Hayley Quinn (A Johnathan Cra...

Door BigSister2K

7.4K 163 13

Hayley is an 18 year old girl who has recently moved to Gotham from a tragic mishap in her old High School. S... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 2

570 20 2
Door BigSister2K

That plane ride was my ticket to a new life. I have been in Gotham now for three days and two nights. I still knew nothing about the place except it was dangerous. I booked a hotel for the first two days and enrolled at Gotham High. My first day there is tomorrow and I can only hope Shadow remains hidden. I decided not to stay in the hotel tonight, its draining my money too quickly and honestly what is the worst that can happen right? I stood up from the old ally and walked around the street gaining feeling back into my numb legs. Gotham was beautiful at night; the moon hung over the city and illuminated the skyline which cast shadows softly across the streets. I loved the night time it's the best time of the day, it holds so many dark secrets and uncovers the true beauty of the town.

I could hear footsteps behind me, very quiet and light but my senses were on such a high i heard them. Drawing back into the shadows I hid from the person following me. I saw a bat like figure drop from the roof in front of me. But it was a man. What DAFQ? Why is he dressed up in a costume at stupid o'clock in the morning?! He began looking around the street and then walked off around the corner. Letting out a shaky breath I began my walk down the street only to be restrained by the costume guy.

"Get the fuck off me you freak" I yelled at him. He didn't reply but only handcuffed me. Oh no what if he knows who I am?!

Let me out, I'll take him down Shadow hissed in my head. After murdering Jack and the girls she has become hungry for blood. I refused to let her out but kicked him in the crotch from behind and spun round only to be tackled to the floor by him.

"Hold on your not-" The deep husky voice of the bat thingy said to me.

"GET OFF ME!" I yelled at him. He stood up straight away and gently stood me up and removed the handcuffs.,

"Sorry miss I perceived you to be someone else. What are you doing out at this time on your own? It's not safe" He asked me, I was to angry to be polite.

"You better be fricking Sorry you freak! Why the hell did you tackle me anyway?! You're not police so you have no right to handcuff me!" I shouted at him. He sighed and looked down at me.

"I'm sorry, i need you to come with me to the GCPD for your own protection" He said to me, i began to panic, what if they find out who i am?!

Calm down you fool, just go and give your sisters name. Shadow said in a duh tone. I nodded my head to the bat.

"So who are you then? Why do you wear a costume?" I asked him. He chuckled and opened his car door for me to get in then went around the front and started the car.

"I'm Batman, a vigilante and serve to protect Gotham City" He said matter of factly. I nodded my head at him and watched the streets go past as we drove to GCPD. I put one of my earphones in and listened to Linkin Park The Catalyst. I shut my eyes and caught some sleep.

All too soon I was woken up by Batman who had me in his arms walking down what i assume to be the police station. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. He stopped and put me down on the floor.

"Thank you" I mumbled to him. He nodded at me as i stretched out my arms. I followed him down the long corridor until we came to a big wooden door with the name 'Officer Gordon' on the front. The bat knocked twice on the door and waited. I began playing with my hands, nervous at how fate will treat me. When the door opened a middle aged man was stood at the door. He had brown greying hair in a comb over fashion and a 'tash. On his nose he had framed glasses which showed tired looking brown eyes. He looked friendly enough. He smiled at batman and looked down to me almost in shock, ushering us into the office batman and the man I believe is Gordon sat at the table. I joined them and looked down at my hands.

Shadow what do I do?

Stay calm, be relaxed and down show you're nervous. She told me. I took a deep breath and smiled at Gordon.

"Hello, my name is-"

"Officer Gordon" I cut him off, he looked confused as to how I knew who he was. "It says on your door..." I finished. He smiled at me.

"So it does, though I prefer to be referred to as James Gordon" He introduced himself.

"So Batman, why did you bring her in?" Gordon asked. I looked at him interested to know his answer.

"She was on her own wondering the streets of Gotham" He stated simply. Gordon went to speak when Batman's phone went off. Picking it up, he listened intently to the person at the end of the phone his face remaining emotionless revealing nothing about the conversation at hand. "Good job" was all he said before hanging up and looking at Gordon once again. "She has been caught" He said. Gordon smiled then looked back at me.

"So what's your name?" He asked me.

"Harleen Qinzel" I said straight away. Gordon looked at me and started chuckling. I looked at him confused.

"If you were going to lie about your name please come up with someone who is on high alert" He said.

"What do you mean high alert?" I asked him confused.

"I mean someone who isn't in Arkham my dear" He said to me,

"What the hell is Arkham? And why is Harley in there?" I panicked

Relax Hayley. Shadow said.

"Arkham is a prison for the criminally insane" He said. I looked at him bewildered

"But she works there as a physiatrist, she isn't a fugitive" I argued.

"That was a long time ago my dear" He said to me. What the hell was going on? Why is my sister now locked up? What did she do?

"How long have you been here child?" Gordon asked me.

"Three days" I told him. He looked as if that magically explained why I didn't know anything which I guessed it did. Batman stood up next to me.

"I have to go Gordon" he said. Gordon nodded to him "Do you have somewhere to go and stay while you are here in Gotham" he asked turning to me.

"The hotel where batsy here took me from the outside of" I replied glaring at the bat.

"Very well, Batman will drop you off there won't you" He said looking at him. He nodded and I took that as my queue to leave.

"Wait outside I'll be out in a minute" He grunted at me. I rolled my eyes and stood outside the office door. I know they were going to be talking about me so I listened in into their conversation.

"She looks exactly like a younger version of Harley John, are you sure there is no relation" The bats husky voice was clear to hear.

"I'm sure batman, she is dead. They found her body in the house with her father, we buried them out here because it was requested by Harley when she and joker were on a rampage" Gordon said. So they think I'm dead? How did they find a body unless... They covered it up to help the town sleep at night how crafty. I heard more mumbles from the office and then the door handle clink as it was being opened. I pulled away from the door and leaned against the wall yawning. The bat looked at me and motioned for me to follow him. I put my headphones in and followed him to the car in silence. It stayed that way until we arrived outside the hotel.

"Be safe" Was the last thing the bat said to me before driving off. I rolled my eyes and grabbed some cash out of my bag to pay for a nights stay into hotel. When i arrived to my room I threw my bag down and collapsed onto the bed to sleep before high school tomorrow.


The annoying sound of my phone alarm woke me up all too soon. Stopping the alarm I stretched out my limbs feeling sore from the meeting with batsy. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I looked like hell. My eyeliner was smudged around my eyes making me look like a blooming panda. Sighing, I got undressed and had a hot shower letting the warm water flow done my body relieving all the tension from my muscles and gently massaging my shoulders I stood there enjoying the feeling. I washed my hair and had a shave before getting out and deciding what to wear. I pulled out my fishnet tights and very ripped leggings with my black leather courset with buckles across the front and a ripped black shirt underneath.

I smiled at my choice I got dressed and dried my hair. I decided to cut it short a while ago and hated it so brought my hair extensions and layered them in halfway through my hair to give the appearance of layers. I backcombed my natural hair to give it more volume and then moved onto my makeup. I decided to stick with black eyeliner around the eye with small wings at the side and a plum lipstick. I finished up and looked at my phone for time.

7:30 I still had an hour and a half until classes start. I grabbed some cash out of my bag and called a cab to take me to the school. If I wanted to stay in the hotel and get food I needed a good paying job that I can fit in around my studies. I made a mental note of this just as my cab pulled up. I got in and listened to music on my way to Gotham High. The ride only took 10 minutes. When I arrived I paid the driver and decided to go into the cafe next to the School to grab a coffee. As soon as I walked in I could hear the loud buzz of people talking around the shop. I walked up to the tills and ordered a cappichieno.

"Hey by any chance are you guys recruiting?" I asked the girl behind the counter.

"You looking for a job to fit around school too" the girl asked. I nodded. The girl smiled at me and extended herhand out to me.

"The names Tess, short for Theresa, between you and me you wouldn't want to work here the manager is a class A asshole" She smirked at me.

"My names Hayley, thanks for the heads up." I smiled at her. She seemed like a nice girl.

"I haven't seen you around here before are you new?" She asked handing me my drink.

"Ya' I only came to Gotham 3 days ago" I replied.

"Oh okay, I get off in 5. If you want I can show you around?" She asked politely.

"That would be great, I'll be sat at that table" I smiled to her pointing at an empty one seat by the window. She nodded to me and served the next customer. I headed over to the seat smiling.

I think I just made a new friend shadow.

She seems nice enough and not a bitch

I took a sip of my cappichieno and instantly relaxed in my seat. I closed my eyes and blocked out my surroundings. So I was believed to be dead to all police units which work in my favour. I won't have to worry about cops recognising me and putting me away for what Shadow did.

Hey don't blame me! I'm you, just your dark side as it were. She grumbled at me. I chuckled at the truth in her words. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and turned to look at the girl, Tess from behind the counter with a few modifications. She has her black hair down with her bangs covering one of her eyes that were now smoked out with black and grey eye shadow bringing out her piercing green eyes. He lips were coated in a black lipstick as well to complete the look. I smirked at her.

"That's quite a transformation you have had" I teased her. She laughed and rolled her eyes

"Mr Boss man doesn't do makeup at all when you work" She grumbled. I nodded in understanding and saw she had also changed out of the uniform into leather pants and a black chained top with rips down the sleeves.

"So are you ready for the tour?" She asked and I nodded in reply. We walked out the shop and across the road to Gotham High.

"We have 20 minutes until first period so ill take you to reception to get your timetable and show you the classrooms" I nodded and followed her through the main entrance of the school. It was just like my own back home. There were long halls with doors lining them and a staircase in the middle leading to the higher level. We walked in and took the first right into a smaller corridor with a old door at the end leading to what I believed was the reception. As we walked through there was a desk in front of us with a middle aged redhead who looked bored typing away on her computer.

"Ahem" I coughed gaining her attention. "I'm Hayley Williams, the new transfer student" I told her. Her face lit up in recognition.

"Ah yes Miss. Williams, here is a map and your timetable. Welcome to Gotham High" She welcomed me. I smiled up at her and saw that I had double physiology and then History ending the day with science.

"Waw your doing like the hardest subjects ever" Tess said impressed.

"I want to be a physiatrist so I thought these three would give me the best coverage to be one" I shrugged

"Ah well I'll show you your classrooms, their all on the same floor so it should be easy, oh and I do science and history too, so I'll see you in them classes" She mused. I smiled widely; at least I will only be on my own in Physiology. We walked out of the reception and up to the second floor when Tess spoke again.

"You are either very lucky and named after the lead singer of Paramore, or your lying about your name" She questioned me. I laughed at her and tapped my nose

"Ya' like Paramore then." I stated rather than asked. She nodded her head vigorously and I giggled.

"I like them too, but their old stuff is way better than the pop crap they bring out now" I said.

"Definitely, I hate it when good bands go mainstream" She frowned

"Me too." Was all I said, we stopped outside a room labelled 207.

"This is your classroom. I'll meet you outside when class is done and we can chill out at lunch if you want?" Tess asked

"Sounds great, thanks so much Tess" I smiled at her before walking into the classroom. I saw the professor there and walked over introducing myself before the class started to come in.

"Hello sir, my name is Hayley Williams, I'm a transfer student" I said extending my hand.

"Hello Miss. Williams. I'm Mr. Richardson and welcome to my class" He smile up at me shaking my hand. I saw the class begin to filter into the room and took a seat at the back of the class by the window. The last drabs of the class filled in and I was glad I wasn't sat in someone's seat, until the last student came in. He was a tall brown haired boy who looked down at me and glared.

"You're in my seat" He growled. I rolled my eyes and got up and moved to the seat next to him. He sat down in the seat by the window and completely dropped the negative attitude.

"Thank you" He mused. "Sorry I have OCD so that's the only seat I can sit in. My names Sam" He introduced himself.

"Shoulda' been Sheldon" I mumbled, he began to laugh and I looked at him oddly.

"Nice TBBT reference there" he winked at me. I smiled.

"How can ya' not like The Big Bang Theory" I gushed. He smiled and went to reply when Mr. Richardson began to speak.

"Hello class, we have a new transfer student with us today" He announced and gestured over to me. "Would you like to introduce yourself" He said to me. I nodded and stood up so the whole class could see me.

"Hi, er my name is Hayley Williams and I transferred here from Texas" I said and sat back down.

"I hope you all make her comfortable and welcome. Today we will be looking at Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness characterized by incoherent or illogical thoughts, bizarre behaviour and speech, and delusions or hallucinations, such as hearing voices. Schizophrenia typically begins in early adulthood." He began to babble on and write on the bord. I sighed. I have already covered this and am now going to be stuck in class bored for two hours. I took out my notepad from my bag and my pencil case and began to doodle on the page.

"Are you not going to write any of this down" Sam scolded me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I've done this before and remember it all" I told him. He made a 'o' with his mouth and continued to write the notes off the board. I returned to my doodle and spent the remaining time finishing it. When I was done I looked at the tattoo design I had finished. It was a heart warped in thorns. So simple but held a lot of detail, I smiled at my work.

"Waw, that's amazing" Sam said impressed. "What does it symbolise?"

"Let's just say I had a rough past and a guarded heart" I said simply closing off and hoping he wouldn't push it further

"That's cool" He smiled at me; the bell went off and I packed my stuff away and walked over to Mr. Richardson.

"Sir, do ya' reckon I could grab the curriculum off of you for this year please? I asked. He nodded and rummaged through his papers before plucking out one and handing it to me. I smiled in thanks then made my way out of the class to meet with Tess. She was stood outside the class and smiled at me.

"Hey baby" I heard Sam's voice come from behind me and then he wrapped Tess into a big hug. "This is-"

"Hayley, I know babe I met here before you" She said poking her tongue out at him. He frowned at this and I laughed along with Tess.

"Come on time for lunch" She said and dragged us both down to the cafeteria.

We all brought some lunch and sat at a table away from the loud chatter of other students. Three others joined us who Tess introduced as Sasha, Bobby and Sapphire.

"So where are you staying?" Tess asked.

"At some hotel Batman and the police made me stay in" I grumbled.

"Hold on did you just say Batman?" Bobby asked in shock. I nodded and laughed at their shock faces.

"How did you meet him? They all almost shouted at me.

"Well I was wondering the streets and he was following me. He tried to arrest me and tackled me to the ground thinking I was someone else, too me to GCPD and I met some officer called James Gordon and then went back to the hotel" I said as if it were nothing.

"You are so lucky" The girls gushed and started to blabber about how hot and sexy he was. I rolled my eyes. The bell went off signalling we had five minutes until the next lesson started. The girls and I started to walk to our next lesson. History.

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