Past Sins

By akosuafrimpong22

609K 28.7K 2.5K

A one night stand would have been a much more pleasing fate for Zana Bert than someone forcing himself on yo... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
New Book Alert!!!

Part 4

23.6K 1.1K 120
By akosuafrimpong22

Alex's P.o.V

I forced myself to tolerate people chit chatting and wishing me a happy birthday all through the night. It was pure torture. All I wanted to do was to go after her and apologize. I have never forced myself on any woman until that faithful night five months ago. It was engraved in my memory like writings on stone.


The first time I saw her was at one of her planned events, she was stationed at her little corner just smiling and looking out for any mishaps. I couldn't take my eyes off her, I became too distracted to even pay attention to the pretty blonde model standing next to me.
Since then, I made it a point to attend almost all the events I was invited too and thankfully I did see her at some.

That night of Dean's business party was when I screwed up big time. As always she was tucked away in her little corner making sure everything was going on smoothly. I had too many drinks that night but I was still in control. I stumbled back to my room in one of our hotels and was glad the party was being held in the hotel.
Clearly I wasn't thinking straight when I called the reception and gave out strict orders to get me the event planner. They were to give her the room number and nothing else, not even my name.

I sat in the darkness of the room waiting, until I heard a knock at the door.
I replied a quick 'come in'. I sat still as I watched her nervously peak her head in and then fully enter with the rest of her body. That body was just so perfect, firm breast and all the curves in all the right places. I let out a disgruntled groan as I felt my member downstairs grow painfully hard.

"Erm you asked for me? I'm Zana Bert, do you have any event you want planned?" She timidly asked trying to make out my face in the dark room.

"Hello?!" She nervously said.

Her voice was so soothing to hear, unlike any other I have ever heard.

"Come closer Miss Zana" I said in a deep baritone

"Okay Sir, I'm going to leave my card so you can call me later because this is totally freaking me out" she said as she reached inside her purse to take it out and put it on the table near the door.

Just as she turned and was about to reach for the door handle I quickly made my way to her and wrapped my hands around her waist

"Please don't go Zana" I whispered into her ears and felt her go stiff in my embrace.

I sniffed the crook of her neck and my senses were engulfed with her scent of coconuts and vanilla. It was one intoxicating scent and what little control I had just melted away.

I turned her around and pinned her to the door, starring into her nervous doe eyes intently.
Before I could stop myself my lips were on her lush full lips kissing her like my life depended on it. I felt her struggling but soon relaxed into the kiss.
I pulled my lips from her and treaded them down her neck to her chest and back to her neck.

It was clear she was in a drug like daze because she didn't notice when I took off her clothes and laid her down on the bed and started kissing her all over her body.

"No no no this is not right. Please stop" I heard her saying beneath me as she tried to wiggle her self free of me.

But I couldn't stop, I was far too gone. I quickly entered her and froze. She is a virgin, was a virgin. I mentally scolded myself for being such an asshole. Trying to make out her face in the dark was no good but I could see her glistening eyes and knew she was silently crying.

What was done was done. I couldn't take what I have done back, might as well go ahead and enjoy.

I didn't have the decency to face her, after the deed was done. I watched her tear stained face in slumber,quietly I got out of the bed and dressed as quickly as I could. I knelt by the bed to gaze at her sleeping form before gently kissing her forehead.

That same night I called for preparations to be made for my travel. I was going away on a business trip, a very very long business trip. I know it was a cowardly option, I just had to get away and clear my head.

That night was the best but I knew it was going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

End of flashback

Seeing her again this evening was pretty hard and having to pretend no to know her was a very low move, even for me. I knew she didn't see my face that evening but hearing my voice was enough to help her put the pieces together.
My preference for women were petite women who were not clingy and were experienced in bed, not those on the plus size scale but with her everything was different. I don't know what was wrong with me that night wanting her like that. I had to get her out of my head quick.

All I had to do now is to apologize even though some part of me didn't want to do that. I did enjoy myself that night but the right thing had to be done. That was the plan, to apologize and forget about her. I had a reputation to uphold and Alex Flemming wasn't no softie when it came to women, well with the exception of my mum.

Later that evening, after the party had ended and every one was gone, I sat in my home office with a drink in hand thinking about the best approach to use to get her to forgive me because I didn't except her to go easy on me.

"Alex, what did you say to that poor girl that you got her running for her life" my mum asked furiously as she made her presence known in the room, disrupting my train of thoughts.

"Nothing mum, maybe she has a phobia of people or something " I said nonchalantly. Praying she wouldn't probe further, which thankfully she didn't.

"If I get to know you said something to make her act the way she did, so help me God" my mum said vehemently and I knew she meant every word.

"Mum can we not argue because of some girl you barely even know. As I said I didn't do or say anything to her. She just left on her own free will, you saw that." I lied once more as I made my way out of the room but not before giving my mum a kiss on her cheek and thanking her for the birthday party.

That night as I laid in my bed, all I could think of was one person and one name invading my thoughts, ZANA.

I decided to do a chapter based on Alex's point of view. Enjoy😊❤️
As I said this is my first story so no negative criticism or comments.

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