The Big Day (A Finally Comple...

By VawnRodriguez

15.8K 368 82

A finally finished fiction about the sorrows of being in a post apocalyptic world and being gay as hell. Als... More

How It Used To Be
I've Had Time To Think
Why Do You Run?
The BitterSweet Ending


2.2K 43 14
By VawnRodriguez

   She snuck out again, Finn was fast asleep and they'd done that difficult task any other person would probably enjoy with their new husband. Her black hair tucked into a hood as she flew throughout the night, invisible to avoid eyes on her and people questioning her. Sometimes people could be the most nosy and had a knack for exposing others for their true colors, especially that Milkshake guy. At any rate Marcline made her way into the candy kingdom's grand castle and through the halls as she looked around she hid herself when she saw guards. She stayed close to the ceiling as they spoke about how strange the princess had been acting lately.

   "Yeah, she's always in her room now a days, and when she isn't in there she's.... Kind of oblivious to everything going on... I don't think it's healthy for her to be stuck in there for days on end, especially not for the kingdom." 

   "The only time I've ever been locked away in my room is when I was either in love or depressed.... I don't really know why I get like that but it happens." 

   Marceline creased her brow then flew by them with ease, making her way into the princess's room and she landed as she took off her hooded letter man and she set it on a hook as she removed her shoes and walked over to PB. "Bonniebell." She said as she saw her in bed, curled up. She walked over slowly as she placed a hand on PB's shoulder. "Hey, what's going on?"

   "I can't do this." She said simply as she sat up and looked at Marcy. "I don't know how you can do this. But I'm not even the one doing it and it's killing me. I can feel my own conscience leaving me." She said as she looked to her, her eyes tired from what seemed like crying and restlessness. "I can't even work with my kingdom anymore because of this affair.... So." She said as she got up and put her house shoes on as she walked over to a board, turning the light on. "I've designed the perfect plan to get Finn to end it with you." She said. "It's been like half a year. And I think it's the appropriate time to let him go." She continued as she pointed to various parts of her chart, showing statistics and polls as well as the best way to end it. "According to my research, the best way to do it is to be straight forward with your feelings. Don't you agree???"

   Marcy looked to PB for a long while as she went on and on, science never failed her it seemed. "Bonnie." She said softly as she got up and floated over to her, gently holding her in her arms like a cocoon she kept her tight in her grasp, her chin resting on Bonnie's head as she spoke. "Listen, if it's eating you so much, this arrangement... Maybe you should own up to being mine." She said as she gelt PB push her away so she let go and took her paces back, only a few in case Bonnie tried to run from the problem.

   "Youuuuuu drive a hard bargain." She said softly as she looked Marceline square in the eye. "You know.... I really wish you didn't have this effect on me, able to make me do whatever you want, eventually.. You know we've been off and on for quite a long time..." She said softly as she pulled Marcy in for a hug and held onto her, Marcline returning it as they held each other. "Do you remember that time with the door lord? I thought you hated me.... Sincerely just hated me." She said softly as she watched her lover.

   Marcy chuckled softly. "I thought I hated you too... After that last time. But... I just can't bring myself to hate you for too long." She said as she kissed Bonnie's lips tenderly. "It's not like it matters what your subjects think of you Bonnie. Come on.... Not all of them even have to know, just whoever visits. And I'll break up with Finn, or well divorce him.... And be with you, for the rest of my unnatural life." She said as she watched Bonnie, her eyes soft for her, never like they were for Finn...

   Bonnie gave a warm smile as she was kissed, a rare sight indeed. "That sounds like a good idea... But for tonight. Can't you have me again... Like the times in the past, only you know how I like it." She said softly as she winked at Marcy and took her hand, leading her to bed and getting all comfy under the covers with her while they shared a heated night of passion as if they were new lovers once again.

   That morning Marcy was PB's big spoon as she heard knocking and angered yelling, she realized it was the middle of the day and she rubbed her head as she heard Finn's voice her eyes widened and she put her clothes on hurriedly then brushed her hair out a bit and she noticed Bonnie wasn't even in bed finally as she squinted. "What is this..." she mumbled to herself as she opened the door and saw Finn outside with PB in the hallway. She floated out and asked. "What's going on here?"

Finn looked furious as she pointed to Marcy and snarled. "You, you little.... I ought.... How could you do this? We're married." He said as he growled "Bubblegum told me everything, about how you came here last night, and raped her!" He shouted and Marcy's eyes widened as she looked to PB, she had one of those sad sorry faces, but she needed insurance to be sure Marcy broke it off or Finn broke it off at this point. She couldn't go another night without that tongue being her's alone.

   Marcy however put her hands up to keep them both away, her eyes tearing. "Listen, I didn't do that." She said as she looked to Finn. "But..." 

   "SAVE IT, you are the daughter of Abadeer, why anyone would want to be with you, is beyond me! You're a monster! Don't show your face at the treehouse anymore, go hide in your cave you filthy demon." He shouted as he looked to the princess. "I'll escort her out, princess." He said as he did just that, Marcline looked to PB, staring at her for help, a voucher, anything but she just gave a sly smile and a soft air kiss. Marceline made a face of disgust, what kind of relationship was this.... She turned her head and made her way out and to her cave where she laid in bed for a long while and sighed. 

   Marceline cried quietly against the pillow, it was the middle of the day and she was staying up what was considered late before she cried herself to sleep. Eventually she woke up later and felt a hand touching her as she looked over, her eyes squinting as she focused them on the princess. She watched her for a while and she spoke. "Why did you do that?"

   "Had to make sure you two were broken up, afterwards I told him the truth and I just think it'd be better this way, he's mad at me too you know." She said with a chuckle. "We don't need him right now." She said as she laid in bed with her lover and held her by her waist. 

   Marceline quickly got up before she fell into that trap as she looked at her with a distorted face of anger. "Listen, I wanted to do it on my own terms. Telling him that crap.... Will make him hate me. I don't want him to hate me. You should not have done that, okay? I can't believe you did that." She said as she shook her head and watched her lover try to win her feelings back over.

   "Oh come on babe... Don't be like that, if you want we can go talk to him together to patch up the feelings. He won't be mad at you anymore, maybe upset but not mad. If anything he should be mad at me." She said as she got up and offered her hand to go with Marcy to Finn's home to sort things out.

   Marceline took her hand, pulled her onto her lap and flew them to Finn's home as they knocked on the door Bonnibel spoke. "Finn, are you home?" She asked as Finn opened up the door and saw Macy there and he looked to PB, his face of disgust as he asked what she was doing here. 

   After a few minutes of PB explaining what she'd done and how Marceline felt, with no comments from Marceline at all, she looked to Finn for forgiveness. Her eyes hopeful with Marceline being silent, and her gaze else where as she left PB talk and say just about whatever she wanted to.

   "Get... Out..." He said sternly, his eyes watery as he gripped the door knob tightly. His eyes then widened as he shouted. "GO AWAY!" He slammed the door, he would have none of their bull shit as he locked it and walked to the couch to sit for a while, his eyes shut as he tilted his head back and sighed loudly. "What do they want from me... An apology?" He asked as he shut his eyes tightly and began to cry quietly there to himself with Jake visiting his family. "I'm in so much pain." He said softly as he felt his stomach pang and he put his hands onto it gently. "I don't need them......" He said to himself as he wiped his face and continued to sniffle. "I don't need either of them." He told himself once more as he opened his eyes and looked around, deciding what to do next.

   PB looked to Marcy and spoke. "See... Um... No harm done?" She said as she reached for Marceline's hand only to have Marcy pull away. "You can't seriously be upset because he's upset, can you?" She asked as she crossed her arms over her chest, her tone upset more than anything. Brows furrowed in some slight irritation.

   "I can, and I am... You just, have a way of ruining things I care about like other people's feelings..." She said as she shook her head and flew off. "I think we need time apart, I'll catch you around." She said as she flew off, her hair flowing behind her as needed space away from everything, her thoughts on playing her bass to try and release the emotions or at least exhaust them.

   PB looked around for a bit then sighed deeply and began walking back to the candy kingdom, feeling more alone than ever. Over the next couple of weeks she buried herself in her work and science, ignoring everyone that approached, even peppermint butler. She knew getting into touch with Marceline was a bad idea, she just wished she listened to her brain instead of crumbling to those big beautiful sad eyes she had come to love. Those silly cute songs she'd write... Her soft cool skin, her- PB shuddered- bites to your neck~ All of it, she missed it all, her eyes watered at her lab as over the next few days she spent less and less time out of her room now... Her door shut, her body curled up under the covers as she clung to the pillow Marceline normally used and she remained, in darkness and silence.

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