She's a Challenge | 5sos AU

By Liadne_14

54.8K 2.5K 169

"You're a challenge I gladly accept." He smiled. Lola Heart, a complex girl that no one has really figured ou... More

Get a Clue
Group Therapy
Not A Date
Mr. Popular
A Challenge
No Option
Never Have I Ever
No Fighting
Probable Regret
The Reason
Repairing A Friendship
No Scars
Fights and Scolding
Muffins and Awkward Feelings
No Simplicity
Walking And Talking
Sweet Victory
Broken Promise
Banners and Stuffed Penguins
Day Gone Wrong
What Falls, Breaks
A Day With Lulu
Fortune Cookies
New Start
Champagnes and Past Lovers

Heartless Lola

3.7K 113 12
By Liadne_14

Chapter 1: Heartless Lola

It's five a.m. and I've been searching the internet for rape victims at the age of nine around the area, while listening to Criminal Minds in the background.


"Time for school." Mom yelled.

I rolled my eyes and turned up the volume on the TV.

You're wondering why my mother is banging on my door at five in the morning, telling me to get ready for school. Well, my school starts at six-forty-five a.m. and she has to drop me and my sister off.

School isn't going to help me find Diana's murderer, school's going to waste the time I could be using hunting the bitch down.

"Lola Heart, get your butt downstairs now." Mom yelled.

"In a minute." I yelled back.

"Lola," I heard my twin sister "Have you seen my blue jacket."

"No Lulu." I closed my laptop and turned off the TV before changing into my black skinny jeans and plain black v-neck fitted t-shirt.

I opened the door to see a desperate Lulu "Really? You haven't seen it."

Lulu is my younger twin sister, she looked like me when we were younger, until I started sixth grade and got my piercings and streaks in my hair.

"No, you could check, it would be the only colored clothing I have in here." I tell her as I leave my door wide open for her to look.

She sighed with frustration "Max gave me that for our two year anniversary."

"Well, I don't know where it is." I walked past her and found dad getting ready for work.

"Mom's been talking about therapy again." Dad whispered to me as he grabbed his coffee mug.


"Because you've been in your room all weekend."

"She should know that teens my age stay up in their rooms now, you know the thing called social media." I tell him as I put on my black hoodie

"Lola, why don't you wear that pink jacket I bought you?" Mom asked.

"Can't." I grabbed bread and put in the toaster "I gave it to Lulu."

"Why would you do that?" She put her hand on her hip.

"I don't wear pink." It's quite obvious since I wear nothing but black clothing. I grabbed the nutella out of the cupboard "You've already seen my clothes."

"You could wear something other than black."

"I could..." the toaster dinged and the toast popped up "But I choose not to." Dad chuckled at my response. I finished up my breakfast and waited for Lulu to come down so I could leave then come back already to find the ass hole.

"Students are calling." Dad said as he kissed mom then hugged me goodbye "You know how college students hate waiting."

"Bye dad." Lulu said before he went out the door.

"Finally." I said with exaggeration.

"I care about what I wear." She said to me.

I roll my eyes then grabbed my bag and waited for the two in the car. I honked twice before Lulu came sprinting out with her food being held by her mouth.

Right when we got to school, Lulu ran off to her boyfriend. I, on the other hand went straight to my locker, getting my history textbook that I don't need.

"Hey," I turned to see a blonde boy with a lip piercing and a strong accent, looking at me with his locker open a few down from mine.

"Hey," I answered. I don't really respond to anyone, I don't really have friends except for Michael. No, he's not my best friend, he's just a really good friend.

"Could you help me find room 107?"

I closed my locker and chuckled while crossing my arms "You're new." I stated.

"Yeah, Luke Hemmings." He smiled with his hand out.

"Lola Heart, to everyone, Heartless Lola or The Freak." I push his hand back to him. The nicknames suits me but they aren't that clever.

"Why is that?"

"Ask around then tell me what you think of me." I tell him before walking away. I know I was a jerk to do that but people should've warned him.

I walked to history class and waited till the bell rang. I, of course sit in the back, I don't listen to the lesson and I don't really need to anyway. My dad is a History teacher at the University nearby.

When the bell rang, only a few students came in, then the second bell rang. Kids came rushing in and almost falling once they entered the classroom which enlightened me.

"Is this Mr. Howard's World history class?" The same blonde guy with the lip piercing walked in with his face down looking at his paper in his hands.

"Yes, you must be Mr. Hemmings." Mr. Howard said.

"Luke." he said looking up at the teacher.

I knew what room he was talking about when he asked but I wanted him to know about me before thinking of talking to me, ever again.

"Well, welcome. Please take a seat anywhere." Mr. Howard tells the new boy.

He was about to sit in the open seat next to me but I put my bag there. He mouthed an 'okay' before sitting in the seat behind me.

"Well, hello Lola." He greeted me.

I turned around and looked at him "Well, goodbye Luke."

A test was handed out to us and I was done in a matter of minutes. No need to double check my answers or second guess myself. I got up and grabbed my bag then handed my paper in.

"See you tomorrow." I said to Mr. Howard while exiting the class.

I don't stay for the lesson and I don't care if I get in trouble with my parents for not being in class. I already know the answers so why waste my time sitting when I could do something productive? I went to the library and went on the computer then Michael joins me ten minutes later just like he always does.

"How's your day so far?" he asked as he goes on the other computer to help me with my search and his own.

"I would say the same old but a guy talked to me this morning." I tell him as I look through many Google searches.

"I'm guessing he's new." he said as he clicks away on the computer.

"Yeah. His name is Luke Hemmings." I smiled deviously.

"You didn't talk to him did you?"

"I did but it's just to tell him to ask around about me."

"What did he say anyway?"

"He asked me where room 107 was, I didn't give him an answer."

"Isn't that your class right now." I nodded and smiled "So how's the search for you?"

"I found a girl who was raped a few years after Diana was but she moved two years ago." I tell him.

"How's everything at home?"

"Mom's talking about therapy again." I tell him "Dad said it's because I was in my room all weekend."

"Doesn't she know that most teens stay in their room, online?"

I shook my head "Sadly my mom pays more attention to Lulu and her actions than mine." The screen shut me down because I was on a site that's not allowed on school computers. I sighed "How's your place?" I asked Michael.

"My parents think I'm depressed. They want me to go to a therapist about it." He tells me. I scoff at how our parents don't know their own kids. "So, you skipping Pre-cal?"

"Maybe, are you going to skip History?" he shrugged.

"I feel like ditching school."

"Me too."

"Let's go then."

"Can't, mom got a guy a block away watching out if I ditch. She gave your license plate number."

"Too far." He said shaking his head.

"I know." I ran my fingers through my hair "Hear anything about your cousin?" He shook his head.

Michael lost his first cousin freshman year, he was kidnapped, just like Diana. We've been helping each other, finding the person who took my best friend and his cousin.

"We should go, I'm getting bored here." He said after thinking about his cousin. I nodded and followed him out of the library.

His cousin was fourteen when he was taken. Michael said he was showing him around town with a couple of friends then went missing. I found out about it and told him about my best friend. Since then, we've been helping each other.

"Do you think people told that boy about you?" he asks as we sit in the hall next to each other against some lockers.

"I hope so, I don't really like talking to other people."

"I know." I leaned my head back.

Lunch came and I sat at my table that no one dares to go to, if they do, I chase them away. I waited for Michael as I picked at my food. A chair screeched and I chuckled.

"Move," I said but the person didn't listen "Didn't you hear me?" I looked up to see the new kid sitting across me.

"Hey, Lola." He smiled before eating his food.

"Did you ask around about me?" he nodded "So what are you doing sitting here?" I asked.

"You're not really like that."

"I am." I tell him "You should go find some decent friends to make."

"What if I want to be friends with you?" I rolled my eyes "You seriously don't want to be alone."

"I'm not alone, I have my friend Michael. Even if I didn't have him I would still want to be alone."

He chuckles at me "No one wants to be alone."

"Then I'm no one, now goodbye." I got up and put my tray away then left the cafeteria. People moved out of the way as I walked the halls, frightened of me, the way I like it.

"Lola," I heard an accent yell "Lola Heart."

I kept walking until he grabbed my arm and turned me around "Let go." I tell him.

"Why? Why are you like this?" he asks.

I pull my arm away "I've been this way for a long time, I like it this way."

"I think you're afraid."

I scoffed and shook my head "You don't know me, you can think you do but you don't." I crossed my arms.

"Can I try?"

I shook my head "Do yourself a favour and don't talk to me like everyone else in this school." I walked away to my next class and panted.

Why is he so interested to get to know me? He's heard about me, yet he still wants to take the chance and talk to me. What's wrong with him?

I took the chance to ditch school and walk up to the car mom got the guy to spy on me with. I need to go home, I need to do my research.

"Take me home." I tell the guy

"I'm not supposed to let you leave school." he tells me

"I don't need my classes, I need to go home."

"I can't take you Lola."

I grunted and walked off, but not back to school. I needed my own time, I need to find out who took her. I heard honking but didn't bother looking, everyone in town knows not to mess with me.

"Lola," I turned to see him again "Where are you going?"

"It's none of your business." I snapped.

"Can I at least drive you there?" I turned and he stopped his car "Can I?"

"It's your first day at school and you already have a car."

"I've been here for awhile. Come on and get in." I rolled my eyes and got in the passenger seat "Where to?"

"I'll tell you when we get there."

We drove around for awhile, he would ask me a few questions but I didn't respond.

"Stop here." I tell him. He stopped the car and I got out "Thanks for the ride."

"You're going to a bakery?"

"I told you, it's none of your business." I closed the door and backed away, waiting for him to drive off

"See you tomorrow."

"No you won't."

He drives off and when I no longer see his car, I cross the street to the cemetery. I sat in front of Diana's stone and stayed silent for awhile. After her passing, her family moved the year after. I come and see her when I feel like it, which is often.

I'd tell her how my day was and my progress on her case. Michael's been here a couple of times with me but I come here frequently.

"There's this new guy at school, I gave him the cold shoulder like I give everyone else. He doesn't get it, he's been trying to talk to me, he even drove me here, sort of." I sighed "I'm still keeping my promise, I'm still going to find the bitch that raped you."

This will be on hold for awhile. I'll probably update in a few weeks.

I based Lola off of Jade from Victorious. I've always loved the way Jade is and I wanted to make a character like her, thus Lola Heart was born.

If you've read my previous stories, you'll notice that there's always twins, brother, sister, cousins. The reason why there's always twins is because I'm a twin if you didn't know and I like it incorperate things about or like me into my stories.

I've had this idea for quite awhile now but I posted it for Leyda Marrer for her birthday. This is my Birthday present for her. Happy Birthday Leyda!!!

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