My Dearest Blue

By MajestieAnneStyles

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A Young Princess is trapped among 400,000 other men on the shores of Dunkirk. Even though escaping her death... More

Present Day, London
France, 1940
Trapped In Occupation
My Dearest
Her Royal Highness In Secret
Plan of Escape
Going Back
Battle For Britain
Grandmother's Tale
Restless At War
Air Raid
Runaway to Bride To Exile
Worst Nightmare
Forget me Not?.
Things Remembered.
Pressure On Hold


79 2 0
By MajestieAnneStyles

Victoria's POV..
Again I was stranded on the beach after I escaped from the boat as it sank. One of the destroyers had been shot and had leaked a field of oil into the open sea. A nazi fighter had been shot down near by and crashed igniting everything around it. Including various unlucky soldiers. I hadn't eaten or had proper sleep in days it felt like. But I was here a week. I should've followed infanta's advice and to not have gone to France. But it's too late. Where was Harry?. Could he have been caught in the midst of the burning oil spill in the middle of the sea.  Could he have moved on and survived?. I was hoping I wouldn't fall for him but I feel like I am. Little by little. Maybe infanta was right about not falling for a soldier. Who knows if I'll see him again. As I sat down in the cold wet sand and wept. I haven't cried like this before in ages. It was feelings of loss and frustration. I was angry at myself for getting into this mess. With no way out and not a chance of survival at ever escape attempt I've tried. What if my mother's worried about me. I'd never hear the end of it from my father. Knowing him and how strict he is on how He Wants me to Take after the Role of Becoming Queen and restoring the monarchy once General Franco is Gone. Although I will be the first female royal to take over the monarchy if I make it out alive in one piece. Maybe after the war ends I'll reward the heroes and their bravery for savingme at my own gratitude. I just hope I'll survive however long this war may last. But Til then I wait.
Harry's POV...
I got back into the war as soon as I could only to Help myself find Victoria and make sure she's safe at least. I knew getting back in the frontline was just as dangerous if not more dangerous going in a second time than getting drafted. My life as well as thousands of others were spared as soon as we got off the bloody shores of France. Most would say I'm a mad man for going back into the war which nearly killed me. But there's a Rose I need to protect and her name is liv. I've only seen her a few times but after I couldn't stop thinking of her. I kept her picture on the inside of my overcoat for safe keeping and in case I were held captive by the enemy I'd look at it as a way of hope and knowing I'd get out. But I love her in a way I haven't anyone else. She has a beauty about her. Princess or not she has a heart of gold. And I was going to save her.
Victoria's POV... I watched Night to day and days turned into nights. Nothing but the smell of burning fuel and rotting flesh. The sand stained with blood from the lost souls at sea and at the beaches. Every spitfire or civilian plane that flew by rattled me a bit. Because I wasn't sure if it was going to drop bombs on every section of the beach like the last ones have been doing. I'm only seventeen and would've never have been growing less afraid of death. Now that I'm surrounded by it.
Pulling out a diary I had for a while I decided to write to Harry wondering if he were alright. At times I think he might have a girl at home waiting for him. But other times,especially now it's different. He seems like a lad my mother would like. My father?, not too keen on me dating yet until I'm older which I understand. He's 23 I'm 17?. Im not even sure if he'd touch me like I had imagined. But that night it was raining and we were being chased by nazis. It felt like he wanted me but held himself off since he wasn't used to female attention or he was scared. I doubt he was a virgin like he said. How would I know?. He felt like he had experience once but it wasn't good. But I guess death and the thought of it makes me want to do mad things that I wouldn't do with anyone else. I am a princess and I know what's expected of me. And if I lose my virginity before marriage I won't be allowed to take hold of the monarchy like my father. I know in Britain it's the same for Royals as well. But at least a kiss?. Hopefully my father wouldn't find out he'd kill us both and lock me in the east end of the palace.
Harry's POV...
Basic Training. As if I hadn't done it before when I was drafted the first time. In other words I'm volunteering. Just to save a life and a few others and the fate of England like that Rest of the world. Now that The Battle For Britain has begun. That means it's gonna be more bloodier than what I saw with my own eyes. People on fire, getting shot to death by the enemy, sunken ships being captured by the enemy. I've seen It all. Am I risking putting myself back into it?. Yes. But it's for Victoria Because as long as she's alive and safe. I'll do whatever it takes to win the war so I don't have to worry and lose sleep at night. Even comrades of mine aren't to be trusted. Especially when there's a woman by herself on a ship full of sailors and desperate soldiers. They'll do anything to her. It's why I worry about her safety. Any woman's safety around men. Because I've seen other soldiers take advantage of a young woman around liv's age. She ended up getting an infection and died shortly after. I can't let that happen to Liv. Having seen nazis strip her clothes off and trying to force her was enough for me. Her safety and getting out of a war zone was my main priority.
Victoria's POV... I watched the Sun set behind the thick black plumes of smoke created from the sunken ship and plane crashes from earlier. It was beautiful how it lit up the sky during a time like this. Still glancing over at the men boarding the mole as it was called tired frantic and sea sick. Aching to go home. I felt for them. I never knew what it was like until experiencing it first hand from my own eyes. But was I ever brave  enough to carry and load a gun?. Instead of cleaning up blood and infected wounds from soldiers barely older than myself?. A woman's job in the middle of a war zone I guess.
After the sun had set, I made my way up the beach towards the little hills to rest a bit. Tired from running as well. My body ached from damn near drowning twice. Small flashbacks from the cold frigid sea filling up my lungs gave me a bit of nightmares here and there. But knowing by however long this war may be. I'm sure these small flares of flashbacks will fade eventually. Still hearing the sounds of gunshots and men desperate to get home during my sleep. Back home before the war I couldn't sleep if the telly was on. But
now I could care less what kind of noise was going on. I just needed to rest.
I saw infanta in my dreams. She was wearing her favourite sapphire dress. Her blonde hair was curled and she looked absolutely gorgeous. She had a smile so radiant and her glow I've never seen before. She was Happy?.
"So What Brings You Here?" She says giddily.
As I was sure it was just a dream.
"Well?, tell me?, why be so quiet my dear?,"
subconsciously I asked myself was I dreaming. As she must've somehow heard my thoughts.
"No, Just paying a visit?" "You Can Speak?, Now Speak" she said as I was in utter confusion as to what was going on
Am I Dead?. I asked
"Nope, near death experience, Just wanted to try and speak to you before I go"
Go where?. I asked
"I cannot say, but I wanted to tell you , not to worry and apologise for leaving you on the beach, it was wrong of me to do"
I forgive you. It's fine, I just don't know why I'm here?.
"Like I said, near death experience, And don't lose hope promise you won't forget about me?"
No, Never. You're my flesh and blood. I could never forget?. What happened any way?.
"Torpedoed on a yacht trying to save you from getting your head blown off by nazis" "wasn't successful as you can see?"
I see that now as to why I'm hallucinating I guess.
"You'll get back home alive, you and your little friend or man candy as I'd say"
You sure? How do you know?.
" I have a little birdie here and there that tells me everything and how you worry, Which you needn't not to, he'll be back. He loves you more than you say so yourself. Hasn't stopped thinking about your hair apparently?, he misses how soft it was " I chuckled
You're fooling me infanta. I said.
"No, not really, but you'll see what I mean" she said as it had been the last time I ever saw her or heard her voice. I woke up from the sound of a man covering a dead body in the sand just inches away. As the wind had blown sand bits into my face blinding me by the particles. I looked over at him and asked what on bloody earth was he doing since he could've made us both targets. He says nothing and tosses his flask over to me. Part of me doesn't, but the other half could care less at this point. I took a sip and kept watch of my surroundings and gave it back to him.
"You're very beautiful " he says as he struggled to carry on an English accent heavily dominated by his French. I smiled at him. Thank you, I replied. As I wiped the sand from my legs as well as bum and walked elsewhere. I was stranded on this beach. Where else was I gonna go?. As I kept walking to an unmarked section of the beach. I came across a bottle sticking out of the sand with a letter in it, as it must've washed up days ago. Keeping watch as the coast was clear. I crept down carefully and picked up the bottle as I was rattled by an unknown gunshot. As a reaction I collapsed and kept my head down in the sand. As more shots rang out. Were they shooting at me? I thought?. As I got up and ran as fast as I could more shots rang out and I heard men speaking a foreign language which most likely wasn't French. I felt something pierce my side. But didn't notice I had been shot until I hid Behind a rock large enough to hide from them. As I looked at it. Gritting my teeth in agony. Trying not to make a sound. As the blood flowed immensely staining the sand as I tried to dig for bullet myself. The pain of it was unbearable but I had to manage it. But If I ripped out the bullet I might bleed to death. The only things I don't want are for it to be amputated or become infected. As I kept myself quiet whilst hearing the foreign men search the perimeter since they knew they'd shot their target and is somewhere hiding and injured. But it won't be long. As one officer walks right passed me. He notices the bloody streams staining the sand and turns around and approaches me. He gives a slight signal before stepping closer. He crouches himself down to me and asks where I had got my injury from. Knowing he wanted me to lie. I pretended I didn't speak English because I was too afraid to answer.
"Parlez-vous français mademoiselle?"
Said The SS officer.
I understood what he said, so I lied and said otherwise
" no habla" I answered back
As he gave a slight chuckle and grabbed me up by my hair.
He shouts at his collègues in German.
As they headed in our direction. They aimed their loaded guns at me as they had approached. They were shouting at me. As one of them Slapped me for not answering whatever they had been saying to me
"Speak your Name Woman!" Said the soldier that had slapped me. As the words fumbled from my lips. I was terrified to answer as I heard the other chuckle and say "She must be a Jew!" As they arrested me and took me to their headquarters of some sort. Still holding on to the bottle. I opened it by smashing it with my foot several times. And collected the letter with my toes. Noticing It was Harry's handwriting

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