Black's Daughter ➳ F.W

By redlikearubyyy

407K 8.5K 2.5K

She loved him more than anyone else had ever loved another person, she denied the fact he felt the same way. ... More

-Hogwarts Express and the Paper-
-Fears and Lies-
-Little Bit Odd-
-Truth's Out-
-My Past and My Friends-
-Lets Talk-
-World Cup-
-Welcome Back Shock-
-All Hell Breaks Loose-
-I Still Love You-
-The First Task-
-Bigger Problems-
-My Best Friend-
-Yule Ball pt.1-
-Yule Ball pt.2-
-The Second Task-
-What Are You Afraid Of-
-Unlucky Sister-
-Welcome to Hogwarts, Sister-
-Murder, At it's Lowest-
-Say Goodbye-
-Bonjour, France-
-The Pensieve-
-Au revior, France-
-Shopping with Draco-
-Harry, Sirius' Son-
-White Noise-
-The Protective Boyfriend-
-Merry Christmas-
-What Rhymes with Spring?-
-Home Sweet Home-
-The House-
-I Will Save You-
-Anger and Guilt-
-Life, Death and Conflict-
-New Beginnings-
-Complete Shock-
-Remus Please-
-More Disasters-
-Names and Stuff-
-Baby Girl-
-The War Pt.2-
-Hogwarts Express and the End-

-The War pt.1-

4K 89 63
By redlikearubyyy

{Delania POV}

1st of May. This is when the catastrophic turn of events began, Beau woke up from her afternoon nap at round about three and Fred arrived home at four. News had got to us that Harry had been sighted in Hogsmeade and so we were all on standby. Me and Fred both knew that somehow it would end like this, having a child during a time where Voldemort was was never going to be easy, especially for one parent.

"Nia, she's asleep but I'm not sure how long it'll last for." Fred laughed quietly as he joined me back downstairs. I was huddled up on the sofa with the radio on, if Harry was at Hogsmeade it wouldn't be long. "You alright?"

I looked up at him. "Mhm, I'm just thinking."

"About what? How handsome your soon-to-be husband is?" Fred laughed sat down next to, putting his arm around my shoulder do I bury my head into his chest.

I laughed at him again, this was the best thing about marrying a Weasley, never short on jokes. "No, about-." A knock came from the front door, Fred looked at me anxiously as I whipped out my wand and headed to the stairs, he walked into the kitchen to see who it was, at this time of the night of course it could've been anyone. Fred disappeared out of sight before I heard a big crash. "Fred!"

I rushed through to see Fred holding up a battered looking George, I sighed. "And of all times to come round and see us, you pick now?" I chuckled to myself.

"Come on George let's get you down on the sofa." Fred grinned at his twin. We both helped and lay him down before I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of peas from the freezer. "What happened, mate?" Fred asked as I sat down next to him.

"I was in the pub," George paused there just to see the disappointed looks on both our faces. "This guy comes up to me asking who I was and when I said I was a Weasley he just out of nowhere punched me."

"George, were you drunk?" I raised my eyebrows, not believing the story at all.

He looked at me guiltily. "Okay so I may have swung first."

I narrowed my eyes at him, this is not what Druella would've wanted. "Well lets get you upstairs and you're not allowed to drink anything else until you're sober and even then it'll just be tea and water, okay?" George nodded as Fred helped him upstairs and I went to get the spare room sorted for him to sleep in. I thought about how much pain he was probably in, if I ever lost Fred I'd be equally upset but I'm not sure how I'd react. I called George from the spare room but he needed replied so I walked through the upstairs hallway to find him.

"George?" I called for him again.

"In here!" He replied, he was in Beau's room. When I entered I saw him looking cleaner and in a pair of Fred's pyjamas, holding Beau. "She looks like you. Apart from her nose, she's got Fred's nose."

"Do you think?" I smiled and walked up to him, stroking the top of my daughters head as he handed her over to me. "She's definitely got yours and Fred's appetite."

"And she's loud." Fred said, walking in and tilting his head at Beau who just smiled at her dad.

George sighed heavily. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, I would've, I was going to but every time I said I was going to some something got in the way."

Me and Fred looked at him. "It's okay." I told him. "You're here now."

A while later, at ten to be precise, George went to bed and me and Fred were about to before the smell of soot came through to our bedroom. "Really? Again?" I put my hands on my hips and made my way downstairs cautiously as I flickered my wand to lumos. When I got downstairs I saw that someone had come through the fireplace, and Molly in the kitchen with Tonks.

Molly gave me a worried look. "Quickly get Fred." She ordered me as Tonks passed me Teddy, I knew what they were about to do, where they were going, I was going with them. "Fred!"

"Harry's at Hogwarts, we need to go now." Tonks told me as she walked into the living room. "We're leaving Teddy here with you and Beau."

"What?" I questioned just as Fred and George arrived downstairs. "No I'm coming with you." Fred sighed as he exchanged looks with the other three and walked over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Beau needs you-"

"Yes but Harry needs me too, and so does Remus, and you." I said to him sternly. "I'm coming, I'll be alright."

Tonks grinned at me before taking Teddy back. "Go get Beau, Rosi took Daisy to my Mum, Andromeda, I'm sure she's got room for two more."

I raced upstairs and grabbed my baby girl from her cot before getting back down to Fred who looked massively concerned. He walked over to me and Beau after Tonks told us both she would take her. He took the baby in his arms and she giggled at him quietly. "I love you so much, Beau." He told her before handing her over to Tonks.

Fred grabbed my hand and I squeezed it tightly, we both took one last glance at our daughter before we disapparated. We landed in one of the halls just outside the Great Hall and I stumbled on the entrance, luckily someone caught me. "Nathan!" I just hugged him, I couldn't do anything else. I pulled away and saw the smiling faces of Rosie and Monty as well. I gave Rosie a sympathising look as I knew she'd had to part from Daisy as well. Remus also stood at the front with Arthur, Ron and Hermione to whom I gave the biggest smile.

"What's going on?" George asked as him and Fred joined us.

"Harry's making an entrance." Monty laughed.

"Nia I thought I told you not to come." Remus said coming up to hug me. "If I lose you I swear-"

"You won't." I smiled at him, proud to call him my dad. Suddenly the doors swung open and we all entered. Looking around I could see Harry, Cho, Luna, Ginny. But no Draco and that made me worry. Snape drew his wand on Harry and McGonagall stepped forward, protecting him. She casted spells until he could cast no more against her and so like the coward he was, left.

The lanterns flickered back on and everyone cheered as Harry came up to me. "You had a child?"

"Yes, Beau, she's back at Andromeda's with Daisy and Teddy." I told him as Fred came and wrapped his arm round my shoulder. He was about to speak again when a ghastly wind came sweeping through the hall, and a voice with it. I couldn't make out what they were saying at all, but I got that it was Voldemort. The voice disappeared and McGonagall told the students they were going to defend that castle, we all left and Molly took me with her, Arthur took Fred.

"Wait! Nia!" Fred shouted as I was walking away with Monty and Nathan. I spun round just as he wrapped his arms all the way round my waist and buried his head into the crook of my neck. "I love you so, so much." He pulled away and kissed my nose. "Did you know that?"

I grabbed his face with both of my hands. "Who doesn't?"

He leant down to kiss me before leaving with George and Rosie. I turned back to Nathan and Monty. "We know, it's okay." We got back outside just as the shield above was being formed, I looked around at everyone who was now working together and I bit of guilt came to mind. All I had to do was avoid anyone looking to recruit me last minute for Voldemort's army. I was not using my patronus, not today, not ever.

"Good to see you, Black." Seamus Finnigan said from beside me.

"Oi, don't go blowing the school up, will you?" I laughed at him as Monty and Nathan beckoned me over. The boys laughed and joked for a while and I could see Fred standing on the roof with George and Rosi. "I never thought I'd come back."

Monty opened his mouth so say something sarcastic when a massive bang came from above us, followed by many more. "Shit." He cursed instead. The death eaters were breaking the shield. I instantly got up on my feet and got my wand out as Nathan and Monty did the same. Suddenly, the barrier broke and the shield fell to pieces above us, then shadows and cloaked figures came from above. I squeezed my necklace once more as I thought of my dad.

"Flipendo!" I shouted as a first person landed in front of me. Nathan and Monty were stood behind me and so we were protecting each other. "Crucio!"

I fended off a few more before I saw a slight and feeble figure make their way towards me. I narrowed my eyes and squinted to see if they looked familiar, and they did. "Mum?"

"Darling, how are you?" Roxanne made her way towards me, clutching her wand in her left hand.

"Probably better than you? Feel guilty yet?" I spat at her.

"I've been given the task of recruiting you one last time, you see, when you declined the first few times I wasn't too happy. So I had to take my anger out on your sister." She flashed a smiled across her face.

"You... You killed her?" I gasped tears in my eyes that I wouldn't let fall.

"And made the attack on the Diggorys, I did it all. And he says if you say no this time, to just get rid of you instead." She pointed her wand at me as a tear fell.

"You're gonna have to kill me Mum."

"No problem. Avada Kedavra!"

I closed my eyes as I saw a figure in front of me. When I opened them Nathan was standing behind my mum with a rock in his hand, and Monty below me. I screamed. "NO! Get up Monty! GET UP!" I shook his lifeless body as Nathan hauled me off him, I cried into his chest as people rushed over. I continued to scream. Why would he do that? For me?

"Nia there are more!" Nathan grabbed my hand and took me away from Monty, still crying I looked over the bridge and saw the large number of dementors coming for us. I saw people casting expecto patronum but it wants enough. "Do it for him now."

I gulped and took a step back, in all my anger, fear and shock. I closed my eyes once more. "Expecto Patronum!" A bright blue flash shot out of my wand and flew towards them. The kids around me watched in awe as the Phoenix took out all the dementors, the power of it threw me back but Nathan caught me. I turned to face him and burst into tears before the voice came back.

Some girls screamed and Nathan went to comfort some of them. When it stopped I made my way into the Great Hall where I saw Rosi and Nathan crying over Monty. I stopped for a second when I saw Remus and Tonks, what about Teddy? Shit. Tears started to run down my face as I studied the stony face of Remus, my dad, someone screamed my name. I walked over to where the crown of Weasleys were huddled and crying.

I looked down and screamed again, the feeling of dread and terror running straight through my head.

"Oh my Merlin. FRED!"


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