By miszDanni

2.2K 62 112

The rich caring for the poor. It's the tale of Marley and the misfortune and fortune that befalls her. And th... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

224 5 4
By miszDanni

He was in town for a moment. In search of the best wine the town could offer. He stood by the winery as the herd of people walked pass. A herd of woman. One with blonde stringy hair and blue eyes looking around with an un-tampering grin. Another brown hair brown eyes tall with the small frame. A woman with black long hair tied up in a braid. She is the shortest in the group. Not particularly small on her legs. Her focus was on the floor but she looked up scoping her surroundings. He couldn't make out the color of her eyes because they were already back to looking at the floor. He stepped into the Winery still watching the crowd pass by.

"What's going on here? A party maybe?" He asked.

"No." The clerk replied. "They are doing the HELP today. Will you do it this year?"

He rounds the corner looking through the wine cellars for the different type of whine. He picked out three bottles of whine, "Seymour! You bought more of my favorites. Your a good man."

"Only have a little bit so take it. It's yours Klaus."

He slapped the green paper on his counter and carried on to follow the herd of girls. The building was filled with people. He went through people to get his way to the front. But it was impossible to get to the front with the bigger more important men sitting up there. They were staring at the stage lasciviously.

Klaus could only see the disgusting stares the poor woman were getting. Along the stage were different families. The blonde with the stringy hair stood beside a woman and two young boys. The brunette was standing alone and the black haired with her head still facing the floor was with just an older replica. Klaus didn't like the way the woman looked as if they were being sold. These woman were supposed to be getting HELPed then why do they all look so afraid. Aside from the blonde.

The bald fat man came to the stage wiping the sweat from his forehead. He cleared his throat and waved his sweaty napkin in the air.

"Attention people! Attention! We here at the organization of HELP appreciate you and your willing assistance to aid these fine families. Today we have only a number of three families. We ask for your generous HELP in providing these families a home to live in and food for their bellies. Let's begin!" The fat man hands off the mic to a smaller but still large man.

The man says "Family number one! The Walters. Can I start at a low rate of 1 grand, 1, 1 do I hear a 1?"

The man somewhere in the back holds up his hand and shouts, "1!"

"That's one for 1...1 can we get a 2? 1 going once going twice?" They continued that up until they got to 5. The slightly smaller fat man threw up his hand. "5 grand to the man in the back!"

The original fat man says, "Come on over to the side and sign your agreement contract! You have the Walters family." The Walters come down from the stage and follow the man that had bought them.

The slightly fat man says, "Next family, the Murphy family!" It's the girl with the black hair and her mother. They are two beautiful woman. The mother whispered something to her daughter while she caressed her hair. The men up front the real rich men looked askance at these two women.

For some reason Klaus felt as though he could hear the girl's heartbeat out of her chest.

"These woman are in search of being HELPed! Can we start the bidding at 5? 5, 5, 5 do I hear a 5?!"

The hungry man in the front shouts, "10!"

The fast talking slightly fat man grinned, "10! 10 oh do I hear-". Before he could finish other men were shouting over each other much higher numbers. Rich men, they love a good competition.

The numbers were rating anywhere from 22, to 43 to 45. No one willing to go to the 50's.

Klaus threw up his hand and shouted the loudest, "50 grand!"

The men all turned in awe of the young man raising his hand. A tall somewhat lean guy with the curly brown hair that had grown to long standing with his hand in the air.

The awe struck men couldn't fathom the situation while the fast talking slightly fat man shouted.

"50! Aha 50! Do we hear anyone over the 50?! Going once going twice?!"

Klaus held up his hand, "Will you knock it off!" Just ready to take this nervous look off the family's faces. It was clear everyone in the room was awe struck. Klaus waited for the women as they came down off the stage. The girl still silent but her mother spoke.

"We appreciate the help young man."

The original fat guy shouts, "Wait you look awfully young and this is no game for kids. Meet me over at the contract table."

Klaus turned to the woman, "What are your names?"

The mother spoke again, "My name is Carrie Ann and this is my daughter Marley."

"Nice to meet you Carrie Ann and Marley. I'm Klaus son and vice of Filmco Enterprises."

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