Cole Sprouse Imagines

By galbraithfrase

197K 2.6K 399

⚠️ REQUEST ENTRY IS CLOSED ⚠️ (Operational Apprises) ⚫️ ❝Unlock your eyes and imagine the best version of you... More

۵ Introduction ۵
❝ Play Again? ❞
❝ Through The Waves ❞
❝ Fever Fiasco ❞
❝ Dark Side ❞
❝ Libretto ❞
❝ Captured ❞
❝ Royal Romance ❞
❝ Blossomed ❞
❝ Blossomed II ❞
❝ Counterspy ❞
❝ Blossomed III ❞
❝ Blossomed IV ❞
❝ Dating Cole ❞
❝ Blunt ❞
❝ Embraced Feelings ❞
❝ Elemental ❞
❝ Elemental II ❞
❝ Glitches ❞
❝ Under Patriarch ❞
❝ Boy Next Door ❞
❝ Bad At Love ❞
❝ Safe Presence ❞
// announcement //
❝ Raven Locks ❞
❝ Sweet Rhododendrons ❞
// quick appreciation! //
❝ Devil In Me ❞
❝ Devil In Me II ❞
❝ Devil In Me III ❞
❝ Devil In Me IV ❞
❝ Devil In Me V ❞
❝ Sneaking In ❞
❝ Eyes Closed ❞
❝ Good Mourning ❞
❝ Snowman In Love ❞
❝ Strangers ❞
❝ Paragraphs ❞
❝ Mistletoe ❞
❝ Five-second Rule ❞
❝ Five-second Rule ❞ - (PART II)
❝ My Constellation Preference ❞
❝ The Prologue ❞
❝ The Prologue II ❞
❝ I Choose You ❞
❝ Minds At Ease ❞
• pls notice! •
❝ My Sunshine ❞
❝ Cravings Satisfied ❞
❝Lost & Found❞
❝Little Oceans❞
❝Your Hands Are Really Nice❞
❝Sappy Mushy Romantic❞
‼️ 2019 ‼️
❝Bad At Love II❞
❝ Chemistry ❞
❝ Hearts Versus Minds ❞
meme :•3
2019 • New Imagines
❝ Soulmates ❞

❝That's My Girl❞

2.5K 33 2
By galbraithfrase

Pairing: Jughead Jones x Reader
Word Count: 2332
Warnings: None

Description: — Just a typical Boy/Girl best friend relationship (imagine). Y/N & Jughead Jones are best buddies for several years and with that much time and created unforgettable memories, they also tend to be dating as well—for three months, exact. For as much as they want to keep their relationship unflashy and a little bit exclusive, too, their circle of frivolous friends keeps it candid for themselves which, by the way and honestly, the duo don't mind at all. The both of them seem to blend their friendship and their love intimacy for each other and that is what they treasure the most.



[ Jughead's POV: ]

Does the rainbow have its colors to make it look lively or the colors itself found a name to make them look lively? It's confusing but really colorful and that's what exactly I'm feeling whenever I'm with her.

I might be the guy who's known as the "gloomy kid" here in Riverdale—which is true—but things kind of changed and got all twisted around when Y/N and I confessed to each other. It's not some lame confessing session that most teenagers see in romantic movies, it's a sincere scene with full of honesty in it and accurate love. Of course, I'm gladdened and I could feel more than just that. It's like a fortune cookie concept, in just one snap of a finger pluck, you will suddenly feel renewed and freshened up with great things ahead of you.

Today, she texted me to come over at her flat and it's eight o'clock in the freaking morning. It isn't general for her to do that, usually, she'd be still asleep at this hour and would prefer to wake up at late mornings—probably mid eleven, almost afternoon. I have no idea why she hits me up for such a thing or at least some very important stuff is/are needed to be dealt with but the only way to find out is to meet her as soon as possible.

Once my legs finally made it to her parents' grizzled freehold house—there she sat patiently at their front, grassy porch at the top of a long-lengthen Red Birch storage cabinet. It's laying on the ground in a landscape and she's seating above it like a jolly kid that's about to be tricked and murdered by Pennywise.

"Hey, Juggy, you made it." Y/N beams as soon as she sees me. She stands up from her seating position, bringing me into this lumpy side hug that she always gives whenever we see each other.

She's never girly, not-so-fragile type of girl that it almost made me think she's a tomboy—not in an actual statement, in other terms, boyish. And yeah, I sort of got used to it, all of her gutsy-manful gestures toward me and it's literally fine. Even though things between us changed, her unique sense of expressing herself naturally will never change and I like that. I don't think I'm not going to be able to discover what and how it feels like to personally interact with her feminine side—I wonder if her cheeks would become red if I ever said something so cliché but affectionate words in front of her in a middle of a lovey-dovey moment. Go slow, maybe someday.

"Is that—is that a cabinet?"

"My cabinet, yes. Mom and I made a decision to sell it to the junk shop, it's very old and useless now. We want to get rid of it." She smiles at me while tapping the aged furniture beneath her.

"Why? Are there any reasons?" I raised a brow.

"I'll tell you later but for now, we have to catch up with the shop before anyone does. I want us to be their first customers."

First customers. Ha! Ridiculous.

Nothing might make sense at this moment but we have to get going.

Moving in the process, Y/N and I actually managed to carry the absurd-ass cabinet of hers. Although the shop is just ten minutes away from her house—still—my arms and shoulders are burning from the weight. Lucky for her, she's not that jaded, she got herself distracted with her talkative mouth which by chance, it didn't work for me.

"We're here." She squeaked, her grip loosening to what we're bolstering as she starts running out of my presence—leaving me all the heavy-duty.

"Argh! Sweet Mother of—ugh." I hissed, my body slumping down a little bit as I put the cabinet down.

My eyes immediately darted around the area, of course, distasteful junk and all trash are scattered everywhere, the colonial scoop gates are rusting even. The unpleasant sight got me grimacing in disguise as I went to search for Y/N. That sneaky fox.

I spotted her inches away from me, she's stood in front of what it seems to be a front desk or the claiming counter (kind of thing) as she's discussing stuff with a guy around his thirties—I can tell by the long beard and wrinkled eye bags. I decided to wait for them for a good quick minute and with that, both of their heads are nodding with a pair of handshakes in agreement. Y/N came back to me with a gleefully smile on her face.

"He said he can have it and guess what?" She announced.


"New record, we are indeed the first visitors here." She chuckled.

I really appreciate how she's this gullible, little happy jelly bean at small things that each second, each minute, she makes everything matters. But right now, we could use some air because I'm frantically feeling the irksome growing just above my skin from all the trash I'm seeing.

"Okay, good, now let's get going," I spoke up, gladly, she follows.

Once we got the poor furniture sold, she received a very scarce of dollars and a few cents. How comical. We should be vindicating the main question I have to why it doesn't cost much but I'd rather not though, I guess that's how junk shop works, plus, she looks satisfied to what she got and that's enough.

"You're such an uneasy person, aren't you, Jug?" Y/N scoffed. She must've heard my sigh of relief—I can't help it.

"Not really." I sighed again, a little hesitant this time.

"Are you OCDic or something? I swear, if you are, we can just break up—

"I'm not, I'm not. That's literally stupid, Y/N." I huffed with an eye roll. Breakup? It's all good, she's only kidding.

"Sorry. I just don't date perfectionists, if you must know." She puts up a slight smirk.

"Uh, I'm not one of them. The Jughead Jones you're dating is the simple beanie-head with a mystical conjecture and gloaming issues who also lives in the Andrews' residence. Yep, that guy." I pointed with emphasis.

"No, the Jughead Jones I'm dating is sweet, kind, caring, a gentleman, sarcastic but very romantic—fair enough, and most of all, the tenderhearted type. Oh, yeah, he lives at the Andrews' residence. That guy." She smiles down at me.

My hand scooped its way to hers as I interlock them. We aren't that fond of the PDA class but sometimes, I like doing it in public where random people will just simply figure out that we're together.

"Yeah, that guy. And I think 'that guy' deserves to know why the hell we just sell that crummy cabinet. I know something's up."

I do know that something is up. I sensed it.

One long, ponderous exhalation left between her lips as her hold on my hand tightened, it's something she does, she'd squeeze my hand as a signal to make things less agitating—if ever.

"Remember the time when I told you that we're going to arrange and prepare for my college application? Well, we tried a few entries and we're waiting for the results." She started, my muscles relaxing, my facial expression softening.

"And?" I questioned.

"And...I'm positive that I'll get in. I've had that old, junkie cabinet ever since I was eight and for soothe reasons that it's trite and that I'm going to college very soon, we decided to throw it away but in a good purpose, that's why I got this precious moola." She chuckled, showing the money she got from the shop.

"Okay, that made sense now. Is there something more I should know?" I asked, feeling hopeful and a little nervous at the same time. She flashed me a sympathetic smile as she gazed up at me with sparkling eyes.

"I'm required to leave the town, Jug. This particular city I'm moving in is pretty big—a big deal to me even, so, yeah, we have to go through some long distance crap."

Her shaky snort delivered me in a termination that she wouldn't like the idea of it either. Why either? The way she notified me about this sent me over the edge, I hate every word she had spoken, they're like a bunch of annoying mosquitoes trying to bite through my skin and that feeling freaking stings, also, maddening. Our walking made a stop, my heels turning to face her as I went to tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I think we're going to be fine—wait, no, we are going to be fine, we're going to make it work. All we need is faith, trust, and patience." I assured, her face leaning in.

"Thank you, Jughead." She smiles and with that, our lips connected.

It was a soft, passionate kiss that every lover desires to strive for their fellow loved ones. Her lips always felt like a smooth sheet of silk, call me crazy or anything but it's true, I feel like a billionaire getting to kiss the Y/N Y/L/N. She's the girl of my dreams, all this time, I've been meaning to seek for her. The loving kind and almost the perfect being in my eyes, nonetheless, she's clutching a different kind of beauty. The looks, the talent, the character is all good, all basic. The vital beauty I'm talking about is her golden heart, oh, so wondrous, it makes me wail sometimes. She's a factual definition of a red or white carnation flower, she symbolizes of innocence, pure love, pride, and so much admiration and that's why I chose her. Love chose her—chose us to be together.

By ten o'clock, we finally made it back to her home and all those hours were spent with lots of talking and eating—at best diner in town, Pop's. As the sunset crept in, I can't help but fidget with my thoughts, inferior and encouraging ones, the worst one is the fact that I'm leisurely becoming a little amateurish about the whole news Y/N said. But overall, I'm delighted and I hope I could maintain that spirit when the time comes.

Shuddering myself out of my silly theories, I suddenly got a text message from her and it took me off guard and alarmed to see her swift proclamation.

Without hesitation, I came running back to her house again, my whole body is tensing up with combined emotions. As soon as I made it, I immediately sent her a text, telling her that I'm right outside near their porch on the spot of our favorite tree—it's a peach tree with new, bearing fruits and it happened to be our favorite.

Once the front door cracks open, an excited Y/N hopped down the porch steps as she flew her arms around my neck, engulfing me tightly.

"I got in." Her words are filled with happiness and her blithe is my blithe.

"Great job, I'm proud of my princess. You're going to do great." I simply coo, her face glistening like a puff of buoyant glitters.

"Thank you and you're going to do amazing, too. Let's do it for us, okay?"

Certainly, it's our goal to fulfill our dreams and one of it is to finish everything we have in our hands because I can imagine my future with her, it's going to be bright and beautiful.

"Okay. We will." I smiled, placing a light kiss on her forehead.

"Oh, wait—we should celebrate. Jug, tell the others. I'll be back." She chirped as she runs back inside.

Shaking my head, I instantly went through my contacts, doing what she said. Seconds later, I suddenly feel my head a little wispy and I realized, my beanie is gone and some endearing devil must've taken it. As soon as I lifted my gaze, Y/N is already scampering to the walkway with my snatched beanie in her hold.

"Race you at Betty's, grandpa."

Usually, I'd be upon a hatred in disguise when someone does that to me but I'm never vexed when it's her. I couldn't help but smile ear to ear at the thought of pursuing our plans together slowly and inherently.

Someday, I'll see myself in a pleated graduation gown with matching caps with my privilege within my palms. That'd be the same for Y/N, she'll be experiencing the most wonderful event of her life with her diploma in her grasp. She will graduate in a big city and of course, I will be there to support her. After the ceremony, she'd run on my direction, her arms will be open wider than the universe could and hug me like never before. I'll watch her in flabbergast, proud, and humbled and the words will just eventually escape my lips saying—"That's my girl."



— took me days to finish this, sorry :( i need to spend my remaining days this summer bc school is going to start VERY SOON and it kinda sucks but it's cool. Hope you enjoyed the imagine, I'll be posting more ❤️

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