-Yule Ball pt.2-

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{Narrator POV}

Delania held her dress up as she tried not to fall down the stairs. Her red dress caught the attention of Fred Wesley who looked up at her and smiled. She looked gorgeous, had he made a mistake? Should he have asked her to the ball instead? He watched her as she walked into the hall, she was alone. She didn't have a date.

"Fred!" Angelina nudged her date as she found out who he was looking at. "Shall we go in?"
Fred nodded, still in awe of how amazing his ex-girlfriend looked. To be honest he wished she still was his girlfriend. Delania looked around as she tried to find someone she might be able to talk to, her eyes gazed over all the smiling faces until her daydream was interrupted by a certain redhead. But not Fred.

"George!" She embraced the tall figure as she tried to get onto her tip-toes.

"You look stunning." George exhaled heavily.

"Have you seen Fred?"

"Fred and his princess? Yeah I've seen them, then I had to run the toilet before I threw up on her dress. But to be honest that wouldn't have made a difference." Dels sighed. George just laughed at her. "You got a date?" She asked him.

"Yeah, cute French girl." He nodded, putting his hands in his pockets. The doors to the great hall opened as George dragged Delania over to where he was once standing.

"The champions are coming!" He whispered excitedly. Dels looked on as she saw a confused and stressed looking Harry, a snobby Fleur to which she scowled, a gorgeous looking Hermione Granger with her handsome date. But when Cedric looked at her, he winked and smiled cheekily. She laughed at him as they began to dance. Then, one by one, couples edged themselves onto the dance floor until even Hagrid was out there with his date. Delania stood to the side and watched on. Her eyes glided onto Angelina again and that feeling of hatred and betrayal came straight back to her chest. But Fred wasn't looking at Angelina, when Delania looked at him he was staring right back.

He was staring at her hair and bright green eyes, her perfect little nose which he knew she hated but he loved it. She stared at his red hair and warm, welcoming brown eyes and charming smile. Suddenly, her eyes filled with tears as she ran out if the hall. Fred dropped his hands from Angelina's and decided to run after her, he ran as fast as he'd ever ran before. He made it out of the hall, looking back at Angelina who was near George and Lee as they all stared back at him confused. Fred knew exactly where Delania would be. The Black Lake.

And she was, she sat on a big root of a tree and stared out to the lake. She thought about everything that had happened, Druella being her sister, Ced and Harry in the tournament, meeting her Mum. But through everything last year, Fred had been there for her. Her thoughts were interrupted by the crunching sound of leaves behind her.

"You know this lake is named after my family?" She said loudly and as clearly as possible.

"Is it?"

"No." She smiled slightly. "And you would know that if you'd had read the History of Hogwarts in first year, Fred Weasley."

The warm feeling spread through his chest as he walked forward and sat next to her. Even though she'd cried she still looked completely gorgeous.

"I've been an idiot." He dropped his head. Delania looked at him and shook hers.

"No, you always say that." She laughed a bit but stopped instantly. "And we've both been idiots."

"Complete idiots." Fred agreed. Now it was his turn to look at her. "Can I just go out and say it?" He blurted.

Delania's head shot up and her eyes widened in fright. She nodded.

"I realised a few weeks back, that I am completely, utterly, still in love with you." Fred took Delanias hand in his and was relieved when she didn't flinch back. "I realised that last year you were having a thought time and I could've stuck with you but decided not to because of my own problems. My mum wasn't giving me the easiest of times with my school work and I just wanted to talk to you about it that's why I kept on waiting up for you in the common room."

Delania started to cry. Fred wiped the tears from her cheeks with his thumb but that only made her cry more.

"Fred." She grabbed onto his hand still on her cheek. "I was only with Timothy to make you jealous. I hated the fact we've fought for most of this year and I was so upset when I found out you were taking Angelina to the ball and now she's gonna be devastated you left her-"

"Wait!" Fred stopped her. "She doesn't care. We're here as friends. She was confused you weren't speaking to her and then she found out about Alicia and Timothy. We all want you back Delania. I want you back." She smiled. Fred stood up, taking her with him.

"Do you love me?" He whispered. Delania's eyes went cloudy with tears as she responded.

"Yes. Yes I do, Fred Weasley." Fred took her face in his hands and placed his lips firmly upon hers.

"Good, because I love you too." Delania smiled the widest smile she'd ever smiled, and that smile wouldn't leave her face for many years if not disappearing sometimes.

"And now I'm gonna do something I should've had the courage to do ages ago." He laughed. "Will you go to the ball with me, Miss Black?"



"Where are they?" Rosie complained. "They left ages ago and you saw them leave." She pointed a finger at George, Angie and Lee.

"Maybe they're snogging-"

"Ew, Nathan don't." Druella laughed.

"Probably are though." Lee said, staring into his butter beer, crazy sod.

"Here they are!" Monty celebrated. All their friends cheered as Fred and Delania walked in hand-in-hand. They joined their friends and smiles were on every face.

"So you guys are together again?" Lee asked breaking in between the two. They nodded.

"And we have Nia back?" Angie inquired. Delania nodded as she joined her girls.

"Are we all happy to say Druella is part of our gang?" Nathan shouted. The others cheered as the blonde girl smiled shyly.

"Wait?" Delania stopped them all. "George, who did you take to the ball?"

George smiled. "Your sister."

"What?!" She made for him but Fred held her back. "Lets go dance Nia." At the end of the night, still dancing there was Delania and Fred, George and Druella, Nathan and Rosie, and Angelina with Lee and Monty nowhere in sight. No one noticed at the time but things were about to change, big time.


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