[Slow Updates] Beasts (Tomoe...

بواسطة DoloresMika

76.6K 2K 346

You are the Beast Goddess. As the name suggests, you rule over all beasts, including animal like Yokai. What... المزيد

The Stray God
The Beast God in a Shrine
The First of Many Disasters
Damn Snake
Back in Hell
The Angel in Hell
Inside, We Are All Beasts
Decent into Hell
The Tomb
Visiting the Past
I Can Never Love
First Day of School
I'd Call This a Bad Day
Humans are Strange
Not an Update!
A Little of the Old Spirit
Not an Update
Beach Bonanza
Glimpse of the Past
Invitation to Izumo
Not an update! Important question!
The Divine Assembly
The Night
Izumo Dilemmas
At the End
Return to Shrine Life?
Why Can't Life Be Easy?
Never Ending

The Dragon King's Eye

1.4K 43 10
بواسطة DoloresMika

Tomoe couldn't believe what was happening. He was locked in a cage, with that insufferable dragon brat, and he could do nothing without endangering (Y/N). He glanced over at the aforementioned dragon brat, and  saw a look of worry in his eyes. 

"What did you do to piss off Ryuuou (for those of you that don't remember, that's the Dragon King's first name)?" Tomoe asked.

"Why do you care?" Ryuu barked.

"It's not like I can do much else." Tomoe grumbled. "He seems to have a strong hatred of you and (Y/N), and I'd like to know why. Earlier, he called you..."

"Ryuutaro." The dragon familiar sighed. "That's what he called me. Do... you remember how Milady told you I was a yokai she saved?"


"Well, she saved me from here." Ryuu sighed. "I used to be a servant of the Dragon King, and when I say servant, I mean forced servitude. He called me Ryuutaro, and used me as his 'mascot'. One day, Milady broke into the palace, without anyone knowing, and freed me. She took me to the surface, and told me that I could live however I wanted from then on. I, of course, told her I wanted to stay by her side. She granted my wish, and gave me a new name. She said I was no longer Ryuutaro, son of the great dragon, but Ryuu, the dragon. She said that I would define myself, not based on the past, but on my future." Ryuu looked at the goddess, the worry in his eyes covered by a look of determination. "She gave me a life worth living, so I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Together, we should have no problem getting out of here."

"If we try anything, he could hurt (Y/N)." Tomoe reminded the boy.

"That's why we aren't going to give him the chance to." Ryuu smirked.

"Alright, I'm listening." Tomoe smirked.


Nanami and Mizuki had failed. They hadn't succeeded in securing the Dragon King's eye. However, Nanami refused to give up hope. "Maybe we can reason with him!" Nanami decided ignorantly. So, now they were on the way down to the Dragon King's palace at the bottom of the ocean.

Along the way, they picked up another passenger, and she'd lost the haori she'd worked hard on. I can't think about that right now! Nanami chastised herself. I have to get the others back!

When the turtle cab came to a stop, Nanami got off, and realized Mizuki was missing. She was going to look for him, when an explosion could be heard from inside the palace.  "Lady Kamehime!" A pair of sea slugs raced to the other passenger. "It's dangerous, please stay back!"

"What's with the commotion?" Lady Kamehime asked.

"Two prisoners Lord Ryuuou captured earlier today have escaped, and are wrecking havoc. Lord Ryuuou is exterminating them as we speak.


"Do you really think you can defeat us?" Tomoe smirked at the Dragon King.

"The second you lost your hostage, you should have given up." Ryuu growled, (Y/N) cradled in his arms. The room around them was destroyed, and the Dragon King was rather beat up. Tomoe probably would have killed him, had Nanami not thrown open the doors. Ryuu glanced over at Tomoe, and smirked at his startled expression.

Nanami wasn't alone. She was followed by a very familiar woman, who approached the Dragon King. She seemed rather pissed, and Ryuu casually backed away from the Dragon King.

"Dear." Kamehime growled, a dark aura spreading out from her. "What happened to this castle, care to explain yourself?" The Dragon King shrunk away from his furious wife.

"I-I can explain! This land god promised to return my right eye! Right, land god?" The Dragon King looked to Nanami.

"W-well... about that... we couldn't get it." Nanami mumbled.

"Then I refuse to release them!" The Dragon King barked.

"How about we renegotiate for this haori?" Mizuki appeared out of nowhere, holding the lost haori up.

"What makes you think I'd give up my prisoners for a piece of cloth?!" The Dragon King growled.

"It's a haori made by the madam over there, especially for you. Or, are you saying that's not enough to forget a few petty incidents centuries past?"

"I-I accept your offer!" The Dragon King mumbled.


When you awoke, you were once again in Mikage Shrine. You sat up, and looked around your plain room. Your head was pounding, and felt fuzzy. You couldn't remember what had happened after you'd arrived at the beach. You got up, and wobbly headed to the door. You pushed it open, and nearly ran into Ryuu.

His eyes lit up when he saw you. "You're finally awake!" He smiled at you.

"What happened? I don't remember anything after we got to the beach." You grumbled, your head all groggy.

"You were ambushed by the Dragon King." Ryuu replied sadly.

You looked up at him, shock plastered across your face. "What happened? Where are the others?" You replied, anxiously trying to push past your familiar.

He grabbed your shoulders, and tried to calm you. "They are all safe!" Ryuu shouted, snapping you out of it. "They stayed because of Nanami's human friends, while I carried you back here." Ryuu explained.

"What happened?" You once again asked. "He wouldn't just attack me and leave."

Ryuu sighed, knowing he was incapable of hiding anything from you. "He drugged you, and used you as a hostage to get Tomoe and myself." Ryuu replied.

You clenched your fists, and punched the wall. "Dammit!" You hissed. "Why am I so useless?!"

"Don't say that! You were caught off guard, when you were in a vulnerable situation. That isn't your fault." Ryuu barked.

"What else?" You whispered, ignoring the familiar's words. Ryuu looked as though he was going to say something, but closed his mouth. You glowered at your familiar. "Tell me whatever it is that is causing your hesitation." You ordered, forcing the familiar to comply.

"Tomoe knows you have the Dragon King's eye, and how the two of us met. While the snake and Nanami know of your past connection to Tomoe."  Ryuu replied.

The words hit you pretty hard. You slowly sank to  your knees. "No." You whispered. You looked up at Ryuu, tears in your eyes. "If he starts to remember, they'll target him, just like they did back then." You hissed. "I can't let them do that to him again."

"So what? Will you once again rip the memories from his mind, including those of Nanami and Mizuiki? Or, will you let whatever happens happen, and stop killing yourself over this. He's already told you he wants to remember what happened between the two of you. Why do you continue to deny him that?"

"Because I choose to let him live." You replied.

"So, you offer him the choices of death with love, or life without? That doesn't seem like something you should decide for yourself. He has also informed you that he'd want to be with you regardless of the potential pain. I think the one who can't accept the thought of him being in pain is you, not him." Ryuu stated. "Besides, what gives you the right to take all of the suffering of others upon yourself? Growth doesn't come from stagnation, it comes from struggling and persevering through the pain."

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