Same Mistakes (A Fifth Harmon...

By agbxharmony

580K 17.9K 9K

basically, you're used by fifth harmony as a promotion stunt and after you find out shit goes down between yo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 66

5K 157 40
By agbxharmony

@/Y/T/N: i'm disappointed in all of you. this is not what my fans would do. i strive to spread love only, it's what my career is based off of. you all let me down.

@/Y/T/N: my love life is none! of! your! goddamn! business!! i am not yours! your job as a fan is to support my music, not control my life.

@/Y/T/N: i understand it wasn't all of you that spread this hate. i hope that you, my real fans, will help me by reporting all of the accounts that did this.

@/Y/T/N: to my baby Normani, i am so sorry that this happened to you. you bring so much light and love into my life, i wish that my fans knew this. i cherish you so much, you can't even imagine.


It's been an entire week without any contact from Normani. Y/n and Kendall went back to L.A. and Little Mix flew back to Britain a few days ago. Ever since returning home, Y/n has stayed in her house alone with her dogs.

Camila and Lauren have tried to get in contact with Y/n but she won't reply or pick up the phone. The only person that has gotten contact with Y/n is Scooter, her manager, since they needed to discuss business about her first single.

In their over the phone meeting, they decided that Y/n would tease the fans by posting photos that hint to her album. Y/n loved the idea and today was the first day of the picture posting.

Y/n hasn't been online since the twitter scandal and she's worried about what people are going to be saying. So instead of posting it herself, Scooter suggested that he would post it for her and she agreed.

It felt weird for her to be posting something that said that her fans disappointed her then to be rewarding them with music teases. Y/n logs onto twitter and sees everyone freaking out over the picture, which makes her happy for a second. Then she writes a new tweet about who the music is for.

@/y/t/n: for the real ones only

She presses the tweet button then immediately logs out of twitter knowing that not only will the fans freak out but the media as well. Her mind can't stop bouncing between Normani and how this is all Y/ns fault. Y/n gets into her head again and beats herself up over the actions that her fans did.

A very loud ringing sound breaks Y/n out of her trance. She looks down at her phone and expects to see Camila or Lauren calling her but it's someone that she least expected: Beyoncé.

"Hey, what's up?" Y/n asks Beyoncé through the phone.

"I know you're in a funk, if you're available can you watch Blue for me? There's an emergency with one of my songs." Beyoncé asks Y/n through the phone.

Y/n stands up off of the couch." Whatever mama says goes." She says while walking over to her slippers and placing them on. "Be over in thirty minutes." She tells Beyoncé.

"Okay, thank you so much. Love you." Beyoncé says then hangs up the phone.

Y/n puts her phone in her pocket, she still cant handle herself whenever Beyoncé tells her that she loves her. She grabs her keys then walks into the garage where her car is. All of this has distracted her from the Normani situation which she is grateful for cause she's out of her funk.


"Y/n!" Blue cheers from behind God herself as soon as Y/n enters the door.

"Blue!" Y/n cheers back and bends down to open her arms up for the smaller girl.

"Thank you for coming again." Beyoncé tells Y/n while Blue rams herself into the girl.

Y/n lifts Blue up even though she's gotten a lot heavier since the last time. "No problem at all. I'll get her to bed on time." Y/n tells the powerful woman in front of her since she knew it was going to be her next command.

"Thank you." Beyoncé says calmly. "I will be back sometime before morning, see you two soon." She says before rushing out of the house to handle the emergency.

"Well, we got thirty minutes until you gotta go to bed so what do you wanna do?" Y/n asks Blue while setting her down on the ground.

"Where are the other girls?" Blue asks Y/n curiously.

"They went back home." Y/n says while walking into the living room with Blue following her.

Blue rushes over to the cabinet under the television and takes out the Mario Kart controllers with her eyebrow raised.

Y/n gets what she's saying and she smirks. "You're going down." She tells Blue.

"In ya dreams." Blue says sassily while turning on the Wii and throwing a controller to Y/n.


All of the five girls of Fifth Harmony are sat in another meeting about their album. They keep on hearing the same things over and over again so all of them are blocking it out.

Normani is sat besides Dinah and she's feeling a little better but knowing that people are so hateful that they say that kind of stuff is what's keeping her down. Dinah hasn't removed her hand from Normanis since they got here and she keeps on looking over at her best friend to check on her.

Camila just sent Y/n another message even though she knows that she won't get a response. She puts her phone down but it rings and she picks it up again. She scoffs after seeing that it's only an e-mail so she pretends to pay attention to the meeting again.

Lauren and Ally have been playing chopsticks with each other under the table. Ally has won all of the rounds and Lauren thinks that she's cheating in some way.

Another ding is heard coming from Camilas phone and Simon glares at Camila. "Is there something more important than this Camila?" Simon asks her.

Camila shakes her head while peaking down at her phone notification. She had a little hope that it was Y/n but it wasn't, her mom texted her asking how her day was going. Camila turns off her ringer and looks at Simon who nods his head before continuing.

Ally slaps her four fingers on Laurens hand and she smiles at her friend as she wins another round. Lauren glares at Ally and crosses her arms with a huff. Ally smiles since she successfully beat Lauren.

Normani is still in her head about all of this twitter stuff. Her mom and close friends told her to not let it have so much power over her, even though they know how painful it is. Her thoughts were interrupted by screaming, specifically Camilas screaming.

Camila looked down at her phone just as Y/ns contact name flashed up on the screen. She couldn't keep her scream in and everyone jumped then looked at her. She smiles before picking up her phone, answering the call, then pressing her phone against her ear.

Simon rolls her eyes at Camila and gives her a glare but as soon as Camila talks he's all for this interruption.

"Y/n! Hi!" Camila says happily while standing out of her chair and walking into the hall.

Lauren almost falls out of her chair in shock she attempts to get out but Simon forces her to sit back down since he knows that if Lauren talks to Y/n there's no way Y/n will repair her relationship with the rest of the girls.

Simon has no idea about Y/n and Normanis relationship or any of Y/ns relationships with the girls even though it's all over the news right now.

Normanis heart drops as soon as she hears Camila say Y/ns name. She squeezes Dinahs hand since it hurts her that Y/n hasn't called her or tried to make any contact with her since Y/n found out.

Dinah notices this and squeezes Normanis hand back signaling that she's here for her friend. Ally notices the distress in Normanis eyes. "She's giving you space." Ally tells Normani. "She thinks it's what you want." She adds on.

"I want her." Normani says just above a whisper with barely any emotions in her face.

"I hate to tell you this, but she's not going to come to you first. She's blaming herself, she thinks that you're better off without her." Ally tells Normani since she knows how Y/n acts.

Normani doesn't say anything and she looks down at her feet while trying to hear Y/n and Camilas conversation.

"Oh you beat her?" Camila asks Blue with a smile through the phone.

"Only once." Y/n says while watching Blue hold her phone.

Blue, being the one that called Camila, has been doing most of the talking. "She cried." Blue tells Camila.

Camila laughs and keeps the smile on her face since she finally heard Y/ns voice for the first time after a week. "Hey Blue?" Camila asks the younger girl.

"Mhm?" Blue asks Camila back.

"Can I talk to Y/n?" Camila asks and Blue looks at Y/n.

"You are." Blue tells Camila since the phone is on speaker.

"I mean alone." Camila says a little more cautiously.

Blue huffs. "Only for a few minutes so you can stop texting her and so she can focus." Blue says and throws Y/n her phone which Camila can tell by the wind noises coming through the phone.

Camila hears Y/n catch it. "Hey babes." Y/n says and Camila assumes the phone is off of speaker.

"Are you okay?" Camila instantly asks Y/n.

"Uh, yeah. Doing good." Y/n says through the phone and Camila hears her unsureness.

Camila sighs into the phone. "Normani misses you." She tells her friend even though it pains her since she wants to be the one that Y/n gives another chance.

Y/ns breath hitches and she doesn't say anything for a few, long seconds. "I miss her too and I missed you." She tells Camila.

Camila smiles. "I missed you too." She says back happily then she decides to take a risk. "Can I tell you something?" Camila asks.

"Of course." Y/n says while Blue starts another race causing her to be a little distracted.

"I like you a lot, like more than a friend. I know I shouldn't be saying this over the phone but I wanted to let you know as soon as I could." Camila stops talking for a moment. "I hated not talking to you." She finishes her statement.

"I already knew you like me. It's really obvious but it's cute." Y/n says and Camila prepares for the worst. "But right now my life is so chaotic I don't think I'm prepared to date anyone, maybe someday babes." She says which causes Camila to smile.

"I'll be waiting." Camila says happily then her and Y/n say their goodbyes before Camila touches the end button and walks back into the room.

Everyone heard what happened in the call since Camila was right outside. Simon had the biggest smile on his face which scares Camila. Normani noticed this and her heart broke since she knew that Simon is going to be pushing Camila onto Y/n as hard as he can. Her heart rate picks up and she knows that she has to take Ally's advice so she can get Y/n before Camila, or even Lauren, do.

hi finals suck


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