𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 ☆ 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚢...

By quitsagb

268K 5.2K 3.2K

[COMPLETED•EDITED] ❝ Call me flower one more time and I will put an arrow in your head ❞ ❝ You got it, babygi... More

01 ❁ The First Day On Earth☑️
02 ❁ The Grounders☑️
03 ❁ The Death Of Atom☑️
04 ❁ Raven To The Rescue☑️
05 ❁ Finding Comfort☑️
06 ❁ Interrogations☑️
07 ❁ Allison☑️
08 ❁ Unity Day☑️
09 ❁ Head Trauma☑️
10 ❁ Bombs Away☑️
11 ❁ Raven's Truth☑️
12 ❁ Being Together☑️
13 ❁ Murphy Goes Rogue☑️
14 ❁ Grounder Attack☑️
16 ❁ Reunions☑️
17 ❁ Liam☑️
18 ❁ Caught☑️
19 ❁ Search Mission☑️
20 ❁ Mother Dearest☑️
21 ❁ Cock block☑️
22 ❁ Village Slaughter☑️
23 ❁ Who Are you☑️
24 ❁ A Declaration Of Love☑️
25 ❁ The Death Of Spacewalker☑️
26 ❁ Death By A Thousand Cuts☑️
27 ❁ The Missile☑️
28 ❁ An Unknown Deal☑️
29 ❁ Defeating The Odds☑️

15 ❁ Her Very Own Savior☑️

5K 115 48
By quitsagb

❁ her very own savior ❁

"People. In the mountains. Mountain people?" - Newt

❁❁ ❁❁ ❁❁ ❁❁ ❁❁

WHAT'S THAT LINE FROM ME BEFORE YOU, you only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible. That's what Dahlia Lightstone never got to do. All her childhood and teenage years she was either trying to get someone--anyone to notice her or she spent it in the ark's prison. Even being on earth she never got to really live because they were always on guard and never got the chance. The only time she really got to live was the time she spent with Bellamy Blake. Or at least that's what she thinks of when she thinks about living. She never knew she was going to meet someone who would change her life forever, let alone it being a guy who was an ass when she first met him. Though Dahlia knew in this world it wasnt going to last long. And boy was she right.

Bellamy had been almost getting killed by a grounder last time she saw him and ironically the last thing she remembers is almost being killed by a grounder. That was until someone saved her. Who? That was a mystery to her. She knew for a fact though that it wasn't one of her friends or anyone from camp because they were speaking in a language that Dahlia didn't understand. For some reason she always knew that their relationship was going to end in tragedy. She just didn't expect it to happen do quickly. Bellamy Blake was dead. There's no way he got away from that grounder on his own and there was no way he escaped the rockets in time.

Dahlia then shoots up, her eyes opening as her breathing gets heavier. She looks around, not recognizing anything around her but a sharp pain in her stomach makes her groan and lay back down. A memory then floods back of the grounder slicing her stomach. Of course she got hurt again. Her mind drifts back to the thought of Bellamy and a frown forms on her face. She knew there was only a small possibility that he was alive and it made her heart ache. She's losing everyone in her life. Her mom, Raven, who was probably not gonna survive,  she even felt something tug on her heart when she thought of her dad. But now she was going to lose Bellamy too. She didn't even know if the rockets worked. For all she knows, all of her friends are dead too.

The door to the little hut she was in suddenly opens, bringing her out of her thoughts as she instantly grabs the nearest thing which was a metal container and holds it out. Her eyes land on a young girl with platinum blonde hair. The girl looked to be around her age as she just stared at the strawberry blonde. The girl then looks towards the metal container and tilts her head in slight confusion. Dahlia doesn't waste time asking questions as she sits back up, wanting to get far away from wherever she was as fast as she could.

"Who are you?" Dahlia asks the girl who only stares at her again. Dahlia let's out a sigh as her jaw clenches. The least the mystery girl could do was give her name. "Where the hell am I?" She questions but yet again the girl just stands there, no response leaving her lips. Dahlia was getting agitated as she wanted to leave so she could find her friends but she couldn't do that if she didn't know where she was.

"You are in our village." A woman's voice answers as she walks into the hut causing Dahlia to get even more defensive. The older woman glances to the young girl before giving an apologetic smile to Dahlia. "Oh, she doesn't speak your language so she only knows a couple words." The woman explains to the confused Dahlia. Her eyebrows then raise a little, understanding now why the young girl wasn't answering her questions.

"Who are you?" Dahlia asks the woman in a cautious tone making the older woman send a warm smile her way.

"My name is Gina and this is my daughter Clara." She introduces the both of them making Dahlia only nod her head. Dahlia was still confused to say the least because her daughter didn't understand a word she said but her mother did. 

"Why do you speak my language but she doesn't?" Dahlia asks Gina who simply sighs a little as she takes more steps into the hut, but not too many that it spooks the poor girl.

"Some of us learn it, others do not." Gina answers simply as she looks to the strawberry blonde who is curiously glancing around the small little room.

"Why am I here?" Dahlia questions, wanting to know why they didn't just kill her when they found her. That other grounder was going to but she didn't know if he was disobeying Anya's orders or completing them.

"My daughter here and her brother Kol saved your life. You were badly injured so they brought you here so we could fix you up." She replies as she gestures to her daughter who sends a small smile even though she didn't understand a word that they were saying other than Kol's name.

"They saved me.." Dahlia trails off confused as her eyebrows furrow slightly. She shakes her head as she looks up at Gina. "Why?" She asks and Gina only sighs as she pulls a stool up to beside the bed that Dahlia was on.

"We're not like the others." Gina states and immediately Dahlia raises her eyebrows in shock. She didn't know there were actually nice grounders who didn't want to kill them, well except for Lincoln. "In fact, we are against the other tribes actions towards you, the sky people." She finishes with a small sigh as Dahlia only tilts her head at the words, sky people. Is that what the Grounders called them? Well, it would be fitting since they did fall from the sky.

"So... You don't follow the commander?" Dahlia asks, wanting to know if Gina or her daughter knew that she apparently looked like the commanders sister which she still couldn't understand how that would be possible. Well, unless their ancestors were together but then one got stuck on the ground and one was on the ark.

"We do listen to her, we just don't always agree with her choices." Gina corrects the girl who nods her head slowly. Dahlia's mind only drifts as she wants to leave and go find her people. She knows she should be thankful and she is but she needs to know if her people, if any, are still alive. "We're our own people." Gina states and Dahlia sends her a warm smile before carefully getting up from the bed, masking her pain as it killed to even move an inch.

"Well, thank you for helping me but I have to go and find my friends." Dahlia tells the woman who instantly frowns as she stands up. Gina then grabs a hold of the girls arm as she shakes her head.

"That is not a wise decision." Gina says and Dahlia only looks at the woman's hand before shaking it off with a sigh.

"You know that big explosion in the sky? That was the rest of my people and I need to find them and the others who were already down here because they could be hurt." She explains making Gina frown as she glances to the ground for a second.

"I can't stop you from leaving but I also am not going to let you leave here empty handed or on a empty stomach." Gina tells the strawberry blonde who looks at her curiously. Gina motions towards the door with a smile on her face. "Come." She says as she holds out her hand. Clara, who had been watching the exchange, sends her mom a worried expression as she shakes her head. She grabs her mother's arm and pulls on it, gaining her attention.

"Mother, you cannot let her leave. She is still injured." Clara says in their native language as she glances at Dahlia who was just awkwardly standing there. The mother sighs as she looks down at her daughter.

"She is not leaving yet, my love. But we cannot control what she does." Gina responds to her daughter who frowns, looking down for a second. No one in their village talked to Clara because she was the only young teenage girl. All the others were in their later years or middle aged. The boys who were around her age went for women in other villages because they didn't see Clara as good enough to wed. Now that Dahlia has come into her life, she could finally have a girl her age to hang out with and become like sisters with because she got annoyed with her brother most of the time.

"Then let me go with her. I can look after her wound and I am a good fighter." Clara states with hope in her tone as she really wanted to become friends with the sky girl. Her mother's face turns angry though as her jaw clenches.

"Absolutely not Clara. Now go to your brother and help with getting the food ready." Gina snaps at her making Clara flinch a little before running off to her brother. Gina then sighs as she brushes a hand through her hair and turns to Dahlia with a smile on her face.

" I am sorry about that. She asked if she could go with you." Gina explains and Dahlia only nods her head as she lets out a little laugh.

"I don't think thats the best idea since I can't understand her and she can't understand me." She answers and Gina herself lets out a tiny laugh before the two of them begin walking out of the hut. They walk in silence over to a couple wooden tables before Gina glances over at the girl.

"You never told me your name." Gina says as she continues walking making Dahlia look over at her. She was contemplating telling the woman since she barely knew her but Gina had trusted her enough to tell her.

"Dahlia." She states making Gina smile at her as she nods her head at the name.

"That's a beautiful name." She compliments making Dahlia smile kindly towards her, not used to compliments. Mainly because she's been locked up, ignored or fighting for her life.

"Thanks." Dahlia replies quietly as they stop at a table to sit down. She glances around, noticing a couple of the Grounders staring at her. Could she still call them Grounders? What else would she call them.

"Most of your people were quite young. How come?" Gina asks the girl who looks taken aback by the question since she hadn't been near the camp when the grounder attacked her. Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if their village had been spying on the group since most of the Grounders were and who could blame them? We fell from the fucking sky.

"They were running out of air so they sent the one hundred delinquents down to see if earth was survivable." Dahlia explains as Gina's eyebrows furrow, trying to understand why they would risk their people's lives.

"That was quite a risky move, was it not?" Gina questions making Dahlia shrug her shoulders with a sigh. If Gina knew how ruthless the Ark was, she would understand.

"They didnt care. They bought themselves more time." Dahlia answers and Gina nods her head lightly. Dahlia's eyes then move back to the group of Grounders that were still staring at her. Gina seems to notice and sends the girl a reassuring smile.

"Do not worry. They will not harm you, they are only curious." Gina tells her and Dahlia's eyes disconnect from the group as she looks towards the older woman. A sigh leaves her lips as she rests her head in her hands, closing her eyes. She just needs to know if Bellamy is okay. And Finn. Raven. Clarke. Monty. Jasper. Miller. Jeez even if Harper is okay. The only two she really knw could've not made it are Bellamy and Raven. Raven was in pretty bad shape last time she saw her and Bellamy was getting beaten up by a grounder. She at least wanted to be able to say goodbye to them.

Dahlia is brought out of her thoughts as a small hand is waved in front of her face. She looks up to see Clara standing there with a smile on her face and a guy next to her. Dahlia couldnt lie when she thought the guy was attractive. If she had water in her mouth it would've come out when she saw him. And it's not like she was cheating on Bellamy.. she was only admiring the man's traits. Because she would never cheat on him especially since she knows how awful that makes you feel about yourself. The guy notices her smile and a smirk forms on his face as his eyes run over her. She internally rolls her eyes as a thought crosses her mind, great. He's a young Bellamy. Why does she always find the cocky assholes attractive?

"Dahlia, this is my son Kol who I mentioned." Gina tells the girl who instantly looks between Clara and Kol. Dahlia only sends a small smile as she looks back down at the table.

"Wow. No thanks for saving your life?" Kol asks, his eyebrows raised as his tongue moves over his bottom lip. Clara only rolls her eyes at her brother before sitting down and placing the food on the table. Kol follows her actions as he picks up a piece of bread and starts eating it.

"Eat something, darling." Gina tells her as Dahlia only stares at the food on the table. If she was being honest, she felt like she was going to throw up at the thought of her friends dead.

"I'm not that hungry." Dahlia responds with a fake smile which was barely even there. Kol gazes at the girl, noticing her long strawberry blonde strands of hair, flowing down her body. Her fare skin making her eyes pop and he doesn't even want to get started with her body. He just knew that she was hot. Hotter than basically every woman in his village.

"I told you I wasn't going to let you leave on an empty stomach." Gina tells her making Kol snap out of his gaze and furrow his eyebrows. He looks between his mother and Dahlia, tilting his head.

"Wait, she's already leaving?" Kol questions as he pops a berry into his mouth. He sees Dahlia do the same thing so he throws one at her causing her to squint her eyes at him unamused.

"Can you guys lets me in on the conversation?" Clara asks with annoyance in her tone as she just sat there eating because she couldn't understand what they were talking about. Kol only smirks at his younger sister as he pops yet another berry into his mouth.

"It's your fault you didn't want to learn this language." He tells her making the girl glare at him which to Dahlia was the cutest thing ever because the girl looked like the sweetest angel.

"I have to go find my people." Dahlia states to Kol who clicks his tongue before taking a drink of water from his cup. Of course she wanted to go in search of her friends, but it wasn't exactly the safest place out in the woods.

"Then, I'll come with you." Kol says which only makes his mother sigh as she rubs her forehead, obviously frustrated with her children.

"What is it with you two and wanting to go with her?" Gina asks them but then realizes that Clara could not understand her so she says it again in their native language which makes Clara smile at her mother.

"Mom, you're really going to let her go out in the woods. Alone?" Kol asks her with his eyebrows raised, slight persuasion in his voice as he smirks a little. Gina only rolls her eyes at her son's antics, knowing the real reason why he wanted to go with her.

"Fine. But you take your sister so she can stop you from making idiotic decisions like you always do." Gina tells him making Kol roll his eyes as he internally groans not wanting to take his buzzkill of a sister with him.

"It's fine. I'm good on my own." Dahlia tells the family with a small smile but Kol only shakes his head as a small scoff leaves his lips.

"We're not letting you go alone." He tells her sternly making Dahlia put her hands over her heart as she pouts her lips.

"Aww, my own little protector" She says in a sweet voice, a light giggle escaping her lips. Kol couldn't help his heart that seemed to flutter when the girl talked.

"Well if you die then we wasted resources for nothing" Kol states with a smirk making her squint her eyes, a glare forming on her face.

"How sentimental" She tells him sarcastically as she rolls her eyes at him. Gina only sends a stern look to her son who smiles innocently at her.

"I'll go put some supplies in a bag for you." Gina tells the sky girl who sends a thankful smile her way as she gets up from the table and walks away from the three.

"So, did it hurt when you fell from the sky?" Kol asks with a large smirk on her face as he moves to sit next to Dahlia who has her eyebrows raised at him. She then puts on an innocent smile as she moves a little closer to him

"No, my boyfriend caught me." She tells him making his smirk instantly fall. Clara didn't even need to understand to know that Dahlia had turned her brother down because she could tell just from his expression which made her burst out laughing. The strawberry blonde then gets up from the table and begins to walk away from the them. Clara sends a winning smirk to her brother who only sends her an angry look back. She then gets up and runs after Dahlia who is heading towards the edge of the village, ready to leave.

"Dahlia!" Clara calls out making the girl turn, a smile forming on her lips as she sees the platinum haired girl running towards her. She liked Clara. She had an energy that was just different. Although they couldn't understand each other, Dahlia knew they could easily become friends.

"Hey, Clara." Dahlia says and it seemed like she understood since she didn't look confused. Well, it wasn't really a hard sentence to understand since it was only two words.

"Do you want to ride one of the horses?" Clara asks with a bright smile as Dahlia only stares at her, forcing a smile on her face as she had no clue what the girl asked her.

"I think we need to bring a translator." Dahlia replies with a laugh and it seemed the girl knew what she was saying since she looked over at her brother, waving him over.

"We'll have Kol for that." Clara states as she turns back to the girl who internally groans. It wasn't like he was a horrible person, his cocky personality just annoyed her.

"Right. Kol." Dahlia says as her face turns into a scowl at the name. She's known him for two seconds and already hates him.

"Alright ladies. Who's ready for an adventure?" He asks as he throws his arms around the two girls. Dahlia glares at him as she pushes his arm off of her.

"You only serve as a translator for me and Clara to communicate." Dahlia tells him making him frown as he holds his heart, a hurt expression on his face.

"I thought I was your protector." Kol states overdramaticaly causing Dahlia to roll her eyes at the boys actions. A tiny laugh left her lips though but she couldn't help but take the opportunity to turn him down once again.

"Once I find my boyfriend, that title won't belong to you anymore." Dahlia says making Kol groan as his jaw clenches slightly.

"I get it, you're taken." He replies in a bored tone as he licks his lips and looks over to his sister who was only glaring at him.

"Aww, did I ruin your plans of hooking up with me?" Dahlia asks him with a laugh as she fake pouts, tilting her head slightly. She kind of found it funny how Kol was trying to flirt with her. It was also fun to string him along and then break his little heart again when she brings up Bellamy.

"Oh no, that plan is always going to be in motion." Kol admits with a smirk and Dahlia only raises an eyebrow at him before taking a step forward

"In your dreams." She tells him but he doesn't lose his smirk, it only widens. He then leans down towards her ear and she can feel his hot breath on her skin.

"Oh you definitely will be in my dreams tonight." He whispers seductively and if Dahlia wasn't head over heels for Bellamy, she would've melted under Kol. But since she was she only rolls her eyes and pushes him away.

"Mother is coming." Clara snaps at Kol who only holds his hands up in defence knowing his sister wanted him to stay away from her "friend". Gina stops in front of them, a bag in her hand as she smiles at Dahlia.

"I gave you some bandages, medicine, food, a lot of what you'll need on your journey." Gina tells the girl as she hands the bag to her. Dahlia only looks at her thankfully as she smiles brightly at the older woman.

"Thank you, Gina. Not just for this but for helping me even though I'm not one of your people." Dahlia says and Gina only puts her hand on the girls shoulder, rubbing it lightly.

"No need to thank me, sweetie." Gina says before giving a sincere smile and pulling the girl in for a hug."I hope you find your people." She tells Dahlia who hugs th woman back before pulling a way. "You, behave." Gina tells her son as she points a finger at him. As Clara and Dahlia laugh, Kol only rolls his eyes at his mother and takes the bag from Dahlia. "Are you taking the horses?" Gina asks them and Dahlia's attention instantly go to the large animals that are tied to a post. A bright smile forms on her face as she rushes over to them

"They're so beautiful." She says, mostly to herself as she runs her hand over its body. She's in awe of the creature until Kol walks over making her jump.

"Do you want to stand around and fall in love with the horses or go find your boyfriend" He asks in a cocky voice which makes the girl groan as she turns to face him. Could he not last one second without making a snarky comment?

"Sorry that I haven't seen a horse without a grounder on it before." Dahlia tells him as a sigh leaves her lips, remembering the meeting with the Grounders that turned out terrible.

"Well, have you ever ridden one?" Kol asks her in which she chuckles at as she licks her dry lips a little. How on earth would she have ever rode a horse before?

"If you count me getting thrown on one by a grounder and then falling off." Dahlia replies with a shrug as Kol only looks at her curiously. He then smirks as he moves behind her. "What are you doing?" She asks as his hands wrap around her waist  "No, no, no, Kol." She squeals as he lifts her up onto the horse. She puts her legs on either side of it, her eyes wide.

"How is it up there?" He asks with a smile as he looks up at the girl who looks down at him. Dahlia only glances at the horse in a amazement, running her hands softly through the hair on it's back.

"This is amazing." She laughs as she pets the horses fur. Her smile then drops as she can feel someone getting on. "Wha--" She doesn't even get to finish her question as Kol mounts the horse, sitting behind her--very close behind her. Her backside was pressing against him as he leans close to her, putting his mouth near her ear.

"You didn't think I'd let you ride my horse alone, now did you?" He asks her and she physically tenses when his hands touch her body. They were on her waist and she could feel him pull her back lightly. "Clara, let's go." Kol tells her and she instantly mounts her horse and they're off into the woods. Dahlia can feel Kol's arms around her but all she can think about is her friends and the people on the ark. Are they alive? Are they dead? Do the Grounders have them? But one thing she never thought would happen is the events that occurred when they found them.

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AUTHORS NOTE: First chapter of part twoooo. Btw the italics are them speaking in their grounder language. Hope you guys liked this chapter. Comment your thoughts and suggestions because they really help keep me motivated. Fav/follow/ check out my other stories if you want to. What do you think about Kol and Dahlia hehe?

Next update will be soon.

EDITED: June 27, 2020

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