you're my alpha ➸ jjk ✓

By estellevi

911K 26.7K 16.3K

"Good to meet you, mate." "You're talking to the wrong person." "No I'm not, you are my mate whether you lik... More

bonus : revealed


34.7K 1.1K 713
By estellevi

3rd's person p.o.v

The Alpha and the beta were still discussing the things which were related to the series of unusual events happening to the packhouse. As the wind suddenly blew hard, passing their lean figures and slightly tousling their hair, a certain familiar voice which mentioned the name of the person they were currently having a hard time dealing with, was heard. They made a quick glance at each other before going off quickly, running pass rooms and into the beta's room.


The Alpha and the beta burst into the room, calling out Areum at the same time with a hint of urgency and worry. "Don't hide from me! I know that you're here, Jimin!" The Alpha looked around while standing in front of Areum to act as a shield with his beta doing the same to his mate.

"Did something happen? We heard the Luna call out Jimin's name," Taehyung questioned to both in particular. 

"He didn't come here. Well, at least we didn't see him directly," Minrae stated as she looked over to Areum. "I think he just went into her mind."

Jungkook moved his attention to Areum, making the girl fidget slightly. "What did he say?" Jungkook asked. He clenched both his hands and his teeth; he was really trying to resist the urge to hold her close as he still feels scarred from what had happened to both of them back in their room.

"He only said that I'll remember everything after a week. I didn't really get what he meant though," she said. "..I'm sorry."

"Alpha! Then it really is him," Taehyung said as Jungkook nodded, an angered frown visible on his face. "We'll be going now then," Jungkook said before sending a small reassuring smile to Areum.

As he neared the door, he stopped and sighed, his face forming another smile to cheer himself. "I hope.. you don't think that that mark was a mistake, Ami- I mean, Areum-ah."

He exited the room right after, afraid if Areum would say anything that would hurt him all over again. Even though he knew that it was all Jimin's fault, and even though he knew Areum was controlled and didn't mean everything she had said, it still hurts.

"Luna, Min-ah, I'll be excusing myself as well. Please tell us immediately if something out of the ordinary happens, alright?" Taehyung said, walking towards the door.

"Wait!" Areum said, her hands gripping the sheets hard as she felt frustrated and guilty towards the man whom they call the Alpha and her mate. 

He turned around swiftly, waiting for her to continue speaking.

"P-Please ..tell him that I'd like to speak to him after he's done with whatever he is going to do," she said, looking down onto the sheets. "That is all. Thank you."

"I'll be sure to relay the message. Rest well Luna. I'll see you later Min-ah." Taehyung nodded and proceeded to exit the room.

"Let's go. I don't think his home is anywhere in the human territory," Jungkook said as the wind kept blowing hard. It was cold, which was a little unusual for that time of the year. But, so was the events that came upon them. They had better things to worry about and like what Jungkook would say, they wouldn't give a shit or two about some stupid weather. 

"Alpha, how long do you think are we going to be looking for his base?" Taehyung asked.

"Not so soon. We're not going home before we find where his home is," Jungkook replied as he went straight to the aisle where the selsas' rooms are located. 

"The Luna told me to-"

"Hyung, I'd like to put her aside for now." He sighed. "We need to hurry and find Jimin before he does anything else."

"I understand," his beta said, sighing in defeat. He knew better than anyone else, that his Alpha would never stop thinking about his Luna.

It was only a facade he put up to look stronger.

When in fact . . he wasn't.

Areum's p.o.v

"I don't understand, Minrae-ssi," I murmured. "Who is this Jimin? How did I have connections to someone like him?"

"I don't really know much about the Alpha's past . . but I do know that he is the murderer of the Alpha's parents, and was also his childhood friend, along with a girl whose name he forgot," she replied.

"He forgot?" I quoted.

She nodded. "Earlier, he made a mistake of calling out your name. Does Ami ring a bell?"

"Y-Yeah . . it's the nickname my childhood friend gave me," I replied, realizing the mistake he had made beforehand. Now that she's mentioned it, how did Jungkook know and why did he call me Ami?

"Thinking won't solve anything Luna. You'll just have to ask him when he's back." Minrae smiled, patting my back. 

"Yeah . . that will do." I smiled back, my heart slowly brought to ease.

"Mommy and Luna smile, then Seoyi smile too!" Seoyi who had just woken up exclaimed, grinning.

"Aww, what did I do to deserve you Seoyi-ah?" Minrae chuckled as she lifted her up.

It'd be great to have a daughter like her.

"Mommy, where did daddy go? Why didn't he say hi to Seoyi?" she pouted.

"Daddy is a busy man Seoyi-"

"Does daddy not love Seoyi anymore?" she asked, saddened.

Minrae glanced at me, as if telling me to help her.

I chuckled. Some of the hardest questions from a little girl I guess. I scooched myself closer to the girl who seemed like she wanted to cry, flashing a comforting smile to her. "Seoyi-ah, why did you say that? Of course he loves you," I said.

"How do you know?" she pouted.

"Your daddy always thinks about you. You're just so small and cute that he didn't see you when he entered the room," I smiled.

"Oh. Okay then!" she giggled.

"Thanks Luna," Minrae mouthed me.

I nodded as I smiled at her.

"Shall we make dinner?" she asked.

"Food!" Seoyi exclaimed.

Well ain't she me.

"Yeah, let's do that."

Jungkook's p.o.v

Taehyung and I are now in a secluded meeting room, one that only certain people were aware of. We were here together with the selsas which consisted of 4 members, meaning that there were a total of 6 people in the room. 

"You might be wondering why I chose this place to hold the meeting today. Well, the topic we're going to talk about is going to be very confidential so I hope that no one is going to break our bonds as I've put my trust in all of you," I started, emphasizing some words.

I eyed all the members of the team, before opening my mouth to continue. "We'll be going on a mission tomorrow."

"All of you may or may not have known already that someone related to the past of our pack is back again. Now it may have been alright if we were in good terms, but unfortunately, it is the complete opposite."

"We're not going to go home for a while and will be in search of Jimin, the murderer of my parents," I started, earning some murmurs.

"The scout leader has reported some of the possible locations to search yesterday," I continued. "We will start this mission strictly tomorrow at 6 in the morning. Are there any questions, or objections, even?"

Jung Hoseok, one of the selsas raised his hand.

"What is it hyung?"

"I know it is not at my place to ask this, but why have you decided to search for Jimin now?" he asked.

"Alpha, I'm sorry but isn't this notice a bit too sudden though?" Kim Namjoon, one of the selsas, added.

Right . . none of them knows the situation.

"We've only recently found out that he, out of all people, had a past with our Luna. He is now back again, wanting to take Luna with him. I, as her mate and the Alpha, can't just stay here and do nothing, so please, I ask of your help, everyone," I said, bowing.

"Alpha!" they all called out, surprised.

It's not about a higher degree anymore. I really needed their help.

"We're perfectly fine with this Alpha! Please raise your head!"

"Really?" I grinned as I looked at them.

They all sighed and smiled. "What else can we do? You've saved us from those disasters a long time ago. It's only right for us to pay you back." Namjoon smiled.

"Thank you, everyone," I smiled.

All the selsas here, which are Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi, and Kim Seokjin, comes from a different pack.

They've lost their territory to humans.  I, who had first encountered them, offered them a hand. It was unfortunate that they had lost their families, but that aside, they're all great wolves and I'm so glad to have met them.

I ended the meeting right after so that everyone could have quality time with their own families before going on a long journey the next day. "Please remember that you're not to speak to anyone about this matter," I reminded before dismissing them off properly.

"Alpha, Minrae had just informed me that dinner is ready," Taehyung said.

I nodded, slightly lost in thoughts. "Hyung, can you come with me tonight?"

"Sure. Where to?"

"The abandoned garden."

Areum's p.o.v

It was starting to get dark, except that the moon was now up to let the sun rest for a moment. How nice. Even the sun and the moon are on better terms than I am with my own mate. 

I shook off my thoughts and got back to garnishing the plates. Minrae and I were about to finish preparing dinner, and oh did they smell so good, it was making me smile unconsciously. I mean, food means happiness, right?

"Min-ah, where are they?" I asked her after serving the foods on the dining table. 

We were outdoor. With the tables set up in fir wood and lights hanging up around the place, not to mention the delicious smell of the food which was already properly arranged on the table, I have to say that this might be the most comfortable and romantic place I might have to put in my go-to list.

"They should be arriving here any minute now," she replied, still paying attention to Seoyi who was trying to grab the food on the table.

"Min-ah, Seoyi-ah!"

Taehyung called as he ran to Minrae who's carrying Seoyi, for a hug. I could see the spark on both of the couple's eyes, and it made me somewhat envious and happy of the two.  

I shifted my attention to Jungkook who was just standing there, looking at me, then at the couple. Things between me and him have really changed a lot, at least that's what I felt. I really didn't know what happened back then. It was like a switch and the next thing I knew, my mind was completely blank and confused.


"Let's eat," he interrupted as he took a seat.

"Ah, umm- okay." I blinked in surprise as I took a seat beside him.

'Stop being so awkward.'

'Jungkook-ssi?! We can mindlink now?' I replied, turning to him reflexively; which he found amusing as he laughed out loud.

'Yeah. We've officially become mates now,' he replied whilst giving me a grin. As the wind came blowing again, it tousled his beautiful hair, making him look so flawless. It had successfully made me speechless and unable to form any sort of reply.

"Hey, you two! Come sit down and eat," he said to the couple while gesturing them to sit down.

"Alpha is here!" Seoyi exclaimed.

"Yes, the handsome Alpha is here," Jungkook grinned.

I chuckled at his reply, rolling my eyes. Well, he ain't wrong.

"Daddy is more handsome," she stated, holding Taehyung's hands. It had made all 3 of us laugh, while the childish Alpha only pouted.

"Good one Seoyi-ah! Daddy loves you so much," Taehyung chuckled as she carressed Seoyi's hair.

We started eating and had a few sentences and jokes exchanged. "Who made this crazily good something-I-have-no-idea-what-it's-name-is?!" Jungkook asked. "I swear these are the best. What are these even called?"

"It was the Luna that made them," Minrae said. "Well, we made it together, but it was one of mom's recipes." I smiled. "It's called lamb skewers."

"No wonder! You have to try this hyung! They're freaking lambs!" Jungkook exclaimed excitedly, causing the beta to chuckle. "I did, but I didn't get as excited as you did."

"But it's so good right?" The Alpha grinned. "You have to make lots of these for me Ami-ah!"  he continued, still eating up the skewers like a little kid. 

Ami, huh?  I smiled. "As you wish, your highness."

It was getting late so we bid our goodbyes and went to our rooms after cleaning up the table. The walk was quiet, but the awkwardness wasn't as thick as before. "So .." I started.

"I'm really sorry, but I have to leave tonight," he stated, opening the door as we had arrived in front of our room. I sighed. When are we able to spend time together without any obstacles at all?

"Ah . . so soon?"

He nodded and didn't reply, taking out a small suitcase, starting to pack clothes. "Are you going to look for Jimin?" I asked. "When are you coming home? That's a lot of clothes."

He shrugged. "Until we find Jimin," he said. "I don't think that we'll be going home any soon though. It's a good thing that we've marked each other because that way we'll have strong communication."

"Tell me if anything weird happens, okay? Don't try to solve it by yourself. I don't want the past events to happen again." He sighed.

"I'm sorry," I began, making him stop what he's doing and turn his attention to me. "It's my fault. I don't really remember much but I can only guess that Jimin's here for me.."

"I've been nothing but trouble to this pack and I deeply apologize for that." I looked down at the floor, guilt consuming me. "So..don't you think that I should come and go solve this too?"

"Absolutely not. It's my job to keep the pack safe, and most importantly I'm doing this for you too." He smiled. "While I'm out, you're in charge and you should do what you have to do to keep the pack safe. You're an amazing Luna and I won't even ask for anyone else because you already are the best." He grinned, making me blush.

"D-Did I say too much..?" he suddenly said, covering his reddening face. 

I smiled. "Thank you. I'm sorry for before.. for saying those hurtful things. Please know that I didn't mean any of that." 

"I understand. Here's your necklace," he said while handing me the locket. "You may not remember much, but, I really am the owner of the other necklace. I hope when I come back we can talk more, Ami." He smiled before zipping his suitcase. 

"I'll go now. Take care of yourself."

"You too," I paused as he closed the door. ".. Kookie."

Jungkook's p.o.v

I heard you loud and clear Ami. 

line groupchat open!♡ drop your id or pm me!
- - - -
a/n : thank you so much for 1k reads TT♡ i love you all!

thank you for the lovely comments and PMs, it warmed my heart a lot. ❤

i hope this story can make you thrilled or happy xD♡ give me some feedbacks so that i can do better ^^♡

once again, thank you so much.

if anyone of you are confused with what the story is implying, please just ask. i wouldn't want you to be confused ofc ^^;

and so, i hope you have a very lovely day❣

last edited: 211219

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