Hidden Feelings

By NiyAlsina

637K 38.2K 14.2K

Four years have gone by and everything has changed. Valencia has been in a coma and Elias is now Four. But wh... More

New Book.
Bonus Chapters.
Epilogue* Pt.1
Epilogue* Pt. 2
Last Words
Possible Final Goodbyes


5.3K 345 97
By NiyAlsina

Alora Jones

"You're leaving already?" Aaron asked me as I got dressed.

"Yeah, I have things to." I rolled my eyes. Kam told me not to come here, but me being hardheaded, I did it anyways.

"What's your problem now, Alora. You was just fine a couple hours ago." He stood in front of the door when I tried to leave his room.

"Move out of my way." I folded my arms over my chest, waiting for him to do so. He copied my stance, not moving one bit. "Who's Monica?"

He chuckled, "That's what your problem is? Alora, we're not together. I can talk to or fuck anybody that I want."

"And you expect me to not do that same?"

"I don't need you around here fucking other niggas when I'm with you. That's not a good look." He said making a scoff escape my lips.

"Get out of my way. Now!" I demanded, not wanting to hear anymore of his bullshit. It's the same thing and I'm beyond fed up.

"I don't have time for your little girl temper tantrums. Bye." He moved to the side and I walked out of his room.

"If you can't see my full worth then someone else sure will." I threw up the peace sign as I walked down the hallway.

I guess that made him mad because he followed behind me down the hallway.

"Fuck you just say?" He gripped my arm and spun me around into the wall.

"Don't put your hands on me unless you want your ass beat." I shoved him into the other wall. "I will find someone who appreciates me. Fuck you and delete my number."

"So it's like that? Alora!" He called after me as I walked out of his apartment ignoring him. I'm not going to spend years being hung up on a guy that isn't going to give me commitment.

It was a roller coaster, but fun while it lasted. I texted Kam to come over my house as I was on my way home. Lord knows my dad is probably losing his mind without mom.

"Where you been at?" Malia asked me when I walked through the door.

"Where is dad at?' I ignored her question. She's not my mom so my whereabouts is none of her business.

"He's out grocery shopping. Kam is upstairs."

"Thanks." I mumbled as I headed for the stairs.

"Alora can you please act like you want to talk to me? I know what I said was-"

"That's the problem, you don't think before you speak. What you said to AJ was wrong and he's too forgiving. I don't care about you trying to out me about Aaron because it's typical. When the light is on you, you try to throw it on somebody else.

You're my sister and I'll always love you, but you really need to get your shit together. Nobody is going to keep kissing your ass."

Leaving her lost for words, I went upstairs to see Kam made herself comfortable in my bed. Her shoes kicked off, flipping through channels on my bed.

"Have fun with your good for nothing nigga?" She reached under my pillow, grabbing my stash of licorice.

"The dick was definitely bomb as always." I said as she playfully rolled her eyes. "But I'm done with him."

"Never thought I would hear you say that." She raised her hands in the air.

"I see you got your phone back and your car. Thought Elias would've dropped you off."

"Yeah, but I have a shorter curfew now. Nine until I 'learn how to respect their rules'." She shrugged.

"That's tough. Have you talked to Lorenzo lately."

"Nope. Don't plan to."

I don't know where she gets this horrible attitude and stubbornness from. She can't see that Lorenzo is really trying with her.

"You know not every boy is the same. Lorenzo might have his reputation, but it's different with you. You've been dodging boys for your whole life. Give him a chance."

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course you can."

"I'm scared." She put her head down in shame. I'm surprised that came out of her mouth with all of the pride she has.

"Scared of what?"

"This will be my first relationship ever. And I can't give him what other girls can. What if he cheats."

"You'll never know unless you take risks. I don't think he'll do that though."

I wish I would've followed in Kam's footsteps and waited for the right person. But a virginity is something you can't get back. What's done is done.

Elias Lorizio

I laid on top of Zahria between her legs with my head resting on her chest. We haven't done anything and I'm actually fine with it. It's on her own time.

She told me she's not a virgin, but she wants to wait until we're serious. Her company is enough for me.

"You want kids in the future?" She asked as her fingers ran through my hair. I was on the verge of falling asleep.

"Yeah, when I'm financially stable. You?"

"Eh, I'm not forcing it, but if it happens, it happens." She shrugged. "Are you for marriage?"

"Of course. I grew up with two married parents for majority of my life. If you can't see yourself with anyone else then you should."

"Same. My parent's divorced, but at the end of the day they still have love for each other." It was silent until she spoke again. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Have you and Malia like...have sex more than once?"

I cleared my throat, "Um, y-yeah."

"I'm going to ignore your change of demeanor. Are you sure I'm not wasting my time?"

Sighing, I sat up and she crossed her arms. I get Zahria's concern, but I'd never do something as far as cheat. Possessive, say some things I shouldn't  and be a little temperamental maybe, but never cheat.

"You're not wasting your time. I want to eventually turn into something more. Yes, I liked her but that's nothing more than my friend."

"I don't want to you to end your friendship or anything because she's been in your life for a long time. I just want her to know boundaries."

"I gotchu'." I intertwined my fingers with hers seeing a smile form on her face.


"Do you have these in a five?" A girl showed me a box of 12s. I hate this job so much. The other three employees were busy so here she was in my face.


"But you didn't go check." She put her hand on her hip as if she had an attitude.

"I did inventory this morning. Anymore questions?"

"Can I speak to your manager?"

"I am the manager. Would you like corporate's number or another shoe?" I leaned on the counter with my chin resting on my fist and a blank look on my face.

I've been here since nine this morning and I don't have time for this bitch's attitude. I'm off in two more hours.

"No." She put the box back and left the store. She's mad at something I can't control.

Malia walked inside and my mood instantly changed. Not in a good way. After that stunt she pulled, I haven't spoke to her. Then she lied about us having sex to make it seem like I wasn't being faithful to Zahria.

We aren't together officially, but I'm dating her and she has my attention so I wouldn't mess with another girl.

"Hey Eli..." She walked up to me.


"You're still mad at me?"

"What do you think?" I looked at her like she was crazy. She was either dumb or plain stupid.

"I'm sorry. I got...jealous I guess."

"Jealous? You don't have- you know what? I'm not going to talk to you about this right now. I'm working. Come over my house at seven."

She slowly nodded her head before leaving.

"Who's that?" Kevin, the new boy asked me. He's sixteen with a big future ahead of him.

"A friend." I shrugged.

"You hit that?"

"Business, find you some. And before you ask. No. She doesn't mess with teenagers." I shut him down before he could even try it.

He sucked his teeth, "I'm not that young."

"Why don't you mess with girls your own age?" Kevin is always chasing after some girl way older than him. I'm convinced he's gonna be a sugar baby by the time he hits college.

"Because the girls my age play games. I was talking to this one girl at Ridge and she played the fuck out of me."

"What she look like?"

"Average height, light skin, curly hair, braces-"

"What's her name?"


"Nigga, that's my little sister."

"Oh...well." He shrugged. "She still single?"

"Not your business." I flicked him in the head.

"You ain't shit."

The last two hours went by pretty fast and I was on my way home to go to sleep. I was greeted by my parents arguing about who did what. The usual.

I went upstairs, forgetting that I told Malia to meet me at my house.

"So, wassup?" I took off my striped shirt and kicked my shoes off.

"Elias, I'm sorry."

"So said that earlier. What else is new fam?"

"Can you not me petty for one second?"

"One second passed. What do you want, Malia?"

"I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I was jealous!"

"You don't have the right to be jealous! I've been chasing after your dumb ass all these years and you played me every time! I find someone else and you want to act like you lost your damn mind!"

I turned my back to her as I put my dirty clothes in the hamper. Turning around, I see her crying. I ran my hand down my face out of frustration.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because you're mad at me and I don't like when you're mad at me. We've went four days without talking and that's the longest-"

"Malia, please shut up. You look so ugly when you cry." I chuckled seeing her crack a smile. "Wipe your face."

"I really am sorry. I'll apologize to Zahria too."

"Well...I guess I forgive you."

"Valencia! Push me again and watch me throw your ass down the stairs!" I heard my dad coming up the stairs.

He entered my room without knocking, "Ya'll hungry?"

"No." We said in unison.

"Sebastian, get your ass in this room so we can finish our discussion! I know you left that water on the floor in my kitchen!"

"Alright." He closed the door. "Shut your ugly ass up! Ain't no 'my' in this damn house. It's ours!"

"I think I'm going to go home before they kiss and make up." Malia said, giving me a hug. "I love you bestie."

"Love you too, Lia."



Elias and Zahria?


Excuse mistakes.

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