Hidden Feelings

By NiyAlsina

639K 38.2K 14.2K

Four years have gone by and everything has changed. Valencia has been in a coma and Elias is now Four. But wh... More

New Book.
Bonus Chapters.
Epilogue* Pt.1
Epilogue* Pt. 2
Last Words
Possible Final Goodbyes


5.5K 367 195
By NiyAlsina

Ya'll want to see the parent's POVs too or nah?

Kambria Lorizio

"You fine now?" I joked, taking my usual seat next to Lorizio. Alora was at the next table over talking to some boy from our English class.

It was lunch and my food went directly in the trash. I'll eat when I get home to real food.

"I just wanted you to like it. My dad says I'm not the best at giving gifts." He chuckled. "He helped me since he knows all about women apparently. That would make sense why my mom was never disappointed."

"You never really talk about your mom. What was she like?"

"Um...she was really the best mom you could have. Always there for me and she never missed my football games with my dad. Her and my dad made each other happy."

"You're speaking about her in past tense like..." I trailed off by the sad look on his face when he turned towards me. "I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's cool." He brushed it off. "She was shot and killed in a bank robbery three years ago. After that I started acting out."

"Acting out how?"

"Smoking, drinking, reckless sex- I even started popping pills. My dad got fed up with me when I nearly died of alcohol poisoning. So, he packed all of our stuff, we moved here, and I was put into counseling."

"Wow..." I didn't think he would tell me all of that, but I was glad he trusted me with the information. I felt bad for him.

"Yeah, I don't do those things anymore. Well, I smoke here and there, but I don't drink or pop pills."

"What about having reckless sex?" I pursed my lips watching a smirk from on his face.

"I've been protecting myself. But I haven't had sex recently if that's what you're asking."



"I'm not jealous of no bitch."

"Stop playing games and you could be mines." He licked his lips with a look in his eyes that I couldn't describe.

"Ain't nobody playing with you." I rolled my eyes.

"Then let me take you on a date Saturday."


"What we talking about over here?" Kaleb sat his ugly ass at our table.

"None of your business." I snapped. "Why are you over here?"

"Just checking on my sister." He shrugged. "So you like my sister?"

"Yeah, actually I do." Lorenzo leaned over the table. He's bold.

Kaleb is always running boys away from me. I don't know why they be scared because I beat his ass easily at home.

"Hm, I don't like you. Not one bit." He glared at him as he got up and walked away.

"Your brothers are...something."

"My father is worse, but my mom will handle him. He likes to think he runs things."

"So about this date-"

"Guess who's going in a date Fridayyy." Alora sung, taking a seat at the table.

Lorenzo sucked his teeth, "I'll talk to you later Kam." He grabbed his bookbag and left the cafeteria.

"What's his problem?" She looked at me confused.

"He was asking me on a date and you rudely interrupted."

"Oops." She put her hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry."

"It's cool. I don't think I want to anyway."

"Girl, don't make me smack your ass. This boy just spent at least two hundred dollars worth of make up on you. And got you flowers. You better go on a date with him."

"Hey, Kam." Jalisa smiled, sitting next to Alora who was looking at her up and down wondering why she sat here.

"What do you want?" I know her fake ass didn't come over here just to say hi.

"So..Lorenzo. Is He single?" She eyed me as she sucked on her cherry lollipop.

"Nope." I said earning a smirk from Alora.

"Oop..." She sipped her imaginary tea.

"Oh, you and him have-"

"Yup. Anymore questions?" It wasn't like me to feel...jealous. But I did.

"Your brother single?" She asked making me roll my eyes. This is why I don't fuck with these bitches at school.

My brother is very well known with him being on the basketball team and all. Girls pretend to be my friend just to get close to me. Alora ain't checking for Kaleb ugly ass so she's all I have.

Same happens to her with AJ being her brother. He's only known because he's 'really cute' and he's a senior. But he stays to himself. He's into them older females.

His current girlfriend is twenty-five. I don't think Malina and Amir know.

"Yeah, but he doesn't tap more than once." I threw shade at the fact she already gave it up to my brother. In the backseat of her mama's car I might add.

He's going to be itching and burning just like Elias was last year.

"What about your bro-"

"Girl, no. My brother ain't checking for you." Alora stopped her before she could even finish her sentence.

"Well excuse me." She rolled her eyes, leaving the table.

"Ugh, we have study hall next." Lord knows I did not want to be in there.

"You want to skip? It's the last period of the day anyways."

"Nah, my dad said if I get detention again he's snatching my wig off my head."

"Not the wig." Alora laughed as we all dispersed into the hallway.

So yes to the date?
-1:12 p.m.

Yes I'll go on a date with you.
-1:13 p.m.

Wow Kambria said yes to a date with me. Never thought your mean ass would.
-1:13 p.m.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I locked my phone and put it in my back pocket.

Elias Lorizio

"So we're watching Fifty Shades Freed, IT, and my favorite- The Titanic." Morgan said making us three guys groan.

"Morgan, come on man. Nobody wants to watch that sappy shit." Jerome complained.

"Shut up. It was my turn to pick so sit there and watch it."

It was our monthly movie night and each time someone picks three movie. Since Malia apologized to Zahria, I invited them both.

"Malia said she's on her way with the food." Alex announced, looking up from his phone.

"Well I love The Titanic." Zahria said.

"See, that's why I like you Zee." Morgan gave her a high five.

"Well, this movie might should be interesting. It usually ends with Elias and Malia fucking on the couch while we're asleep." Jerome's big mouth ass said. I knew that statement made Zahria feel uncomfortable.

"Shut the fuck up." I threw a pillow at him."

"Oops, my bad Zee." He said. She simply shrugged it off.

"You don't want to get pookie upset." Morgan teased. I looked at Zahria who was trying to hold back a laugh.

"Pookie?" Jerome busted out laughing. "My nigga, you are definitely whipped."

"Can she hurry her ass up! A nigga is starving!" Alex rubbed his stomach. His loud ass gets on my nerves sometimes.

Malia came with the pizza, chips, and all of the sweets you could think of. We decided on watching The Titanic first to get it out the way.

Me and Zahria sat on the couch, Morgan and Jerome were sitting on the loveseat with their suspicious asses. Malia and Alex were on the floor smacking on food with their fat asses.

"My boy Jack was breaking Rose's back in that car!" Jerome said.

"Please shut up." Morgan told him and he looked at her like she was crazy.

"Who you talking to? You know better."

They're definitely fucking on the low.

Malia was texting throughout the whole movie. I noticed Desmond's contact name and shook my head. I decided to text her.

You're stupid.
-10:23 p.m.

She read the message and looked back at me. I shrugged and continued with the movie.

Worry about your little girlfriend and not me. Thanks.
-10:25 p.m.

Somebody is still jealous. That's none of my business. She's a grown ass woman and I'm not going to keep repeating myself.

"Ya'll ever get your dick sucked so good that you gotta take a nap afterwards?" Alex asked out of nowhere when we changed the movie to Fifty Shades Freed.

"Hell yeah." Jerome and I said in unison.

"Ya'll are disgusting. Shut up." Malia said.

"Malia we all know you be sucking dick. Don't act brand new." Jerome threw out her business.

"Ain't no shame in my game." She tried to be slick and look back at me. Messy little girl.

I guess Zahria caught it too because she laughed to herself. It was silent after that besides Alex snoring. He always goes to sleep after the first movie.

Everybody else was sleep by the time the movie was over besides me and Zahria.

"So what you trying to do?" I looked at her before licking my lips.

"What you trying to do?" She gave me the same looked I was giving her.

I grabbed her hand and quietly made our way to my room.


"Good morning. Don't be burning my shit down, Morgan." I told her when I saw she was the one cooking.

"Where my baby Zee at?" Alex asked. I told him about calling her that.

"Sleep and she ain't your baby nigga."

"I'm sure she is. All that moaning you was doing last night like a little bitch. Couldn't tell if it was you or Zahria. Woke me and Morgan up."

"Shut up. You making up lies."

"I don't know, Elias. You sounded like you was getting your soul snatched."

"Ooh, Zee. Don't stop baby." Jerome mocked me. "You sounded like you was about to have her babies."

I flicked him off. Zahria and I had our first time last month and we haven't been able to keep our hands to ourselves since.

Malia sat quietly eating her food.

"What's wrong?" I nudged her.

"Nothing." She replied back with an attitude.

Knowing me and my temper, I left her mad ass alone. I don't have time to argue with her ass.

"Good morning." Zahria greeted everybody in peppy mood. She wasn't a morning person, but she was today.

"Morning baby." Alex grinned. I leaned over and smacked him in the head. "See that's what we not about to do."

"What you over there looking mad for?" Morgan asked Malia. She just shrugged.

"I'm going to leave. I have to go to work." She dropped her fork on the plate and grabbed her things before storming out.

"I'll be back." I went after her all the way to the parking lot. This girl walks fast.

"What's your problem, Lia?" I grabbed her arm and turned her to face me.

"My problem? My problem is you inviting that bitch everywhere."

"Don't call my girlfriend a bitch Malia I'm not playing with you. Morgan suggested she come and I want her to comfortable around my friends."

"Comfortable? Is she comfortable with the fact that we fucked? Or that you was just chasing me-"

"Listen! I'm not going to keep dealing with your bitter ass. Ain't you talking to that nigga?"

"Yes, but only on a friendly level."

"Malia, I love you, I really do but I'm doing to keep dealing with this shit. You had all the opportunity to be with me and you kept going back to that nigga!"

She looked down at the ground and she began to sniffle so I know she was crying.

"I know, but I don't like seeing you with her! I was stupid, but I love you Eli. More than just my bestfriend."

"Malia..." I sighed, running my hand down my face. "I'm happy. Nobody is going to replace you in my life as my best friend, but Zahria is my girlfriend. You need to respect her."

"You're right." She quickly wiped her face. "I need to get going."


"I'm fine, Elias. It is what it is. You're happy and that's all I want for you."

This is too much.




Excuse mistakes.

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