Baby Freemans

By Just_Jae_fr

52.4K 1.7K 2.2K

One Jamaican party can ruin 9 months of a Freeman's life. As Jada, Cindy, and Jazmine go through life being p... More

Life in the Windy City
A Bit of Persuasion
Jamaican retreat
Beach Babes
Mini Jamaican Olympics
Home Sweet Home
Another Source of Happiness
The Elephant in the Room
Ex? More like a Why
Facing Your Past
Wish Granted
Mama's New Place
The Bads in a Relationship
Viva Las Vegas
Nothing to Lose
Chatacter Disclosure
The Breakfast Club
Just Jada
Back with Jeanette
Soul of an Angel
New Story
Staring Contest
Hard to Say Goodbye
Us Against The World
Just the Two of Us
Welcome Back, Scholars!
The Hardships of College
Mom In Training
Missing You
Not an actual update
Full Squad
The Bet
Winter Break
Back for Revenge
Last Words
A bit too early
Auntie Candy
Papa Huey
The After Effect
As Our World Crumbles
Two Sides to Every Story
My Son with his Mother's Eyes
Home Where I Belong
New Story... Kind've
The Next Generation
Baby Mama
Family in Our Hearts
Close Your Eyes
Through Blood
Our First Time
No Chapter Today
Back to the Main Stage
Best Part
Sending Off
The Chills You Give
Not Giving Up
Kickin and Screamin
Officially Over
The Bet
Moved On
We Miss You Robert
Performer in Practice
Shining Like A Star
Let The Games Begin!
Standing up for You
For You
A Little Too Friendly
Performing wit Jae and Reezy

A Way Around the System

567 18 6
By Just_Jae_fr

It was my doctors appointment where I'd find out the genders of my twins.

"Did you call the Uber?" I asked. Riley smiles, shaking his head. "Please don't tell me we're walking."

"Girl bye! Ain't nobody about to walk an hour away to a doctors office. I called someone who takin us."

I give a confused look before shrugging and grabbing my purse.

I hear a honk and look out the window to see Jessica waving at us.

"You called Jessica?"

"Yea, she was in town and I told her you have a doctors appointment so she said she'd drive us."

I smiled, hugging Riley. I walk out the house, sitting in the front.



I hug my best friend, overly happy to see her.

"I thought you and Donnie were on tour."

"We were," She replies, "But his tour ended and we decided to come back. Plus I heard you guys were here alone and we wanted to give yall a hand."

Riley gets in the car.

"So you're living back at the house now?" I ask.


I had never been more happy to hear anything in my life. Jessica and Donnie being back would be back in the house meaning more help and Riley and I's money problem would be solved.

"Where's Donte now?" Riley asked.

"JEC. I'm actually dropping you off there cause he wanted to talk to you about something."

Riley nods, not really caring where the hell he was ending up.

Driving, we get to JEC, Riley getting out the car,

"You bringing her back here when you get done, right?" Riley asks Jessica.

"Yes, Riley. Even if I wasn't, it wouldn't really matter."

"Yes the hell it would! I promised Caesar bitch as I would protect her and I gotta know where she at, at all times."

Jessica rolled her window up, giving Riley the finger.

"Piss off. I'll take her wherever the hell I want," She mumbles, driving off. I laugh at the two's petty argument.

"It's really nice to see you, Jess," I say with a soft smile.

"It's nice to see you too, Jay. Of course I had to come back just before our birthdays."

My eyes widened in realization. Today was September 8th. My birthday was only in a few days. Of course, Jessica's was too, us being born on the same day.

"I nearly forgot!" I say. "All this drama with Huey and the babies, I almost forgot my own birthday." 

(A/N: Lowkey, I almost forgot her birthday was in September and school starts in September... So.. yea)

Jessica giggles, turning the corner,

"Well it's a good thing I came back. Anyways, you said something about drama with Huey?"

I sigh, telling Jessica about what happened before everyone left. 

"He was just being such a dick for no reason. I don't know if it's cause he was upset or scared," I huff in frustration. "It took him weeks until he finally called to apologize. He didn't check up on us or nun. Just a bitch ass apology and he kept life rolling."

"That's fucked up," Jessica comments. "Whether or not he was emotional, he shouldn't have treated you and Riley like that before he left. That just leaves just bad last memories before you see each other again."

I nod, agreeing to what Jessica was saying.

We finally make it to the doctors office, waiting patiently in the waiting room.

"You should call Caesar so he still doesn't miss this.

"Oh yea!" I pull out my phone, Facetiming Caesar.

It rings for a second before it finally connects.

"Hey baby," Caesar says. His gorgeous dark face pops up on my phone. It looked like he was writing something. His hair was in a bun and I could tell he started growing out some of his beard.

"Hey sexy," I smile, taking in his gorgeous face. Caesar chuckles, looking up at something before writing again. "Are you in class?"

"Yea, but this professor cool. What's up?"

"I'm at the doctors, I get to find out the babies gender today."

Caesar quickly looks at me, his face in shock.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yea? Why, is something wrong?"

"I just wanted to be there for that," He says, his voice sounding a big disappointed.

"Oh. I'm sorry my love. Did you want me to wait? We can always find out when I give birth-"

"No, it's okay. At least I'm technically there."

I smile,


The nurse calls us, Jessica helping me up.

"Oh hey, Jess!" Caesar says, seeing Jessica through my camera. 

"Hi Mikey!" Jessica giggles, knowing Caesar doesn't really like being called his first name. He rolls his eyes, smiling.

"Miss Freeman! Nice to see you," the nurse says. "No boyfriend today?" 

I show her my phone,

"He's in New York for school. But he's technically here."

The nurse smiles, waving. We get settled, the nurse giving me my normal check up. She tells me Dr. Sophia will come in soon and leaves. 

"This is so weird," Jessica says, looking around. It wasn't like a normal doctors office. All the systems and stuff had kind've freaked her out. 

"It's honestly not as weird as people make it seem. Just a quick ultra sound. It's actually really cool!"

Jessica looked a bit uneasy. She wasn't a big fan of big machines. It made her think of her mom.

"It's not the same," Caesar says, knowing how she was feeling. "You get to see the babies. It's gonna be neat."

Jessica nods, still not liking the giant monitors. 

Dr. Sophia walks in, smiling at me.

"Hi Jada. It's nice seeing you!" She greets. She looks over at Jessica, "No Michael?"

"I'm here doc!" Caesar calls from my phone. She looks at the screen, chuckling.

"Of course we can't miss you! Well, whom might you be?" 

"Jessica Evans, Jada's best friend," Jessica introduces. Dr. Sophia shakes her hand.

"Nice to meet you!" 

Dr. Sophia gets me settled and starts the ultrasound. She puts gel on my stomach and sticks the wand in my uterus. I shiver at the cold feeling and take a breath.

"Whoa!" Jessica whispers, looking at the screen. Two grey looking splotches appear on the screen. My babies.

"Look Ceez," I turn my camera, showing Caesar the screen. "Our babies."

"They've grown so much," Caesar says, sighing happily.

"Those are the babies?" Jessica asks. I nod,

"We get to find out the gender today too."

"Ah, yea," Dr. Sophia zooms in on the ultra sound and moves the piece of my stomach. "You ready?"

I nod.

"Well, you see this fetus right here?" I nod once again, "You can see his penis right here. So that's one boy." I smile widely. "And, there's another penis. That's two boys!"

"You heard that, baby? We're having two boys!"

I could see tears forming in Caesar's eyes. He was happy.

"Wow. Two boys? Didn't you have a hunch it would be two boys?" Jessica asks. 

"Yea. I told Caesar if it's two boys I get to name them both. If they were girls he'd get to name them. But if it was one of both then I get to name the boy and he could name the girl?"


"Any names in mind?" Dr. Sophia asks. I nod, 

"Yea. I knew their names for a while now."

After leaving the doctors office, Jessica and I go to Tropical Smoothie before going to JEC.

"I thought I told yo punk ass to bring her back here," Riley says. He was sitting on a table, talking to Donte.

"And I told yo punk ass I didn't care," Jessica shot back. "I brought her back, didn't I?" 

Riley rolls his eyes.

"So, what are you having?" Donte asks.

"Two boys," I reply, sitting down.

"Hopefully they're not like Huey and Riley."

I chuckle,

"I know right."

"Jada!" I look up and see John walking my way.

"Mr. Evans! Long time, no see."

He hugs me, sitting in the seat across from me.

"How are you?" John asks.

"I'm grand," I reply, "I'm having two boys."

"Congrats! I'm excited for you!"

"Why thank you!"

"Well, I actually wanted to talk to you." I gave a confused look. "I already talked to your brother and he told me you guys were tight on money. With you, Jazmine, and Cindy being out on maternity, the club has been very slow. However, I have talked to your doctor and she said as long as you're not doing anything too hard core, you can still perform."

"Really?" I ask, my eyes widening. 

"Yep. So you can still sing at the club. And, as a bonus, Riley will be performing as well so you don't have to do all the work."

I looked over at Riley who winked. 

"So, we're working again?" I asked.

"Yep," John replies. "Everyone Friday night like you did before. But since school is going on again, we're gonna have more teens here than anything. Donte occasionally will perform as well but I wanna expand on you and Riley more. I've heard him rap and he's not that bad."

Riley? Rap? Honestly, I never heard him rap before but if John says he's got the juice, then he's got the juice.

"So when do we start?" I ask.

"This upcoming Friday. I'm gonna introduce Riley so it's gonna be the two of you. You get a week to practice and I'll have a DJ here that'll be able to create a good beat for you."

"It's not gonna be like that shitty producer you had at Woodcrest right? Cause our normal one here ended up leaving for another club."

"Nope," John answers, "You're actually really familiar with this guy."

Someone comes from the back and my mouth drops.


"Long time no see, Jada."

I smile, happy to see his face. Even though Hiro and I didn't really end up on too much of good terms, he was still my original producer and made a lot of my songs great.

"I thought you'd be off in college like everyone else."

"And miss an opportunity to make $200 a week? Yea, I'd rather work."

I giggle. 

"Hiro, your computer is back up," A voice says. I look and see Ming walking this way. "What the fuck is she doing here?"

"I work here, bitch. What're you doing here?" I question. 

"My boyfriend works here."

"Boyfriend?" Jessica, Donte, Riley, and I question. 

"Yea... Once you guys left Woodcrest, some things changed."

"Some? Nigga you dating that dumb hoe!" Riley exclaims. 

"Say that again and I'll-"

"You'll what?" I question, cutting Ming off. I step up to her, looking her up and down. "Don't think cause I'm pregnant that I won't still kick your ass."

Ming rolls her eyes.

"This'll be interesting," Jessica says with a sigh.

"At least we're here to watch it," Donte shrugs

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