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