you're my alpha ➸ jjk ✓

By estellevi

922K 26.8K 16.3K

"Good to meet you, mate." "You're talking to the wrong person." "No I'm not, you are my mate whether you lik... More

bonus : revealed


34.9K 1.1K 664
By estellevi

3rd person's p.o.v

"Kookie?" she repeated. It wasn't the first time she had heard of the word, but she still couldn't grasp what or who it was. 

"Yeah! Don't you remember me?" he asked, frowning.

She stayed quiet. ' Kookie . . ?

"Ami-ah?" he called, about to reach out and hold her hand when she quickly pulled her hand away.

"A-Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, as his heart began to panic.

"I'm sorry . . it must've been a coincidence. Right?" she laughed awkwardly.

"What? No! It's really me! Don't you remember the nickname I gave you to call me?" he asked, saddened.

"What? Did we really had a past together?" she asked again.

He stayed quiet, unable to comprehend what was happening.

"H-Hey . .  Have we marked each other?" she asked.

"What? Ami-ah-"

"Don't call me that! Only he is allowed to call me as so!" she yelled at him.


"I'm going out for a bit, besides, why are you being so overly familiar towards me ?" she scoffed before exiting the room.

Jungkook was so confused and devastated. Not only he was being forgotten, but she even forgot that they had just gotten intimate.

"What the hell is going on ?" he mumbled, clutching the necklace which was returned to him, the owner.

Areum's p.o.v

"Min-ah? Are you inside?" I asked as I knocked on the door.

The door opened instantly, revealing a smiling man whose height isn't much different from Jungkook.

"Oh, hi Luna! I was just on my way out to the Alpha," he grinned. "Is he at your room?"

"Where's Min-ah?" I asked him hurriedly, feeling slightly nauseous.

"She's by the park. Is anything wrong?" he asked.

"It's nothing, thank you Taehyung-ie. And yes, the Alpha is at his room." I smiled at him before rushing to the park.

As soon as I arrived at the park, I looked around for Minrae. The wind blowing wasn't cooperating with my body either.

"Luna!" Seoyi exclaimed, making me turn to the little girl who was running towards me. "Hello there Seoyi." I smiled as I patted her hair.

"What brings you here Luna?" Minrae smiled.

"I need to talk about something." I sighed.

"Did something bad happened?" she asked, worried.

"Kinda . . I can't even remember much," I said, looking at the ground, feeling dizzy.

"Let's go to my room, Seoyi can play while we talk. It's also much safer," she said.

I nodded as we head to her room. 

As she attended to Seoyi, I sat on the bed, trying to remember anything if possible.

So I met Jimin . . Then, Jungkook got mad at me for going outside the packhouse.

Wait. . what happened between me and Jungkook then? How did he have the necklace Jimin gave me? And why is my necklace in his hands too? 

Did we also.. marked each other?

3rd person's p.o.v

"So, how's it going, Jimin?"

"I have injected her, sir. It should work well as I have tested it on Jun-ssi." Jimin smirked.

"Aren't you a cruel one Jimin?" he laughed. "How could you use your girl like that?"

"Jun-ssi is just a toy to play with. The night I injected her was a lot of fun. She got me horny so easily. Too bad she forgot most of what we had done afterwards," Jimin chuckled.

"But then she remembered and kept annoying me after a week." He sighed.

"Knowing Areum, she would probably be in her best mind-state when Jungkook gets aggressive. But she won't be able to ignore the lust though," he continued.

"What are you implying?"

"You see, I know that Jungkook gets jealous very easily. When he gets jealous, he tends to get very overprotective over his girl, like what he did to Areum when we were still kids. He even threatened that if I were to kiss her again, he'd kill me. Well, of course, I knew he wouldn't do that but-"

"Enough with the long sentences."

"Right, sorry. So I tried getting him jealous today, and it seems like it worked. He is in his 'hormonal boy' stage, so I guess he'd try marking her immediately. Not to mention the fact that Areum will also be supporting the marking process." Jimin smirked.

"How did you inject her anyways?"

"Sir. You do know that we can't feel it when it is injected right? So it's very simple, I just needed to get close to her wrist and inject it to her bloodstream." He shrugged.

"I'm glad I made you born this way, son."

"It sure is good to be playing around with them," he smirked.

"Now go and try checking on Areum. See if it worked."

"Yes sir."

Jungkook's p.o.v

"Hyung! You won't believe this!" I said while walking around the room, my mind still thinking of what just happened between us.

"What is it?! You've said that like 10 times now." He rolled his eyes.

"It turns out that Areum was the girl," I exclaimed, quite thrilled to see his reaction.

"What ?! But I thought you weren't her mate!" He gasped.

"Yeah. You do know it is very rare to know who our mates are when we're not 20 yet," I said.

"True. Then why did you say that you weren't her mate when you were about to leave her?" he raised his eyebrow.

"We were kids hyung. How were we supposed to know?" I sighed again.

"Now what?"

"We've just marked each other-"

"You what ?! Why so soon ?!"
"Wait never mind. I marked Min-ah as mine on the first day when she moved here," he said.

I ignored his last statement and sighed.

"But here's what doesn't make sense. She didn't remember what we just did, and the worst part is that she forgot who kookie was."

"But you both had just marked each other! How did she forget instantly ?"

"I don't know! She even asked why I was being overly familiar with her!" I said in frustration.

"Did Jimin did something again?" he eyed me.

"That's . . possible," I said, widening my eyes.

"Why did he had so much grudge on you?! I'm tired of this shit," he groaned. "When are we able to see him again?" He sighed.

"Today, if we're lucky. He's probably going to check on Areum and sees if things were going as planned," I said.

"How do you know?"

"Who do you think knows Jimin the most?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You?" he questioned.

"Hate to say it, but yeah. I am, after all, his childhood friend. So since he does what X tells him to do, knowing X, he'd probably ask him to check on the results," I explained as I exited the room after he did.

"Okay so who do you know best? X or Jimin?" He chuckled.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes as he laughed.

"Right, sorry Alpha." He cleared his throat.

"Shall we hurry to my room? She is there with Min-ah," he said.

I nodded as we ran there.

Areum's p.o.v

"So everything in your mind seems hazy?" she asked.

"Yeah. It's like, I was supposed to remember something important, but I'm not able to recall what it is," I sighed.

"So you've forgotten how you marked each other?"

I nodded.

"The Alpha must be devastated," she gasped.

"I might have said something I shouldn't have said . ." I trailed off.

She eyed me, as if to tell me to spit it out.

"I may or may not have questioned him of why he was being so overly familiar towards me," I said.

"Why ?! I mean, you don't hate him anymore right?" she said.

"I don't. But I don't even know why I said that! It's like something was making me spit those words out." I shook my head.

'Don't worry dear Luna . . You will soon remember those events in a week.'

'Until then.'

"Jimin?!" I gasped.

"What? What happened?!" she asked.

"N-No . . nothing."

3rd person's p.o.v

"Such cliche. Two childhood lovers getting back together as a mate?" Jimin scoffed.

"Oh well, at least they've finally marked one another."

"When they've fallen in love, it will surely make them suffer much more," he smirked before going back to his creator.

The X.

line groupchat open!♡ drop your id or pm me!
- - - -
a/n : ahaha guess you didn't expect that? i had some help from my cupcake and she deserves so much love❤

i'm really sorry for those who are confused my the previous chapter. hopefully you can understand what it's trying to say after reading this chapter!

i know it was fast-paced in the previous chapter and some people told me so. i wouldn't be offended of course, it will help me to be better! so please give me an honest feedback ^^

thank you so much everyone for the supports❤ i love you all!♡

have a lovely day and stay healthy❣

please tell me if things are going weird or anything. i will try fixing it ^^ thankyou💞

lol my insecurities are hitting me big >-<

last edited : 141219

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