One of the Boys

Per bijouthegreat

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One of the Boys
Chapter One: Awkward Beginnings
Chapter Two: Weaknesses
Chapter Three: Not Listening
Chapter Five: Party from the USA
Chapter Six: Facing my Fears
Chapter Seven: A great team
Chapter Eight: Intruders
Chapter Nine: Almost Disaster
Chapter Ten: Can't lose my best friend
Chapter Eleven: Being told what to do
Chapter Twelve: Wins and slip ups
Chapter Thirteen: Warnings
Chapter Fourteen: Rematch
Chapter Fifteen: Broken Bones
Chapter Sixteen: She's Back
Chapter Seventeen: Wrecked
Chapter Eighteen: No Show
Chapter Nineteen: Revelations
Chapter Twenty: Mrs
Chapter Twenty-One:The Red Bull Charity Gala
Chapter Twenty-two: Things can not get worse
Chapter Twenty-three: Home
Chapter Twenty-Four: Unexpected Guest
Chapter Twenty-Five: No Hesitation
Chapter Twenty-six: Meant to be together
Chapter Twenty-Seven: I'll be there to fix you
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Everything Falls Apart
Chapter Twenty-Nine- Up-Down
Chapter Thirty: Shenanigans
Chapter 31: Cornered
Chapter Thirty-Two: We are the Champions
Chapter 33: Godfather
Chapter Thirty-Four: Team Vettel

Chapter Four: A Different Side of Me

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Per bijouthegreat

Daniel’s POV:

    I rolled over as I slowly woke up. My head was pounding and I felt sick to my stomach. The urge to vomit suddenly overcame me and I scrambled for the bathroom, barely making it into to spill my guts into to toilet. After the sickness passed I went to dig some painkillers out of my bag. I popped two into my mouth and watched them down with water from the sink. Memories from last night came flooding back. The bar, partying, drinking, lots of drinking, and T.C. helping my back to the hotel. I felt like an idiot. She must think I’m not capable of controlling myself. I’ve never had a problem with alcohol by any stretch, but she doesn’t know that. I wonder if she is judging me. I looked at my watch. I still had several hours before I had to be at the airport. I quickly changed into fresh clothes and then jogged down to her room. I knocked on the door a few times before the door swung open. T.C. stood there, wearing a team shirt, skinny jeans and flip flops. Her curly hair was down, just how I liked it.

    “Do you feel alright?” she asked. She was concerned for me, I knew it, she thinks I’m some kind of drunk.

    “Um yeah. I’m alright now. Just a bit of a headache… and nausea.” He rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

    “Do you want to come in?” she offered, making room for me to come through the door. I nodded and went into her room. She grabbed her cup of coffee off the dresser as she passed it “Do you want one?” she held up the cup of coffee to show what she was referring to. I shook my head no. she sat down on the bed and took a big gulp from the mug. It wasn’t even nine in the morning and somehow she already looked perfect.

    “Um, I want to apologize.” I said nervously shifting my weight back and forth.

    “For what?” she cocked her head to the side. She genuinely didn’t know what I was apologizing for.

    “For last night. I shouldn’t have gotten so drunk, and I shouldn’t have put you in the position of having to get me back here.” I looked at the ground. She patted the bed in front of her for me to sit down. I obliged.

    “Honey,” her accent thick like honey “You don’t have to apologize for anything. I didn’t mind one bit. I’ve done it for my brothers many times and I don’t mind doing it for you. Daniel, we’re team mates. I’m on your team, I would do anything for you.” She patted my knee.

    “You shouldn’t have to take care of me though.” I shook my head.

    “What am I here for? To have your back and help you be successful.” She answered her own question. “That doesn’t have to be limited to the track sugar.”

    “I’m having a really hard time.” I mused. I was having a hard time with a lot of things. Letting T.C. help me. Not acting like an idiot. Opening up.

    “I know.” she said softly.

    “Trusting is hard for me. It’s such a big change.” I frowned. “I just need to know you better.”

    “Well, we’ve got a few hours. Lets get to know each other. Ask me anything.” she crossed her legs, getting comfortable.

    “Alright.” I said feeling a bit more confident. I thought for a second about what I wanted to know about her. “Okay, I’ve got it. What’s T.C. short for?” a wide grin spread across her face.

    “That’s too personal. I can’t tell you. Pick something else to ask me.” she had a twinkle in her eye.

    “Come on! You said you’d tell me anything.” I prodded.

    “No, I said you could ask me anything. I didn’t say I would tell you.” she winked. I grinned at her.

    “That’s not fair.” I pretended to pout. “Please won’t you tell me?”

    “Its too embarrassing! There is a reason I go by T.C.!” she covered her face.

    “I won’t tell anyone.” I promised “We need to build trust though. How can I put my life in your hands if I don’t even know your real name?” she let out a sigh of defeat.

    “I can’t believe I’m about to tell you this.” she squirmed around uncomfortably, trying to work up the courage to tell me. “Theodora Constance.” I felt my smile grow bigger. She covered her eyes. “See! Its embarrassing. I can’t believe I told you.”

    “I think its nice. Theodora!” I smirked, she uncovered her eyes and stuck her tongue out at me.

    “Don’t make fun of me! I’m trusting you!” she pouted now.

    “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I’m not making fun of you. It is a lovely name. I promise.” I assured her.

    “Whatever. Now you should have to tell me something embarrassing about yourself!” She smiled.

    “No way.” I shook my head.

    “Come on! We are trusting each other. Remember? How do I know you trust me and are going to listen to me if you won’t tell me one embarrassing thing about yourself?” she leaned closer to me. I felt nervous, as our legs were so close they were almost touching.

    “That’s different. Yours was just your name. You can’t help your name.” I justified, feeling my heart beat quicken.

    “You said my name was nice!” she poked me in the chest accusingly.

    “It is.” I said trying to keep serious, but I couldn’t help it the corners of my mouth her tugging upwards and finally into a full blown grin. 

    “You’re a jerk!” she said playfully. She took one of the pillows an lightly swung it into my arm.

    “Okay, okay. Um.. Something embarrassing.” I thought carefully. “I’m a terrible dancer.”

    “That’s not embarrassing.” she said unsatisfied.

    “Then you haven’t seen me dance.” I winked.

    “Well, come on show me.” she pressed on. What have I gotten myself into?

    “Be, merciful. Don’t make me.” I pleaded. “Come on, Theo. Can I call you Theo?” I jested.

    “Oh, no way! There is no chance I’m letting you out of it now.” she shifted onto her knees. “You have to show me now!” she placed her dainty hands on my shoulders pushing me off the bed and to my feet. I stood there awkwardly as she sat watching me and waiting for me to show her my utter inability to dance. “Well? On with it. I don’t have all day.” She crossed her arms impatiently.

    “Well, I can’t just freestyle it. I need music.” I stalled. She grabbed her phone off the nightstand and started playing a hip-hop song. I sighed. There was no more stalling. I gave it me best shot. Shimmying my body around. She began to giggle. Her laugh was perfect, soft and musical. My face burned red. I quickly sat back down on the bed. She was no rolling around laughing.

    “You’re right. You are awful.” she said in-between laughing.

    “Well see if I trust you again.” I rolled my eyes.

    “No, no. Don’t be embarrassed. Its alright if you can’t dance. You’re a guy, you don’t have to be able to dance well. All you have to do is find a girl to dance on you.” she assured me.

    “On me?” I questioned her choice of wording.

    “Yeah, like grinding.” she shrugged taking another sip of her coffee.

    “Grinding?” I knew exactly what she was referring to, but I played dumb.

    “Yeah like, you know…” she tried to think of how to describe the act of grinding to me. “Well, I can’t really describe it…” she sighed “Just stand up. I’ll show you.” I got to my feet again and she stood up. She pressed play on her phone and the music began to play. She pressed her body up against mine and began to grind and gyrate her hips against me. I bit my lip. She was only becoming more and more attractive to me. She pressed stop on the song and sat back down.

    “Maybe not being able to dance is actually an advantage for me.” I said sitting back down next to her.

    “I’d say so. I can’t believe you’ve never heard of grinding.” she rolled her eyes.

    “I have.” I smirked.
    “You jerk!” She playfully hit my chest.

    “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” I shrugged.

    “You’re awful.” she joked. The room grew silent. “Are you packed?”

    “No.” I shrugged.

    “I can’t believe that. I would be stressed out of my mind! Go get packed! We can’t have you missin’ your flight!” she said hurried.

    “Okay.” I sighed and went to pack my bags.

T.C.’s POV:

    I was back at my apartment in Milton Keynes. I had gotten all of my things unpacked from the grand prix. Also my things that were being shipped from the U.S. had started to arrive. I had been answering the door and unloading things all day. The apartment was full of boxes which stressed me out and I was trying to empty them and organize everything as quickly as possible. I am very much OCD and need order in my life or else I’ll go nuts. My phones text alert went off. It took me a minute to find my phone amongst all of the chaos. I finally found it on the counter under a pile of mail.

    “So you’re taking the day off? Slacker. ;)” -Unknown number

    “Who is this?” I text back. I had taken the day off to unpack to plus my jeep was being delivered and I had to be there to sign for it. It had to be someone who worked with redbull texting me.

    “Only your favorite Aussie.” Daniel. I rolled my eyes.

    “Well I don’t know about favorite.” I text back. I was only joking of course. He probably would be my favorite. Considering I don’t know very many Australians.

    “L I’m hurt!” my phone vibrated almost instantly.

    “I’m only kidding. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” I replied.

    “So why aren’t you here?” he wasn’t going to let me not answer his initial question.

    “Because I’m unpacking, and waiting on my jeep to arrive. Besides I need a break from you. :p” I smiled, I couldn’t help, but pick at him. He made it so easy. Being the only girl in my family I was used to being picked on, so sometimes its nice to be able to give it back.

    “You’re not nice.” he responded “Can I come over I’m bored?”

    “No! My place is a mess, and I’m not decent.” I replied. My hair was in a messy bun atop my head and I was just wearing running shorts and a tank top.

    “Too late. I’m here.” I received the text and then heard a knock on the door. I groaned.

    “Just a second!” I hollered and ran into my room to put something else on. I pulled a flowy floral print blouse and a pair of jeans out of my closet and quickly pulled the outfit on. I let me hair out of the bun and let it fall over my shoulders. I looked in the mirror, fluffed my hair and applied mascara. Well, that’s as good as its gonna get. I sighed and went to the door. I opened it and Daniel was leaning against the wall in the hallway looking bored. He wore a redbull ball cap and a gray shirt and jeans with sneakers. He looked up and smiled when he realized I had opened the door.

    “It took you long enough.” he said joking.

    “Well, I wasn’t expecting company.” I crossed my arms as he walked into my apartment. The boxes everywhere drove me crazy. I didn’t want him to be here while it was so messy. I know its not dirty as in unclean, but its disorganized which I can’t stand.

    “You look so young.” He said examining me.

    “Well, I am young.” I frowned. I look like a kid when I’m not wearing much make-up. I felt even more self conscious than I had before.

    “No, I mean you look nice. You look your age.” I back-pedaled.

    “Nice save.” I rolled my eyes. The doorbell rang. I left Daniel in the living room and went to get the door. A delivery man stood there holding a clip-board.

    “Miss Jennings?” he asked.

    “That’s me.” I replied.

    “Your vehicle is here. I just need for you to sign here and then go offload it.” he held out the clipboard. I signed the form and then followed the man downstairs. Daniel followed behind like a puppy. A semi truck was parked in front of the apartment building. The delivery man went around to the back and opened the trailer then pulled out the ramps to offload my jeep. “Alright miss, you’re going to have to back it off. Company policy.” I climbed up into the trailed and got into my jeep and backed it down out of the trailer. I parked my jeep in front of the building and got out to observe it. I had missed my jeep so much. She was my baby. A black four door jeep rubicon with a 5 inch lift and big tires. She was a thing of beauty. If I knew it wasn’t going to rain then I would take the doors off like I do at home, but unfortunately it has rained almost every day here.

    “Wow.” Daniel admired the jeep. “This is yours?”

    “Yep, this is Sissy.” I beamed proudly.

    “You named your jeep Sissy?” he raised an eyebrow.

    “Don’t your cars have names?” I asked looking my jeep over making sure there wasn’t a scratch on her.

    “Its not really my thing. That’s Sebastian.” Daniel said following behind me.

    “Yeah, well she has a name and she is my baby.” I said, I don’t really care what Daniel thinks.

    “The people here are going to hate you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a lifted vehicle in England.” Daniel chuckled.

    “Yeah well, this is how we do it in the south.” I smiled. “Go big or go home.”

    “You’re so different.” I couldn’t read him.

    “Well, are you going to come up and help me unpack or what?” I said finally satisfied that Sissy was in the same condition she had left in.

    “Yeah, sure.” he smiled.

    Daniel was trying to show off his strength by picking up as many boxes as he could at one time.

    “Do you even know where those go?” I asked skeptically.

    “No.” he said carrying them around the living room.

    “You know, if you drop those I will never forgive you.” I said, watching the top boxes wobble precariously.

    “Pft, you can trust me. I’ve got this. Let me carry the boxes.” He said flexing his bicep.

    “Whatever.” I rolled my eyes. “You can take those into the guest room..”

    I began to sort through boxes in the kitchen and unpack glasses and plates and such. After a few minutes I realized Daniel hadn’t come back. I went looking for him. I went into the guest room and he wasn’t there. However the stack of boxes was sitting on the floor. Then I went into my bedroom. Daniel was standing in the middle of my room looking around.

    “So this is your room?” he said taking it all in.

    “Yes, now get out.” I growled.

    “Why?” he turned to look at me.

    “Because its my room. Its personal.” I said trying to push him out. I wasn’t strong enough to push him though.

    “So I’m not allowed in here?” he asked.

    “No.” I pointed at the door, signaling that he needed to leave. He didn’t follow my instruction though. He walked over to the nightstand next to my bed and picked up a picture frame. He examined it closely.

    “Is this you?” he asked holding the picture up. I walked over to him, taking it out a his hands and took a long look at it myself.

    “No.” I said softly. Looking a the brilliant black and white photograph of a beautiful woman looking lovingly down at a baby. “It was my mother.”

    “Oh.” he said quietly and frowned, sensing the somber tone I had taken.

    “She died when I was four.” I mumbled, still looking at the picture. My mother was perfect, she was stunning. I only wish I still had her.

    “I’m so sorry.” he said and I could tell he genuinely felt awful. Who wouldn’t? people don’t know how to deal with situations like this. That’s one of the reasons I don’t talk about her much. If I pretend she never existed, it doesn’t hurt as much.

    “Its okay.” I turned away from him so that he couldn’t see the tears sliding down my cheeks. I didn’t show this side of me to other people. The side that cries, the side that is just a little girl wanting her mother.  Daniel turned me around and pulled me into a hug. I instantly began to sob into his chest. I rubbed my back comfortingly. Who was the girl who is crying in front of a man she barely knows? I would never have thought it would be me, but here I stand. Crying into Daniel’s shirt.



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