Chapter 33: Godfather

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A/N: Okay y'all. I would like to apologize that it was literally been forever since I updated. My life have been insane and I just have not had the time to write. Right now It seems like I am kind of getting a handle on things so hopefully I can update more frequently, but I don't want to make any promises. I do fully intend on finishing my stories though. So if you all will just hang in there I will do it eventually! Thank you all for being so amazing I love you all!


    It was an exceptionally cold day. The seventh of December. Cooper and Jeremy had flown to visit and to help me look for a more permanent place to say. Just the two of them in my apartment had made it painfully obvious that I needed to find somewhere bigger. And now that I had some job security I felt comfortable looking for a place to call home.

    “Are you ready to go house shopping?” Cooper said bouncing up and down holding a mug of hot cocoa in-between both hands.

    “Ready as I’ll ever be.” I flung a long woven scarf around my neck. “I feel so old! Buying a house. It’s so weird.”

    “Yeah, you’re ancient.” Jeremy smiled

    “At least I don’t still live with dad.” I quipped.

    “Heeeeey!” Cooper and Jeremy said in unison.

    It took three days and me almost strangling the twins to find the perfect house but we finally found it. It wasn’t massive, but it had enough room to house my family when they came to visit. A two car garage for both of my babies. A gorgeous master suite that included a huge closet and a Jacuzzi tub. And with my brothers help I had all of my stuff moved in by the next day. The house was still fairly empty since it was a good deal larger than my apartment, which meant I would need to buy more things, but that could wait for another day.

    Exhausted from the move I tumbled into my bed. Thankfully I had forced myself to set up my bed and spread it up. It felt so good to snuggle up after a long day moving. I didn’t fight my body’s urge to drift into a deep sleep, and soon it overcame me.
    It must have been hours later, but it seemed like only minutes when I was pulled out of my deep sleep by the sound of my cell phone ringing. I fumbled to grasp the ringing object, but I soon realized that it wasn’t sitting on my bedside table because of the fact there wasn’t a bedside table there it. I tried to reach down to the floor where my phone lay charging, but failed miserably and quickly found myself colliding with the floor. The phone was on its fourth ring by the time I had it in hand and I answered with without even looking to see who was calling at this wretched hour of the night.

    “Hello?” I answered in a very groggy state.

    “She’s dead.” a very weak voice said over the phone. I sat up in bed and turned the lamp on. Then began to attempt o rub to sleep out of my eyes.

    “Who Daniel, who’s dead?” I asked concerned.

    “My sister. She was just in a car accident. She didn’t make it.” he sniffled.

    By now I up and pulling on a pair of sweatpants and sneakers. Although I don’t know where I thought I was going. Daniel was in Australia taking a break before we continued with winter testing and I was all the way back in Milton Keynes.

    “Okay, well I’m going to be there as soon as I can…. I need to find my car… and a plane… and my other shoe.” my mind was going in a thousand different directions. All the things I needed to do. And of course the fact that Daniel needed me and I was thousands of miles away.

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